Royal Road

Chapter 342

Chapter 341 parallel

It is getting colder, even if you wear a fox fur, the wind blows on your face, it will be like a knife. Liang Rong sucked his nose vigorously, holding the horse’s rein with his little hand, so that the horse could follow his father’s mount as much as possible. After all, there is too little time to travel with my father, even in such a cold day, he is still happy.

The horseshoe with iron palms knocked on the frozen ground, making a crisp sound. The group of people walked slowly all the way, not knowing how far they went, and then dismounted and walked for a long time before finally reaching the top of the mountain. When he saw the foreground and the face clearly, Liang Rong suddenly widened his eyes. I saw the lake in the distance. The sun was scattered on the lake, like shattered gold. And the golden light is flowing slowly along the winding waterway, passing through the deserted wilderness in winter and reaching the sky.

This is Jiuzequ!

Of course Liang Rong had heard of this newly built canal, but never thought that it would be so spectacular when viewed from a height! Was it really repaired within a year? If the water is full in the future, can all the fields in Jinyang be irrigated?

Curious in his heart, he naturally asked.

Liang Feng smiled and said: “This canal has not been completed yet, and tributaries have to be opened in Xihe Country. Moreover, its function is not only to divert water and irrigate. When a flood occurs in Fenshui, it can also store water to prevent downstream people from being damaged. If it is to be completely completed, I am afraid it will take several more years.”

“Several years.” Liang Rong repeated. At his age, he really hadn’t seen such a big project.

“Since the canal is so good, should we build one in Jizhou?” Liang Rong couldn’t help but said again.

“Water conservancy is good, but you can’t act lightly. Any large-scale project must be surveyed and mapped in detail and deduced carefully, otherwise it will only harm the country and the people.” Liang Feng didn’t want to repair the canal, but a project of this scale, and now only Binzhou can do it. . If other states and counties want to build water conservancy facilities, they must first spend several years analyzing waterways and surveying and evaluating them. In the case of limited manpower and material resources, it is better to give priority to roads and canals.

Hearing what his father said, Liang Rong suddenly remembered what the teachers taught: “But such a heavy corvee will make the government turbulent and the people centrifugal? Not to mention the year of catastrophe.”

At that time, the Qin State had even repaired the Afang Palace, the First Emperor’s Mausoleum, the Great Wall, and the Qin Zhidao. The army was overwhelmed and the second generation died. Why did my father fix so many things in a year, but no one made trouble?

“Because this is not a corvee, it is a relief to the victims.” Liang Feng sighed, “The people were hit by the disaster and lost their land and fled from famine. However, neither Jizhou nor Bingzhou has enough ripe land for them to cultivate, and it is even more difficult to feed these people. Only a little bit of flexibility is to hire them with money and food and let them put in work. However, in the disaster year, what can be built is only lifeline projects. For example, roads, canals, and canals must not be abused.”

This is just one aspect. In fact, the road in Jizhou this time also has private capital investment. Give those merchants a good name, and then make a lot of profits, and both of them, will the plan be implemented. Profit and prestige are extremely attractive to the wealthy but lack of prestige tribes and businessmen. When these people who stutter crabs first set an example, next year’s roads in Jizhou will only be more smooth.

Liang Rong listened very seriously and was a little confused: “If this method is so good, why has no one ever used it?”

“Because it is complicated to use, and it is not a disaster, it can be done in this way.” Liang Feng explained patiently, “The premise of the work-for-relief is that there is enough money in the treasury to support the migration of a large number of refugees. , And the government must be clear and stable, and the situation will be stable. If any of these articles is missing, good things will be done bad things. In the end, the people will be disabled and the people will be injured.”

“Then…Is there no one-size-fits-all way to face the epidemic?” Liang Rong frowned.

“There is no panacea in the world.” Liang Feng touched his head, “If you want to survive the disaster year, you can only make enough preparations on weekdays. Not only must there be food in the court’s treasury, but in the pockets of the people, There must also be enough savings so that they can withstand the disaster year. If there are refugees, they must immediately find relief and give them a way to survive. In fact, the people are docile, as long as they can eat and eat, they will not go to the end. Standing in a high position, There is only one thing to think about, how to keep the people alive and live safely and prosperously.”

This is the root of all problems. It is a good official who can let the people live in peace; it is Mingjun who can let the four fields settle down.

Liang Rong understood this time. “King to protect the people, no one can defend it.” It sounds vague, but in reality, it is extremely difficult and correct.

Seeing Liang Rongruo understand something, Liang Feng smiled slightly, took off the telescope hanging on his waist, and handed it over: “Use this to see.”

Telescopes are surprisingly expensive even if they are made by themselves. They are military products and are not for sale. Because Liang Rong’s chances of contact are not many. Taking the telescope excitedly, he walked a few steps forward and looked at it carefully.

Liang Feng’s gaze followed the little figure and looked into the distance. The Jiuze Canal Project is not small, but standing on the mountain, it is just a few long strips. This is just a corner of the state, and there is a larger territory, changing its appearance in his own hands. But he didn’t have the chance to see it.

Just go to individual houses, and there are ministers who advise them. Go to Jizhou to check the new road? That is no longer a safety issue, but a real waste of money. At this moment, he is still just a princess. If one day ascends the Ninth Five-Year Ranking, will he be trapped in the royal city?


A slightly worried voice came from around, Liang Feng said: “It’s okay, I’m just thinking about Jizhou. I don’t know what the newly built roads and canals look like?”

Yi Yan understood the deep meaning of the other party’s words, and couldn’t help but pull: “The lord can naturally go. When the two states of Qing and You are settled, I can **** the lord.”

What about Mobei? How about Hainan? Where are the countless famous mountains and rivers in the world? Can we only rely on Feng Chan?

Liang Feng shook his head: “I have also heard people say that there are several continents on the other side of the sea. They live in indigenous people, produce exotic animals, and have crops that are far easier to feed people than rice and wheat. If you are alive, you can go and see it. Up.”

Continent overseas? Yi Yan really couldn’t think of a place where there could be land on the scale of Kyushu. Can the place where Daqin, Tianzhu, or Tiaozhi Kingdom is called a continent?

However, Yi Yan also knew that the lord could not go to sea. The sea is boundless, vast and unpredictable. Even if it was him, he couldn’t keep the lord safe.

This silent answer did not surprise Liang Feng. Not to mention the status and status, even with this fragile small body, it is not allowed to travel long distances. Where can be reached by plane more than ten hours in modern times, how long did it take to travel by ship in ancient times? Six months? Three years? It’s even hard to see the homeland in this life? For this world, distance is really an insurmountable moat.

For him, walking from Shanxi to Bohai Bay is just a matter of thinking, let alone Australia and South America?

“When the world is stable, I also want to take a look at this great river and mountains.” In the end, Liang Feng chuckled, his sleeves stretched out, and he quietly caught the hand of the person beside him.

The wide robe sleeves covered the back of the hand, and the thin, cool fingers fell on the palm. A smile appeared on the corners of Yi Yan’s lips, and the five-finger loops clasped the hand tightly.

“Murongxin asked Aye for help, and said that he would dedicate Pingzhou to Aye.” Sitting in the upper position, Duan Ji Lujuan had a gloomy face and a bad tone.

The severe drought this year is a terrible bad thing for the Xianbei people who live in pursuit of water and grass. Coincidentally, Cui Yan, the governor of Pingzhou, had a different mind and started the idea of ​​the Murong Ministry of Liaodong, and also invited the Yuwenbu to join in the attack. This time the Liaodong war broke out everywhere. Next to Liaodong, but Duanbu’s Liaoxi headquarters. How can one ignore such a big thing?

However, the two sides of this battle are a bit worrying. Murong Xianbei has indeed gained momentum in recent years, which is worth watching. But Cui Yan’s Qinghe sect, who looked down upon them like Xianbei, was even more concerned about Duanwuwuchen’s takeover of Youzhou. So on the question of whom to help, there were also some differences within the Duan tribe.

Duan Wuwuchen, who is in charge of Youzhou, looked very uncomfortable with Cui Yan. He is Wang Jun’s son-in-law, Cui Yan is Wang Jun’s uncle; he is Xianbei Huer, and Cui Yan is Qinghe’s prostitute. The two are the governors of Youzhou and Pingzhou respectively, and the contradiction is obvious. In addition to the fact that the Murong Department and the Duan clan are related by marriage, Duan Wuwuchen naturally felt that if he could win Pingzhou, it would be a good idea.

The brothers Duan Pixi and Duan Wenyuan felt that Cui Yan was ultimately the governor appointed by the Jin court and should not be at war with him. As for the Murong Department, the wolf’s ambition is good.

However, Duan Ji and Lujuan were not interested in this battle. In his opinion, whether it is Murong Bu or Cui Yan, they are all enemies of Duan Bu. Enemies kill each other, just sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. Why get involved?

However, as an elder son, Duan Jilu did not have the right to choose by himself. All he has to do is to obey his father’s orders. After several months of fighting, Murong Xin asked for help from Youzhou, which meant that he was forced to lead troops to fight in Pingzhou. This is not good news.

If he is allowed to choose, Cui Yan is not a problem. The tiger in Binzhou is the enemy of Duanbu!

“It’s a pity that Shi Le also lost. Yuzhou and Yanzhou are afraid that they will also fall into the hands of those surnamed Liang.” Aside, Duan Mozheng said gloomily.

Duan Mozhen was defeated in Bingzhou and was almost taken off the military post, so he hated Bingzhou. Day by day, I look forward to the Shilena rebels attacking Si and Ji. Unexpectedly, it hurt himself if he didn’t hit the wolf.

“The Xiongnu are also a mass waste.” Duan Ji and Lujuan sipped, “It’s just Pingzhou. It’s not a way to fight like this after all. If you can get away, fight and conquer the state, it will be profitable. It is said that Jizhou has also repaired this year. A lot of roads, there must be a lot of money and food.”

“Why don’t the elders persuade Liao Xi Gong?” Duan Mozhen said immediately.

Duan Ji Lujuan pondered for a moment, and finally said: “We still have to obey Aye’s orders. When the battle is over, Aye is afraid that there is no oil and water, and Aye will change his mind. Back in Yecheng, how many wealthy women did we take away? People? Compared to the bitter cold Pingzhou, Jizhou is the place to be.”

With the Huns on his side, he didn’t believe that the sick rice could fight on both sides. I just don’t know when I can wait for the opportunity to take advantage of it…

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