Royal Road

Chapter 349

Chapter 348 Can hunt

As soon as it was dawn, the Huns kept sizzling in the camp. The knights are all ready to go. Fifty thousand fine riders are divided into left and right wings, and there are ten thousand wandering riders. As long as it strikes, ten thousand horses are galloping and ten thousand arrows are fired. If the enemy battalion made a slight omission in a riding formation of this scale, it would surely be broken!

Liu Yao led his army early in the morning and boarded the hills near the camp. It is condescending and has a very wide field of vision. It can clearly see the movement of the enemy camp and it is also convenient to monitor the surroundings. It is not the first time that Liu Yao has confronted Bianzhou soldiers and horses. He knows that the opponent is the best at trickery. Sneak attacks, ambushes, and night battles are all skillfully used. What’s more terrible is the thunderbolt that has a very long range and is difficult to resist.

However, this time, Xu was a temporary camp, and the shadow of the thunderbolt has never been seen in the other camp. It also took advantage of the terrain. In case the enemy really wanted to use the cannon, it would be impossible to cover the several-foot-high equipment under his eyelids. This is the same, saving a lot of trouble!

This is the best offensive opportunity and must not be missed!

Unexpectedly, the enemy camp in the distance was not as envisioned, and the camp was closed tightly and could not be held out. Instead, the army moved together and lined up outside the camp.

Without the cannon, they also want to fight the enemy in the field? Or does it mean that the camp is not strong enough and must go out to block one’s own soldiers? Liu Yao’s breathing started to swift, and he ordered loudly, “Leave out the two wings together and outflank the enemy! The pawns behind, stand by!”

With the passing of the military order, the cavalry went into battle. The horses’ hoofs stepped on, the smoke and dust flew, rolling towards the enemy camp.

Liu Yao narrowed his eyes and stared at the raised platform in the enemy camp. Can such a fierce attack be able to stop the disease?

Wearing a golden armor, Liang Feng took a step forward and looked at the riding formation that rolled from the horizon.

When they set up camp, the camp they chose was not like the Huns. But this poor terrain is not a big problem. Two watchtowers were built early in the camp, each of which is more than thirty feet tall. Looking downstairs, a high platform was erected. As long as it stands on the platform, the inside and outside of the camp can be seen clearly.

Although he was in the camp, his vision was almost the same as when he was on the battlefield. With the big cloak hunting behind him, the sun above his head was scorching, Liang Feng held his hands on his back, stood upright, and said: “Beat the drum!”

The strong man next to him raised his gavel, and the sound of drums spread all over the country in an instant. This is an order to play, but also a cheer. The stepping pawns relied on the unrelenting blood and courage. As long as the formation is not broken, it is absolutely impossible for the cavalry to break into the array!

Will his army be broken?

In the endless rumbling drums of war, the two armies hit one place like a torrent of iron walls!

Tens of thousands of pawns lined up, swords and halberds lined up, and horizontal shields were like walls. In the face of such a strong formation, even the cavalry dare not take lightly. Like a wandering pack of wolves, the two-winged cavalry began to shrink, shooting round the army. The arrows fell like rain, clanging and nailing to the propped up shield.

Use bows and crossbows to disturb the enemy, continue to charge, looking for opportunities to tear the front line. This is a typical cavalry tactic. Above the unobstructed wilderness, it is even more unfavorable. But the big formation in front of him was as solid as a rock and motionless. There are carbines on all sides, and the towering iron shield is like a tortoise shell covered with spines, unshakable.

It must be closer, and the pressure must be stronger, so that the rain of arrows can be thrown into the formation. This kind of warfare is understood by all the Huns who are good at riding and shooting. However, no one can do it.

In the middle of the army formation, there are also arrows shot out, like locusts!

That is not a bow, but a crossbow, a strong crossbow! Even if they are farther apart, the power of the arrows will not be compromised. Around the army, within fifty steps, a wall of feathers was forcibly nailed out. Any cavalry who dares to enter will be shot down by the dense arrow feathers!

How can you shoot at once than with a crossbow? The raging Kuroshio tide was forced back by three points abruptly by the crossbow!

On the hill, Liu Yao frowned. This army formation is denser than I thought. Even if there is no thunderbolt to help out, only the bow and crossbow can hold on.

It must be changed.

Staring at the enemy camp, even if they are far apart, the figure on the high platform is faintly visible. If it is attacked, it must be defended?

“Send a Ranger to fight against its main camp!” Liu Yao ordered.

He always has more troops than the enemy. Since the enemy infantry has been restrained by himself, can the empty camp be able to attack?

Another cavalry galloped out of the array. Liu Yao kept looking at the enemy camp. Can the opponent react to this melee?

“The Huns are going to send troops to attack the camp.” Zhang Bin stepped forward and whispered.

The watchtower was not built by Bai Jian. There was a telescope on it. Not to mention the enemy’s camp, even the flag waving in the other’s camp could be clearly seen. With such a weapon, how can it be impossible to distinguish the enemy’s movements?

“Let the tiger and wolf ride for a while.” Liang Feng ordered. How could the staff battalion not expect such an offensive?

Since it’s a confrontation, it is impossible to overwhelm all troops. And the state cavalry is also ready to go. Braking statically is much safer than attacking rashly. Moreover, they are equipped with more than just light rides.

Like a machete inserted diagonally, the Xiongnu spirit rode towards the Bingzhou Camp. The movement speed of the cavalry is not something that the infantry can keep up with. Once they tear apart the enemy camp, the two wings will follow up, and the enemy’s array will become a stumbling block to prevent them from returning to defense. And when the array collapses, facing the cavalry infantry, it can only be mermaid!

However, before the envisaged tactics could be used, a cavalry rushed forward!

The enemy actually saw through their movements? The leader of the Xiongnu cavalry is not panicked, but it is a light cavalry team, how can it be compared to his own brave athlete? The horn is whirring, the hoof is thunderous, and the bow is drawn to the full string, just waiting for a confrontation!

Facing the eager Xiongnu fine rider, more than one hundred forwards of the state iron rider fanned out and gave up the horse that was hidden behind them.

The curtain is long and narrow, the chicken neck ring is clustered, and the chest is a piece of iron armor, and the back is mixed with iron. Two thousand horses are wrapped in armor from head to toe, not to mention horse knights.

It’s not good, it’s a heavy ride! The Xiongnu rider was shocked and wanted to avoid it. But galloping head-on, there is no time to escape? The heavy cavalry armed with horses rushed into the enemy’s formation and couldn’t avoid it!

Liu Yao took two steps forward abruptly, what’s the matter? The cavalry he sent was cut off by the opponent!

The number of people is obviously equal, how did the sudden change happen?

“Let the left wing help!” This is a main force. If it is defeated by the enemy, the war will be affected.

However, no matter how fast his order was given, he couldn’t compare to the movement in the battle.

In the Bingzhou Camp, the drums changed, and the army that had just formed a spike suddenly stretched out! The soldiers holding the large shield marched forward three steps together, and the crossbowman came to the back of the sword shield hand following the expansion of the formation.

With this movement, the range of the arrow crossbow was immediately farther than ten steps. If the cavalry had been prepared for a long time, they should not be affected. However, just after receiving the military order and about to circulate and rush for assistance, he encountered such an offensive. As if a sharp blade pierced into the flanks, even a veteran cavalry can’t guard against it!

The riding formation suddenly became chaotic.

Oops. Seeing that his back and abdomen were attacked, he turned into a disadvantage. Liu Yao made a decisive decision: “Mingjin! Quickly retreat!”

Unable to control the situation, he can choose to retreat. After all, they were Qingqi, and the enemy could not catch up anyway. But I didn’t expect it to be like this in the first battle.

In the field of infantry, there is no thunderbolt artillery to assist in defense, and it can resist the cavalry offensive. If the enemy prepares the artillery cart, how will he respond?

No, tomorrow must be a different style of play. If your own forces win, even if you drag it out, it will drag down the enemy! With limited food and grass, he can’t afford to delay!

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