Royal Road

Chapter 361

Chapter 360 New Dynasty (3)

The stagecoach takes turns, day and night. Eight hundred miles hastened, and entered the royal city without slowing down. Smoke and dust billowed all the way to the palace gate.

“Are there any good news coming?” As a member of Zhongshushe, Xie Pai was also one of the first to learn the news. But unlike others, this news is especially joyful to him!

His elder brother Xie Kun now officially worships Youzhou governor. Every victory on the front line has its own merits. Only waiting for Youzhou to settle down, brother must have a lot to do!

Two or three years ago, who would have thought that Chen Jun Xie’s family could also be a state governor? These high-ranking officials have always been in the pockets of the wealthy. If it weren’t for the older brother to switch to Bingzhou, how could it be today?

Don’t talk about the elder brother, even he entered the Zhongshu Province and served as a member of the Zhongshushe. Although there are only six ranks, the Zhongshushe people are the most noble, and they are the emperor’s close ministers. Only this one can see your majesty’s grace to Xie’s. This made Xie Bao feel grateful, but also secretly vigilant. When today’s son emphasizes talents, talks lightly. I can’t indulge myself, I should be as diligent in politics as my brother, and repay the emperor’s kindness!

When Shang’er from his brother’s house and Yi’er from his elder brother’s house are adults, Xie’s should also be able to lay a foundation in the new dynasty, right?

Thinking of the family for a while, thinking of the victory for a while, even Xie Pai was a bit unconscious and restless. It’s a pity that his qualifications are still low, and he can’t take the decree. The result of this battle can only be equated with the homeless Guo Pu who came back and recounted.

This wait is more than an hour. When Guo Pu finally returned to the official office, not to mention Xie Bao, the other Sheren also rushed forward and surrounded him.

“How is the good news? Can you win Pingzhou?!” someone asked urgently.

Guo Pu Nian smiled: “General Cheqi broke through Xiangping three days ago! That Cui Yan died in Liushi, and Pingzhou belongs to him!”

Hearing this, everyone immediately applauded. How long was this time, even the two states of Youping were settled. Master Wang is brave and unstoppable!

When Xie Pa was excited, he couldn’t help but secretly. Amidst the chaotic army, he was able to capture Duanwu Wuchen, the governor of Youzhou. How could Cui Yan die of Liu Shi when he reached Pingzhou? Could it be because of the Qinghe Cui family? Also, if Cui Yan did not die, it would be a little troublesome to kill or pardon.

What about Duan? How will the emperor be punished?

As he was thinking about it, Guo Pu had continued to say: “… Hearing the good news, your Majesty Long Yan Joye ordered the general chariot to return to Beijing to offer prisoners.”

Prisoners! Your Majesty wants to use this to show off his national prestige!

The Duan Clan Xianbei, who once ravaged the Central Plains and breached Chang’an, has been completely defeated. How long can the Huns who occupy Yongzhou survive? What about the remnants of the former dynasty who fled to the south? Maybe in my lifetime, I can see the unification of rivers and mountains…

The voice of praise has already sounded. Xie Bao’s body was shaking with excitement, and she couldn’t help holding her palm, trying to restrain her expression. If you help the emperor carefully, will you be able to make a mark in the history of your family a hundred years later?

With the imperial decree coming out of the ban, the news of Wang Shi’s victory and offering the prisoner Duanmen made the entire Luoyang city boil. How many years hasn’t this ceremony been seen? But now, only one year after the founding of the country, you can see it! Da Zhao’s holy emperor is really destined!

In the eager and excited anticipation, the army returned slowly. Wanting to get a glimpse of the soldiers, Xuanyang Gate was crowded with people inside and outside, and the roads were impervious to both sides, and there was almost nowhere to go. The pot of pulp and glutinous food welcomes the king, who is willing to fall behind?

Regardless of the turbulent crowd, a woman got out of the bullock cart and walked forward surrounded by servants. The child who was held in her hands was surprised: “Aniang, there are many people on the roadside, why don’t you stay in the car?”

“Master Wang triumphantly, since he is greeted by the road.” Standing on the side of the road, the woman replied softly, staring at the army in the distance.

You can already see the army formation on Tongtuo Street. At the forefront is the horse team, with hundreds of Wusun horses striding forward with hooves like drums. Then came the armored sharps, the spears, and the flags. Strings of captives were tied with white ropes on their necks, hunched over their backs, and they were unkempt and unclothed.

The boy was only a few years old, he was frightened by the terrifying military appearance, and opened his eyes wide, looking at the prisoners curiously. After watching for a long while, he suddenly pulled his mother and asked: “Those are all enemies? How come they are almost the same as the beggars outside the city?”

Yes, these princes and grandsons, how can they have the prestige of the past? Even small children don’t look good.

The woman’s gaze stopped in the formation, she seemed to have seen something, and she smiled brightly: “In the face of the emperor’s pro-army, no matter how strong the enemy is, she must become a chicken and dog.”

What she said was categorical, sure enough, as if she had seen it with her own eyes.

Is the emperor’s pro-army so powerful? Does A father belong to the army? The child couldn’t help but stood on tiptoe and tried to look. Unfortunately, his stature is not enough to see the direction his mother is looking.

In the center of the array, a general rode his horse. He was terrible and handsome, and no one could see that person’s appearance. However, a hundred warriors are like eagles and dogs, and thousands of troops are like arms and fingers. Even if they are warriors before and after, no one can stop that man’s majesty.

Only Lang Jun can teach such characters.

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar figure, tears overflowed from the corners of Lu Zhu’s eyes. In Liang Mansion back then, did you ever think of today’s scene? She had a good life by marrying and having children. However, there is not a day without thinking about the time ten years ago.

“Aniang, I want to join the army too!” The child beside him grabbed his mother’s hand tightly and whispered.

Luzhu smiled and stretched out his hand to caress his son’s hair: “As long as you practice martial arts diligently, one day you will be able to serve the emperor…”

Like his father, he wears a helmet and armor to repay the holy grace.

The emperor’s halogen was set up at Duanmen, vast and mighty, spreading straight to Changhemen. Toll the bells, ring the golden drums, play the gong, the emperor ascends the imperial mansion, drum music masterpiece.

The rope around his neck was tight, Duan Wu should not stagger and step forward, like an old sheep, being led down the city. Without reprimanding, he took the initiative to kneel on the smooth imperial road. Kneeling beside him were his eldest son Duan Ji Lujuan, his clan son Duan Moyu, and countless Duan clan members.

General Cheqi took a step forward: “We are ordered to pacify Youzhou, and the captured prisoners are hereby offered to you.”

This voice, like a sharp whip, slammed Duan Wuwuchen’s back severely. The prestige of the Liaoxi prefecture and the power of the governor of Youzhou have long been wiped out. Today, he can only squat his body and shrink his shoulders as much as possible, hoping that the emperor of the Zhao Kingdom can spare his life.

The section is down. Although he and his son were captured before the battle, in the Duan clan in the west of Liaoning, someone opened the gate after all. If even the vassals were to be killed, who would dare to offer the city when the Huns and Jin were defeated? Of course they wouldn’t kill themselves, offering surrender is just a ceremony to show the benevolence of the emperor.

However, thinking so, Duan Wuwuchen’s body was still shaking severely. Old age and tiredness made his mind buzz. The imperial decree from the end gate also became intermittent.

Vaguely, he heard Wang Jun’s name. I heard Yecheng, Chang’an, and those things that I had forgotten in my head. In the high-pitched voice of the ceremonial officer, the chill was deep, deterring and compelling.

Why mention these things? Whether it is attacking Yecheng or attacking Chang’an, it is clear that he obeyed Sima’s orders and did it in accordance with the king’s order! Don’t you, Zhao Tianzi, a former Jinchen? ! Duan Wuwuchen’s face was distorted, sweat fell like rain, and only felt that his heart sank to the bottom.

The not-so-long edict read to the end. There is no pardon, no grace, and prisoners of war are handed over to the Criminal Ministry. The Penalty Department Shangshu came out and asked again.

On the throne, the emperor opened the golden mouth: “Invading my city and slaughtering my people, his sins are hard to forgive. There is no forgiveness to kill.”

On the high platform, how far can a person’s voice travel? However, when the last three characters were settled, the ceremonial officer on the side of the emperor repeated loudly: “Kill without mercy!”

Before and after the throne, the four attendants shouted in unison: “Kill without mercy!”

One pass two, two pass four, four pass eight… The shouts were layered layer by layer until the end of the Duanmen city, three hundred and sixty Yulin’s army shouted.

“Kill without mercy!”

The roar is loud, like a wind and thunder!

Duan Wuwuchen weakened his legs and sat on the ground paralyzed. No, it’s impossible. Duanbu dropped, he dropped…

His father collapsed, but Duan Ji and Lujuan struggled unwillingly, wanting to shout something, begging for grace. It’s a pity, how can anyone around him make him presumptuous? Strangling their necks and blocking their tongues, the soldiers held their heads up and took the ropes to drag these imperial prisoners to the execution ground.

Upstairs, Liang Feng looked at those dying struggling figures with cold eyes. Of course he had to use Duanbu, and put another barrier between the Tuoba clan and Murong clan. But what he wants to use is not the same as Duanwu Wuchen. Raiding Yecheng and looting Chang’an, how many innocent lives were killed by these people? There must be someone to seek justice for the eight thousand women lying in the water of Yi.

As for the kill and drop. The Duan’s observance was Wang Jun, the governor of Youzhou, and Sima Yue, the king of the East China Sea. These people are precisely the representatives of the decline and decay of the Western Jin dynasty, and a clear proof of the improper power of the Jin Dynasty. Following the remnants of the previous dynasty and conspiring to rebel, he killed Duan Bu and sent a prisoner.

And this will also become Zhao’s future national policy. The world is undecided, and there are countless battles to be fought. Among the enemies they face, some will resist to the death, and some will abandon the city and surrender. But he would never use the “brilliance” of those brutal and oppressive people. Anyone who wants to use the people as a bargaining chip to exchange their lives for Zhao’an is a killer!

In the chest and abdomen, anger is like ice, cold and flowing. I don’t know how many Jingguan can be built on these people’s heads…

“Your Majesty, it’s time to reward the generals.” The maharajah said in a low voice.

Liang Feng took a breath and waved to let the ceremony continue. Adding officials to the ranks, adding more titles to the emperors, this is the reward that the soldiers and soldiers who are loyal to the country deserve. There are also Tuoba Department and Murong Department, which should also be generously given. When the weakened segment reappears between the two, they will not converge on the claws. The grassland will once again fall into chaos, and the two powers will fight each other, and it should be able to hold them from going south to herd horses.

This was a great victory, but Liang Feng didn’t have much joy in his heart. There are too many things to deal with one by one. However, the frowning eyebrows slowly unfolded when they saw a figure.

The armor plus the body did not affect the corrective posture. The man bowed down the steps and saluted the emperor.

Inside and outside Duanmen, there were countless courtiers and generals, and countless pairs of eyes. However, Liang Feng didn’t care. He stood up and came to the man.

“Aiqing has worked hard in this battle, so she can flatten her body quickly.”

The white palms were supported on the icy bracers. The man raised his head, heartfelt joy in his gray-blue eyes.

Liang Feng also laughed. Isn’t it also a good thing to have a king and a minister?

The author has something to say: The prisoner offering refers to the Ming and Qing rituals, but there was no saying at that time that the Meridian Gate was the main south gate.

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