Royal Road

Chapter 370

Chapter 369 Enlightened (7)

“Have your Highness come back?” Sitting on the high stool by the window, Zhang Wan leaned forward to look around.

“Enjoy the prince, the prince is still studying in Hongwen Academy, I am afraid that I will have to wait a little longer.” The court lady below replied softly.

“Let’s let someone remind you. It’s too late to go to Shigandian today.” Zhang Wan said.

These days, the prince often went to Hongwenyuan to study, and he would also call Lang Mizube for questioning. Zhang Wan was also quite happy in her eyes. Not to mention the supervision of water conservancy, it is an errand arranged by the father. These national politics have a more insight, which will also be of great benefit to the future.

Therefore, the servants were afraid that the prince would go out to treat the water and missed the delivery date. Zhang Wan was not afraid at all. She is not the first child, and there are so many people in the palace watching. Why should this little matter delay the prince’s important task?

Holding the eldest son in the arms of the nurse, Zhang Wan stretched out her hand and nodded on her son’s pretty little nose: “Da Lang is getting more and more handsome, how about going to see Grandpa Emperor?”

The milk baby snapped and vomited a bubble, causing everyone to laugh in unison.

On the side, a court lady approached the princess’ ears and said something softly. Zhang Wan Meifeng hasn’t moved, but it doesn’t matter.

General Hussar enters the palace, not once or twice. They went to see it now, and the father was afraid that he would not blame him, but he was happy. Zhang Wan knew this very well.

After waiting for another quarter of an hour, the door of Nuan Pavilion was pushed open, Liang Rong strode in I was fascinated and almost forgot the time. Thanks to Shunniang for calling me…”

Zhang Wan took the towel in the hands of the palace man, wiped it on Liang Rong’s forehead, and said softly, “It’s still early, so why is your Highness in such a hurry?”

The emperor did not like to treat humans as animals, so the prince did not take his shoulders in the East Palace, but walked. I’m afraid that if I walk too fast, I will sweat on my forehead.

Liang Rong smiled slightly and shook his wife’s hand: “The ground is slippery in winter. You are sinking. It’s better to walk slowly.”

This made Zhang Wan’s face blush: “His Royal Highness is interested.”

In order to let her ride safely, the prince would rather catch up a few steps by himself. How can this care not let Zhang Wan move?

Liang Rong didn’t take this little matter to heart. When the sweat subsided, she took the crown prince and took the cart and headed towards Shigandian.

The East Palace is not far from the Shigandian, and it will be there soon. Liang Rong walked slowly into the side hall with his wife and children, and saw a pair of Go chess on the royal table in the hall. The emperor and General Yi were sitting opposite each other and were talking.

“Rong’er is here? Come in quickly.” Seeing his son’s family enter the door, Liang Feng pushed the chessboard and turned around with a smile.

Seeing a game that was about to win, the chessboard was shattered. Yi Yan raised his eyebrows, pressed his lips to smile, and stood up.

“My son has met the father.” The prince and the princess met together.

Yi Yan bowed aside and saluted the two Liang Rong: “The minister has seen His Royal Highness and Concubine.”

Liang Rong hurriedly said: “General Hussar free of salute.”

It’s not surprising that Yi Yan is here, Liang Rong. Just after pacifying Yongzhou and returning from a big victory, the father must be recruiting people into the palace. After so many years, he is not surprised. As long as Yi Yan is loyal and follows his father’s side, it can be considered as an answer.

“Sit all.” Liang Feng smiled and waved, “Yu’er is here too? Let Grandpa Huang take a look.”

The name given to the grandson at the beginning really made Liang Feng rack his brains. It needs to be nice, but it also needs to avoid common words. The name of the emperor should be avoided, just like his “feng”, no one dares to use it now. “Good harvest” should be described as “rich yield” and “grain enough”. In the future, Liang Rong’s “Rong” will be avoided. Two such troubles are enough. In the future, princes and grandsons should choose rarer words.

Hearing the emperor’s grandfather calling him, the little guy didn’t recognize the birth, was led by the nurse, and swayed past like a little penguin. Liang Feng laughed and took the little meatball in his arms.

Liang Yu was just one year old when he was lively. Being hugged by Grandpa Emperor, just giggled. Then he turned his head to look at the person next to him, and stretched out his hand curiously, as if he wanted to catch those strange-colored eyes. Now let alone Liang Feng, even Yi Yan couldn’t help but smile. Children who are not afraid of his looks are rare.

Untie a sapphire ornament from his waist, Liang Feng shook it in front of Liang Yu, “Do you like this color?”

Where did the little guy understand, he stretched out his hand excitedly to grab it, Liang Feng smiled and put the thing in his hand, and after a long teasing, he let the nurse hold him aside.

After taking the towel and wiping his hands, he said to Zhang Wan, “How is Awan recently?”

Zhang Wan leaned slightly: “Back to the emperor, my daughter-in-law has been eating and sleeping well these days. I also walk around every day. The child is safe in my belly.

Liang Feng nodded: “Listen to the words of the imperial doctor, not just lying in bed. In recent years, the maternal and child departments of the imperial hospital have made great progress, which is also a happy event.”

Not to mention the Department of Gynecology and Children, he even sent someone to study vaccinia. Now that the infant mortality rate remains high, and various epidemics are impossible to prevent, it is natural to think of more ways to increase the average life expectancy.

Zhang Wan smiled and said: “The emperor cares about all people and benefits his daughter-in-law.”

Liang Feng smiled when this statement was correct. Zhang Bin’s daughter is a clever, unobtrusive and virtuous. It is worthwhile to let the female officials in the palace take a closer look when he entertained the family members of a hundred officials that day.

Thinking of this, he remembered one more thing: “By the way, you wrote a letter before and asked the prince to accept the concubine. Is it possible?”

Zhang Wan’s expression immediately purged: “Daughter-in-law has this intention. The daughter-in-law is pregnant year after year. It is only when someone is waiting for her. The prince Naliangdi and Ruren are ancient rituals. The daughter-in-law dare not live alone in the East Palace.”

Hearing Zhang Wan’s words, Liang Rong couldn’t help holding her hand: “Why should Shunniang be like this?”

In addition to Zhang Wan, there are actually several dowry brides in the East Palace. However, in order to ensure the protagonist, Liang Rong didn’t touch it. And Zhang Wan is a young couple, and the friendship is strong.

However, Zhang Wan just smiled at Liang Rong, and didn’t mean to let go.

Liang Feng looked closely at this young woman, and found that there was no intention of using power or pretending to be gestures in her eyes, and couldn’t help sighing from the bottom of her heart: “That’s fine. But the nap concubine is a matter of the East Palace. , If you return to choose someone, you can also preside over.”

Hearing this, Zhang Wan was taken aback, and immediately stood up and bowed: “Thank you for the grace of the emperor.”

Her gratitude is sincere. The emperor’s words were clear, he didn’t know how to use the position of the prince’s side concubine to win over the family, and he did not have the idea of ​​checking and balancing the future master of the harem. Entrusting the right to choose a concubine to her bride is to hope that the prince’s inner courtyard will be stable and that the future harem will also have less political factors.

The emperor treats her father and daughter really not thinly.

Seeing his father gave the order, Liang Rong didn’t say much, but shook his wife’s hand. Zhang Wan gently shook it back.

After dealing with the business, the family sat down for a meal. It will be righteous in some time, Liang Feng also specially asked Zhang Wan not to be tired when he was at the ceremony, and to do what he could.

After the meal, he didn’t leave two more people, let Liang Rong take his wife and children back early.

Staying by the side all the time, when the people in the hall are scattered, and the chessboard is set up again. Yi Yan found that he was a little unable to concentrate. After losing the two sons, he couldn’t help but said: “Why does the prince let the prince take the concubine?”

He really couldn’t understand. The prince has the tendency to pet the prince concubine alone, and the prince concubine’s belly is upbeat and can be pregnant with the dragon breed continuously. Isn’t this a great thing? Why does the prince find someone to share the favor?

Liang Feng raised his eyebrows slightly and put down a son at random: “After all, the princess is a woman, and she suffers from pregnancy. Every time she gives birth, she closes the door of a ghost. If it is like this every year, it will damage her life.”

Yi Yan was taken aback. He did not expect this. However, for this, it is really unwilling to share the one you love with others.

“Then if the prince patronizes others…” Yi Yan paused without saying everything.

Who can guarantee that this grace will never change? Wouldn’t it be a bad thing to meet someone younger and more beautiful? At that time, how would the princess deal with herself?

Liang Feng sighed softly: “After all, she is the prince’s wife and grandson’s mother.”

Liang Feng actually didn’t speak thoroughly. He could more or less guess Zhang Wan’s mind. Without protective measures, the inability to prevent contraception is just one of them. More importantly, she is the only prince now, and she has not been in contact with other women. If you dominate your pet, you may not be allowed to try Liang Rong after he became the throne in the future. Who could stop the Nine-Five Lord at that time? As for men, inevitable inferiority is inevitable. Even Liang Feng himself cannot guarantee that Liang Rong will not change his mind in the future.

Therefore, instead of stubbornly guarding this favor, it is better to take a step back and take your place. I’m afraid Zhang Wan really wants to stay with Rong’er for a long time. It’s just that as a princess, she has to do some things.

Hearing this sigh, Yi Yan lowered his eyes: “If I could have a son for the master, I would never let others get close.”

Liang Feng chuckles: “Even if you can’t give birth, don’t let others be close. I’m afraid I can’t get rid of the word jealous.”

Yi Yan didn’t argue, and across the chessboard, grabbed Liang Feng’s hand: “That’s because the lord is different from others.”

In fact, the person who is different from the others is you. Looking at those fiery eyes, Liang Feng’s lips overflowed with a smile: “If a man can become pregnant, would you like to have a baby?”

“I can’t ask for it!” Yi Yan replied quickly without pause.

Liang Feng smiled: “Then let me try…”

Unfortunately, this is not an afterlife. His family can produce two children when they are young, but they are not possible. But this little problem is nothing to Liang Feng. How can a son have a grandson? In this case, did he win again?

“It’s me who wronged Shunniang…” After leaving Shigandian, Liang Rong couldn’t help but stand still and whispered.

“Why did your Highness say this?” Zhang Wan smiled and took her husband’s hand. “Being able to enter the palace to serve His Highness is already the concubine’s greatest blessing. What’s more, you can still get Da Lang and Zhong Er Lang. The concubine just hopes. Your Royal Highness can be more comfortable.”

Liang Rong sighed after stroking the slightly pregnant belly. Compared to his father, he was really luckier. Shunniang’s love can never be let down.

Seeing the expression on Liang Rong’s face, Zhang Wan gently squeezed the palm of the other party: “It’s early in the sky, shall you go back with your concubine?”

“Donggong Road is far…” Liang Rong hesitated.

Zhang Wan laughed, “The doctor ordered me to walk more frequently every day, so that the child in my arms can be healthy. Besides, with your Royal Highness, where will it be far?”

These words have deep feelings, just like the gentle eyes. Liang Rong also smiled and took his wife’s hand. The two walked side by side to the East Palace.

The author has something to say: There is something wrong with what was written in the previous chapter. The Yellow River was in the Anliu period during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, let alone flooding, and even the water has a tendency to become clear… Fenshui in my hometown.

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