Royal Road

Chapter 379

Chapter 378 River Mountain (3)

“Sima Rui is dead, will Along still protect the child?” There was no word for Wang Dao, but a small name. Wang Dun’s words clearly meant to win.

After replacing Sima Shao, the prince who became a young man, and setting up a baby to take the throne, Wang Dun has achieved his original goal. It’s just that this is not what it used to be, Sima Rui died suddenly, and no one in the kingdom can compete with the Langya Wang clan. How can Wang Dun be satisfied just by holding the emperor? Following the example of Wei Wen and Jin Wu’s dynasty change is what he has in mind.

To truly ascend the throne, the support of Director Wang is crucial. Although he held the military power, he also won several Jiangdong families. But it was Dao Wang, an important minister of government, who controlled the court. Since Sima Rui came to the throne, the government has been carried on the shoulders of the director of the king, and there is no end to the party feathers. Even the many children of the Langya Wang family have been obedient to him.

If Director Wang doesn’t support it, it is impossible for him to ascend to the throne. Therefore, even if the sword went to the palace, Wang Dun had to lower his posture and personally come to Wang Dao’s Mansion to win over this unobedient cousin.

The intimacy of this remark, Director Wang glanced at his cousin, and said calmly: “Received by the country’s kindness, love lies in Ningguo. But brother, the Northern Army has already occupied half of Jingzhou, are you really going to destroy my Langya line?”

The first sentence makes people irritated, and the latter is even more heartbreaking. Wang Dun is now in power, how many people dare to speak to him like this?

“Then Sima can conquer the world? If the Northern Army comes, wouldn’t it be you and my brothers? Would you let me stand by and let the kid slaughter?” Wang Dun said angrily.

“If you don’t have a brother, Guo Zuo can continue for several generations. Now it’s just lingering.” Wang Dao also has a sad expression on his face, “Fool Fool is only a loyal minister, not a thief in a troubled country.”

“You!” Wang Dun stood up suddenly, his eyes burst into flames. The opposite Wang Dao looked calm, without fear.

Wang Dun was even more angry in his heart. However, the sword held in his hand could not be pulled out. This is not other relatives who are not long-eyed, but Director Wang, the first person in Jiang Zuo!

“You can’t figure it out!” With a flick of his big sleeve, Wang Dun turned and left.

Behind him, Dao Wang’s eyebrows drooped, sitting alone. At the beginning, the two people worked together to help the emperor ascend to the throne. Who would have thought that it would be such a trouble for only a few years. Is this big promotion coming to an end? If so, he would rather leave a clear name…

It is another year of Zhengdan.

Duanmen set up a table, Gongqing and hundreds of officials sat outside, and Da Le drum set up four chambers to be happy in front of the hall. Ten quarters before the end of the night, the brazier and lamp tree in the palace ignited for the first time. The singular fire drives away the cold, and the bright lights illuminate the night.

Seven quarters before the end of the night, a bell rang upstairs in Xiangfeng. Since the closing gate, all the five gates of the three dynasties have been opened. The magnificent Luoyang Palace is like a waking behemoth, with angry eyes and gazing at the world.

The group of officials marched along the Yunlong East Zhonghua Gate, passed through the guard of honor of the imperial army, and came to Lord Dong, waiting for Linxuan.

After five quarters of the leak, the Yezhe Shushe and Dahongpa Temple each played: “The officials are in position!”

After the dawn, when the first ray of sunlight shone on the vertical dial on the enlightened platform, solemn joy sounded. Tianzi Lubo appeared in front of the Taiji Hall.

All the officials worshipped, and the sound of the call of the mountain sounded.

Standing on Dan, Liang Feng looked at the dark crowd in the square. Taige Shuchen, six ministries and one hundred officials, civil and military officials. Everyone worshipped and congratulated him.

In addition, there are two Xianbei, Koguryo, Sanhan, and Japanese envoys. Even the former Silk Road has been unblocked again. Western Regions Qiuci, Shule, Wusun, Cheshi and other countries sent envoys to congratulate. It reaches Hanhai in the north, Yunmeng in the south, Wangyang in the east, and Gobi in the west. Wanli Jiangshan Wanguo Dynasty, what kind of cultural and martial arts? !

However, in Liang Feng’s eyes, there is no complacency and arrogance, and peace is like a deep pool. The same and the same auspiciousness, presented to the imperial front. The high official of two thousand stones can go to the temple and kneel to offer longevity wine. The congratulatory message of “A thousand years and longevity” echoed endlessly under the golden pillars of the Tai Chi Hall.

Bazhou regained, Xuzhou conquered, and Jingzhou took the majority. Under the whole world, only a corner of the south of the Yangtze River is left!

“Your Majesty Kuang Jiuhe, the sound has been lost. When you change the yuan to congratulate!” I don’t know if it was stimulated by the ceremony or the dance and music was too exciting, some ministers said loudly.

The title of “Enlightened” has been used for ten years. From the mere three states to half of the country. How can we not change the reign of such a great governance?

On the throne, the emperor smiled and said: “The South is not flat, how can I get a Kuang? The rule of enlightenment still needs hard work!”

What does it mean? The civil and military courts are full of enthusiasm. Are you going to march south? ! After ten years of accumulation, I finally sorted out the surrounding area, can I go south? When the country is unified, Da Zhao will become a great man, another dynasty foundation that can be passed down for generations!

Annihilating the previous dynasty will also be the biggest and sweetest result!

“Long live my emperor!”

Inside and outside the hall, the sound of the mountain call sounded again, accompanied by drum music, straight into the sky!

The feast lasts from sunrise to sunset, and guests are happy. When the hundred officials were gone, the emperor returned to the inner court.

“The lord drank too much alcohol today.” Yi Yan took the cloth towel provided by the palace man and gently wiped the sweat leaking from Liang Feng’s forehead.

Before the expedition, the news that the emperor was seriously ill did not reach the front lines. He was also the class teacher back to the court, only to know this dangerous scene. Since that day, Yi Yan has not walked out of the palace gate and has been by Liang Feng’s side.

“Yuanhui, it is inevitable.” Liang Feng smiled and took a sip of the sober soup.

Even if he is the emperor, he must give full face to those officials who confessed the borders. The entry of their children into Beijing is their promise to the court. The respect of the emperor is the trust of the imperial court. Only with close relations between the central and local governments and well-established government orders can it be governed. Once this delicate balance gets out of control, it will immediately become a rift.

After drinking the tea soup, Liang Feng suddenly said: “The usurper of the Jin King Dun is already in chaos. When Sima Rui died violently, the youngest son became the throne. Now Langya Wang Clan has divided into two factions, Wang Dun and Wang Dao. To.”

This time is earlier than expected.

The pacification of Yongzhou restored the Guanzhong Plain to its previous output. A large number of troops and even fields have further promoted the recovery of the main grain producing areas in the Central Plains. Because even if there is no shortage of natural disasters, the court still has enough food to support the army’s southern expedition.

In the past ten years, the boat division has also built more than a thousand new ships of various sizes. There is no shortage of food transportation, troop transportation, and water warfare. The attack on Yongzhou and Jingzhou has accumulated a lot of experience for water and land cooperation. Not to mention there are naval warships galloping in the sea.

The right time, the right place and the right people, all occupy it. The little court in the south could not pose a threat, not to mention frequent civil disturbances, fighting for power.

It’s time to send troops.

“This battle will surely restore the southern land.” There was not much excitement in Yi Yan’s voice.

In order to fight this battle, they have been preparing for too long. Weaken the enemy step by step, just to make this big battle end with minimal loss.

Every time you draw up a plan, you must prepare for the worst. Even when the Jin Kingdom was in its heyday, they were also confident about it. But now, years of plagues and internal friction for several years have made the Eastern Jin Dynasty an empty shell. The generals who could fight were killed by Wang Dun, degraded and degraded, and replaced by flattering confidants. And he himself had to seize the seat with Sima, and he had no time to distract himself.

In this case, the soldiers approached the city, and I was afraid that there would be more surrenders. Why worry about it?

“Unfortunately, there is no way to go personally.” Liang Feng sighed with a smile.

This illness scared the people around him enough. It is more like a glassware to him, wishing to hold it in the palm of his hand all day long. In future generations, even pneumonia and myocarditis will not be the case. Unfortunately, it is still an era when a cold can kill people.

“It’s just a mere minister of chaos, why do you need your Majesty to conquer himself?” To these words, Yi Yan’s expression was ten times more serious than before, as if he was facing an enemy.

Liang Feng smiled and waved his hand: “No or no I’ll be waiting for your victory in Luoyang.”

“As long as Nandi is calmed down, the lord will be able to lay down his shoulders…” Yi extended his hand and took the opponent’s hand. There was not much meat in the slender palm. Squeezed in the palm of the hand, it hurts to be thin.

How long will it take to raise this body?

Heavy burden? Liang Feng relaxed and leaned on the soft cushion behind him: “I heard from the Ministry of Engineering that most of the dragon boat has been completed. It will be launched in half a year.”

“The lord is going to confine Zen?” Yi Yan’s eyebrows flashed with joy.

“No seal!” Liang Feng vetoed without hesitation, “It’s still the original route to see the sea. It will also show you what the sea looks like.”

“It’s all by boat, there shouldn’t be much difference.” Yi Yan thought for a while and replied.

“It’s a far cry.” He closed his eyes with a smile, and Liang Feng murmured, “Cross the first island chain and the second island chain, you can enter the Pacific Ocean, follow the ocean currents to the east, and reach the American continent. It’s Australia. Gold and silver, copper and iron, corn, peppers, potatoes… countless babies… I really want to see…”

The voice was misty, like a whisper, gradually inaudible. Yi Yan leaned over, picked up the sleeping emperor, and walked towards the dragon bed. Gently put the person on the brocade couch, undressed, and covered with silk quilt. On the peak of the frowning eyebrows, Yi Yan dropped a kiss: “The lord wants to go, I will accompany him.”

Seeing the unseen, hearing the unheard of, is like a dream-like career in these twenty years.

Taking off his robe, he turned over and lay on the couch, hugging the person in his arms.

Before spring had passed, news came that the young emperor was seriously ill. Sima Shao, who was far away in Jiaozhou, couldn’t hold back, and ordered Liu Kun to deploy troops to attack Yangzhou. Want to eradicate Wang Dun, a powerful official.

Halfway through the summer, the army of the former princes was once again annihilated by Wang Dun. Liu Kun died, Sima Shaonan fled. Afterwards, Jiangdong flooded, starving everywhere, and people changed again.

Just as Wang Dun was desperate and ready to suppress the bandits. Great Zhao beat the drum of war. The boat division rides on foot, number 600,000 troops, and marches south!

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