Royal Road

Chapter 70

Chapter 69 Clash

From the high capital city galloping to the west city valley where the rear army is located, going straight through the canyon in the middle can save most of the time. Although the canyon road was narrow and not conducive to the cavalry marching, Lu Ge still chose this road resolutely. No matter who the hijacker is, they can’t quickly get the food and money away. If they can save a moment of time, they will have an extra chance.

However, Lu Ge’s heart suddenly tightened after he rushed into the canyon, and he seemed to have neglected something. Before thinking clearly, a few rockets fell like stars and landed at the exit of the canyon in front of them. With a bang, the fire started!

bad! What the gang wanted was not to carry on their luggage at all, but to induce them to come back for help and lie in ambush from the side! He got it!

However, it was too late to wake up, and the horses neighed and dared not approach the gorge. Horses are afraid of fire by nature, and even a knight can’t control it no matter how sophisticated it is.

“Stay back! Get out of the valley!” Lulong also noticed something wrong at this moment, and shouted loudly. But how easy is it to withdraw from the narrow valley? The knights behind had not reined their horses and turned, and saw a group of pikemen armed with spears pouring out of the woods on both sides of Taniguchi, gathering in the middle of the road.

Lulong almost burst into flames in his eyes, and shouted angrily: “A group of steppers dare to stop me and disperse them for me!”

Even these hundreds of individuals dare to set an ambush? See if he doesn’t kill these brave guys!

Several horses have already turned their directions, wanting to rush towards the team pawns. Lu Ge stopped loudly: “Get off the horse! Dismount all to fight!”

“What?” Lulong was taken aback, “Why don’t you rush?”

“The road is too narrow to rush through. A dead horse will block the road.” Lu Ge had already jumped his horse, drew the scimitar, and strode forward, “They are few people, dismount me to fight and kill!”

Looking at the dense array of guns in front of him, a thick murderous intent surged in Lu Ge’s chest. It was the first time he encountered such an opponent since the incident. What about Zhongfu? What if there is no horse? He wants to show these guys, what exactly is Lu Ge relying on!

Upon hearing the commander’s command, the Huns turned over and dismounted, or took their bows, or held knives, and rushed towards Taniguchi.

They did not use horses to rush into the battle. Standing in the middle of the team, Yi Yan coldly watched the group of cavalry get off their horses. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t rush, he chose this canyon specifically to get the cavalry to dismount and fight. As long as the position is stable, the stomach and back will not be attacked, and the Yongrui camp will not fear any enemy!

Like a group of solid stone statues, the spears are like a forest, motionless. The enemy howled and approached, three hundred steps, two hundred steps, one hundred steps… Yi Yan shouted loudly, “Hold the shield!”

This time, the line at the head of the team was not the spearmen, but a row of swordsmen and shields. Upon hearing the order, those strong soldiers holding wooden shields raised their shields aloft. In the next instant, the arrow was like a rain, and Indole nailed into the wooden shield. Even if they are wearing light armor, they can’t stop their bows and arrows, and the Huns cavalry are best at shooting. Even in foot combat, they won’t give up a round of volleys.

The wooden shield blocked most of the arrows, but there were still some fish that slipped through the net and stabbed into the crowd. After a burst of arrows, two or three vacancies were missing in the array, and they were immediately filled by the follower. Just like a wave of wheat blown by a strong wind, after falling down, it will stand up again. The two armies are getting closer, so close that there are no more arrows, only hideous faces and flashing blades.


No more slogans such as guns and assassinations, all the orders were condensed into a violent shout. The wooden shield hung down, and the spearmen hiding behind jumped out!

At a distance of one foot, no matter how sharp the scimitar is, it can’t cut flesh and blood. But the gun can! The spear howled, penetrated the cold air, penetrated the dull killing shout, and penetrated the enemy in front! From the chest, from the belly, from the throat, from the tip of the gun, blood burst out!

The screams echoed in the valley, ten enemies fell, and more enemies poured up. They are not mountain bandits, not bandits, but Huns who have seen blood and carried knives. They will not be frightened by ten lives. However, they were greeted by another row of spears, another row, and another row… Row after row of long spears were pierced one by one, accompanied by the sound of shouting and killing, like no end in sight of the angry waves, surging forward Rush.

Lulong’s mouth grew wide, and he looked at the gun forest towering in front of him in disbelief. What is this? Why is there such a battle? !

Lu Ge didn’t hesitate, and shouted: “Let the arrow go!”

“Brother! And his own…” Lu Long was startled, why did he release arrows at this time? The forwards are all entangled with the enemy!

However, Lu Ge had already bent the bow and set the arrow, with the tip of the arrow slightly picked, and shot out. Under his shout, some other Huns also gritted their teeth and let go of arrows. The distance was too close, so I could only use projectiles. The chaotic arrows fell from mid-air like a torrent of rain and hit the border between the two armies.

Several of the Xiongnu strikers who were fighting were also hit by a rain of arrows and fell down, and the remaining more people found that the guns in front of them were in chaos! The formation, which was originally neat and seamless, could not find a chance to take advantage of, collapsed in a large area, and those terrifying enemies with long spears were wailing in pain.

opportunity! This is the perfect time to cross that one-foot distance! Without being reminded by anyone, the experienced Huns rushed forward. The spear can attack from a distance, but it can never defend against close attacks!

A row of guns was swept away. At this moment, those armed with guns are all auxiliary soldiers. Most of them have seen the battlefield for the first time, and they still don’t know how to respond, so they can only attack awkwardly according to their drills. Such a sudden attack completely disrupted their rhythm. With the spear firmly in his hand, it was impossible to fight the enemy who rushed in front of him. The screams became louder, and the entire gun array began to fall far away.

Yi Yan squeezed the long knife and shouted: “Blade and shield hand, meet the enemy before the formation! The soldiers resume their spear formation! Other people come with me!”

With shouts, the ten people followed Yi Yan closely, passed through the wall in front of them, and rushed towards the front. Each of them carried an oval long shield in their hands, and the hardwood was covered with iron. This is a special shield for the Cavalry of the Liang Palace, which can not only guard against the enemy’s arrow feathers, but also withstand the front blades. However, at this moment, these shields became the best barriers. Following their footsteps, they moved forward quickly and crashed into the enemy’s front army!

Just a blow! The fierce Huns immediately stopped their advancement, as if hitting a lofty mountain. However, what they hit was not the mountain peak, but the elite Liang Mansion with a weapon! After the shield, the blade flashed!

Like the Xiongnu cavalry, the Liang’s cavalry also battled bravely and fought bravely. The difference, however, is that they eat full meals and wear leather armor. They have nothing else to do except fighting exercises. And among these cavalrymen, there are still a lot of people who are tall and majestic!

Just as the tiger descending from the mountain broke into the wolves, the team led by Yi Yan tore up the Xiongnu’s front army effortlessly. Like a sharp knife, pierced into the Xiongnu formation! Under such a fierce attack, who can spare time to shoot an arrow with a bow?

In the rear, Zhu Er panted heavily and shouted: “Line up! Line up for me! Don’t treat them as living people. They are our food and payment, tax-free fields! Stand up for me!”

His body was still trembling slightly, just like the first time he played, it was excitement, fear, and involuntary tension. However, his legs did not tremble, his hands did not tremble, and his eyes and brain did not tremble at all! Under the scolding of the veterans, the group of auxiliary soldiers that had almost dispersed stood up again and lined up.

Their team was on track, and their battalion officer rushed into the enemy camp. How to do?

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

With a neat pace, the gun array began to move, killing towards the chaotic enemy army!

The front of the Huns collapsed. From the inside out, the chaos turned into a pot of porridge. The team led by Yi Yan drew everyone’s attention away from the direction. If you want to kill this group of people, you must turn around and surround the tiger-like soldiers with flesh and blood. However, once they turned around, the gun array came one after another, also leaving them dead.

No matter how elite soldiers are, they can’t face such a situation! The formation has collapsed, but the enemy is still reaping their lives at high speed and effectively! How to resist? Where do you want to escape? What should I do? ! What breaks down before the formation is the courage and determination to fight!

Must kill him, must kill him! Unlike the others, Lu Ge roared, rushed to the center of the battle group, rushed to the tall Jie Ren youth. He has already seen that this talent is the leader in charge of this weird army! As long as you kill him, everything will turn for the better!

The scimitar that had killed countless people was severely chopped down, but was resisted by a solid shield. The sneak attack failed, a pair of gray and blue eyes turned around, locking his figure. The eyes were extremely strange and sharp and terrifying, just like the eyes of a wolf in a moonlit night. Lu Ge only felt that the feathers on his back stood upright, but he did not flinch and shouted: “Lulong!”

On the other side, Lulong also swung a machete in his hand. Like his cousin, he understands that this is the only possibility to bring the battle back. There are four hundred of them! Four hundred people! How could it be so unclear but not lost in a gorge in vain!

Bitten by the two, Yi Yan did not panic. On the contrary, his heart was as cold as water, and his mind was calm. This is the leader of the enemy, if you kill them, you can defeat the enemy! Just kill them!

The shield hit head-on, Lu Ge dodged, and the blade slashed again, but the knife fell in the empty space. The shield in front of him disappeared and turned into another short knife, shimmering like a ghost. This is a backhand knife! It will not be too fast. The idea just came up, and the blade followed like a shadow and stab at his face. Lu Ge broke out in a cold sweat, leaned back abruptly, and rolled out on the spot. He is not afraid of the enemy catching up, because Aaron is blocking him.

But when he jumped up again, a human head tumbled under his feet. That was Lulong’s head, his mouth and eyes wide open, and he couldn’t catch his eyes.

“Ahhhhh!!” Lu Ge just felt crazy! How can it be? ! How could he kill Aaron in one blow? !

The tragic howl did not affect the person in front of him, the long sword broke the wind, and slashed down, like a mountain shaking! Lu Ge greeted him fiercely with knives in both hands! The blade burst out with a crack, but he blocked it! However, another shadow cut through the breeze, gently lifted up, and kissed his throat.

The left-hand short knife cut into the throat with great precision.

At that moment, Lu Ge could only see the blue sky, the gray ridges, and the weird pair of gray and blue eyes. There were two soft sounds in the throat, the scimitar came out of his hand, and it fell to the ground with a bang. He grabbed the **** mouth in his throat with both hands, as if to stop the surging heat flow. But how can you stop the footsteps of the **** of death with just one pair of hands?

The sky went dark, the wind was terribly cold, and the heavy blood that accompanied him day by day. He actually only lived for so few days, only so few days…

The figure disappeared, and Lu Ge fell head-on in a pool of blood flowing out of him.

“The enemy chief awarded the leader!” Yi Yan leaned over and picked up the shield, shouting loudly, “Blade and shield hand, rush!”

The Huns were completely messed up. Some turned on their horses and wanted to rush out of the canyon. Some looked mad, screaming and rushing towards the gun forest. This kind of formation has no vitality, only a dead end. Or die in the flames, or die! They want to live, they want to live!

However, Yi Yan did not stop, the sword and the spear were as sharp as before, completely smoothing the valley. Ma Mingying, his screams gradually ceased, leaving only a heavy scorching smell, echoing in the valley.

“The team is on track, there are no enemy soldiers.” A very long walked in front of Yi Yan and whispered.

“How many people died?” Yi Yan waved his knife and shook off the sticky blood.

“It’s eleven auxiliary soldiers, six straight soldiers. There are more than 20 serious wounds.” His long voice was heavy. Although this battle defeated enemies that were multiples of his own, it also caused heavy losses to the soldiers in the palace. In addition to serious injuries and deaths, there are countless minor injuries.

Yi Yan retracted the knife into its sheath, and said coldly, “Gather the horses and pack up. The whole team, go home!”

The battle is over, and the rest will be handed over to the lord intact.

In the sky, the setting sun was like blood, reflected in the crimson valley. A group of blood-stained soldiers, leading the horses, drove the cart, and marched into the distance.

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