Royal Road

Chapter 78

Chapter 77 La Festival

When I got home, it was past noon. After cleaning his hands and face, Liang Feng took off his hunting suit and replaced Xuanduan. This is the dress worn by the princes when offering sacrifices. The black color has no ornamentation, and it is upright cut and extremely dignified. Wearing Xuan Duan, wearing a Wei magnificent crown, he took Liang Rong to the family temple.

In the Han Dynasty, it was popular to build an ancestral hall on the left side of the tomb. Therefore, the Jin Dynasty forbids the construction of ancestral temples, and only princes can build family temples. As a Ting Hou, the Liang family naturally also has a family temple, where they can offer sacrifices to “shao prisons”, that is, use sheep and pigs to sacrifice to their ancestors. The animals have been prepared, together with the grains and wild animals obtained from the field hunting, and served on the altar.

Although the number of people is thin, the etiquette of sacrificial rituals cannot be omitted. After praising the ancestors, mountains, and five sacrificial offerings in accordance with the rules, the sun has slanted to the west, and it is the last link of the ritual ceremony.

Wearing that dignified and formal gown, Liang Feng came to the courtyard. At this moment, under the watchtower, a high platform was erected with a person standing on it. He was tall, dressed in bearskin, and was dressed in black clothes with Zhu Chang, with a vicious ghost face and golden eyes. He held a spear in one hand and a strong shield in the other, like a ghost walking into the world.

This is Fang Xiangshi, the chief priest in the Nuo ceremony. Beside him, there are twelve children with combs and horns, all of whom are dongzi, each made of red soap, holding drums, and pretending to be twelve beasts. There are twelve servants on the periphery, holding horns and torches, standing solemnly.

Looking around the people in the courtyard, Liang Feng strolled up to the watchtower. Standing in front of the wooden railing, he said loudly: “Er Nai rate the old Nuo, get rid of the group!”

As soon as the voice fell, the dull drums and trumpets sounded in unison, Fang Xiang raised the spear and shield in his hand high, seeming to dance wildly, or to fight with unknown ghosts, and the tongzi on his side cooperated. His action, loudly shouted: “Nuo! Nuo!”

This is the cry of frightening evil spirits. The dance is ancient and simple, but in the simplicity, there is a sense of killing. It’s just that the exorcists are not those who dance with the gods’ sticks. This ritual is designed to get rid of the plague and hope that the weather will be smooth in the coming year. All those involved are in awe, believe in and value their responsibilities. Such emotions are gathered in one place, and naturally they can produce breathtaking power.

The drums and trumpets were getting louder and louder, almost deafening. With this sound, all the doors opened. The gates of Liang Mansion, farms, farmers, and even the far gates are open. After walking around the yard for a while, Fang Xiang led the Dongzi to dance far away. They had to walk along the road, through every house, and take away the corpses and get rid of the severe cold. The dealers all stood leaning against the door, as if welcoming the true gods, respectfully guarding the side.

This job is never easy. However, holding a heavy spear and a large shield, Fang Xiang never stopped, so he ran through the farm, stepped out of the courtyard gate, and came all the way to the Zhai gate. The sky was already dark, and the twelve torches were handed over to the knights who had been waiting by the door. They took the torches and rode their horses far away without hesitation. As long as the torch is thrown into a distant river, all the epidemics will be taken away by the river.

The fire gleamed, and disappeared in no time. The shocking drum music stopped, but the cheers came faintly, getting louder and louder, and it seemed that the entire estate was singing in unison. In this era, there are no firecrackers, and there is no fixed Spring Festival ceremony. However, this grand Nuo is more festive than any ceremony.

Listening to the joyful shout in his ear, Liang Feng exhaled: “Let’s have a banquet.”

After the exorcism, there is a big feast, and every family must prepare rich and delicious meals. It may not be surprising to put it in normal times, but it is very rare in Bingzhou after a catastrophe and drought. However, every household in Liang’s residence received two catties of horse meat, and there were wild animals for hunting in the army. There is surplus grain in the warehouse, bacon in his hands, and a landlord who is willing to drive them out of the epidemic. Is there anything else they can ask for?

In the main hall, steaming meals were also prepared. Because he wanted to eat the newly hunted game, Liang Feng had already ordered the cook to get a few small copper kettles. The bottom of the kettle is filled with charcoal fire. Pheasant, fungus, and fungus are put in the kettle and boiled to make a broth. Then the venison is marinated in **** juice and rice wine, cut into thin slices, and put together with bean sprouts, cabbage and radish, which are rare in winter. , A dish of garlic paste and clear oil is placed right in front of you.

After a day of tiredness, Liang Rong sat at the desk, curiously looking at the raw meat on the plate and the broth in the pot, and asked: “Father, is this going to eat deer meat?”

Raw meat is glutinous, and it has been there since ancient times. The so-called “don’t tire of eating fine, no need to eat fine”, the practice of cutting meat into thin slices and eating raw can be called glutinous rice.

Liang Feng smiled and said: “It is not suitable to eat raw in winter. Just pick up these pieces of meat, vegetables and vegetables with chops, put them in the soup, and they will be cooked in a moment. It is most appropriate to eat it hot like this.”

He had never seen such a way of eating before, and Liang Rong immediately became energetic, but his father didn’t move his chopsticks, nor could he move it, just staring at the boiling soup in the pot. After a while, he heard the sound of footsteps coming from outside the house. He looked up and saw the Jie Ren with different eyes come in.

Why does he come? Liang Rong frowned unconsciously, but neither of the adults paid attention to him.

Yi Yan stepped into the house and leaned over to salute: “Master, the torch has been thrown into the river.”

Liang Feng nodded: “Today’s Nuo ceremony, thank you very much.”

It is Yi Yan who plays Fang Xiang on stage today. Holding heavy spears and shields, he kept dancing, shouting, and walking around in and out of the mansion. The amount of activity can be imagined, not to mention that Yi Yan also hunted back a leopard in the morning.

“Praying for the lord, the subordinates do not feel bitter.” The sweat on Yi Yan’s forehead has not faded, but his eyes are firmly fixed on the person in front of him. The solemn Xuanduan had long been replaced, and Liang Feng resumed his former Yanju appearance. However, whether it was hunting outfits or formal dresses, or the usual clothes in front of him, they did not detract from that look. The lord led him to hunt in the fields and ordered him to dance Nuo. Is there anything more trustworthy than this?

I’ve long been used to Yi Yan’s appearance, Liang Feng smiled and said, “Sit down and have dinner with us.”

“Thank you lord!” Yi Yan immediately got up and sat behind the side of the case. This is a family banquet for the Queen of Nursing. The lord invites him to join in. Doesn’t he regard him as his family?

Liang Rong couldn’t help but his eyes widened. A father actually let this Jie Ren sit in? Why doesn’t this guy go to the army and insist on coming to join him and his father’s family banquet? However, no matter how awkward he was, the good tutor made the little guy unable to speak, and he had to grab the corner of his clothes aggrievedly.

Liang Feng hadn’t forgotten Liang Rong, and said to Chao Yu who was waiting on the side: “Don’t let Rong’er pick the meat by himself, just help him to put it in the bowl. The garlic oil should be less soaked, it’s not spicy enough.”

After ordering this, he turned his head and said to Yi Yan: “You cut the meat yourself, boil it in the kettle for a while, and the meat will turn white and you can use it. If you don’t think it is spicy, you can add some garlic oil yourself.”

After both sides explained it, Liang Feng raised his chopsticks enthusiastically and put a piece of venison into the broth. Soon the sliced ​​meat was rolled up, picked up the meat, lightly dipped it on the garlic dish, and put it in the mouth. This is the fattest piece of the deer, soaked in **** rice wine, it doesn’t feel fishy at all, the entrance is melted, and only the strong fragrance is left.

This is how you should eat hot pot in winter. With a satisfied nod, Liang Feng raised his head, only to realize that both the one and the other were staring at him. He couldn’t help but smiled: “The style is a bit novel, but the taste is really good. Use it soon.”

Looking at Liang Feng’s rosy lips, Yi Yan swallowed his saliva unconsciously, only feeling that the fire in his belly gave birth to a sense of hunger and thirst. No longer hesitating, he picked up a large tuft of meat and started to shake it up. Liang Rong glanced at the rude Jie Ren, lowered his head dullly, and began to eat the meat slices that Chao Yu had put him. After chewing two bites, I felt that it was sweeter than all the meat I ate in the past, and I couldn’t help but look at my father in admiration.

Father really knows everything! He also put a few small bird eggs here, which must have been specially prepared for him by his father. It would be fine if there was no such Jie Ren.

Both happy and worried, the little guy ate the delicacies on the plate with complicated thoughts.

Sima Yi strode into the inner hall. He was not wearing armor, but a Xuanduan Ji suit. Although Luoyang was besieged and fought fiercely for several months, the La Festival still cannot be missed. On the contrary, if your majesty presides over the sacrifices, it can comfort the people in the city to some extent.

After winning another game before, Youzhou also began to attack Chang’an. It was Zuti’s ingenious method. The provincial governor Liu Shen was talented and loyal to the country. As long as the King of Hejian was afraid and recalled Zhang Fang, this battle would have a chance of victory.

Thinking of his half-brother, Sima Yi couldn’t help clenching his fists. Since the killing of King Qi, Sima Ying turned out to be more arrogant. It was not enough to remotely control the government in Yecheng. She also wanted to kill the queen’s father and Huangfu Shang, regardless of whether the King of Hejian sent someone to assassinate him. How is this different from the original King Zhao, King Qi and others?

The imperial court has been fighting for more than ten years. If the court can regain power and all officials return to their hearts, they will naturally be able to save this crumbling world. However, before sending Wang Yan, he still failed to persuade Sima Ying. He would rather kill the flesh and blood than intimidate the court, and he would not give up the power in his hands. If you let him into Luoyang, will your Majesty be safe? Can the court be stable?

No matter what, he must also defend Luoyang!

Although his heart was full of sorrow and anger, Sima Yi, as always, knelt down before the case. On the case, it is the memorial submitted by courtiers. He has given orders several times, ordering the maid to pound rice by hand to provide rations. All men over the age of thirteen were also allowed to serve, sent slaves to garrison, and ordered the king to make public positions. Such various measures will have the soldiers and soldiers be united and willing to die. With the military power available, Luoyang will not be attacked by the enemy, as long as he defends for a while…

A mess of footsteps suddenly came, and the door of the main hall slammed open, and a blood-covered guard called: “Master! Run away…”

Before he finished speaking, a long spear came out of his habitual chest. The soldier opened his mouth, blood burst from his mouth, and slowly fell to the ground. The door of the palace was completely pushed open, and across the body of the man, several palace guards wearing armor and carrying swords and guns rushed in.

“The chief governor! Now that the people in Luoyang don’t have a living, the rice is cut off, and all are caused by chaos. Please also ask the chief governor to follow his subordinates to your majesty, please sin and open the city, and stop the soldiers from being jade silk!”

Sima Yi opened his eyes angrily, looking at these familiar faces in front of him: “Who made you come?!”

“Naturally, it is a hundred officials in the city!” One of the generals sneered. “Most governors only care about military exploits. Regardless of the lives of the officials, do you still want everyone to return?”

“Hahaha…” Sima Yi laughed wildly, “If the king of Chengdu enters Luoyang, will the hundred officials be able to survive? Have you forgotten Zhao Wanglun, the king of Qi?! It is the end of the hundred officials who are the masters of these people. The laughter was full of resentment, full of unwillingness, and it made people listen to it. The palace guards did not dare to hesitate, rushed up, and held Sima Yi: “Please be at ease, the governor, you are the clan, as long as Please sin to your majesty, and he will forgive you…”

Spare him? Of course your Majesty will spare him, but will Sima Ying, who has lost his army and lost his generals, spare him? Will the person who colludes with the generals in the palace and the person behind him forgive him? Great rivers and mountains, why should they be destroyed in the hands of these traitors? He struggled for a long time, but fell into the hands of the villain behind him, really unwilling!

The mysterious crown on his head fell to the ground, and the dignified clothes were stained with blood, but none of the people in the temple cared.

That night, Sima Yi was imprisoned in Jinyong City, where he was imprisoned in this cold palace that had held countless Sima ethnicities.

The author has something to say: It must be said that Sima Yi is really good amongst the idiots of the Sima family.

“Book of Jin” has a comment: “Changsha has excellent materials, loyalty, loyalty and vulgarity, throwing bows and closing doors, and falling into the bidding for a strong man; driving Weique, stunned by the wind of martyrs. Although Fuyang Jiushutun The love of the three is not seized. After caressing his legacy, it will be impressive from the end.”

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