Royal Road

Chapter 87

Chapter 86 Yanyi

After sending away the villainous guest, holding the colored sticks gifted by Guo Jiao, a spring ploughing mobilization meeting was held in the Fuzhong, and Liangfu entered the intense and orderly spring busy work.

After a good annual vacation, I ate glutinous rice **** with my son, hung lanterns, and had enough of the Lantern Festival addiction. Liang Feng also adjusted from his holiday life and prepared to work. Unexpectedly, Jiang Da returned from Tong Mao and returned to Liang Mansion that day.

“Why should Jin be in such a hurry?” Liang Feng was indeed taken aback when he saw Jiang Da in a coarse linen shirt. It takes three days for Tong Yan to reach Liang Mansion, plus or minus, Jiang Da basically didn’t stay at home for a few days. The death of his grandfather was a major event, and he had to accept his failure. He thought that Jiang Da would be in mourning at home for at least one month before returning to Liang’s Mansion.

Jiang Da already bowed his head and knelt on the ground, crying and said: “This time I return home, I know that the master has a good heart. Please follow the order of the father, the villain will come to serve the master.”

This time when he returned home, Jiang Da knew what Liang Feng had done. It turned out that when the doctor Jiang passed away, Liang Feng offered one hundred thousand yuan and a hundred stone millet as a ritual, and published hundreds of medical books and sent them to Jiang’s mansion. The Jiang family is not a rich man, the money is not a small sum, not to mention the well-printed medical books.

According to Jiang Taiyi’s last wish, the medical book was distributed to many doctors and famous doctors in Bingzhou. The book contained the first-hand information left by the previous epidemic, and it was also the brainchild of those doctors. With this medical book opening the way, the Jiang family’s reputation among doctors in the state has skyrocketed. As long as they don’t make mistakes, they will surely become an admirable family of medical doctors in a few years.

There is no exaggeration to repay such a favor. What’s more, Liang Feng rescued the most promising heir of the Jiang family from Luoyang. If it were not for three years of mourning, I am afraid Jiang Da’s father would personally come to Liang Mansion to thank him for his gratitude.

So after seeing Jiang Da and hearing him say that he served in the Liang Mansion, Jiang Da’s father and uncles not only did not blame them, but also urged Jiang Da to serve Liang Feng well and repay his kindness. After only staying at home for ten days, Jiang Da ended his mourning early and returned to Liang Mansion.

Hearing Jiang Da’s words, Liang Feng sighed, “If that’s the case, Jin will stay. Now a new ward has been built in the part to take care of the wounded, and there is still a shortage of a general. You are here, just in time. Taking over this job, by the way, I will manage all the doctors and patients in the Fuzhong. Ah, in this case, it is time to change the’ward’ to a’hospital’.”

Getting into work quickly is naturally the best way to relieve the pain of bereavement, not to mention this kind of position that sounds very important. However, Jiang Da did not take the order immediately. Instead, he said: “I haven’t seen him for a few months. I don’t know how the lord is sick. I still need to see the lord first.”

Hearing this, Lv Zhu could not wait to nod vigorously in agreement. Although Lang Jun’s health is better these days, she is too exhausted and has been ill twice. If she doesn’t take this matter to heart, it makes her feel sad. Now that Dr. Jiang finally came back, she can take acupuncture and medicinal bath again, how can she not make her happy.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came up, he would be caught and see a doctor. Liang Feng refused to push him, so he could only stretch out his arm: “The doctor is the best.”

Jiang Da ignored Liang Feng’s teasing, and took the other’s pulse seriously. He checked his left and right hands carefully, and carefully looked at Liang Feng’s nails and tongue coating. He frowned and said, “Did the lord have had a cold a few days ago?”

Before Liang Feng answered the question, Lu Zhu took the lead in complaining: “Long Jun ran wildly before, he suffered the wind and was sick for several days!”

Jiang Da’s brows suddenly frowned: “There is still residual poison in the Lord’s body, how can he be so frivolous? In the future, he will ride less horses, and he will not be able to catch cold, and he must also pay attention to his diet. These days, it seems to be a bit too much Now, let’s switch to medicated diet.”

In a few words, they deprived all the remaining entertainment. Liang Feng looked at Lu Zhu with bright eyes and nodding his head. He couldn’t help but smile, and it was hard to ask about the little things he was thinking about.

After earnestly checking Liang Feng’s body and prescribing a prescription to send him to boil the medicine, Jiang Da only asked about the hospital. When he heard that after the previous war, only two county medical workers and a few nurses had rescued 60% of the seriously injured, he was also taken aback: “Is the nurse really so useful?”

His family is an imperial physician, and he has not had much contact with the military’s medical system. But Jiang Da knows the mental state of the injured after his serious injury. It is precisely because everyone knows that serious injuries are difficult to survive, so these injuries cannot raise the heart to survive, and some are even afraid of suffering and will directly kill themselves. Just a few more guardians can bring 60% of the seriously injured back to life. It’s incredible!

“Useful!” Liang Feng replied simply, “Everyone has a desire to survive. As long as they see a little hope and get a little attention, it will have a miraculous effect. In addition to protecting the mother, some arrangements must be made in the camp. Nurses, if there are injuries in the battle, they can also be treated on the spot, so that the chances of surviving are even greater.”

Jiang Da pondered for a moment and asked, “Then how will these disabled people live in the future?”

This is also a very important issue. Once disabled, there is a high chance that you will lose the ability to work. When the time comes, let alone in the army, it will be difficult to feed yourself by farming even if you retreat. Isn’t it a waste of effort to save these people?

“They already have second-class merits, and life will not be too problematic. After retiring from the military, they are placed in the village and can help guard the village. In their spare time, they can also give pointers to the villagers and help train auxiliary soldiers.”

This is something Liang Feng has long thought of. It’s hard to train strong soldiers, and it’s not a matter to just throw them away because of injuries. More powerful officers can be transferred to logistics, while ordinary soldiers can be sent to the countryside to assist in defense at the bottom level. The effect of someone pointing is completely different from that of no one. These disabled soldiers should also be able to strengthen the resistance of the people by a few points.

Unexpectedly, Liang Feng was so thorough in his consideration, Jiang Da no longer hesitated, nodded and said: “Then I am afraid I have to find some ulcer doctors. Jiang’s family also has children who specialize in golden sores. After a while, I will call in a few people to help. ”

Ulcers are a classification of medical science, which specializes in treating tumors, ulcers, golden ulcers, ulcers, etc., that is, surgical removal of ulcerated skin, which is equivalent to ancient surgeons. Although Jiang Da has also been exposed to this aspect of things, his inheritance is mainly on health preservation and medical treatment, which is the so-called disease doctor. If you want to treat the wounded on the battlefield, you really need to consider talents in this area.

Listening to what Jiang Da said, Liang Feng couldn’t help but say with joy: “If the hospital can recruit more doctors, it would be better. Regarding first aid, we must also sort out regulations for the people below to implement. These are all thanks to Jin.”

This is just like the previous Jinyang epidemic prevention. The regulations are first made and then implemented one by one, which can effectively improve efficiency. As if thinking of the past, Jiang Da also showed some smiles on his face: “The villain should do his best.”

With Jiang Da, a managerial talent who has presided over the epidemic prevention work in Jinyang, the hospital’s various matters soon started. With the limit of two persons per team, eight clever soldiers were selected from the battalion first, and Jiang Da gave them instructions on first aid knowledge.

Liang Feng also had to help, such as fixing fractures with branches and plaster. It is best to sterilize instruments, wear masks, and use clean gauze for bandaging during the operation. They all have the most basic common sense, but all of this knowledge is the most reasonable that has been summed up after thousands of trials, and of course it is useful.

However, everything is not on track yet, and annoying things are coming again. When seeing that Chen Lushi and the two educated doctors appear in front of him, even Liang Feng felt impatient.

“I heard that Liang Lang was ill, so Dong Yinggong specially invited two famous doctors to consult Liang Lang.” Chen Lushi explained with a smile on his face.

“I already have a doctor who Wang Zhongzheng has invited, so I don’t dare to bother Lao Dong to win the business.”

“That’s bad! Naturally, more doctors are better, so why bother Dongying is the imperial doctor. Liang Lang doesn’t need to worry. With two imperial doctors, he can definitely resolve the chronic illness.” Chen Lu paused and smiled. ” Or, Liang Lang doesn’t like to ask the imperial doctor for consultation?”

This is a shame. Liang Feng has a long eyebrow and Yixuan: “I’m afraid no one likes frequent consultations. But that’s fine, since Dongying has worked so hard, he will take care of it. Please also ask the two of you to follow down to the back room for diagnosis and treatment.”

With that, he stood up and walked to the back room. Since it was here to pick up the puncture, of course, a thorough physical examination was required. Chen Lu couldn’t keep up with things. Only two doctors followed Liang Feng into the room.

As soon as he entered the house, the strong smell of medicine floated into the nasal cavity. The two doctors frowned, so they couldn’t ask carefully, and they sat down and began to pulse. From the pulse on the wrist, to the tongue and nails, and then knocking on the chest, after a set of consultations, the two of them could not help but frown.

Among them, the older imperial physician hesitated and asked, “Has Liang Langjun ever taken loose medicine and hurt his body?”

The ulcer on his body was not thorough, and the Michaelis thread on his nails still left marks. These are all obvious symptoms. How can the imperial doctors fail to see it?

Liang Feng nodded: “Last year, the clothes were improperly scattered, and he was almost killed.”

“This…” The other doctor swallowed the second half of the sentence. how can that be? Looking at this person’s current state, it doesn’t look like someone who has taken Sansi before and caused the disease. Is it possible… “Did Liang Langjun abstained from Sansi?”

“That’s the case. The doctor Jiang personally treats it so that I can act as before.” Liang Feng said lightly.

“Doctor Jiang? But the one from Tongyan Jiang Mansion?” Royal Doctor Zheng hurriedly asked. That was Wang Yiling’s personal disciple, very famous. Not to mention the recent book “New Treatise on Febrile Diseases” that has been spread throughout Bingzhou. Many doctors think that this is the most outstanding typhoid medical classics since Zhang Changsha, which can be left in history. If it’s a patient seen by Doctor Jiang, they will come again for consultation, but they will be on the job.

“It’s Jiang Weng. It’s the Jiang family’s healer who is treating me now. Jin, come out.” Liang Feng called.

Jiang Da picked up the curtain and walked out from behind. Just now Liang Feng ordered someone to call him over, and after watching such a play, Jiang Da couldn’t help but feel resentment in his heart. Sima Teng is really an abomination!

Unexpectedly, the Jiang family was also there, and the two doctors became more embarrassed. Physician Sheng coughed dryly: “It can make the patients get rid of Danshi, Jiang Weng’s medical skills are so brilliant, we can’t wait.”

Jiang Da coldly said: “To get rid of the Danshi is the great perseverance of the lord, not the work of the grandfather.”

After being choked for a moment, Doctor Sheng couldn’t help but glance at the handsome man next to him. Quitting Hanshisan is easier said than done! No wonder he looks only sick, but not sick. This person’s determination is rare in the world!

Grand Doctor Zheng frowned: “Jiang Weng is a master of medical skills, and he is also the author of “New Treatise on Febrile Diseases”. As a child of the Jiang family, you should inherit medical skills, why bother…”

He didn’t finish his words, but his meaning was very clear. As a doctor, why worship others as your master?

Jiang Da’s face was even more grim: “The lord saves my life, and the hard work of my ancestors is also published by the lord, so that it can be widely spread. The lord treats me with such kindness as a mountain, and he should repay me with his own body.”

“Ah!” Unexpectedly, Jiang’s family and Liang’s mansion had such a relationship, and the doctor Zheng couldn’t help but feel a little ashamed.

Looking at the two of them, Jiang Da shook his head and sighed: “Healers are insignificant, and high-ranking officials and nobles can easily drive them, like slaves and servants. Now I have found a good master, but I am a bit luckier than the two.”

These words can be regarded as a pain in the heart of the two educated doctors. The same is an official. In the eyes of most powerful and powerful people, medical officers are just another type of craftsman who can be sent at will, just like slaves. Just like today. Obviously he is a really seriously ill and sick person, but they have to come all the way from Jinyang to check if they are pretending to be sick. This is nothing short of a slippery world! What do you think of these imperial doctors?

“It’s a sigh that there is no such luck for the old.” After a long silence, the Royal Physician Zheng finally sighed, “Well, since it’s here, I should offer a meager effort. I think Liang Langjun has ulcers for some time, and I don’t know what medicine to use. I have an oral prescription…”

“Does Liang Langjun feel that his vision is a little fuzzy? I also have a famous prescription here, which is very effective…”

These are all really useful prescriptions. Jiang Da’s coldness finally subsided, and he began to consult with the two imperial physicians in earnest.

Staying outside the room, waiting for someone to come out, Chen Lushi couldn’t help but hate it. It takes so long to see a disease, is it possible that Liang Feng wants to buy the two imperial doctors? It’s a pity that the people selected this time are all hard bones that can’t get in. As long as they pretend to be sick, they can be dismantled immediately!

This has been more than half a year, no matter what kind of illness Liang Feng said to Wang Zhongzheng, it should be cured now. See what excuses he has!

However, half an hour later, when the two imperial doctors came out and reported their condition, Chen Lushi was dumbfounded again: “What are you talking about? Liang Zixi is sick?”

“It’s true.” The doctor Zheng twisted his beard. “If it weren’t for the excellent work of the doctor, Liang Langjun would not be able to recover so quickly. However, it would take two or three years to eliminate the erysipelas and completely recover.”

Chen Lushi: “…”

But it really doesn’t look like Liang Feng has such a serious illness! There are countless gentry and celebrities with sick faces, and I am afraid that those who are often taken away look more like patients than him. How can you have such bright eyes? !

However, the two imperial doctors really did not lie, and Chen Lu couldn’t help sweating on his head. It wasn’t until this time that he realized that there seemed to be a reason why this person was favored by Wang Wen. Such a real celebrity cannot be framed by these little tricks. How can I hate myself for being involved in such a thing, and how do I have to explain to Dongying Gong?

It was obviously winter, and he saw sweat on his head. After struggling for a long time, he leaned forward and bowed: “The official is reckless, please forgive me Liang Lang.”

“Dong Yinggong is also kind, why is it so strange?” Liang Feng said lightly.

“Ah, this time the Dongying Gongming villain sent three carts of medicinal materials, and I also asked Liang Lang to accept it.” Chen Lushi said hastily. At this time, he did not dare to mention the matter of staying too much to cure the disease, of course he had to take the people back and let them personally report it.

“Thank you Dong Ying for giving me the medicine generously.” Don’t be a fool for the medicine delivered to the door, Liang Feng unceremoniously agreed.

Lost a lot of face, and lost three carts of medicinal materials, Chen Lushi dare not stay for a long time, and left the Liang Mansion in embarrassment.

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