Rubik’s Cube Heavens

Chapter 13: Cultural person

Forbearing the slight sense of cleanliness, Cowen followed Ollivander all the way to the bar, but Ollivander obviously did not intend to sit and stay, but just like he has been doing it since he came out of the hospital. In the same way, the identity of Kewen was introduced to the bar owner.

"Oh~ welcome to our lucky Mr. Quinn." After listening to Ollivander’s introduction, the bar owner immediately stood on tiptoe from behind the bar, crossed the bar with his upper body, and reached out in front of Cowen, saying very enthusiastically: " My name is Tom, you can order whatever you want, just call me old Tom."

   "You, hello, Mr. Tom." Kewen did not call the other person old Tom obediently. His main task now is to get himself a first person, such as being well-behaved, polite, and cowardly. After all, facing this strange and familiar world, he hadn't made any preparations yet.

   "What a polite little gentleman." Boss Tom still smiled enthusiastically, and shook the small hand extended by Kewen.

   "I'm sorry Tom." Seeing that the two had already known each other, Ollivander interjected: "I have to do a lot of things today. Next time I am free, I will come to your place for a drink."

   "Of course." Boss Tom nodded happily and smiled at Ollivander: "It just so happens that we are studying to add a new dish in the last few days. I hope we will have it ready when you visit next time."

   "I would love to taste it." Ollivander responded with a smile: "I hope it is as delicious as the suckling pig in your shop."

   "You won't be disappointed." Boss Tom turned and walked to the entrance and exit barrier of the bar, and said at the same time, "I'll take both of you to the back alley."

   "No no, don't see Tom like that." Ollivander waved his hand: "I'll take him there by myself."

   "Um... that's okay." Boss Tom pondered for a moment, smiled and agreed, then looked at Cowen and said, "Then also welcome Mr. Quinn to visit next time."

   "Good, good Mr. Tom." Kewen straightened his upper body quickly and responded with a cautious expression.

   "Let's go."

   Ollivander reached out and patted Cowen on the shoulder, with the other finger in the direction of the back door. But before taking a step, I glanced at a newspaper on the bar from the corner of my eye...

   Following Ollivander's guidance, the two passed through the back door of the bar, and finally stood in front of a gray brick wall.

   "Attention here." Ollivander took out his wand with his right hand, and said with his left finger under the brick wall, "Remember the location of this trash can."

   "Good sir." Kewen nodded in response.

   "The position of the'door lock' here will change every once in a while." Ollivander explained carefully: "But as long as you remember the location of the trash can, it is easy to find the position of the'door lock'."

   "Count up three bricks from the trash can, then count two more horizontally, and finally knock three bricks on the wall with a magic wand."

   Following Ollivander’s explanation, when he finished the third tap with his magic wand, the wall tiles hit suddenly retracted inward.

   Then, centering on that brick, the gray bricks on the entire brick wall were either convex or concave, and moved one after another. After three breaths, a doorway that can accommodate two adults side by side in and out appeared in front of Kewen.

   The scene in front of him made the already blurred movie scenes in Cowen's mind clear, and many fragments of the movie scenes that he had seen before emerged from his memory one after another.

   "Have you seen a similar sight before?"

   Ollivander's voice sounded, interrupting Cowen's memory.

   "Huh? No, not at all." Kewen responded immediately after returning to his senses.

   "I thought you should be the same as the Muggles who saw this sight for the first time." Ollivander's tone was inexplicable: "Even if you didn't yell, you should be very shocked."

"No... I just..." Kewen just wanted to show a surprised expression with kindness, but fortunately, the actor's IQ was online. He immediately controlled the facial muscles without changing his expression. He said in a confused tone: "It's just that I have experienced too much today. Unthinkable things, I... Am I really dreaming now, sir?"

   The voice fell, Kewen's eyes diverged slightly, he raised his head without focusing, and looked into Ollivander's eyes.

   Ollivander's eyes flashed with a faint, then he raised his hand and stroked Cowen's hair, and said softly: "Of course it's not a dream, it's because I ignored your situation."

   The palm of the back of Cowen's head finally patted Cowen on the shoulder: "Let's go, I will take you to adapt to the new environment here and your new life in the future. Follow me well."

   Seeing Ollivander lead the way, his body passed through the doorway, Cowen focused his eyes on the spot, breathed a little inaudible, and followed up with his short legs.

Followed Ollivander all the way, stepped on the ground paved with fine pebbles; squeezed through the almost rubbing people in the alley; dazzledly saw all kinds of shops on both sides of the alley; finally, the two of them were in a shop. Stopped in front of the door.

The store looks small and broken. Between the two protruding glass bay windows, there is a black wooden window and door. The color of the gold sign on the door has been peeled off, and it says Ollivander, since 380 BC Well-made magic wand for two years.

   Ollivander opened the lock and pushed the door. As the brass bell rang above the door frame, Kewen followed Ollivander and walked into the store.

   The shop is not big, the welcoming place is about five meters square, and there is a bench for the guests to sit and rest. All the locations of the welcome area extending into the store are filled with wooden cabinets, all of which are filled with long and narrow boxes. Between the cabinets on both sides, there is only a meter-wide corridor for people. Walk around.

   "Well, Kewen, UU reading, you sit down for a while." Ollivander said as he walked to the checkout counter.

   "Good sir." Cowen sat down on the bench honestly.

   Of course, this wand shop is obviously in the same line as the magic world, and it looks messy and sloppy. Kewen can only endure this, after all, this is not the time for him to express any opinions.

On the other side, Ollivander rummaged under the checkout counter for a moment, stuffed a document into his pocket, and walked out. At the same time, he said, “There is no fireplace in the shop. I have to go to the Ministry of Magic from the public fireplace. Help you fill in some formalities."

   Seeing Ollivander coming over, Corvin quickly got up from the bench, but Ollivander pressed his shoulder and sat back again.

He patted Cowen on the shoulder, and Ollivander said softly: "I will be back in about 20 minutes. Remember, if there are guests coming in, then ask them to wait a while or go to other stores to buy things first. After all. It’s the beginning of the school season, and many new guests come here at this time of the year."

   "Okay." Kewen nodded immediately: "I wrote it down."

   Ollivander smiled with satisfaction, walked towards the door, and said as he walked: "You are in the store and don't move, I..."

   Without waiting for Ollivander to finish speaking, Kewen almost conditioned his response immediately: "I will just eat two, leftovers, cough cough..."

   "What?" Ollivander stopped blankly and looked back at Kewen.

   Kewen coughed and his face blushed, and after suppressing the cough, he quickly responded: "No, no, it's nothing, I'm just a little distracted..."

"Oh sorry, I ignored it again." Ollivander smiled at the words, and stepped forward again. As his figure disappeared at the door, the last words came into the store at the same time: "I will bring you some food when I come back. of…"

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