Rubik’s Cube Heavens

Chapter 42: Senseless


   There are three classes in Gryffindor on this day, one herbal medicine class in the morning, one magic history class in the afternoon, and one astrology class in the evening.

   This day's class made Cowen very relaxed, because the class with Gryffindor was Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff College.

   Finally, I was far away from the group of Slytherin neurotic bear children.

   The day was spent in a dull manner, and Kewen was not in his head, adding points to Gryffindor or something.

   There is something unusual about this day, that is, during lunch, a lot of letters from owls were received at the long table of Slytherin College, but few other colleges.

  This also reminded Cowen of something he had neglected: It has been five days since enrolling in school, and he has not written a letter to Ollivander yet.

   In the evening, before returning to the bedroom, Kewen made a special trip to the owl shed, and took his owl ‘咻咻’ back.

   In the bedroom, Kewen unfolded the letter paper, pinched the quill pen that didn't go well, and began to write to Ollivander.

   In the letter, Kewen roughly recounted his life these few days, and also talked about some of his class studies, and he also wrote in a bragging tone about the points he gave to Gryffindor.

   Kewen intends to use the letter as a bridge to let the other party discover his gradually changed character through the change of tone in the letter. To pave the way for the difference in personalities when meeting Ollivander in the future.

   After finishing writing about the events of the past few days, Kewen made a request euphemistically in the letter, saying that he wanted a fountain pen, or an ‘automatic shorthand quill pen’.

   After checking the finished letter last, Kewen put the letter paper into the envelope, filled in the address, and sealed it with fire paint.

   "Hey, come on." Kewen greeted the owl who was standing on the windowsill and combing his feathers.

  咻咻 was very obedient, spread his wings and made a jump, gliding over from the window sill, and landed on the outstretched arm of Kewen.

   "Be good, send the letter to the'Ollivander Wand Shop'." Kewen lifted the envelope and handed it to the owl.

   咻咻 was a response, and then the probe opened the bird's beak and held the envelope in his mouth.

   After rubbing his head against Cowen's shoulder, he jumped off Cowen's arm, spread his wings and flapped on the ground, and quickly rushed out of the window sill and disappeared into the night sky.

   Until he couldn't see the owl, Cowen looked back, and then opened a piece of letter paper again.

   The next letter is addressed to Penello's parents. He intends to hand it to Penello tomorrow morning and ask her to send it with an owl...

   spent one night, the next morning.

   Kovinlei went to the cliff to exercise without moving, and then went to the auditorium to wait for the breakfast to start.

   After breakfast, Corvin handed the letter to Penello and asked her to deliver it with an owl.

   "Oh my God!" Penello suddenly whispered after listening, "I forgot to write to home!"

   "I only remembered it yesterday." Kewen said with a chuckle: "After all, the college life has just begun, and there are so many wonderful things that let us ignore the others for a while."

   "That's right." Penello nodded in agreement, and then said, "I will let the owl deliver the letter later. I will also write a letter to my home during the lunch break, and then let the owl send it back together."

   "Of course." Kewen didn't care about that.

   The two chatted for a while, until they were about to go to class, then they said goodbye to each other and went to different classes.

   Stepping into the classroom, Kewen's previously good mood can't help but deteriorate.

  Because half of the students in the class were Slytherin bear kids, at this time the bear kids began to throw ice skates at him again with their eyes.

   Kewen turned a blind eye to this choice, found an empty seat, sat down, and opened the "potions" textbook, reading and reviewing page by page.

   The class bell rang, and the wooden door of the classroom suddenly opened with a bang, as if being kicked open, hitting the walls on both sides of the door.

   The students who were startled turned their heads, and saw a wizard like a big walking bat, walking quickly across the aisle with almost no ups and downs, and walked to the side of the podium.

   He walks so fast that almost no one can see his face under his loose hair.

  The visitor was the only Professor Snape who had not formally communicated with Kewen during the vacation before school.

   In the few meetings before the beginning of school, it was only the first time that Ollivander introduced each other to each other.

   Kewen will greet politely when we meet again later. But all he got was Professor Snape's unexplained gaze, and he had never received a verbal response.

   Snape's voice hardly fluctuates, his speech does not seem to contain any emotion, and he likes to lengthen or shorten the pronunciation of words.

   His way of speaking makes people feel chills in the back.

   Coupled with his incomprehensible eyes, almost not many students dared to look at him.

   Start a formal lecture.

   Snape's teaching method is similar to that of other professors. First, I will outline the content and significance of the potions class, and then ask a few questions to the students.

   Kewen had offended the students of Slytherin, in order not to continue to offend the Dean of Slytherin, so after Professor Snape asked questions, Kewen immediately raised his hand.

   But Snape just glanced at Cowen, then turned a blind eye, and called a Slytherin student with a raised hand to answer a question.

   After answering, the Slytherin student was awarded five points by Snape and raised his head proudly.

   At the same time, many Slytherin students cast disdainful glances at Cowen.

   Seeing this, Kewen muttered in his heart: The illness is not mild.

   Next, Professor Snape asked two more questions, and both ordered the Slytherin students to answer. At the same time, he gave Slytherin College 10 points.

   At this time, Kewen could see it clearly. This Professor Snape was obviously blatantly favoring his own college.

   Seeing this, Kewen simply stopped raising his hands in an attempt to answer questions. Just play as you like, it has nothing to do with me...

  The usual question is over. Next, Snape began to teach everyone how to configure the potion to treat the ‘fire boil’.

  While listening to the lecture, Cowen was dumbfounded, because the unit of measurement spit out from Snape's mouth was really unfriendly to him in Cowen's view.

  What some, what little, what little, what ounce, what dram...

   Kewen felt his head buzzing.

   Until Professor Snape asked everyone to start teaming up and deploying potions, Kewen didn't recover from these anti-human measurement units.

   As a last resort, Kewen had to ask his roommate Dana to measure the herbal medicine.

   And he is responsible for hands-on, operating the heat, and mixing the liquid medicine.

   After the potion was successfully brewed, Snape did not know when he came to the side of Cowen's group. Professor Snape lowered his eyes to look at the potion Cowen had made, and then glanced at Cowen disgustingly.


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