Rubik’s Cube Heavens

Chapter 57: transition

""Controlling Emotions and Stabilizing the Foundation of the Curse"?" Mrs. Pins was a little surprised when she heard the words, examining Cowen and said: "That's a very unpopular book. Few students from the students come to borrow it. Where do you listen to it? Said?"

   "Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick recommended me to borrow." Kewen replied truthfully.

   "So that's it." Mrs. Pins knew it, and nodded: "Come over and fill out a loan form."

   "Good Madam." Kewen stepped forward, took the quill pen handed by the other party, and filled out the loan form.

After filling in, Kewen inserted the quill into the ink bottle and got up and asked, "Madam, can you tell me which shelf the book is on? You know, there are more than a thousand shelves in the entire library. I only rely on myself. I'm afraid I can't find where the book is."

   "Of course." Mrs. Pins said, raising her hand, and pointed to an area of ​​the library: "There, on the shelf number 316, if you remember correctly, it should be in the second grid on the shelf."

   "Okay." Kewen got the answer, and after a reply, he turned around eagerly and walked in the direction pointed by Mrs. Pins.

   Behind him, Mrs. Pins's urge sounded: "By the way, pay attention to safety when climbing the ladder."

   "I will be careful, thank you Madam for reminding." Cowen turned his head and smiled and thanked him.

   It didn't take long for Kewen on the ladder to find the book. Because he couldn't help but curiosity, he didn't simply climb down the bookshelf ladder first, but looked through it as soon as he got the book.

   There are more spells recorded in the book than in the previous book. There are ‘cooling spells’ that can reverse one's emotions when falling into negative emotions, and several spells that can make people feel happy, happy, and other positive emotions.

   At the back of the book is a very long paper. Kewen glanced at the beginning and found that it was a paper discussing the relationship between emotions, curses, and wizarding personality.

   did not continue to read, Kewen closed the book contentedly, and then climbed down from the bookshelf ladder.

   After Mrs. Peaces greeted, Kewen left the library and returned to the bedroom to start reading.


   Time passed in a hurry, and in a blink of an eye, late autumn passed and winter arrived.

In the past few months, Cowen has gradually discovered that he seems to have survived the crisis of confidence without doing anything. Principal Dumbledore has not spied on him anymore, and the professors have not alienated him, but have become more concerned about his study and life. Take care of it.

   As a result, Kewen gradually put down his defenses, stopped being an actor, and only became his true self every day, and spent most of his time on studying.

  Occasionally, when I feel good, I will also participate in gossip chats between some students, unlike when I just started school, I will be a little withdrawn.

   Since Kewen’s life pattern is basically between the cafeteria, classroom, and bedroom, he got several nicknames—Gryffindor nerd, Ravenclaw spy, and enemy of the Sorting Hat.

   Of course, these nicknames are all elements of a joke, but a joke that Kewen seems to be assigned to the wrong college.

   But if Cowen is really transferred to Ravenclaw, I am afraid that no Gryffindor will agree, after all, after a few months, Cowen has given Gryffindor more than one hundred and fifty points.

   Even if Professor Snape continued to favor the Slytherins, he kept giving the Slytherins extra points, and now Gryffindor’s ‘college points’ are also overwhelming, twenty points higher than Slytherin College.

   This made Cowen mixed up in Gryffindor so that he and the students of all grades could talk.

   In a blink of an eye, Christmas is coming, and the students are looking forward to the short holiday of Christmas. Of course in addition to Kewen. After all, he didn't understand why wizards still celebrate the Holy See's festivals. Logically speaking, the relationship between the two should be mortal enemies.

   For this reason, Kewen also went to the library to check the materials, and finally found that there were two reasons.

   is the reason for the old version, because the so-called "Witch Elimination Movement" in the Muggle world was a joke.

   The wizards at that time were very keen to molested the Holy See, deliberately caught by the Holy See, and then used various spells to protect their safety when being tortured, and then went to watch the various reactions and faces of the Muggles in the execution ground jokingly.

In the early days, this kind of behavior was very popular among wizards. The'fire curse' has almost become a compulsory spell for all wizards. Most wizards like to scream while pretending to be at fire. Watching the Muggles' reaction playfully.

   Therefore, in order to highlight the nobleness of wizards and the foolishness of Muggles, the magical world has also designated Christmas in the Holy See as a holiday, so that wizards can collectively have fun on the holiday and share their experience of molesting Muggles.

   As for the second reason, it originated in modern times.

   Due to the gradual reform of the magic world, in modern times, children from Muggle and mixed-race families have been more attracted and entered the magic world.

   In this way, Christmas in the magical world has also been assimilated by more and more Muggles and half-blood wizards. Therefore, Christmas gradually loses its meaning in the past, and the festival finally becomes like the Muggle world.


   The night before Christmas holidays. UU reading

   Kewen read Ollivander’s letter, and then opened the letter paper to reply.

   It is customary to complain that there are too many things that I want to learn, complain that my time and memory are not enough, and write the learning situation and bonus points of this week in the letter.

   Finally, Kewen stated in his letter that he would not need Ollivander to pick him up at the train station. He would first go to Penello's house as a guest, and then take the Cavaliers bus back to Diagon Alley by himself.

   checked the reply from the beginning, and after not finding any omissions, Kewen called the owl ‘咻咻’ and handed it the letter paper.

   "Good boy, you don't have to come back to school after sending the letter." Kewen raised his hand and gently stroked the owl's back feathers, and said softly, "Just stay in the wand shop. I'll go back tomorrow."

   "Ou Ou—" Hum Hum replied twice in a very understanding human language, and then under the push of Kewen's arm, he flew out of the bedroom window and disappeared into the night sky.

   This time, Kewen no longer watched him leave, but immediately closed the bedroom window.

  Because since the winter came, the wind outside the windows was blocked by the castle, which made it look like a howling ghost. Even with the window covering every night, it still couldn't stop the howling of ghosts and wolves from entering the bedroom.

For this reason, Kewen had to find Professor Flitwick to learn a'silencing spell' specially, adding the spell to the window every day before going to bed, so as to ensure that within a few hours of the spell's effect, he can keep himself safe. Fall asleep.

   A good night dream.

   The next morning, regardless of the cold weather, Kewen routinely exercised on the edge of the cliff, and then returned to the auditorium for breakfast.

   After breakfast, the students left the school together with their salutes and went to the station...

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