Rubik’s Cube Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 117: riot

Cowen was dragged away.

This is a realistic description.

As soon as she was teleported to the parliament hall, Jinx couldn't wait to grab Ke Wen's hand, and then she ran away.

The inhuman force directly pulled Ke Wen's feet off the ground, and his body was thrown horizontally behind Jinx's back!

Ke Wen, dumbfounded, did not dare to resist, he could only let himself be taken away by Jinx.

In this way, like a kite, he was quickly brought to the gate of the villa belonging to Jinx.

When Jinx stopped, Cowen finally landed on both feet.

He tapped Jinx's small head with his fingers, and reprimanded in a depressed tone: "What kind of words! Then what if I'm a wooden stake?"

"Hey hey..."

Jinx pretended to be obedient and stuck out the tip of her tongue, and then she pushed the door and said, "Kewen, come in with me and have a look! It's really fun that we made it!"

After the words fell, her figure had already rushed into the villa.

Ke Wen shook his head speechlessly, and immediately walked in.

Jinx's so-called good things are placed in the lobby on the first floor.

Ke Wen couldn't help being surprised when he saw it.

Afterwards, he ignored Jinx who was doing a look-at gesture, but asked Victor who was standing not far from Jinx: "Did you use that core on it?"

"Yes, sir!"

Victor raised his hand and patted the brass-colored robot beside him with a smile: "You said that the thing powered by that core will be very spiritual, so I thought about designing a robot, so that it will The most effective way to play the role of that core.”

"So you two have been doing this these days?"

Ke Wen looked at the robot, and then chuckled softly: "Why is it so crude?"

"Blitz is not simple!"

Jinx was a little dissatisfied and immediately emphasized: "In your words, this is called simplification! It looks like it only has a few iron pipes and a few pieces of iron sheet! But you know that the design of the energy circuits in its body is unique. How difficult is it?"

She patted the metal shell on the robot: "Torso center! Limbs and head! In order to ensure that there is no delay in the order! I have almost experimented with hundreds of rune combination formulas in the past few days!"

"It will be upgraded in the future!"

Victor took the opportunity to speak and interjected.

He added: "Sir, Blitzcrank has just been born, whether it's me and Jinx, or Blitzcrank, we are too immature."

"You're immature!" Jinx said casually.

Victor smiled apologetically, and then he continued: "Sir, our design is not perfect, and there will definitely be a lot of room for improvement in the future."

"So we didn't design it to be more perfect from the beginning."

He pointed to the robot's rough fists, then to the robot's crude legs and chubby chest area.

"We only added four simple functions to it, through energy overload to make it move faster, and to radiate magical energy around, oh yes, it will also launch hook claws to the distance, and the fist can also be wrapped with electric current to attack."

"Of course, these combat functions are secondary. The most important thing is that it can help us manipulate the experimental equipment according to orders!"

After a brief introduction, Victor went on to say: "We have not added other functions, but intend to observe the performance of Blitzcrank in the future, and then continue to improve its design by checking for deficiencies."

"That's right!"

Jinx proudly agreed with his small body: "Improve it if you find any shortcomings! When I gradually become proficient in the technology of making robots, I will create the most perfect robot sooner or later!"

"It's not just us."

Victor answered the call again: "Blitz also needs to grow up slowly!"

He looked at the robot as if looking at his own child, and said softly, "That core gave it an ignorant consciousness, and Blitz will grow up slowly like a human being."

"And it is inevitable to stumble in the process of growing up."

Victor smiled very kindly: "So let it use its crude body first, and when it learns not to let itself get hurt, then we will replace it with a better body."

"How about it?"

Jinx pinched his waist triumphantly: "Am I worthy of praise now?"

"Yeah." Ke Wen nodded with a smile: "Very good, your ideas are very mature, it is indeed worthy of praise, well done!"

Hearing this, Jinx suddenly giggled contentedly.

After laughing enough, she urged in a hurry: "Hurry up! Victor! Let's take Britz to the battlefield! Let him have a practical test on the battlefield."

Victor couldn't bear it.

But after thinking about the rule of no casualties on the battlefield, he nodded again: "Okay! Blitzcrank!"

He shouted an instruction to the robot: "Activate!"


The sound of mechanical operation suddenly sounded, and energy quickly circulated in the robot's body.

After a brief shake, the robot's legs changed from bent to straight, from a squatting position to a standing position.

After the eyes were illuminated by the light blue magic light, a steam erupted from the pipe behind the robot.

"The engine has started and is ready to go."

After speaking a mechanical voice with an accent, the robot Blitzcrank turned its metal head, and a pair of electronic eyes swept over the three of Kewen one by one.

"Creator Victor, creator Jinx, Blitzcrank is operating normally, please issue the next order."

"Come with me!"

Jinx immediately greeted loudly: "Blitz! Activate acceleration mode!"

"Command received, acceleration mode activated."

The steam erupted again, and the sound of energy operation intensified.

Afterwards, the robot chased Jinx who rushed out of the villa with sparks and lightning.


Victor hurriedly said goodbye: "Excuse me! I have to follow immediately to collect various data on Britz!"

After speaking, he nodded to Ke Wen, and then rushed out of the villa at the same speed.

Looking at the distant figure of the two and the machine, Ke Wen couldn't help smiling and shaking his head slightly.

He checked just now, and the Blitzcranks of this world are no longer tainted by the Will of the Void.

The steam robot who always said 'the human age is over' will never appear again.

Thinking of this, Ke Wen couldn't help scratching the stubble on his chin lightly.

He remembered something.

Now that Van der and Grayson have distributed the leaflets all over the world, should he use this opportunity to directly establish the 'War College'?

As for the saying that 'Zhanzheng College' is not seen by the heroes of Runeterra?

This is also easy to handle, the birth of Blitz gave Cowen a solution.

That is to expose the existence of 'void' in advance.

On the peninsula at the southeasternmost corner of the Nurima continent, there is a ruined land of ancient city ruins.

The peninsula is shrouded in mist all year round, and it's full of oddly shaped or gigantic decaying things.

That peninsula is also called the land of darkness by outsiders, and like the Shadow Island, it is a restricted area of ​​life in Runeterra.

Others don't know what's going on in that peninsula, but Cowen does.

He knew that there was the Forgotten Land—Icacia!

He even knew that there were already void creatures active in Icacia, and some descendants of the fallen continued to study forbidden books and void magic inside.

As long as this matter is exposed, Ke Wen believes that there will be heroes who are more leisurely and more sanctified to investigate.

When the existence of the forces of the void is confirmed, at that time, heroes all over the world will definitely become interested in the 'Zhan Zhan Academy' who sent the news first!

However, Ke Wen thought about it and gave up this plan.



So let's take it step by step.

Since Zaun can get that Arbitration Prestige steadily in the original plan, why bother to toss and toss?

So Ke Wen chose to continue to lie flat and be his salted fish.

If you have that time, why not spend more time with your daughters.

After all, seeing that the eldest girl is about to 'get married' and separate out, the remaining time should be cherished!

After thinking about it, Kewen walked out of Jinx's villa with a sigh, and then turned into the villa next to him.

At the same time, today, ten days have passed since the arrival of the Noxus mission, a riot finally took place on the bright side of Pierwater!



Wei knocked down a masked man who dared to rush towards her with a punch, and then she quickly raised her head to look at the top of the building not far away.

Seeing that Caitlin was safely holding a rifle on the roof, Wei looked away.

"Who gave you the courage?!"

She shouted to the four assassins who were staying behind to cover her companions from escaping: "Don't you know that the two cities are covered by me?!"


Wei pointed to those who were running away: "Leave this to me! You catch those who escaped!"

Except for the law enforcement officer who was fighting the masked assassin, everyone else followed orders immediately.

They activated the shimmer potion spray in their equipment, and then quickly jumped into the air one by one!

The law enforcement officers passed the masked assassins in the rear.

They either jumped directly over the assassin's head, or jumped onto the building next to the street, and chased the fleeing people along the building wall.

Several masked assassins in the rear wanted to stop it, but they had more than enough energy.

The strength of the few law enforcement officers who are fighting with them is beyond what the assassins can handle in a short time!

Assassins feel very uncomfortable!

The combat skills of the law enforcement officers are very hip, but what makes people collapse is that the strength, agility, even toughness and endurance of the law enforcement officers are very inhuman!

Assassin's attacks are often seen to be effective, and as a result, the law enforcement officers all dodged the attack with awkward and agile movements like felines!

Therefore, the assassins who stayed behind had no spare energy to take care of other things!

Not to mention there is still a coveted Wei!

But what are you afraid of?

No, after Wei finished giving orders, she immediately rushed into the battle with a pair of gloves.

Assassin's fighting skills are very strong, but no matter how strong they are, they are still within the category of ordinary humans.

For Wei's strength, this is like a child's play house!

Therefore, with only three punches and two kicks, Wei sent the remaining five assassins flying out.

Looking at the fallen assassins moaning around, Wei raised her head and shouted to the roof: "Honey! Where did the rest go?"

Caitlin's face flushed instantly at the shout.

She looked awkwardly at the law enforcement officers who remained on the battlefield, and then quickly looked at the crowd hiding around.

Then she quickly stood up and shouted: "Wei Olai! Watch your words carefully! Those who ran away have been caught by the law enforcement officers!"

Below, Wei shrugged disapprovingly.

Then she sneered at the surrounding law enforcement officers: "You are all useless! Without the enhancement of medicine, you can still catch the prisoner with your abilities?!"

The law enforcement officers were scorned and ashamed.

They are powerless to refute, because the facts are obvious.

These people have just drank the optimized version of the low-light potion, and their physical fitness has already surpassed that of ordinary people by several times.

But even so, they still could only delay the assassin's footsteps, but they were completely powerless to successfully take down the assassin.

This made them have to endure Wei's majesty.

And Wei didn't seem to have ridiculed enough, maybe because she was already dissatisfied with these light bulbs that disturbed her and Caitlin's relationship, so she planned to take the opportunity to have enough.

However, just when she opened her mouth to say something, a scream suddenly sounded!

"Be careful, Wei—"

Caitlin screamed anxiously from the top of the building.

Wei was taken aback.

At the same time, her sixth sense sensed the danger from behind!


Without any panic, she immediately took a step sideways following the sense of crisis.

The next moment!


A gunshot suddenly echoed in the street, causing some citizens to scream.

Wei, who didn't see the ballistic, turned her head in surprise.

She didn't look in the direction of the sense of crisis, but looked at the edge of the street where the gunshots sounded.

Vi met a surprised look.

It was a woman, a woman who was hiding behind a fruit stand on the street.

The woman has long curly red hair, and is holding a revolver with an expanded barrel at this time, and gunpowder smoke is dissipating from the muzzle.

Wei didn't take a closer look at the other party.

She retracted her gaze and looked at the assassins.

Frowning tightly, she shouted in a low voice: "Do these **** still have guns?! It seems that I beat you lightly! You!"

She gave an order to the law enforcement officers who had just recovered: "Go and detain them immediately! Be careful of their sudden violent attack!"


The law enforcement officials responded solemnly and rushed towards the fallen assassins in vigilance.

This time there was no accident again, except for the assassin who sneaked up before, who should have been injured relatively lightly, the other assassins were powerless to make any moves at all.

Seeing this, Wei waved her hand to send the assassin back to the Law Enforcement Bureau for custody, and then she walked towards the red-haired woman who rescued her.

After a few steps, I came to the fruit stand.

Across the fruit stand, Wei said to the other party: "Although it's not necessary, thank you for saving me, and..."

She pointed at the revolver in the opponent's hand: "It's not that I'm ungrateful, my friend, Pierwater and Zaun are my territory, and it's your freedom to hold a gun, but it's best not to shoot indiscriminately, lest I be inappropriate." I won't catch you."

"That's right." Wei raised his chin to the other party: "What's your name?"

Hearing this, the red-haired woman put away the pistol disapprovingly, and then a nice and lazy voice sounded...

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