Rules of Biomancy: A LitRPG Healer Fantasy

Book 1 Afterword


I'm Buller, the author of Rules of Biomancy. I'm happy that you read the book! It means a lot to me, that somebody likes this genre-mashing attempt of mine. I spent a lot of time on planning this series and seeing it pay off like this is something I'm very grateful for.

I don't have a lot I really want to say, but there are a few points I feel the need to go through.

Ending of Book 1

It's not what everybody had predicted. Not outright at least, all the background information and reasoning not being revealed in this book alone. I've seen comments where people have had theories about future twists, and I must say some of you are scarily close to the outline. Actually made me wonder if it leaked a few times.

Future plots.

Anyway. Book 1 is just the start. It's meant to be the jumping board to create the series that Nomad Healer, one of my old series, was originally intended to be. My original one-line idea for this whole book was 'lotr but gandalf is the main character,' and I think I stuck with that pretty well. And, it's only going to grow from that with the hive of politics we'll see unfold very soon. I've loved the ability that Multi-POV gives, since it allows the reader to see the plot unfold from several angles, and I will be using it again as well.

The dreaded upload schedule

I have to be fully honest here. The original outline for book 1 was written this time last year, the revised outline was written in December, the first 3 chapters were written in January, and the rest of the book was written between June 17th and July 20th. Not a very consistent schedule, I admit, since there wasn't much writing after that point either.

I still have some backlog of book 2! With my current system of around 3 chapters a day, it'll last... 1 day.

The rapid releases aren't something I can keep up from this point. It sucks but it is what it is. I'll do my best to get you 1 chapter a day from here on out, but it might be shaky these first few weeks. Have to get back into the habit.

Also, while growth is happening, the bonus chapters will still be a thing. My RS run is ending soon, but I'll stick to my promises regarding them.

How do we know you aren't dropping this in 3 weeks randomly?

Well, first off, that's not how I phrased the other sections of this afterword, imaginary reader, but I'll let it slide.

As a form of assurance to you all, I can now announce I've signed with Aethon(insert celebratory music here). The first book probably isn't going up on KU until sometime next year, but this should still keep me chained up until the series has been fully written.

My current goal is to have the rest of the series completed before January 1st, but we'll see how far along we are when Book 2 is over.

And... that's basically it?

Again, thanks for reading this first book. I hope you will enjoy the rest as well!

Oh, and here's the original cover art for book 1. Thought you might enjoy it:

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.