Rules Strange Talk: My Abilities Are All Karma Laws!

Chapter 70

Chapter 70: What Evil Heart? I Had The Tomahawk Steak! [Seeking The First Order! 】

Chapter 70: What evil heart? I ate Tomahawk Steak! 【First Order!】

That “heart of the greedy man” seemed too much of an outsider.

Not only was it bloody, the main thing was that this thing was beating all the time, as if it was alive!

Bai Xuan thinks that his psychological endurance is already good, but if he is allowed to eat this thing, it is really better to give him a knife…

In his worried eyes, Mo looked calmly at the tray in front of him.

At this time, several other contestants were also looking at Gao Mo with awe.

the reason is simple..……

In the previous audition process, they witnessed how Gao Mo played the game.

Any food that reaches his mouth will be eaten by him without any grudges or expressions!


During this process, Gao Mo seemed to be completely unaware of the power of those dishes, and the bad food value was always positive!

In this situation, even in the gluttonous city famous for “eating”, it would be a very explosive situation.


In fact, the contestants have already convinced Gao Mo, they just want to see if this tall man can still eat the “greedy heart” without expression.

This thing is not just as simple as having various special effects, it is the heart of a low-level evil god!

Every part of the evil god’s body, even just the fingernails, possesses powers unimaginable to ordinary people, and the various evil god auras contained in it, to ordinary people, they are simply life-threatening talismans!

Taotie City is very powerful, but the number of gods hunted by Ping is not too many.

This has also led to…even among the nobles of the Gluttonous City, few have really tasted the taste of evil gods!

This is also the qualification for Bai Xuan’s track, which is to cut off the tentacles of the sons of evil gods and use them in making dishes

The tentacles of the heirs of the evil gods are still highly anticipated by the big diners and the nobles of the gluttonous city, not to mention that they are the heart of the true Righteous & Evil God!

Even if it is a low-level evil god, it is not something ordinary people can taste.

In the eyes of everyone looking forward to or fearing, Gao Mo looked calm, and gently picked up a knife and a fork.

This heart is really a bit big at 15, so although Gao Mo used to use chopsticks, he still uses a knife and fork now.

next second…

A sound of “噗味” came from his hands, and Gao Mo had cut off a small piece of the heart of the low-ranking evil god.

Even though it has been cut, the small piece is still beating.

The activity of this thing is simply unimaginable!

Gao Mo’s expression didn’t change much, but if someone looked closer, he could find lines of garbled characters flashing in his eyes, through his eyes he could even see in the depths of his light… there seemed to be a picture Nanmian, which is completely different from the scene in front of him, is flickering!

In that picture, Gao Mo is sitting in an elegant restaurant, and in front of him is no longer the heart of a lowly evil god, but a fat, tender and delicious Tomahawk steak!

What Gao Mo cut with a knife and fork was the most tender piece of the Tomahawk steak.

Immediately afterwards, he forked the steak, put it in his mouth, and started chewing!

In the banquet hall, Gao Mo made the same action. After the fragment of the evil god’s heart entered Gao Mo’s mouth, people around him even vaguely heard a scream and dizzy mental fluctuations.

But none of this affects Gao Mo…

He chewed slowly, as if tasting the most delicious food in the world.

As for the influence of the evil god’s heart on him… Well, I can’t say that there is no effect at all, I can only say that it has no effect!

This scene immediately made all the nobles of Taotie City widen their eyes!

“How is it possible? That’s the heart of the evil god…even if it’s a low-level evil god, it’s still an extremely difficult existence!”

“When this person ate the heart of the evil god, he didn’t seem to be affected at all?”

“As expected of a rare genius in Hundred Years in my Gluttonous City…”

“I don’t think I can do it. Although I should have the strength to eat this piece of evil god’s heart, the bad food value must be negative!”

“Hey, is this the difference between people?”

People talked a lot, and the host Fatty also showed admiration in his eyes, and he spoke loudly.

“This warrior is obviously the most powerful ‘bad food’ in our Gluttonous City!”

“To him, the heart of the evil god is no different from ordinary delicacies, and even…he can get delicious feedback from the heart of the evil god!”

“This is the meaning of the existence of our Gluttonous City!!!”

As he spoke, he looked at the other contestants with encouragement in his eyes.

“Everyone, let’s start too!”

“As long as you can eat the heart of the evil god, and the evil food value is positive, you can go to meet the guest god!”

The remaining three contestants look at me, I look at you, they all look serious!


They also didn’t expect that the final event of “The Underworld Dinner” this time was to eat the heart of the evil god…

Not everyone can eat this stuff, even the powerful nobles of Gluttonous City, let alone ordinary residents of Gluttonous City like them?

However, when they thought that as long as they succeeded, they would be qualified to meet the gluttonous god, the three of them immediately strengthened their confidence!


The ideal is full, but the reality is cruel!

Don’t look at Gao Mo’s ability to eat the heart of this evil god with a calm expression. When the three of them are together, the scene is simply unbearable!

In the first person, only a piece of heart smaller than the thumb was cut.

And when he put this piece of heart into his mouth, before he chewed it, his expression became painful!


The whole person immediately collapsed into a pool of blood!

The power of the evil god’s heart is simply not something ordinary people can bear!

The situation of the remaining two people is similar, one also collapsed into blood, and although the other held on to the first bite, but judging by his crazy expression and bewildered behavior, it is obvious that he cannot resist the temptation of the evil god, and has become the carrier of the evil god. !

The host, Fatty, waved his hand without hesitation, and a tyrannical force hit the man directly, obliterating him into ashes.

The performance of the other three people also made other people in the banquet hall admire Gao Mo even more!

The evil god’s heart is not broken, not because it is weak, but because Gao Mo is too outrageous!

He was able to eat it without changing his face, and still eat it with relish?!

What kind of monster is this?!

Now, although Gao Mo has not finished eating, the champion of “The Underworld Bad Eater” has been born!

The host Fatty announced excitedly.

“I declare!”

“This year’s The Underworld dinner, the champion of The Underworld’s bad food is… this gentleman, what’s your name?”

The corner of Bai Xuan’s mouth twitched, and he answered silently from the side.

“His name is Gao Mo…”

“Oh… the champion of The Underworld’s evil food, this is Mr. Gomer!”

“Then, the next step is to test the bad food value. As long as his bad food value is positive, he is qualified to meet the gluttonous god just like Mr. Bai Xuan!!”

While speaking, Big Fatty took out a scale-like prop.

On one side of this prop, there is a drop of glittering blood, and the other side is empty.

Big Fatty came to Gao Mo’s side, cheerful and authentic.

“Mr. Gao Mo, please squeeze out a drop of blood, we will do a test of the value of bad food!”

Gao Mo recovered from his own world, looked at the balance in front of him, without hesitation, directly broke his index finger, and drew a drop of blood.

He has experienced this scene several times, so he doesn’t find it strange.

next second…

That day the scale trembled violently!


The side that originally had blood was heavily pressed down by Gao Mo’s blood!

This scene immediately made everyone in the banquet hall stare wide-eyed!

“It’s true!”

“Oh my god, it’s unbelievable. After eating the heart of the evil god, the evil food value is still positive… How did he do it?”

“Is this the difference between genius and ordinary?”

“I’m done!”

The host Fatty also spoke excitedly.

“That’s right! That’s it! The Underworld’s bad eating champion Gao Mo, in every previous game, his bad eating value was positive!”

“This time there is still no exception!”

“Congratulations to him, he has obtained the qualification to meet the gluttonous god!!!”

Behind him, a huge Fatty also nodded slightly, and looked at Gao Mo with admiring eyes.

“You are very good, and you are qualified to meet the gluttonous god!”

He turned his head slightly and said to Bai Xuan.

“Since the two of you are friends, and both of you have obtained the qualification to meet the God of Glutton…then come with me!”

Bai Xuan and Gao Mo looked at each other, and they followed the huge Fatty towards the curtain behind the banquet hall in full view.

The Underworld dinner is still going on.

However, for Bai Xuan and Gao Mo, this dinner at The Underworld, which they had no idea what they were doing, was obviously not as important as meeting Taotie.

Actually is not that they also regard meeting the Taotie God as some kind of honor, but… this is one of the secret realm missions!

As long as they can see Taotie, it means they have completed the first six secret realm tasks.

As for the last secret realm mission: Kill Taotie, to be honest… Bai Xuan didn’t hold out much hope.

No matter in Blue Star’s traditional mythology, or in Bai Xuan’s cognition after entering the secret realm, Taotie must be a very, very strong existence!

It must be difficult to kill him!

However, it’s not hopeless… After all, Youxuan still has a lot of collections of “rule damage”.

For example [Cannon of Sorrow], it has a very low probability and can launch a fatal attack;

Another example is [Fire Delight], the damage of this gun is also calculated according to the percentage of the maximum health, if you can hit Taotie for 12 seconds, then maybe you can really kill it.

Another example is [Book of Life and Death]!

Bai Xuan has only used this prop once so far, and that was in “Monster Siege”, to slaughter a family of lava monsters who came to invade the main city.

Its limitation is that it can only target NPCs, not players. ……

However, it also fits the current situation very well!

With these props, Bai Xuan will try to complete this task no matter what, but, let’s wait and see the gluttonous god first.

The big eater took Bai Xuan and Gao Mo through the dark passage.

The aisle is very tall and wide, and it seems that it is specially prepared for a big Fatty with a big eater…

After walking for about twenty minutes, the big diner stopped.

In front of the three of them, a winding and twisted passage had appeared.

The big eater spoke with a booming voice, with a very respectful tone.

“Great God, I brought the champions of The Underworld Magic Chef and The Underworld Bad Food!”

“Let them out!”

In the next second, a voice that sounded calm and indifferent, and at the same time had a feeling of laziness, came from the passage.


The diners turned around, looked at Bai Xuan and Gao Mo, and said indifferently.

“Go in, the gluttonous god is waiting for you outside.”


Bai Xuan frowned when he heard this word.

Does the “outside” mentioned by Da Diner refer to the outside of Suzhicheng?

However, from his intuition, the “outside” doesn’t seem to mean that…

But Bai Xuan couldn’t tell exactly what was going on.

However, now that they are all here, Bai Xuan067 will naturally not give up the opportunity to meet Taotie because of some doubts in his heart.

He nodded and walked directly ahead, while Mo Ze followed behind him without saying a word.

The big diner looked at the figures of the two walking forward, with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

“Glutton Gods…are they the hope of liberation for all of us?”

This winding and twisting passage is much narrower than the previous passage, but it is still spacious enough for Bai and Gao Mo.

On the way, Bai Xuan asked curiously.

“Amer, how did you pass that ‘The Underworld Bad Eater’ competition?”

“The last dish just now…that evil god’s heart makes me feel sick just looking at it, but you can actually eat it?”

Gao Mo scratched his head foolishly, and laughed.

“It’s really nothing, I’m just… just imagine those foods as the delicacies we have eaten.”

“Maybe in the eyes of others, it is the heart of the evil god, but in my eyes…it is just a piece of delicious Tomahawk steak!”

Hearing Gao Mo’s words, the corners of Bai Xuan’s mouth twitched…

Is this even conceivable?

However, Gao Mo’s words also reminded Bai Xuan of something!

That is… At the beginning of the “Labor Day Special Event”, Bai Xuan used the ability “Must Break” to break the sun, and thus gained a lot of labor points.

But Gao Mo here…he didn’t make any moves at all.

According to his own statement, he just imagines that many of himself are working at the same time in his mind, and then the labor points will naturally increase!

Bai Xuan has always felt that this matter is quite miraculous. How can anyone really complete the work just by imagining it?


Now Gao Mo’s “evolution” is even more outrageous. He even relied on his imagination to turn the heart of the evil god he ate into a tomahawk steak!

Although in reality, the heart of the evil god is still the heart of the evil god, and nothing has changed.

But since Gao Mo ate it and nothing happened, it already explained everything!

Bai Xuan saw the other two contestants collapse into blood with his own eyes!

“You kid… hides a big secret!”

Bai Xuan touched his chin.

Gao Mo smiled honestly and did not explain, he knew that Bai Xuan would not doubt him, that was enough.

As for the rest…isn’t it normal to be a little psychic in such a global gamified world?

As he expected, Bai Xuan didn’t care much about Gao Mo’s secrets.

As long as he’s still own brother Gao Mo, it’s fine.

“Okay, let’s not talk…”

“The light in front should be the exit, right?”

The two walked a few steps quickly, and after a while, they walked out of this narrow passage.

As soon as they came out, a lazy voice came from their ears.

“Oh? Outsider?”.

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