Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 120: Do You Still Want to Marry In?

Charlotte looked at Diana and asked seriously, "Do you need me to check it for you?"

Seeing that Charlotte wasn't joking, Diana had to let go of his hand and stared at him for a while before slowly saying, "Doctor Charlotte, you hide it well."

"I haven't done anything," Charlotte said innocently.

"I regret to inform you that the rent for the new clinic has increased," Diana leaned back against the chair.

"We had a prearranged rent. How can it suddenly increase?" Charlotte was shocked. Could it be that the clinic's business had been too good these days, and she had her eyes on it?

Diana smirked and said leisurely, "I heard that the clinic's business has been booming lately, with more than double the number of patients than before. So, I raised the rent a bit. It's reasonable, isn't it?"

Sure enough, she had arranged for the fox guards to watch outside, not only to protect him but also to spy on him.

"My clinic is a small business, and I earn hard-earned money. You know this very well, Madam Landlady. If you insist on raising the rent, then I'll just rent it here. How much did you rent it to that tailor in the beginning? 30 silver coins per month?" Charlotte firmly declared, 100 silver coins per month for rent was already his upper limit.

"Yes, I know. Some people claim to work hard for charity but secretly make a million copper coins by selling a single potion. Making money is indeed tough," Diana nodded.

Charlotte: "..."

It seems she attended the auction of the Calva Chamber of Commerce.

Now it would be hard to explain.

Could he say that in this collaboration, he could only get twenty percent of the net profit?

And he had to deduct 3000 gold coins first.

He wasn't sure how much he would end up with in the end.

"It seems that you have a close relationship with Harold, the president of the Calva Chamber of Commerce," Diana said with a smiling gaze.

"I grew up in Calva, so I naturally know some elders," Charlotte replied modestly.

But in Diana's eyes, it was different. Several elders? Just one Harold was enough to surprise her. Did Charlotte have several others like him?

To be able to trust Harold so much and hand over the Magic Repulsion Potion to him, their relationship must be quite close.

"From your reaction, it seems that the promotion of the Magic Repulsion Potion was quite successful," Charlotte glanced at the tightly closed door and lowered his voice, "So, how are you and the Duru family preparing?"

"We met this morning, and everything is proceeding according to the plan, but the timeline has been accelerated," Diana also lowered her voice, "The news has reached Elton, and that old man is furious. He plans to take action against our three families in advance, in three days."

"So urgent?" Charlotte was somewhat surprised.

He expected that the Jardson family would take action after receiving the news, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

But from the Jardson family's perspective, the sooner they acted, the more advantageous it would be.

Once the news of the Magic Repulsion Potion spread throughout the Abyss, the foundation of the Jardson family would be shaken, and the Black Guard would be even more unstable.

At that time, it would be much harder to make those Black Guards controlled by the magical drug fight desperately for the Jardson family.

Now, the main contradiction was no longer Carol trying to kill him.

It was the Jardson family trying to wipe out the three major families of Harriman, Duru, and Daniel.

His role as a catalyst became less important.

"What do you need me to do?" Charlotte asked.

He didn't inquire about the details of the collaboration between the Harriman and Duru families. Sometimes, knowing too much was not a good thing.

"Three bottles of Magic Repulsion Potion," Diana was equally straightforward.

"I'll get them for you tonight."

"I need them now. If you don't have them, start refining them immediately."

Charlotte glanced at Diana's serious expression, got up, and brought out the "Alchemy Furnace Left Behind by the Medicine God."

"Where did you dig up this antique?" Diana looked at the simple alchemy furnace with one missing corner on the lid.

"This is my new alchemy furnace, bought from a grocery store," Charlotte casually replied. "Let's go, we'll refine the potion at the estate."

Vivian listened to their conversation, utterly baffled. She understood every word they said, but she still couldn't grasp what they were talking about.

However, there was one very important thing she understood: they were going back to the estate now, and there might still be some leftover food there.

Even if it was just leftovers, it was still much better than black bread!

"Landlady, have you had lunch yet?" Vivian asked carefully, sitting in Diana's carriage.

"Not yet," Diana smiled at Vivian, "When we get back, you can have lunch with us."

"That would be wonderful!" Vivian beamed with joy.

After spending some time with the head chef, she learned something very important. In the Harriman Estate, apart from the elders, the landlady had the best food.

"With such a tight schedule, what are your chances of success?" Inside the carriage, Charlotte couldn't help but ask with concern.

If Diana lost, he would have to flee ahead of time.

After finally gaining some reputation in the Abyss and without the interference of the Physician Association, he didn't want to be uprooted and wandering again so soon.

"Time is fair for both sides. The Jardson family is also not fully prepared, but we made some preparations in advance, which is better than contacting the Duru family at the last minute," Diana looked at him. "By the way, I have to thank you for mediating between us and saving us a lot of time."

"No need to mention thanks. Show your sincerity in the rent," Charlotte straightforwardly said.

"Well... I need to seriously consider that," Diana's smile became even stronger.

This woman is not easy to deal with. Charlotte sighed in his heart.

After eating something, Charlotte headed straight to the laboratory.

He threw the iron pot aside and set up the "Alchemy Furnace Left Behind by the Medicine God."

Since the name was long and stinky, Charlotte decided to give this rare alchemy furnace a catchy and good name - the Black Pot.

Look at this pot, it's big and black.

After confirming that there were no eavesdroppers in the laboratory, Charlotte lit the charcoal and began to prepare the materials needed for three bottles of the Magic Repulsion Potion.

Diana's urgency indicated that this potion was used to create discord among the Black Guards, which was also part of their initial plan.

The more Black Guards they could persuade to switch sides, the greater their chances of winning this war.

The Black Pot was thick and sturdy, and Charlotte thought its heat efficiency might not be very high, but surprisingly, the pot's temperature rose much faster than he expected, even faster than the thin iron pot Guy had made for him.

He successively added various materials into the Black Pot. As the temperature rose, the medicinal ingredients gradually decomposed and fused.


It turned into a mess.

Charlotte looked at the unidentified, black-smoking substance in the pot and became so angry that he puffed his cheeks and stared.

Wasn't it said that using this Black Pot would increase the success rate by 10%? How did it turn into a mess?

The process of using this new pot had to be practiced to become familiar with its characteristics. Charlotte realized that he should not rush to refine the Magic Repulsion Potion. Instead, he first practiced with a simpler cleaning potion.

The first attempt failed, the second attempt was half-finished, but the third attempt succeeded!

He poured the cleaning potion into a glass bottle. The translucent liquid seemed to have a slightly different state from the one he usually refined, but he couldn't pinpoint the difference.

"Could it be because of the 10% potion effectiveness bonus?" Charlotte suddenly thought of another important feature of the Black Pot.

However, the 10% bonus to the effectiveness of the cleaning potion might not be noticeable to the naked eye, so he had to temporarily put aside the impulse to test it on a small white mouse.

When he had some time later, he could refine two batches of hemostatic potions to test their effectiveness. He could give a small white mouse a cut and see if the hemostatic potion refined with the Black Pot had a better effect. That would be more noticeable.

After refining three batches of cleaning potions, Charlotte had a deeper understanding of the temper of the Black Pot, and he became more adept at refining the Magic Repulsion Potion.

The second furnace, a successful refinement!

Looking at the three bottles of semi-turbid liquid in his hand, this was the cornerstone of his cooperation with Diana and Roland.

In exchange, he secured his safety in the Abyss and obtained the bargaining chip to help remove the malignant tumor that was the Jardson family.

Charlotte couldn't verify whether the potion's effectiveness had been improved.

Moreover, there were no patients who needed the second bottle, so he couldn't gauge its subjective effect.

Charlotte left the laboratory with the three bottles of the potion. As soon as he opened the door, Buddy, who was guarding the entrance, smiled and said, "Doctor Charlotte, please follow me. Miss is waiting for you over here."

Soon, he saw Diana and a somewhat serious-looking old man in the garden pavilion.

Diana stood beside the old man and gestured for Buddy to step back, then introduced, "This is my grandfather."

"Hello, Grandfather," Charlotte politely greeted.

Diana stared in astonishment and hurriedly said, "He is my grandfather."

"So what?" Charlotte replied.

"Is it appropriate for you to call him grandfather?"

"Should I call him Great-Grandfather then? Landlady Aunt?"

Diana: ...

You are a little rascal!

Alfred, with a serious expression, was made to smile by the young man in front of him.

He could naturally tell that this young man was teasing his granddaughter, but being unflustered and not feeling inferior upon their first meeting made him view Charlotte in a higher light.

"I am Alfred. Please take a seat, young man," Alfred smiled.

"Thank you, I am Charlotte." Charlotte sat opposite Alfred. This was his first time meeting the actual ruler of the Harriman family.

"It's impressive, young man. At such a young age, you have created the Magic Repulsion Potion that has shocked the world. It's not an exaggeration to call it a miracle," Alfred sighed.

This compliment was genuine. Among those of Charlotte's age in the Harriman family, they were only busy showing off their power, while Charlotte displayed such talent and ability.

Even the matter of eliminating the Jardson family, which had been planned for decades, had taken a crucial step forward due to Charlotte's mediation and connection with the Duru family.

Before this, he even considered having Diana marry Roland to strengthen the alliance between the two families.

However, this plan was firmly rejected by Diana, who had always wanted to inherit the Harriman family. Although it didn't quite follow the tradition of passing the family to a male heir, Alfred couldn't find any of his other grandchildren who possessed even half of Diana's abilities.

Now, with the revelation of the Magic Repulsion Potion, the Jardson family had decided to target their three families. In such a critical situation, the alliance between the two families became unbreakable.

With any family having ulterior motives, there was a possibility of failure in this war, and no one could afford to back down.

"The old man is overpraising. I was just lucky to have successfully refined it," Charlotte modestly replied.

"To be able to directly cooperate with the Calva Trading Company in operation and sales, your strength is not far behind your luck," Alfred's gaze focused on Charlotte.

Charlotte felt that he was trying to see through him, but he remained composed and said, "It's just an elder giving me some support. The previous generation's friendship sometimes brings some convenience."

Alfred nodded slightly.

Charlotte's response was impeccable. From his background, he was a member of the Calva Elder Council, and his parents were renowned doctors in Calva.

If it weren't for his parents' accidental deaths when he was young, resulting in the depletion of the family's resources, the Clayton family would have been prominent in Calva.

With such a background, knowing influential figures like Harold and the adults in Calva was reasonable, wasn't it?

After all, even the Calva City Lord nearly became his father-in-law.

Carol wanted to kill him because of an assignment from Capas, and the cause was the city lord's daughter.

This was a significant collaborator.

Alfred assessed Charlotte in his mind.

"These three bottles of Magic Repulsion Potion are what you need," Charlotte placed the potions on the small table between them.

Alfred looked at the potions and then raised his eyes to look at Charlotte. "In addition, I have a request that I am not willing to make."

Charlotte had a bad feeling, but he could only nod with a forced smile, "Please tell me."

"The Jardson family keeps 500 Black Guards, whose strength ranges from level 3 to level 4, and their numbers far exceed the Fox Guards and the Duru family's guards. The Jardson family's actions are sudden, and our two families are not fully prepared. I'm afraid our chances of winning are not high," Alfred's tone became low and earnest. "So, I want to beg you to use your connections and invite a few friends to assist us."

"Ah, this..." As expected, Charlotte couldn't complete the mission as soon as Alfred opened his mouth.

Friends who can assist?

How about a magic waste who has been abandoned for three years? Or a knight apprentice who has practiced for three months?

This is the most significant effort he can make.

His most badass friend should be the Adjudicator.

That guy is indeed very badass; he can single-handedly take down the entire Abyss.

Unfortunately, not even ashes were left of him.

He just said he had many friends, but now he's saying he has none. It's not appropriate.

"You should know well that they should not meddle in the affairs of the Abyss," Charlotte looked meaningfully at her. "And, are you planning to invite them to the Abyss? They have an insatiable appetite."

Alfred's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise, and his face became serious.

He wanted to use Charlotte's connections to increase the chances of winning this decisive battle but overlooked that inviting powerful forces might bring about something even more formidable and terrifying than the Jardson family.

"From any perspective, this is an internal matter for your Abyss. It is best to resolve it internally. The Magic Repulsion Potion I provided is the most significant effort I can make for you now," Charlotte said calmly.

"You are right. In the end, we have to handle this ourselves," Alfred nodded.

The rest was just some casual chatting, but Charlotte maintained his composure and answered each question carefully.

As rumored, Alfred was indeed a sly old fox, always trying to extract information from you during seemingly ordinary conversations.

Charlotte worked hard to maintain his image as a talented and positive young man. During the conversation, he suddenly felt as if he was meeting the parents of a girl for the first time and being questioned about his background.

Looking at Diana, who stood aside, smiling all the way, he couldn't help but sense a feeling of shyness in this gentle demeanor.

No, no, this gentleness was dangerous.

An hour later, this long conversation finally came to an end.

Alfred continued to rest in the garden and enjoy the flowers, while Diana left with Charlotte.

"You should have left a good impression on my grandfather," Diana looked at Charlotte somewhat surprised. She thought Charlotte would be nervous.

"Well, your grandfather is a kind old man," Charlotte nodded.

"Reiterate, that's my grandfather!" Diana emphasized with a slightly stronger tone.

"What's yours is mine, and we are so familiar with each other. Why bother distinguishing it so clearly?" Charlotte smiled.

Diana looked at Charlotte's clean face, which bore a hint of mischief, and her face couldn't help but blush. She quickened her pace and said, "Hmph, I think you just want to get closer to me so that I won't charge you rent!"

Damn, she could see that! Charlotte was surprised but kept a calm expression and said, "We're partners after all, and now we're even living together. In a family, we shouldn't keep secrets from each other. I'm not someone who only cares about rent. Don't misunderstand me."

"A family?" Diana stopped walking.

Charlotte followed closely and almost bumped into her but managed to stop in time.

Diana turned around, looked at Charlotte with a smiling face, and asked playfully, "What, do you want to marry into the family?"

I'm a man, how could I be a son-in-law?

Charlotte looked at Diana's beautiful face, her rounded and shapely figure, her long and slender legs, and all the rental houses on that street.

His determination wavered for a moment.

What's wrong with enjoying a free ride? Isn't it enjoyable? Don't you want to enjoy it?

"You don't seem like that kind of person," Diana chuckled and turned around to continue walking.

"Hey? Wait a minute! I'm still considering it! Don't rush!"

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