Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 137: Doctor! Save me!

After sending Vivian away and declining Agatha's offer to help him bathe, Charlotte filled the bathtub with hot water and soaked himself in it.

His injuries had already healed, leaving only shallow red marks on his skin that would completely disappear in a few days.

In terms of perfect healing, healing magic was incomparable to surgery.

He slowly submerged his head in the water, feeling a sense of tranquility as his senses were sealed.

On the night of the Red Moon, the insane wave of beasts attacking the city made him feel a sense of urgency and danger.

Improving his strength had become even more urgent.

He couldn't always rely on fireball spells to blow himself up, could he?

But the freezing spells were indeed useful.

Three seconds of immobilization was enough for him to thrust his sword into the enemy's head three times.

Tomorrow, he would sell the demon cores and buy some more magic spells for self-defense.

Three minutes later, unable to hold his breath any longer, Charlotte lifted his head out of the bathtub, took a deep breath, and with a thought, he opened up his attribute panel:

[Player: Charlotte]

Occupation: Knight, Doctor, Pharmacist

Level: Junior Knight: 2000/4000

Pharmacist Apprentice: 714/2000

Wealth Points: 220

Professional Skills:

Wound Dressing and Changing: Advanced: 280/4000

Skin Wound Suturing: Advanced: 920/4000

Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Radius-Ulna Fracture: Intermediate: 360/1000

Appendectomy: Intermediate: 200/1000


Special Skills: Hemostatic Potion Brewing: Intermediate: 410/1000

Hydrating Essence Elixir Brewing: Intermediate: 400/1000

Anesthetic Potion Brewing: Intermediate: 460/1000

Swordplay: Intermediate: 1450/2000

Cyclone Slash: Intermediate: 1420/2000

Combo Strikes: Intermediate: 860/1000

A flash of Light: Intermediate: 1680/2000

Main Quest: Increase the Influence of the Abyssal Physician to 10000 points! Quest Reward: Rare Item! Copper Coins: 100000! Completion: 1920/10000

Long-term Quest: Purge the Corrupted and Restart the World! Quest Reward: Epic-level Item!

Favorability Panel: Not yet available


Swordplay, Cyclone Slash, and Combo Strikes each gained 200 proficiency points, while Flash of Light directly gained 300 points, getting closer to reaching the intermediate level.

Indeed, practical combat is the best way to improve martial skills proficiency.

The most pleasantly surprising was the improvement in agility proficiency.

Tonight, he truly experienced the importance of agility.

After reaching the intermediate level with Flash of Light, the appearance of afterimages in battle became highly deceptive.

In a battle with opponents of the same level, once they were deceived by the afterimages, he was confident of delivering a deadly blow.

The next morning, Charlotte woke up and found Diana having breakfast.

Diana was still wearing the purple soft armor from last night, stained with blood, and her tiredness couldn't be hidden in her expression, indicating that she had just returned.

"Doctor, your breakfast is ready," Agatha said softly.

"Thank you."

Charlotte sat down across from Diana and looked at her with concern.

"More monsters came in late at night?"

Diana nodded and finished chewing the steak in her mouth before saying, "A level-six old bull came in late at night, it had tremendous strength. If it wasn't for the timely arrival of the elder, we might have been pushed into the abyss."

A sixth-level monster!

The Bull Demon King?

Charlotte was surprised. Fourth-level and higher monsters were not commonly seen at the edge of the wilderness, and a sixth-level monster attacking the abyss was unexpected.

"Did anyone get injured? Do you need treatment?" Charlotte looked at Diana, who was slowly eating her beef.

"No injuries, just exhausted from the fight."

Diana put down her knife and fork and looked at Charlotte.

"And you, didn't you manage to find a healing mage last night? You were up and about as if nothing happened."

"I received some emergency treatment from Eileen. Although it wasn't as effective as healing spells, I can still move normally," Charlotte calmly picked up her knife and fork and started cutting her steak.

Diana got up and walked upstairs to the staircase. She stopped and turned around.

"Make more lunch today. I'll come over to eat and we'll have the rabbit you made yesterday."

Charlotte: ??

How did she know they had a rabbit yesterday?

"Eileen brought me a plate of rabbit yesterday. Miss enjoys it. Doctor, your culinary skills are extraordinary," Agatha explained with a smiling face.

Charlotte, with food in his mouth, couldn't refuse, as it would be impolite. He nodded and said, "Sure, but the meal might be a bit late today. The clinic is reopening, and I might be a bit busy."

"Today, you won't be a bit busy, you'll be extremely busy," Diana said and then turned to go upstairs.

"Take your time to eat. I'll go attend to the Miss's bath," Agatha said and quickly followed upstairs as well.

Charlotte didn't quite understand the meaning behind Diana's words.

After finishing his steak and feeling a bit hungry, he followed the principle of not wasting food and happily ate the remaining half piece of steak that Diana left behind.

Then he left home satisfied.

"Doctor Charlotte, I'll take you to the infirmary," Buddy, who was standing at the door, greeted with a smile.

Charlotte looked at Buddy, who was still weary despite the blood-stained armor he was wearing, and quickly said, "Captain Buddy, you just came back too? Just find a coachman to take us there, and you should go rest."

"No problem, I'll take you there." Buddy looked at him gratefully and said, "Thank you for saving Menier last night. As his captain, I'm grateful that you risked your life to save him."

"No need to thank me, the Fox Guards have saved me multiple times as well. Unfortunately, that Fox Guard swordsman..." Charlotte sighed softly.

"Ian..." Buddy paused, restraining his emotions, before continuing, "He was the big brother of the Fox Guards. He fought to protect Baka Street and died in battle. It was his choice. He has a daughter who will receive the appropriate compensation."

Charlotte nodded slightly but still insisted on not letting Buddy accompany them. In the end, they were driven to the infirmary by an ordinary coachman from the manor.

"Boss, everyone looked serious during breakfast today. I heard that many monsters from the Abyss came in last night, and they ate a lot of people." Vivian, carrying Anna, whispered, her face filled with fear.

Charlotte lifted a corner of the carriage curtain, and soon after leaving Harriman Manor, they could frequently see severely damaged houses and people despairingly crying amidst the ruins along the streets.

He suddenly understood what Diana meant earlier. He would be busy today because so many people were injured last night.

Given the medical conditions in the Abyss, the four medical clinics couldn't possibly accommodate so many patients.

So many patients would inevitably flock to his infirmary.

And this was still the core territory of the Harriman family. The situation in other peripheral areas would probably be even worse.

"There are so many injured people. These monsters are annoying. If only the Abyss could install a large-scale magic barrier." Vivian looked at the scenes outside the carriage with pity and sighed softly.

When she was in the imperial capital, she had never felt monsters being so close to her.

On the Night of the Crimson Moon, the core urban area was not even restricted, and the street shops continued to operate as usual.

With a heavy heart, Charlotte remained silent until the carriage stopped in front of the infirmary.

As expected, there was already a long queue in front of the infirmary, with hundreds of patients, most of whom had suffered external injuries.

Some had their limbs bitten off, some had their heads crushed by collapsing buildings, and some had been stabbed during robberies on this desperate night.

The sounds of pain, screams, and desperate cries filled the air, making it seem like a purgatory on earth.

Two Fox Guards stood in front of the infirmary, trying to maintain order.

"The doctor is here! The doctor is here!"

Someone saw Charlotte getting off the carriage and shouted.

The eyes of the patients in the queue lit up with hope, and they called out to Charlotte:

"Doctor! Save me!"

"Doctor, I'm dying, please save me..."

The scene immediately became chaotic, with patients pulling at their wounds, grimacing in pain. But fearing falling behind and not receiving timely treatment, they attempted to push forward.

"I am Charlotte, everyone, please calm down and listen to me!" Charlotte stood on the carriage and shouted.

Gradually, the crowd quieted down, and all the patients' eyes were on him.

"I understand the pain and danger everyone is experiencing, but not every person's injuries are critical. I need to prioritize treating those in critical condition.

For those who only need basic wound cleaning and bandaging, I will provide cleanant solutions and hemostatic kits for self-treatment."

Charlotte looked at everyone earnestly and said, "Now, my assistants and the Fox Guards will screen all the patients to determine the treatment order based on the severity of their injuries! I hope that every one of you will survive."

The patients no longer pushed forward; instead, they took a few steps back, exposing the more critical cases.

"Eileen, take the critically ill patients into the operating room first. I'll prepare for surgery."

Charlotte instructed Vivian, then jumped down from the carriage and quickly walked towards the entrance of the infirmary.

He also nodded at the two Fox Guards and said, "Thank you for your help. Please assist in carrying some patients who have difficulty moving into the operating room."

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