Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 142:Strange Animal Skin

The system's evaluation price is very accurate. After Harry saw the two demonic cores brought out by Charlotte, he stated a price of one hundred thousand copper coins per core, totaling two hundred thousand copper coins.

"These are the demonic cores of fourth-order lynx hounds. One hundred thousand copper coins per core, that's too cheap, isn't it?" Charlotte wasn't convinced and tried to raise the price.

"Doctor, I'm only giving you this price out of respect for you. If it were someone else, I would offer a maximum of eighty thousand copper coins," Harry shook his head, playing with the two demonic cores in his hand.

"These were from the crazed beasts killed on the night of the Red Moon. The elemental instability within the cores significantly reduces their effectiveness no matter what they're used for, so the price is much lower than that of normal demonic cores."

Charlotte pondered for a moment, finding that his judgment wasn't too far off.

"However, Doctor, you are truly favored by Diana. I heard that three fourth-order lynx hounds invaded Baka Street last night, and both demonic cores ended up in your hands," Harry looked at Charlotte with envy.

"I obtained them through my abilities," Charlotte replied calmly.

"That much I can't argue with," Harry nodded, looking at Charlotte curiously.

"You know, a healing mage whose magic source has been sealed, wielding a sword and a magic scroll, charging out to save a fox guardian mage, bravely fighting three fourth-order lynx hounds and killing one of them. Who would believe such a tale?"

Charlotte glanced at him. This guy had quite the information, knowing everything about what happened on Baka Street last night.

But this also made him uneasy. It meant that those who should know and those who shouldn't would all eventually find out.

For him, that wasn't good news at all.

After all, there were still plenty of old enemies who wanted him dead, like Calva.

If they heard that he was alive and well, they probably wouldn't sleep soundly at night.

"That's an unbelievable story. I owe my survival to the two magic scrolls you provided," Charlotte said with a smile.

Harry's smile widened, nodding. "Exactly, from now on, you should tell people that when you go out. Just with that statement, my magic scroll business this month is likely to take off even more."

Charlotte's smile faded slightly as he said, "When I buy the scrolls later, you have to give me a discount."

"Of course."

Charlotte sold the two demonic cores for two hundred thousand copper coins and then bought four magic scrolls from Harry: two freezing spells and two fireball spells. The price was halved, costing twenty thousand copper coins.

In addition, he also brought 200 bottles of hemostatic potions and 20 bottles of anesthesia potions to Harry, receiving a payment of 3 gold coins.

With the money and scrolls in his possession, he was about to leave when he caught a glimpse of an old animal skin scroll neatly packaged behind Harry.

Curious, he asked, "What's that animal skin?"

"Oh, this..." Harry glanced back at the animal skin and then looked towards the door, lowering his voice with a chuckle.

"It's a treasure map used to fool idiots."

Charlotte: ...

"But you never know, this thing is unpredictable. It's an old item, at least five or six hundred years old. There might be a treasure buried deep in the wilderness.

But there's a greater chance that it's simply a con artist from that era who made these maps to fool people.

There could be dozens of identical treasure maps circulating in the world. I made a batch over two hundred years ago, with hundreds, and no two were the same. They included all sorts of treasures and were buried in several different places.

Speaking of which, I should uncover them and sell them off. Naturally, I'll make them look old to better fool people."

Damn, this kind of scheme exists too! Charlotte was astonished.

He already had two animal skin maps on hand, so was he the idiot Harry was talking about?

Come to think of it, he had been tricked by the Adjudicator using animal skin before.

It seemed like this had become quite the industry, targeting inexperienced heroes and adventurers.

If someone spent a fortune to buy a map, went through great difficulties and dangers, and yet found nothing at the marked treasure location, they would surely want to kill someone.

"You can only do this business at noon; sooner or later, you'll run into trouble," Charlotte advised earnestly.

"No problem. When I sell these, I'll make it clear to the buyers that these things are centuries-old, and no one can guarantee that the treasure is still there. Once the treasure map is sold, I take no responsibility," Harry smirked cunningly.

"Do you have any other animal skins?" Charlotte asked casually.

Harry looked at him with surprise.

"Doctor, are you also interested in treasure hunting? This job isn't very suitable for you."

"I'm just curious about ancient things and enjoy collecting them. Of course, don't expect me to go out into the wilderness to dig up treasures. I value my life quite a bit."

"Alright, fine. Let me show you then. It's not like these things are going to sell anyways, they'll just end up getting moldy if they stay there. Can't sell two pieces in a month." Harry dragged a box out from under the counter and placed it on the counter with a sigh.

"The wild beasts out there have been getting more and more ferocious over the past century. Most adventurers don't dare venture deep into the wilderness anymore. And now, even the fools are becoming scarce. Business is tough."

The box was opened, and a musty smell filled the air.

Charlotte frowned slightly as she looked at the box filled with animal skins. She fell into silence.

The animal skins varied in design, from delicate and small rolls of yellow sheepskin to rugged and majestic rolls of tiger skin.

There were deer skins, cow skins, crocodile skins...

Any kind of animal skin you could think of, you could find it in this box.

Moreover, most of them looked quite textured, with a strong sense of age. They were exquisitely crafted, even the text on them was meticulous.

Most of them were marked with treasure maps, which were more elaborate than the two in his hand and described captivating treasures.

For example, the exquisite deer skin scroll contained the legacy of the Goddess of Life. It was located deep in the wilderness, in a canyon called the Valley of Life.

The Goddess of Life left behind a heart of life there, and whoever obtained it would become the new God of Life...

It was quite sensational.

Charlotte briefly looked through the animal skins.

If they were presented in an exquisite box and locked in a safe with seriousness, their credibility would be greatly enhanced.

Even Harry only displayed three on the counter, making it look scarce and more like the real thing.

If the box was opened for people to choose from, anyone would think it was fake.

Charlotte browsed for a while, gradually losing interest. Harry had already made it clear, and it was a bit absurd for him to believe in this.

However, just as he was about to pack up, he suddenly came across a half sheet of pale yellow animal skin. The roughly torn edge was so familiar that his hand paused.

He picked up the piece of animal skin with two fingers, and with just one glance, he confirmed that it was from the same set as the one he got from the West Bar tavern.

But his face showed disdain as he said, "Why is there only half of it?"

"Don't mind it being just half, but this is one of the few things in here that looks the most authentic." Harry looked at it and sighed.

"Unfortunately, it's only half, otherwise it would have been sold long ago. Not many fools buy this kind of stuff, and having to find the other half is even more absurd."

"You're right." Charlotte flipped the map over, and on the back, there was a line of red, eerie handwriting: Do you want to understand the true meaning of life?

"This animal skin is quite strange. Don't stare at it." Harry grabbed his hand before he could and pressed the back of the animal skin on the counter.

"I almost got caught up in it."

"It's interesting." Charlotte showed some interest.

"Since you can't sell it anyway, why not just give it to me?"

"Well..." Harry looked at the pale yellow sheepskin and hesitated, showing a hint of reluctance on his face.

"I spent quite a bit of money on collecting this stuff back then..."


A copper coin was flung out by Charlotte and spun on the counter.

"Then I'll buy it, and this is all I'm offering."

Without waiting for Harry's agreement, Charlotte directly put the sheepskin in his pocket.

"Alright, I'll just consider it a favor to you." Harry accepted the copper coin, but his expression didn't seem as reluctant as his words.

The glimmer in his eyes made it seem like he had found money.

Charlotte knew that this item was not of much value to Harry. Given their business relationship, a small favor like this was no problem.

If he were to pull out a large sum of money, he would just look like a fool.

It was still unclear what this thing was, so investing too much money rashly didn't fit his style.

A copper coin was already the limit.

"By the way, I'll tell you some good news in secret. I've obtained the exclusive rights to the abyss antipathy potion." Harry put the box back under the counter and whispered.

"The abyss antipathy potion?" Charlotte looked at him with surprise.

"Don't you know? This potion has caused quite a stir on the Lance Continent. It sells for one million copper coins per bottle, and it's in high demand." Harry sighed with emotion.

"A genius alchemist named 'Miracle' has developed this potion that can cure addiction to magic potions, and it has been blamed on the drug traffickers."

"That alchemist is quite amazing." Charlotte nodded in agreement.


Harry looked at Charlotte, stood on tiptoe, patted his shoulder, and encouraged him in a big brotherly tone, "Doctor, aren't you also an alchemist?

Although you can only brew low-level potions like hemostatics, for now, it's alright. Steadily improve, who knows, maybe you'll be able to make powerful potions in the future."

"Oh... yes, yes."

Charlotte nodded, holding back her laughter, and asked, "When are you planning to start selling this abyss antipathy potion?"

Harry knew a few tricks. He had obtained the exclusive rights to the potion earlier than the Duru family and the Harriman family.

"The first batch of goods should arrive tomorrow, but the quantity is very limited. After all, in a poor place like the Abyss, even a million copper coins probably couldn't sell more than a few bottles."

"Alright, I'll go back now. If any patients need it, I'll recommend them to buy from you," Charlotte said goodbye and left.

"Oh, by the way, the elemental stones you wanted have arrived. Shall I have someone deliver them to the clinic tomorrow?" Harry asked from behind him.

"Yes, and please bring me twenty more headlights," Charlotte turned around and added another 4,000 copper coins.

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