Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 149:That Bastard Smashed My Window!

Previously, with few customers, Charlotte took the opportunity to go out and buy some groceries.

He even braised some beef in a pot, then went upstairs to slice the braised beef into thin slices and stir-fried some vegetables.

He also made a refreshing cucumber salad, so the lunch was settled.

Vivian was still young and didn't drink alcohol. She served herself a bowl of rice and started eating.

"It looks exquisite," Roland commented as he looked at the three dishes prepared by Charlotte, especially the brownish-yellow beef, thinly and evenly sliced.

The presentation was simple, but it looked appetizing.

"It can't compare to the meals we have at the manor regularly, but please enjoy it," Charlotte smiled as he uncorked the wine and poured two glasses.

Roland noticed that Charlotte and Vivian skillfully used two smooth wooden sticks to pick up the meat slices, and there were no knives and forks on the table.

He tried to pick up the thin beef with the sticks but couldn't quite grasp it after several attempts.

"These utensils are called chopsticks. They are said to come from a mysterious eastern country. Once you master them, they are very practical," Charlotte explained and then gave a hands-on demonstration.

Roland was, after all, a high-level magician, and his intellect was beyond doubt. He quickly grasped the technique and successfully picked up a slice of beef, then fed it into his mouth.

The beef, with its rich and savory flavor, carried a hint of heat. It melted in his mouth with a gentle bite, filling his mouth with a burst of flavorful meat.

The deliciousness made his taste buds rejoice.

Roland's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but pick up another piece of beef and feed it into his mouth.

Although the slices were thin, not as thick and tender as steak, the combination of the rich and intense sauce flavor and the natural taste of the beef created a unique and delightful experience.

He took a sip of red wine, and its silky and delicate texture intoxicated him, perfectly complementing the taste of the beef.

At that moment, it seemed like all worries had faded away.

The only desire was to fully enjoy the present moment of delicious food and wine, showing proper respect.

Charlotte took a sip of wine, his eyebrows slightly raised. It was good wine.

It couldn't compare to the million-copper coins fine wine Diana brought from the Jardson Family's cellar, but it was still better than the wine she usually drank. It was probably a wine reserved for special guests.

Being friends with wealthy people, although often feeling overwhelmed by their wealth, also had its benefits.

For example, he exchanged 120 copper coins of cured beef for half a bottle of red wine worth at least 10 gold coins.

After drinking half a bottle of wine, both of them felt slightly intoxicated.

Vivian finished three bowls of rice and went downstairs to play with the cat. Only the two of them were left in the restaurant.

"Senior, is there something on your mind?" Charlotte poured wine for Roland and casually asked.

"Three days ago, someone sent me a cartload of little girls." Roland looked up at him.

Charlotte: ...

[Don't look at me like that. Even though I did it, you have no evidence, right?!

I shouldn't have asked.]

Roland sighed, took a sip of wine, and continued, "Ah, they are all poor kids without parents. They were imprisoned by a pervert named Siba and suffered a lot of torment. They are extremely introverted and don't communicate with others at all."

"Don't suspect me just because. Although I did it, you have no evidence, right?" Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief and then indignantly said, "Perverts like him should be tortured!"

"That guy has already been killed. I guess it was the person who rescued the kids and then sent them to me," Roland looked at him again.

"These righteous actions are worthy of praise," Charlotte hesitantly agreed.

"It's not a problem to raise a few little girls, but I'm worried about their mental state. Their physical wounds can easily heal, but how can we eliminate the wounds in their hearts?" Roland looked troubled.

Charlotte fell silent. He was well aware of what those little girls had been through when he entered the dungeon that day.

The psychological trauma left by Siba was unlikely to be resolved in a short period.

At times like this, they needed an excellent psychological counselor to help them. Roland, who only knew healing and magic, couldn't be of much help.

Putting down his glass, Roland looked at him and said, "I want to establish a school in the Abyss so that these children can go to school. Perhaps a new journey can help heal their wounded souls and make them stronger and more independent."

Charlotte was stunned, and a glimmer of light appeared in his eyes.

"That's a good idea!"

The chaotic Abyss had never had a school before.

Rich kids were sent to Calva, like Roland, who graduated from the Calva Medical Academy as a prodigy.

Children from poor families were taught a specific trade from a young age, like Abu, the dwarf who was currently learning blacksmithing with Guy.

Roland's idea was indeed daring.

But if it could be implemented, the children of the Abyss would have a complete childhood.

No... it would be a new path to ascend!

Should the son of a blacksmith always be a blacksmith? Should the daughter of a tailor always be sewing?

If they could demonstrate remarkable abilities and talents in school, their lives might take an entirely different path.

Such things are not uncommon in the city of Calva, which prides itself as the City of Freedom.

"But my family will not support me." Roland reached up and ran his fingers through his hair, a rare expression of anger appearing on his usually gentle face.

"Kenneth and his two sons have done everything they can to obstruct me, even the construction of the Abyss Shield. Starting a school, which has no financial gains, will surely make them even more furious."

Diana had mentioned the construction of a magical shield to cover the entire Abyss on the Night of the Red Moon, and it seemed that there was not a unanimous agreement within the Duru family.

The resistance was strong.

"Building the Abyss Shield requires a huge sum of money, and without the support of the family, there's no way you can proceed," Charlotte looked at him and smiled, "But if it's just establishing a small school to accommodate a dozen children, hiring a few knowledgeable and responsible teachers, how much money would that cost?"

Roland was taken aback, his eyes gradually brightening as if a sudden realization hit him.

"Are you saying..."

"Principal Roland, don't tell me that after running the Duru Clinic for so many years, you don't even have this amount of money?" Charlotte played with the empty glass in her hand.

"Or do you still need to seek approval from someone for using your own pocket money?"

"You're right, this is a small matter that I can handle on my own." Roland's smile returned to his face. He stood up and refilled Charlotte's glass, raising his own.

"Having a drink with you was indeed the right choice."

"Although it's a small matter, it's the most important thing for those children. It's their fortune to have met you," Charlotte stood up as well, lightly clinking her glass with his.

"But I hope it will be called the 'Abyss Academy' instead of the 'Roland Academy'."

The smile on Roland's face gradually faded, his expression becoming solemn.

He nodded earnestly, "Yes, it will be the Abyss Academy."

The two of them enjoyed the rest of the evening over drinks.

Roland was assisted down the stairs and into a carriage by a coachman.

Charlotte didn't know how he ended up back in his bedroom. He woke up in the middle of the night.

He got up and poured himself a glass of water, soothing the burning sensation in his throat.

Patting his slightly foggy head, he walked into the bathroom and took out a bottle of Powerful Potion from his spatial ring.

Tilting his head back, he gulped it down.

His muscles and bones started crackling and popping, and the intense pain instantly woke him up.

Then he felt a mysterious force coursing through his body, cleansing his muscles and bones in a rather violent manner.

Threads of blood trickled out of his pores, mouth, nose, eyes, and ears, turning him into a figure made of blood.

Fortunately, Charlotte endured thousands of beheadings in that mysterious space, showing immense resilience. Not a single whimper escaped her lips as she braved through this wave of advancement.

After approximately ten minutes, everything returned to calm.

Charlotte took several deep breaths, trying to calm herself as much as possible.

During the breakthrough to Junior Knight, a similar physical enhancement process occurred, though the breakthrough to Intermediate Knight seemed to be even more intense this time.

According to his conjecture, this might be related to his reliance on potent potions to enhance his strength.

Before reaching the level of Senior Knight, a knight's strength enhancement was entirely dependent on training and martial techniques, steadily climbing higher step by step. Each increase in strength left its mark on the body.

But Charlotte simply relied on the potions, gulp after gulp.

Therefore, to reach the required level of physical strength, a bone and muscle refining phenomenon occurs during the advancement of an entire rank.

Choosing to delay his promotion yesterday was indeed a very wise decision.

Although the strength increase on paper was only 100kg, with the improvement in bone and muscle mass, it was self-evident that he could make the maximum use of his existing strength, resulting in an obvious enhancement of his abilities.

This is the true difference between an Intermediate Knight and a Junior Knight.

He turned on the cold water to wash away the bloodstains on his body, wiped away the water stains with a dry towel, and then put on a black nightsuit and a black cape.

Slowly pushing open the window facing the backyard, he landed quietly against the wall like a ghost.

Then, he circled from the nearby alley and observed the surroundings for a while before rushing towards the opposite small building.

He had already inquired and knew that a middle-aged man rented the house a few days ago.

He had been feeling observed these past few days, initially thinking it was just the curiosity of the neighbors.

But suddenly, a new tenant moved into the opposite shop, rarely opening the door or even stepping out. If he wasn't doing business, then what was going on?

Unusual occurrences must have a reason, and tonight he would investigate and see whether this new neighbor was a human or a monster!

Silently approaching the shop, he stood downstairs for a while, listening carefully.

All he could hear was the bed creaking with the moans of Old Wang's pock-faced wife. The sound was unbearable.

Charlotte lightly stepped and landed on the second-floor window. With a gentle flick of his fingers, he opened the slightly ajar window and confirmed that there was no movement inside before slipping silently into the room.

Although his hands were empty, as long as he willed it, the Judgment Sword would appear in his hand immediately.

His left hand also held a Fireball spell rune.

Ten minutes later, with a serious expression, Charlotte jumped down from the window. He casually picked up a stone and threw it out.


A loud thud.

Before long, a pock-faced figure peeked out of the window on the second floor of the adjacent shoe store and shouted in a gruff voice, "Which bastard dared to smash my window!"

Charlotte had already returned to his room, holding a medical license in his hand, his face not looking too good.

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