Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 185:Master is the best

Before the sky completely darkened, Charlotte rode his horse back to the Abyss.

At the entrance of the Abyss, the progress of the magical barrier was quite impressive. Several formation mages were constructing the foundation stones, and many dwarf stone masons were busy at work.

They intended to complete the magical barrier before the next Red Moon night to minimize the damage caused by the next wave.

It must be said that after removing the cancer of the Jardson family, the Abyss began to enter a phase of rapid development.

Under the leadership of Diana and Roland, the Harriman and Duru families were attempting to normalize the Abyss.

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen the landlady for a few days. I wonder what she's busy with. I miss her," Charlotte thought to himself as he rode his horse downhill.

Ruth was about to leave the Abyss, and after the ambiguous atmosphere of last night, he felt embarrassed to ask her for help with advertising.

Now he could only turn his attention to the richest woman in the Abyss—Diana.

There were quite a few wealthy ladies in the Abyss, those landladies hidden in the streets who could easily afford a bottle of 800 copper coins moisturizing essence.

When he saw Diana again, he planned to have a good talk with her.

After all, she was already a loyal user of moisturizing essence. If he could get her to promote it publicly, it would be worth more than a thousand boastful words from himself.

The first thing he did when he returned to the Abyss was to return the young mare.

He paid the 499 rent, took back the 20,000 deposit, and hurriedly returned to the clinic.

Charlotte knocked on the door for quite a while. After Vivian confirmed his identity several times and even asked about his Tumultuous Leap recipe, she finally let him in.

"You're very cautious, but don't ask so many questions next time," Charlotte said somewhat helplessly.

"Landy, didn't you say you wouldn't come back after it got dark? I was just worried someone might impersonate you," Vivian stuck out her tongue.

"Master, please have some water." Kasha walked over gracefully with a cup of water, presenting it with both hands.

"Um... thank you." Charlotte accepted the lukewarm water somewhat unaccustomedly. He had been busy all afternoon and didn't even have time to drink a sip of water.

It had to be said that having a maid offer him water as soon as he got home felt pretty good.

"You should learn from Kasha," Charlotte said to Vivian.

"No, Kasha is your maid, but I'm not," Vivian replied, particularly clear-headed.

"I'm just an employee that you pay and a roommate who freeloads off you."

"Meow?" Anna, who was lying on the cabinet, turned over and lazily meowed at Charlotte.

"Then, you should be my uncle, right?" Charlotte glanced at Anna and couldn't help but laugh.

Then he asked, "Have you had dinner yet?"

"We have..."

Before Kasha could finish her sentence, Vivian interrupted, saying, "We haven't eaten yet. We were waiting for you to come back and cook something delicious for us. Today, Mrs. Bella next door gave me a smoked rabbit. Shall we have that for dinner?"

"Smoked rabbit?" Charlotte became interested upon hearing that. He walked upstairs while saying, "Let me take a look."

"Vivian, didn't we just have soft bread? Isn't that good enough? It's tastier when the boss cooks. I think I can eat two big bowls of rice." Kasha asked quietly as they walked, "Aren't bunnies so cute..."

"Bunnies are indeed cute. Whether stir-fried or made into Tumultuous Leap, they are a delicacy," Vivian replied mischievously.

In the kitchen, Charlotte saw the dark red smoked rabbit hanging by the bedside. It had a thick layer of grease on its surface, and traces of smoking could be seen.

This is a method used by people in the other world to preserve food by utilizing their wisdom.

The Abyss is underground and quite damp, making it easy for food to spoil and difficult to preserve.

However, Mrs. Bella's skills are a bit rough, and the way she handled this rabbit... was a mess.

But these days, the weather is getting colder, especially in the mornings and evenings, the temperature difference is quite noticeable, and the winter chill is growing stronger.

Seeing this smoked rabbit, he really should start considering stocking up on food for the winter.

Storing enough grains as staple food, and then figuring out a way to store a batch of meat.

Vegetables cannot be stored, after all, they don't grow easily in the Abyss. He can only go out when he has free time and see if he can come across some sweet potatoes, potatoes, or other foods that are easy to store.

Vivian has an astonishing appetite, and her appetite has increased since she advanced to an intermediate knight.

Luckily, Kasha and Anna have normal appetites, otherwise, he would have to worry about just feeding them.

He untied the hemp rope tied around the smoked rabbit's neck, and Charlotte began to prepare this freshly smoked rabbit.

This thing is different from a cured rabbit; it won't get tastier the longer it stays, so it's better to eat it now than a month later, at least the meat will be of better quality.

Speaking of which, he could consider making some cured meat, simple and delicious.

He did want sausage, but the process was too troublesome, just preparing the casings alone would give him a headache.

This rabbit is quite fat. It seems that Bella likes Vivian's ability to stuff herself. That notorious stingy old lady gave her such a big rabbit.

But come to think of it, a useless son at home can't compare to a cute and talkative Vivian.

With this smoked rabbit, Charlotte made a spicy smoked rabbit dry pot.

Smoked rabbit always carries a smoky flavor, and it feels strange to prepare it in other ways, but making it into a dry pot complements the flavor and is very delicious.

Vivian and Kasha smelled the aroma and came upstairs, even Anna, who was lazily sleeping on the cupboard, somehow made her way upstairs and leaned on a stool, staring at Charlotte cooking.

Kasha stood by the stove, looking serious.

"Do you want to learn?" Charlotte asked her with a smile.

"Yes." Kasha nodded.

"When Kasha learns, the master won't have to work so hard to cook for us every day."

"Then I'll teach you. You can come in and watch me cook every day. In less than three months, you'll be able to cook yourself." Charlotte smiled and said.

"Three months..." Kasha's eyes dimmed. She might die in three months.

In the past few nights, she had started to experience difficulty breathing, and she had been awakened several times in her sleep.

Her condition was slightly better during the day, but she knew it would gradually worsen.

When the day comes when she can no longer breathe, she will die.

Seeing her low spirits, Charlotte smiled and said, "Today, I went to Calva and met a mermaid who was also pushed ashore by the black mist."

Kasha was surprised and looked at him in shock, "You mean... her condition is the same as mine?"

"Yes, exactly. The person who saved her is a doctor who formulated a potion that alleviates her symptoms of gradually losing the ability to breathe on land. So, she has survived on land for three years now."

"That's great! Kasha, your illness can be cured!" Vivian happily hugged Kasha, excited like a child with a 36D chest.

Kasha's face was filled with joy as tears streamed down her cheeks uncontrollably.

"Master is too kind to Kasha... I'm so touched."

"I asked that doctor to bring the mermaid to our clinic tomorrow. Her condition is even more severe than yours, with her body corroded by seawater. She needs surgery. In exchange, the doctor will give me the formula for the potion, and I will personally concoct it for you." Charlotte explained.

Kasha nodded slightly, but still worried, she asked, "Is that sister in a lot of pain?"

The wounds corroded by seawater can't heal on their own, and there is no cure for them. The pain of watching herself rot was unbearable, and even now, the memory made her scalp tingle.

But that sister had endured this pain for three whole years.

The master said her condition was even worse than hers; the pain must be unimaginable.

"Yes, it's a dual torment on the body and mind." Charlotte nodded, thinking about how Linda, to prevent Leo from seeing her current appearance, locked herself in the attic.

He couldn't help but feel emotional, "But it's okay, I will perform surgery on her tomorrow, free her from the pain, and restore her appearance."

"Yes, Master is the best. You will cure that sister." Kasha's face showed a smile again, and she looked at Charlotte with admiration in her eyes.

"Alright, go sit down and get ready to eat." Charlotte smiled; his mouth slightly lifted. It feels great to have a fan girl cheering for him.

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