Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 78: I'm Lucky

When the Fox Guards arrived with torches, the bedroom had turned into ruins, with only the Wolverine lying in a pool of blood and Charlotte leaning against the wall, his face covered in blood.

The bedroom's ceiling had been lifted off, and all four walls had collapsed. The wood in the corner was still smoldering. Fortunately, this room had no adjacent neighbors, so no one else was affected.

One Fox Guard approached with a sword to inspect the intruder, while another rushed towards Charlotte, taking a hemostatic potion out of his pocket and asking, "Doctor Charlotte, are you alright?"

"Cough... cough..." Charlotte coughed twice, spat out a mouthful of blood, and whispered, "I won't die, but the injuries are quite serious."

"It's the Wolverine!" exclaimed the Fox Guard inspecting the intruder, "He's already dead!"

The Fox Guard who was about to administer medicine to Charlotte was also startled upon hearing this, turning his head to look at the half-faced wolf-man illuminated by the flames. "It's him!"

The Wolverine had some fame in the Abyss and served as Carol's powerful bodyguard.

His lycanthrope heritage granted him immense strength and speed, while decades of roaming and hunting in the wilderness had given him unparalleled combat experience.

Among the fourth-tier beings in the Abyss, few could match him.

Even if both of them had arrived simultaneously earlier, they had no confidence in capturing him, let alone killing him.

However, he was dead.

In this devastated room that housed only two people.

He was the one who died!

And Charlotte was still alive.

When the two Fox Guards looked at Charlotte again, there was now a touch of awe in their eyes.

Charlotte had single-handedly killed the Wolverine.

Regardless of the method he used.

"I'm lucky. I used a magic scroll to take him down, and I was fortunate enough to survive," Charlotte explained with a bitter smile.

As for whether the two Fox Guards believed him...

From their gazes, Charlotte could tell that they seemed somewhat skeptical.

One of the Fox Guards fed him a bottle of hemostatic potion, and Charlotte didn't refuse, as it would be difficult to explain later if he did, considering Vivian had given him some simple treatment.

"Is there anyone in the inner room?" one of the Fox Guards asked, his ears twitching as he tightened his grip on the knife.

"It's my assistant," Charlotte turned around and called out loudly to the inner room, "Eileen, it's safe now, comes out."

Vivian came out carrying Anna, her eyes red from crying and looking timid, fitting the appearance of a frightened young orc girl.

The Fox Guard relaxed his grip on the knife upon seeing this.

Soon, Buddy arrived with a group of Fox Guards.

Seeing the dilapidated state of the clinic's second floor, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

It wasn't until they went upstairs and saw Charlotte still alive that they breathed a slight sigh of relief.

But when they heard that the intruder was the Wolverine and that he had been killed by Charlotte alone, the expressions of the group towards Charlotte became somewhat different.

The strength of the Wolverine was widely known, and Buddy had fought against him without gaining any advantage.

As Carol's right-hand man, he had died at the hands of a mage who had lost their magic source.

Yet, from the lingering chaotic magic elements and the explosive wreckage all over the floor, it was evident that magic was involved.


The Fox Guards looked at Charlotte, seemingly waiting for an explanation.

"My luck is pretty good. I used a magic spell to send him away," Charlotte explained again.

"I see," Buddy nodded, but his expression showed disbelief.

He examined the body of the Wolverine, whose half of the head had been blown off. Judging from the wound, it seemed that a fireball had entered his mouth.

A seasoned warrior like the Wolverine wouldn't just open his mouth and let someone shove a fireball into it.

Buddy also noticed the Wolverine's right claw. Although it was charred, the two broken claws weren't crushed; they had clean-cut edges as if they were severed by a sharp weapon.

But Buddy didn't ask further in front of everyone. He looked at Charlotte and said, "Mr. Charlotte, your residence has been destroyed, and we don't know if they will come back. For your safety, please come with me to the Harriman Estate. Miss Diana will arrange your accommodation and have a doctor treat your injuries."

"Thank you," Charlotte nodded.

After receiving emergency treatment from Vivian, his injuries were not severe. He just needed a few days of rest.

But as Buddy said, the Wolverine was dead, and who knows what kind of assassins Carol might send next.

Charlotte didn't dare to gamble on his luck next time.

"I need to bring my assistant, Eileen. It wouldn't be safe for her to stay here alone," Charlotte made a small request.

"Sure," Buddy glanced at Vivian and nodded.

"Eileen, pack up some things. We're changing our location tonight," Charlotte said to Vivian.

Vivian agreed and quickly returned to her room. In no time, she came out carrying a small package.

With the support of the Fox Guards, Charlotte stood up. He looked at the devastated house, with broken bricks and scattered cloth everywhere, and sighed lightly.

"Don't worry, once you arrive at the Harriman Estate, no one can harm you," Buddy reassured him.

What pains me is the ruined bed and the clothes in that wardrobe. I'll have to buy them again. Charlotte nodded slightly and glanced at a corner of the black robe covered in dust. He looked at Buddy and said, "There are some important things in my shop. If I go to the estate..."

"Don't worry, I'll leave two Fox Guards here to watch over it. Tomorrow, we'll find someone to clean up and rebuild the house, and make sure no one steals anything from it," Buddy said.

"Then I can rest assured," Charlotte nodded. He walked to a corner, pulled out the black robe, and crumpled it into a ball before handing it to Vivian. "This is my favorite thin blanket. It still looks usable, so put it in your room for now."

Vivian took it with a puzzled expression and turned to stuff it under her bed in her room.

As they descended the stairs, Charlotte glanced at the adjacent laboratory. Fortunately, apart from some cracked walls, there didn't seem to be any major problems. He wondered if the frightened little white mice had survived.

He took a few bottles of hemostatic potion from the cabinet and three bottles of magic potion for nausea from the drawer. Charlotte and Vivian boarded the carriage prepared by Buddy and left Baka Street.


"Father, do you think the doctor next door is dead?"

"From the commotion, most likely."

"Ah... What a pity. Who will I use as a prototype in the future?"

"Yeah, what a shame. We've lost a stable customer source."

On the second floor of the adjacent bookstore, two figures leaned against the wall, listening attentively to the commotion, whispering to each other.

The commotion from the neighboring clinic was too loud, and the whole street could hear it.

The neighbors knew that Charlotte had sought the protection of Diana and had offended some powerful figures.

From the sounds they heard tonight, it was more likely to be bad news than good news.

Some people felt sorry, while others took pleasure in it.


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