Run A Medical Clinic In The Abyssal World

Chapter 94: Shocked, He Was Kept by Diana!

A voluptuous and beautiful woman sat collapsed in front of the ruins of the clinic, crying loudly, attracting the attention of many passersby.

Upon learning the reason behind her tears, some people voluntarily joined the mourning crowd. Even patients who had been treated by the doctor silently shed tears.

It had turned into a memorial gathering.

"Who are they mourning?" Charlotte curiously observed for a while, and suddenly felt that the woman's plump figure and voice were familiar. Wasn't she Ruth?

Realizing that Ruth was surrounded by a group of onlookers, mourning his untimely death, Charlotte walked over with a wry smile.

Why did this woman seem a little dim-witted?

"Oh, doctor... How could you leave me like this? How can I live without you..." Ruth's eyes were swollen from crying, and her body trembled. She appeared genuinely heartbroken, her crying infecting those around her.

Even the middle-aged woman passing by couldn't help but wipe her tears and quietly ask, "Why is this girl crying? Is there money to be had?"

"Isn't she Ruth, the top dancer from Anman Street?"

"She truly is an exceptional beauty. Even her crying looks so beautiful."

"I didn't expect that the doctor, who looked so dry and thin, managed to capture Miss Ruth's heart. It's a pity he became a ghost."

The onlookers whispered, and many men's eyes lingered on Ruth.

Charlotte squeezed through the crowd, looking at Ruth, who was immersed in her sobbing. He could indeed sense her sadness and pain, but he was still alive and standing right there, which made this feeling somewhat strange.

He walked up to Ruth and slowly crouched down.

The noisy crowd instantly fell silent.

Someone recognized Charlotte's identity and almost screamed out.

Ruth felt a shadow cast over her, and with tear-filled eyes, she looked up and saw a familiar face.

Her crying abruptly stopped, and Ruth was momentarily stunned. She blinked her eyes quickly, her vision becoming clearer, and she saw the face of the man squatting in front of her.

"Doctor!" Ruth exclaimed in surprise and immediately threw herself into Charlotte's embrace.

With her soft and fragrant body crashing into his arms, it was a deadly move, but luckily, Charlotte was prepared and caught her, avoiding being knocked to the ground.

"Oh... What is this..."

The men in the crowd left in indignation, and even the single dogs in the corner turned their heads away.

Ruth buried her head in his chest, sobbing heavily. After a while, her emotions gradually calmed down.

"What are you doing?" Charlotte helped her stand up, feeling somewhat amused and unable to truly be moved.

Ruth sniffled and wiped away a tear. Cupping Charlotte's face with both hands, she couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Seemingly thinking that her appearance of crying and laughing at the same time was too crazy, a blush appeared on her face, and she complained, "They all said that you were ambushed and killed. When I came, the clinic was reduced to rubble... I... I thought you were dead."

Looking at Ruth's swollen eyes, filled with worry and joy, Charlotte's heart softened.

In this world, some people genuinely cared about his life and death.

To have someone grieving and concerned when he died felt quite good.

"Fool, I'm fine. The clinic was just demolished and will be rebuilt. I plan to temporarily move to the shop opposite and continue operating for a while." Charlotte wiped away the tears that were about to fall from the corner of her eyes, smiling as he spoke.

"That... Where are you staying now?" Ruth looked at him with concern. "If it's not safe enough, why don't you come and live with me? It will be safer for you to stay with me."

"Oh my...!"

The onlookers who hadn't gone far away showed expressions of shock.

The gazes of the men toward Charlotte were filled with envy and jealousy.

Miss Ruth inviting him to live together, such a good thing fell on this pretty boy.

They suddenly understood why Charlotte was always being targeted.

Anyone would want to have a go at him.

"No need, I'm staying at Miss Diana's place now. Harriman Manor is still very safe," Charlotte smiled. Refusing an invitation like living on Amman Street was truly heartbreaking.

However, when these words reached the ears of the onlookers, they sounded different.

"What! He's living at Harriman Manor!"

"Shocking! He's cohabiting with Diana!"

"Damn! He rejected Miss Ruth just because he's being supported by Miss Diana!"

You see, the rumors became more and more exaggerated.

Ruth was also stunned and exclaimed, "You mean... you're living with Diana?!"

Suddenly, she felt a pang in her heart.

"You could say that," Charlotte nodded.

Buddy hesitated beside them, but upon careful consideration, it seemed that Charlotte wasn't lying. He lived at Harriman Manor, and even in Miss Diana's villa.

"Well, I wish you happiness..." Ruth lowered her head, turned around, and tried to keep the tears from falling.

"Is your stomach still hurting? Did the scar go away?" Charlotte was a bit puzzled and asked casually.

"I knew you still care about me, that you can't let go of me," Ruth's face lit up with a smile again. She turned around and said, "It doesn't hurt anymore, and the scar is gone. I had it removed by Dr. Roland at Duru Medical Hall."

"Roland..." Charlotte smiled. The Abyss was indeed a small world.

When Charlotte went to look at the shop across the street, Ruth insisted on going with him.

The shop was about half the size of his original clinic, only around 100 square meters, but it was clean. The things brought over from the clinic were neatly stacked in the shop, including the two stone beds in the examination room and the operating room.

"It's too small, and the layout is not good. We need to build a wall here, with the outside serving as the examination room and the inside as the operating room. It can barely be used," Ruth gave instructions as if she were the mistress of the house.

Buddy glanced at Charlotte.

"The operating room does need to be separated to avoid contamination of wounds. The wall can be built in this position, and this cabinet can be pushed against the wall, not occupying the center space. This stone bed should be placed here..." Charlotte began planning the layout of the temporary clinic.

Since it was temporary, Charlotte naturally wouldn't be too picky. As long as it could meet the daily needs of consultations, it would suffice.

"I understand. I'll have them make the necessary changes according to your requirements," Buddy nodded slightly.

"Thank you," Charlotte thanked him. He took paper and pen from the shelf, wrote a notice, and posted it on a wooden board.

Then, he placed the wooden board in front of the entrance to the clinic across the street, informing the patients coming for treatment that the clinic had temporarily moved to the street opposite and would start consultations from tomorrow.

With Buddy's help, Charlotte replaced the clinic's original sign with a tailor shop's sign, and thus, the temporary clinic was established.

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