
Chapter 162: Finisher – Part 3

Well, there's nothing else for us to do here, so we cross through the exit portal and appear outside the dungeon. Now there's an even bigger crowd than before since word got out that we were fighting a mountainous Aberrant, and a lot of exclamations of surprise echo with our dazzling arrival.

The guide Companion clears her throat and presses a [Project Voice] tool against her throat. Then she proudly announces, "The Ryder Royal Family has exterminated a humongous Aberrant on their own! Its colossal carcass can still be seen on the four-petal floor of the dungeon! And with it, there's a sea of hardened sap that was released from the gaping wound created by Her Highness Roxanne's single explosive spell! Go marvel at the might of the Royal Family with your own eyes before the dungeon swallows the Aberrant's corpse!"

Wait, I'm forgetting something…

The crowd bursts into murmurs, but then the Companions start making way for us to walk away from the gate, and we promptly follow them. Once we're far enough, the Companions clear a large area, and I pull out our personal winged airship.

We don't dawdle and immediately board. Then the golems activate the enchantments and have us start to ascend.


But now everyone's in the mood to enjoy a short trip home, so I guess that monster will remain unfucked for now.

The wives, on the other hand…


Intermission – Iliada


I happily say goodbye to my parents, now confident that they're adapting well to their new life in Escanso, and then I leave the cute little house we bought with my money. It may be my house, but I don't often sleep here due to my work as a High Maid in the castle, so I only come back for my rest days, though the royals are quite generous with how often I'm able to rest.

There's a carriage waiting for me, and I never get tired of seeing it. All my friends in Goloria have sent me letters dripping with envy even though I'm not serving a pure elven family. And then that envy turned into an unending thirst for smut once I told them how blissful it is to be embraced by the King.

I wouldn't mind if I had to work every day without rest, for the dazzling and shining sight of King Wolf fills me with energy. I don't even need his massive sword of love piercing my fiery folds to motivate me anymore because I can receive sustenance simply from his handsome smile, which becomes even more charming with each passing day, it seems.

The beautiful town slowly passes me by, and I feel a soothing sense of pride in belonging to this place. We know that there have been growing problems due to the presence of adventurers and travelers, but everyone trusts the Royals to fix them and make Escanso into an even better place. We're all hopeful for what tomorrow might bring.

I thought I'd already found my place in Goloria when I was accepted as a maid in the castle, but that fateful meeting with the youthful King before his ascension and draconic transformation changed my life. Seeing his elegant naked body made me lose my mind, and when faced with his Grand Sword, I couldn't resist the temptation to touch it.

To think that a King took all of my first times… well, he still needs to impregnate me, but I know that it's only a matter of time.

All this fantasizing is making me too heated, so I relieve myself in the carriage, though my own fingers are nothing but a temporary treatment for this addiction that plagues the women of the castle.

Then I remember that the High Chamberlain has told us that today will be the official beginning for us, the High Maids, and I start to get wet again. She has prepared a small "surprise" for the King, her beloved, and we're all hoping that it'll put him in a "breeding mood," which always ends with us getting knocked out through pleasure.

Life in the castle is so good that I understand why the Chimeras want to stay bound to the land after death. Lord Wolf will live longer than us, so maybe we could support him further by following the path of the Chimeras?


Intermission end.


We arrive back at the castle, and I stop our airship right at the balcony of our bedroom, then store it back in my "Items." Klein is still bedridden, but she's awake and being cared for by Poosh, who massages her legs and back as the monkey girl is still sore from being pounded into Heaven.

"How was your trip, Your Highness?" my lovely sheep warmly questions.

"Awesome. We even solved a dungeon's mystery and got an Artifact," I happily answer and pull out the silver flower.

"Ooh~…" Klein coos quietly as she stares at the pretty colors.

"What does it do?" Poosh hums.

"Helps grow magical food," I answer as I drop onto the bed to relax beside Klein, and my fluffy concubine starts massaging my horns.

The girls spread around the bedroom for a quick rest, and the golems pull out warm tea and coffee with chocolate snacks for everyone. I have Suzy telekinetically bring a little square of chocolate into my mouth, but I'm not in the mood for coffee, for now.

"What do you wish for this afternoon, Your Highness?" Poosh soothingly inquires.

I savor the creamy piece of Heaven as I hum, then casually answer, "I think I'll visit Fuda, then prowl the castle for pussy? Maybe I could give Thea a good one if she's up to it and also the maids. We've already had a lot of excitement today, so I want to do something relaxing."

Yunia then calmly reminds me, "There was a High Officer meeting today, but it got delayed since we were in the dungeon, and one of us must participate."

"How about…" I start as I raise my head and look around.

"Me," Aoi volunteers and lifts a claw.

"Oh?" I hum in surprise.

"You let me run wild, so I want to return the support," my sweet little dragon explains.

"Awn…" I coo, heartstruck.

"I'll work on my enchanting, then," Lina informs Aoi. They need to be together to work in the manufacturing room, so Lina will focus on her own things until Aoi returns.

"Okay," the little big blue dragon cutely replies.

Poosh's tone suddenly takes on a sultry note that's rather unusual for her as she whispers in my ear, "Then, after you return from your visit to Mr. Fuda, may I introduce you to the newest maid?"

"Ooh~…" Alissa hums excitedly, both our tails wagging in anticipation.

"I'd love to," I eagerly reply, with a very happy smirk.


For the High Officer meeting, Poosh also has to be present, so she leaves Klein to Hana's strong hands. The meeting is just routine, so there isn't anything too important being said, but what's important is that this happens regularly so that our Officers keep us up-to-date on what's going on in our territory.

For the first topic, we guide Aoi to propose that we use the Artifact to grow the rations for our men since there's no downside to giving all of them a small boost in magic.

"The only problem with Artifacts is that we mustn't rely on them too much, for they're irreplaceable," Sandoro wisely cautions us.

Right, I did find it curious how we have a lot of Artifacts in our treasury, but none are being used.

"We can't make more Artifacts?" Aoi curiously questions.

"Not cheaply," he replies and glances at Mimi.

We won't argue with that because our dear High Accountant is giving Aoi a very intense look, almost as if her draconic intimidation aura is completely non-existent (understandable since she has dragon blood in her), so we have her focus on another point, "But Artifacts are made in dungeons, so if we can control the dungeons…"

Sandoro immediately understands what she's getting at, so he asks for clarification, "I've heard reports that God-Ruler Arreira managed to perform extensive modifications to his dungeon-tomb, correct?"

Aoi nods. "Yes… but it took hundreds of thousands of years. Though we have his notes, and Wolfy really wants to study dungeoneering one day."

"Well, I don't see how using this Artifact would cause too much trouble in the future," Alcander serenely states.

But Sandoro expands upon his reservations, "If our troops become more magically talented, we can adapt their equipment and tactics to benefit from it, but if we then lose that magic advantage, we'll have to downgrade their equipment and tactics again."

It's a reasonable concern, but the wives and I unanimously agree that it's not a big concern for us.

So Aoi calmly relays our conclusion, "It's okay, it won't be that bad if we lose the Artifact, and I believe Wolfy will eventually find some way to create more."

"I kind of agree with both of her statements, no offense meant to His Highness," Almaria politely chimes in with a wry smile.

And Sandoro seems convinced. "Very well. I do admit that if we eventually lose the Artifact, it'll still take years for its loss to cause problems, so I also believe it's an acceptable risk to take."

Then we move on to the usual reports.

Alander's Royal Land Engineers have started growing the Bark Shield Walls for a couple of villages. His men need to be well-trained in [Nature Magic], so we have him and Almaria make sure that their magic training regimen is as good as it can ever be.

Silvano and Aisco are training the rest of the court mages in combat magic, and we have to make sure that Aisco isn't killing anyone with his surprisingly strict regimen. Silvano also isn't the best at leadership, so we have Almaria give them a hand since she's the senior Officer.

Almaria's work is giving a hand everywhere, and she also has to finish growing the golem's fuckable bodies, so we need to make sure her workload isn't too heavy. She's a bit of a workaholic, and Yunia has Aoi pressure the mature elf to take rests.

Sainalai is the one who's most often in contact with the Chimeras now that Oritiki isn't here to represent them, and the little halfling reports that the Chimeras are eager to start the gem refinery that we have planned. Once the imperial airship we won arrives, the Winch will have enough escorts to start mining the Drifting Lands for their gems again, but the big metal egg is slow as fuck, so it's still a couple of days away, I believe.

Then Osaria starts to give her report, but it's just the usual: crime levels are having an uptick due to increased traffic and tourism, businesses are flourishing, the elven commoners continue to complain about the boorish adventurers of other races, unreasonable requests for infrastructure keep wasting her time, and there's also the random weird issue that comes to us through the Lord's Hall petitions.

"A dwarf fellowship has lodged a complaint about 'being served poison.' An investigation by the knights discovered that they were merely served watered-down alcohol," she dryly reads the report.

Everyone remains silent and stares at her confusedly.

"I'm sorry. I thought it was too funny to not mention," she apologizes while holding back a grin.

"Thank you for sharing this," Aoi calmly replies with a toothy smile and breaks into soft chuckling. But now that a Royal has approved of the milf's joke, the rest of the Officers also finally laugh too, with Alcander being the loudest one. Mimi just smirks, though, too straight-edged to have a little laugh.

Wait, straight-edged has a different meaning in this world, and Mimi definitely isn't one.


Meanwhile, I visit Fuda, my little bro.

His family's shop is at the edge of the Nobles' Quarters with the lower floor open for commoners, giving the nobles a vantage point to look down upon the unwashed peasants. And, unfortunately for the rather reserved Gilbik family, they're popular both because they sell good products and because aristocrats want to get close to them to open a door to us.

Alissa and I take an open Gatun carriage there, and we gently wave to the commoners as they gather to see us pass. The trip is short as the shop is relatively close to the castle, so we soon disembark, and the Companions make way for us.

The nobles are more orderly than the commoners, so they instantly open a path after the first shout. I feel like we're getting in the way of the Gilbik's business by appearing in this manner, but Fuda suddenly comes from behind the crowd looking mighty pleased that I've finally come.

"You'r Highnesses!" he happily shouts as he approaches, hand extended for a shake.

"Mr. Fuda," I coolly reply, and he raises his eyebrows amusedly at the honorific. Then we share a brotherly greeting, and he gives Alissa a quick bow. "I hope I'm not bothering you too much, but I came to have a talk with you about enchanting, as you desired."

And he actually shows a bit of etiquette with his response, "You'd neve'r be a bothe'r You'r Highness! Pleashe, come this way."


His parents are, understandably, very awkward around us after we saw them fuck each other, drunk with lust, but they don't seem angry about what happened. I mean, I bet they had the best fuck of their lives, so it's hard to be mad at the person that helped you ascend to a new level of living.

But anyway, Fuda takes us to his office, where he eagerly shows his designs for new products.

The first thing that catches my eye is that he created proto-pinball, or rather, half-pinball. It's a game where a ball is randomly thrown down an inclined surface, and the player has to pull a lever to turn a little bat that launches the ball towards one of the many goals of varying difficulty.

It'd be a perfect game for a carnival fair since it's a really damn hard game with a random component to it, so you could give rewards based on which goal is scored. But I have an idea of how to upgrade it.

Lyle's Lylanine could be used for keeping score by creating a variety of buttons that the ball could press, and then we only need to make it flashy to give the player that big dopamine hit whenever it presses one of the buttons. And Toroo's enchanting shop is specialized in pretty illusion gems.

He lights up in excitement once I finish sharing my vision of a pinball table. "This is a g'reat idea, Wolf! It'll be a bit expenshive, but I can shee it'll become popula'r among the nobility."

But then I give him the kicker, "I expect gem prices to start falling once our gem refinery opens, so we could focus on creating a line of products around gems since the fall will create a wave of interest in enchanted items."

"That makes a lot of shenshe," he hums thoughtfully.

"You might want to look into hiring more craftsmen to stock up on items so that you'll only need to wait for the gem prices to fall before you can finish building them. And since you'll be acting on my advice, I can cover the costs if things don't play out like we're predicting."

But he frowns worriedly and timidly admits, "I-I don't have enough 'Intelligence' or 'Wisdom' to deal with so much money."

So I soothe him with a brotherly tone, "Don't worry, it doesn't have to be now, so we'll help you get a grasp on how this could work."

If Mimi is available (and she doesn't try to kill me for adding more expenses), we can have her instruct the Gilbiks on my plan. Or~… her father! We did offer Klasse a position to help manage our businesses, so the experienced entrepreneur could be the perfect person to help the Gilbiks enter this new endeavor.


I get so into this plan that I forget there's a new woman waiting for me back at the castle, so once we finish going over all of Fuda's designs, Alissa and I take our leave.

"This way, Your Highness," Poosh eagerly takes us to a private room in one of the higher "leaves" of the castle. Then she enthusiastically starts explaining what's to come, "I've been 'improving' the maid training to include specific requirements for those who wish to personally serve Their Highnesses. There's no increase in pay, so the only incentive is to gain your 'favor,' filtering out the greedier ones. I also added a 'Piety' requirement so that those with dangerous ambitions towards the royals are unlikely to qualify."

"Ciel is very happy with your proposal," Alissa relays our angel's feelings.

"I live to please the royals," my loyal sheep milf coolly replies with a respectful nod.

Then she opens the door to the room, and I immediately get a boner. The maids are wearing a very slutty and arousing maid outfit, full of cute frills and covering just a little more skin than the usual elven not-bikini, but also perfectly sized so that it enhances each girl's features while giving the viewer a very perverted peek at their underwear.

Iliada, my favorite elven maid, is the sexy and delicate flower that first attracts my eyes. Then I recognize a Doberman-headed Chimera aristocrat (who gives a mean blowjob), followed by three elven maids who I know have very good hands. They all look so damn fuckable with their coy and suggestive smiles that my lewd tentacles beg to be released.

But then my eyes fall upon the newest addition, a rare "smooth blend" type of Chimera: a mix of human, deer, and feline, all merged together into a cute and appetizing package. Her brown hair is short and tied to one side; her small antlers are adorably stubby, sanded down to not get in the way; her ears are triangular and fuzzy like a cat's; her nose is flat with a straight bridge and is slightly furred, definitely not human; her light brown skin has streaks of dark fur, making it look like she's covered with tribal markings; her freckled face is small, triangular, and very charming; her arms are slender and very fluffy; her furred hands are large, with long, sharp-looking nails; her small breasts are cute like Lina's, and I know that there are black nipples under the slutty maid outfit; her back is furry like Hukarere's, while her front is naked, except for a few streaks; her legs smoothly transition from human to cat-like with digitigrade feet and stubby toes; her tail is short and fluffy, and it wags uncontrollably when she sees me.

"Kai!" I immediately shout and rush forward.

"I-I'm so happy you still remember my name, Your Highness," she happily replies as she cutely holds her cheeks in a girlish way, sounding quite moved.

I stop before her and put my clawed hands on her elbows, then slowly move them up her furry arms until I reach her shoulders, all while staring intensely into her pretty eyes. Her fur and hairs stand on end as a wave of arousal washes through her, and I take it as her approval to take this further.

So I grab her chin and have her face down a bit so that I can reach her lips. Then I press her delicious body against mine, making sure that she can feel my massive hard-on touch her entrance.

I don't care for anything else. The dragon is out, and he'll fuck this cat-deer beauty.

She responds to my kiss with eagerness, but there's still a good amount of shyness and fear in her reactions. But I know that she's a huge fucking slut, so addicted to my Cock that she even changed jobs just so that she could suck me off every day.

I break the kiss and huskily whisper, "I was starting to feel like searching for you because I didn't know where you went."

The cute cat-deer graces my ears with a girlish giggle before she confesses, "I was learning Andraste, but ever since the Intervention, I started training without rest to become a maid."

Poosh then proudly interjects, "And she's the only one that's passed, so far. In fact, she learned faster than anyone I've ever seen."

I give the lovely whoring teacher a smile of approval. "Considering your past profession, I'm eager to see what you 'taught' her."

But she lowers her head apologetically, "I'm sure you'll love her skills, though even I couldn't increase her stamina to last long under you."

Kai's pussy starts to warm up, so I think we've spoken for long enough. "I still have my wives if I want a long Ravaging. The maids are perfect for the occasional 'snack.'"

Then I look around at my personal sluts, and they return pleading and yearning gazes. These are the ones who have distinguished themselves in skill, loyalty, and desire, so, just like the Companions, it's a crime to leave them wanting.

Except for Alissa, who enjoys neglect and NTR.

I release the tentacles upon the maids while I return my focus to the surprised Kai.

With practiced ease, I undo the knot of her slutty maid top, releasing her cute and very small mounds with their familiar and also very cute dark nipples. A feast before a hungry wolf, so I promptly partake in it and draw heavy breaths from her as I use my spirit touch on her pointy bits, quickening the rise of her arousal.

She grabs my horns as I suckle on her tits, and she actually applies [Massage] on them similar to how Poosh does, but with her own cute and eager flavor, making it a fresh experience. She knows what I like, indeed.

Suddenly, a bed appears behind her with a *poof*, so I promptly push her down onto it, making her squeak and giggle girlishly like the adorable cat-deer she is. But then she takes off her panties by herself and spreads her legs, inviting me to have a taste of her brown lips.

She seems to have really enjoyed having her pussy eaten by me that one time back in Whakamutu, so much so that she momentarily forgets her "training" and commits a bit of a faux pas by asking a King to eat you out before you suck His Royal Cock. But I forgive her for this small transgression and happily have my second appetizer.

This delicious cat-deer is exquisite. A girlish and free-spirited small bundle of brown joy. She's similar to Hukarere, proudly addicted to my cum, but also more feminine and daintier than the white wolf soldier. She's got that "small animal" behavior and juiciness that reminds me of Nono, but she proudly displays her "assets," unlike the bashful white bunny.

And I simply can't resist Kai's charm, penetrating her as soon as she recovers from the orgasm my tongue gives her. She happily sings for me and wraps her arms around my neck as she moves her hips to match my rhythm.

Her partial cat nature gives her more energy than the average human, while her deer side makes her every move and sound more adorable. If only she had big, majestic antlers, but I understand that they'd be inconvenient, though maybe detachable ones could be made?

But this digression lasts for only a short while, as her pussy starts to spasm and squeeze my Cock, alerting me of another oncoming orgasm, so I cum along with her and fill her up with my orgasmic, magical cum. And contact with my seed elevates her bliss to another level.

I slow down to give her time to enjoy Heaven, but the moment her eyes regain focus, she starts to move her hips to repeat the climb of the stairs of pleasure. She seems to be a bit tired, though, so I reduce my spirit touch to make this round last longer, for she's almost out.

Nice and slow, my Cock enters and vacates her with delightfully lewd moist sounds. The moaning of the maids serves as backing vocals for Kai's little song as we enter its final phase. And it takes some self-control for me to not pound her full steam, for the dragon is still very hungry.

But she eventually falls, leaving me peckish for more. This was merely the first course, and I'm feeling like having a whole meal of Companions. Hana also approves of this idea, so she decides to join Alissa and me on our dive into soldier pussy.

I slide out of Kai and sigh in satisfaction. Then I turn to my loyal sheep and earnestly praise her, "She was amazing; thank you, Poosh, my love. Continue with the good work."

Her bright smile is so beautiful that I just have to put my dick in her mouth. And she happily gives me a quick blowjob before I join my hungry dragonkin.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Prince Definitely  not Dio.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord litalmexy.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord William Clark.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord Placid.

Lord LiuAnshan.

Lord Black Unicorn.

Lord Brandon.

Lord Duncan Campbel.

Lord Empyrean.

Lord Badger.

Lord School Work.

Lord Patrick_starz.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble Anon A Moose.

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