
Chapter 163: A New Quest – Part 2

The High Officers and the girls start to leave the meeting room to make their own preparations. Alissa hesitates as she notices my anxiety, but then she sees that Poosh is already approaching me, so my foxy slut decides to leave me alone with my fluffy sheep because Poosh won't have another opportunity to pamper me for a while.

And the loyal concubine in question stops behind my seat, then immediately goes for my horns and massages them soothingly. She has a gift with her hands, and it does work to slow down my chaotic thoughts, allowing me to focus on one thing at a time.

This dream has made me… worried, I guess. I don't really like that the Gods can mess with my head in this way, but I guess they can't really just go, "hey, dude, I need you to find the Lord of Storms for [some reason]" due to "interference" from the Gods of Order and Destruction. I mean, that's what the Humanoid Gods told us, and there's no way of confirming if they're telling the truth or not.

But I stop thinking about that because it makes the girls too anxious and start brooding over the second thing that's made me worried: my dream. It was just so fast and sudden that I need time to process its meaning.

"You said you once sailed close to the Everlasting Storm?" I quietly ask Poosh.

Her answer comes out with a velvety smooth tone as she contently massages my horns, "Yes, Your Highness. It was a most humbling experience that even gave me a point in 'Piety.'"

I almost moan in pleasure as her love seeps into me through her hands. Then I close my eyes and softly continue, "I think the Gods showed me the Storm in my dream, but what stuck with me from the experience wasn't how it looked; it was the feeling that I got from the Storm."

"What feeling?" she coos softly.

"That I was staring at a wall."

She hums thoughtfully as she amusedly answers, "Well, it is a wall at the edge of our Realm, but you've already dipped into other Realms with your [Otherworldly Summoning] experiment, so the Storm won't be too much of a challenge for you, I believe."

I grin as I slowly open my eyes again. My mental focus is quickly returning, along with the excitement at the prospect of exploring the unknown.

"But I'm more concerned with the 'why' they showed it to me," I soberly continue.

She leans down, closer to my ear, as she casually whispers, "Are answers always supposed to come at first glance?"

I almost pout petulantly. "Well, I like solving mysteries, which makes me averse to cryptic things."

And she wisely suggests, "Maybe this is the Gods telling you to always keep the Everlasting Storm in mind?"

But I scoff softly. "More like they want me to become obsessed with it because now I'll try to connect the Storm to everything that happens."

She hesitates for a second before she cautiously replies, "I feel like you're exaggerating a bit."

I grin again and cheekily agree, "For comedic effect, yes."

My fluffy concubine gently kisses the top of my head, then hugs my chest from behind, and I can just feel the warm smile in her tone as she whispers in my ear, "You must have a Gift for making women fall in love with you." Then she gives my cheek a kiss.

I think about making a dick joke, but that'd ruin the mood. It wouldn't be a lie, per se, since my Cock is magical and a Big reason why the Companions are the cumsluts that they are, but Poosh is one of the few that resisted the Draconic Lust and instead fell for me for a different reason.

I grab her soft hands and give each a kiss before I huskily ask, "Have we progressed further than just 'worship'? Are you really seeing me as a proper lover?"

She hugs me tight again, and her hands start wandering over my athletic body. "It was but a matter of time, though the aspect of me 'worshiping' you will never not exist in our relationship."

They say that it's when you lose something that you realize how important it was to you, and in this case, my second departure in such a short time seems to have made Poosh realize what she really feels for me. I certainly will miss her because she's almost as motherly as Ciel; it's just that my fluffy sheep focuses her love entirely on us.

"I believe that, rather than a Gift, it's just that the Gods like to bring women my way who are compatible with me," I calmly continue.

"That does make sense," she hums as her hands start to drift down.

But I stand up and turn around so that I can stare into her cutely bespectacled eyes and huskily declare, "Which means that you're destined to be mine."

She smiles sweetly, her long sheep ears twitching under her voluminous blonde hair, then I grab her face and seal her lips with mine. She's earned the right to be branded, and I'll make it memorable so that the feeling lasts until we return.


With my mind cleared, I can properly focus on the third thing that's made me worried: the journey to the Lord of Storms. I'm mostly concerned about the part where I shot through "enemies." I didn't see anything concrete that could clue me into what we'll face, but I really hope they're just monsters rather than something worse…

The journey itself will require the help of the Chimeras in the Sky Lands, at least at the start, because the ancient spirit Chimeras don't have reliable maps of the area around the Sky Lands, which was considered "backwater" by the spirits, so it's possible we could get lost trying to enter the non-euclidean Broken Skies. We'll be taking Alcander, so even if we get lost, we can still teleport out, but you can end up somewhere dangerous if you recklessly wander into it.

There's also the problem of the Realm Travelers in the Sky Lands. The dream made no mention of them, so I don't know how we'll get the Chimeras to let us meet them without being a bit forceful, which isn't something you want to do when you want to trade for knowledge with someone.

I think it's useless to think about this any further. We have to meet up with Oritiki first to get a better idea of the situation over there before we can make any concrete plans.

As I give the rest of the concubines and High Maids the Brand, the girls deal with our families and friends coming to say goodbye. We still need more information on the Lord of Storms, though, so Ciel works with the priests at the temple while Lina organizes the court mages to search for any mention of the Lord in any library available to us.

"Will you miss me?" I huskily ask Mimi as she licks the engorged head of my Cock.

The gorgeous, slender, dark-skinned beauty stops her caressing and lightly tilts her head to the side as she casually answers, "Yes? I wouldn't accept concubinage if you were unpleasant to be around."

I grin and push her head down, so she swallows my Cock whole and gets a good taste of Nono's pussy fluids mixed with my cum. I see that Osaria has readied Klein for me, so she's next for the Branding. I have to keep her satisfied so that Hermann doesn't get any.

Now the chocolate milf will prepare the white snow fox cumslut for me, and by the time I'm done with them both, I reckon that either Kai or Iliada will be ready for a quick second round. I also want to knock on Mimi's cervix a bit, so I don't hold back on their erogenous zones and give them all mind-blowing bliss.


Roxanne suddenly remembers to check her "Status" since she felt something was different when she woke up, and she sees that she did gain a new Title: The Destroyer.

"Okay, that one is cool," I hum through [Bind].

"It's fitting," Alissa agrees.

"Damn right," Hana proudly hums in agreement.

The boom-boom woman feels quite giddy at the recognition she's been given, but there's also a bit of concern about the future since we're bound to collect Titles like pokemon. "I think that for [Explosion], there's no Title better than this, so I hope the next one is related to [Alchemy] or my potions. I don't want to be known for only a single spell."

"Sounds fair. With Wolfy's help, I know you'll do great," Ciel kindly encourages her.

But this reminds me that I need to check up on everyone's level-ups and skill-ups, too.


Today is the 26th, Ekt, day of Electricity. Banks and other bureaucratic organizations become notoriously faster today, which means that traffic to them also increases, slowing them down again.

We all gained at least one level. Alissa, Roxanne, Ciel, Lina, and I are now level 64, Hana is now level 65, Yunia is now level 66, and Aoi gained two levels, now 52.

I learned the skill [Carving] with 1 point. I'm the only one that doesn't "suppress" unwanted skills, so of course, I gained a useless one after my artistic duel with one of the dungeon's bosses.

Roxanne's [Mana Control], [Fire Magic], and [Redirect Mana] all increased by 1 (now 5+35, 3+37, and 3).

Lina's [Earth Magic] and [General Enchanting] increased by 1 (now 13 and 5+15). This is from Aoi and her crafting all of the new shells of the Field Guns.

Yunia's [Sword Use] and [Parry] increased by 1 (now 13 and 13).

Everyone's but Roxanne's [Nature Magic] got a boost from brute force due to our use of our sets of Ramodia armor that allow us to control nature. Mine is now 21, Yunia's 3+12, while Alissa, Hana, Ciel, and Lina all learned the skill with 1 point.

As for "Stats," Aoi's "Dexterity" increased by 1 (now 9).


After that, I check on Lyle. He's focusing on building a database, but the hardware is getting a bit big due to the inability to miniaturize his creations, so this is another thing that Lina and Aoi will be able to help with once they've increased the precision of their tools even more.

But then Mikuri gives Hana a worried look when she learns of our newest quest.

The fire-headed, pale milf soberly cautions, "The Broken Skies? That's a completely wild and abandoned place crawling with Aberrants and unmanaged Sky Fortresses."

But Hana nods and casually replies, "Yeah, which is why we're the only ones who can safely explore it."

Conflicted emotions pass through Mikuri's face as she remarks, "This expedition sounds a bit compelling but also quite daunting."

And this makes Hana grin. "You want to come?"

The milf glances at her stern husband and then simply shakes her head. "Not really. My 'vice' is nowhere near as strong anymore to give me the energy to adventure, but if I were younger…" Then a smirk starts to creep up on her face.

Klasse suddenly chimes in, his tone stoic and serious, "Hana, you said that you can 'safely explore it,' so I expect you to uphold your word."

"I will," the daughter assuredly declares.


The next surprise is Caterina appearing in the temple's library, looking mightily determined.

"I wish to join your expedition," she promptly states to Ciel.

"Well, Hana will be happy to have you," the angel happily replies, almost breaking the mature elf's composure.

"I'll also be bringing a number of Punishers with me," she calmly continues.

And that makes us all interested.

Ciel kindly points out, "We'll be taking the Imperial Network, so we have a limited number of soldiers we can take with us."

But Caterina is prepared. "We'll be paying for our own transfer; we just need airship transportation and quarters for sleep."

They're basically free soldiers for us, and aside from the creepiness factor of traveling alongside Punishers, there's zero reason to say no to them.

So Yunia takes over and states, "The Carrier can hold a number of extra men. Until we reach them, our personal airship will do fine as transport."


Then, of course, there's Urmeie.

"I'm coming, so make room for me," she haughtily demands of Alissa.

My foxy cum slut slave wife narrows her eyes at the bear as we internally discuss how to approach this, but we decide to be rather direct. "Do you know of Wolfy's origin? We know that the Emperor and Empresses know."

Urmeie snorts. "That he's a Realm-Traveler? Yeah. I wasn't supposed to directly mention it, but since you did it first…" Then she shrugs, making her furry melons bounce distractingly.

Well, Alissa isn't weak to big tits like I and some of the girls are, so she narrows her pretty orange eyes in suspicion as she questions, "Why weren't you supposed to 'directly mention' it?"

The Princess doesn't act as if she just blurted out something that she shouldn't have, and instead just starts to deliberate, "I guess Dad didn't know if you knew that we knew…" -she suddenly grins cheekily, showing her large white fangs- "but now they don't know that you know that we know. Is that correct?"

Alissa facepalms, annoyed at the Dad-like joke but also trying hard to hide her smile. "I think so…?"

Urmeie grunts and nods. "So, I'm coming. I don't really care about your secrets; that's Sa'Haa's area, so it'll be fine if I tag along."

"But can we trust that you won't tell her our secrets when we come back?" Alissa promptly continues the interrogation.

The bear grins smugly and waggles her non-existent eyebrows suggestively. "I can be shut up with cocks, and I know that Wolf can create multiple."

Alissa hides her perversion and frowns, unamused. "We can just dump you on our Carrier, then go explore the Broken Skies by ourselves."

"I'll behave, I promise," Urmeie softly replies, almost sounding cute.

Honestly, dumping her into a [Gate] back to safety is easier than arguing against her, so we decide to give in.

And the orange fox simply rolls her eyes with a sigh. "Fine."


We have an impromptu feast for lunch as friends and family all gather in our dining hall. It's heartwarming seeing this many different people calmly socializing with each other while we stand at the center of this colorful group, connecting them all. Even the Princesses are getting used to the presence of these "lessers."

Nothing bad can come from using my position as a "Consort Candidate" to influence them into becoming less bitchy and haughty, so I make it clear to the pair of "ojous" that I'm pleased when they're cordial with our friends.

"Leaving so soon? I was hoping to have more orgies with you," Little Pomp casually states to Yunia with a cheeky grin.

"You'll first need a wife to offer as a sacrifice to your King before you can gaze upon your Queen's naked body again," she calmly replies without missing a heartbeat.

His little cock starts to harden in his tight pants, and I think he might seriously consider sharing his wife with me if he gets to see Yunia getting Ravaged in person again. Perhaps Yunia isn't the only haughty elf who has a fetish for being humiliated.

I mean, one of her friends' nicknames is literally "Masochist."

"I'd like to read about what you'll find in the Broken Skies one day," Gentle Shadow softly chimes in, almost making Pomp jump in his skin from surprise.

Yunia breaks out of her own degenerate dreaming and gently announces, "Queen Alissa is keeping a diary of our adventures, one that Bastico Rincipio will one day turn into a novel, so you will get your wish."

"Wonderful," he hums with a dreamy tone.

But once dessert arrives and we've begun to spread out from the main table, Teresina approaches me, looking quite serious.

"Wolf," she quietly greets.

"Teresina, I'm happy you accepted our invitation for this meal," I smoothly greet back.

She actually stops for a second, seemingly hesitant to give me her usual detached response, and I even see the signs of subtle arousal in her caused by my intense stare. But then her tone becomes surprisingly soft. "You can invite us as often as you want," she replies as she slowly takes a seat in the comfy armchair before me.

Her guard is down, so I take this opportunity to tease, "Then I invite you to every single one of our meals. And since you'll be coming here multiple times a day, you might as well start living in the castle."

The gorgeous gilf narrows her eyes at my cheekiness but decides to not give me another opportunity to flirt as she assumes her serious expression again. "The Gods have given you a request only you can complete, so don't underestimate how powerful you already are and how much danger there might be ahead of you."

She's showing a lot of care for me by saying these words of caution, so I reply in kind, "In the dream that the Gods gave me, I was given the feeling that there were many 'enemies' between me and the Lord of Storms, but I didn't get the impression that they were either particularly numerous or strong, so I don't believe they've chosen me because of my strength."

But the ex-Punisher persona starts to disappear, replaced by a surprising amount of warmth and worry. "You're taking my daughter with you, so at least promise me that you'll take care of her."

I stand up from my comfy armchair and walk up to her. Then I grab her chin with a clawed hand and lean forward. I stare deeply into her eyes, and I feel like I'm slowly breaking through a wall, finally getting to her heart and causing more than just arousal in her whenever I unleash my charms.

She's seeking reassurance from me, trusting that I'll provide something worth the risk of opening up her heart.

And so, everyone helps me use my "Charisma" to its utmost to welcome the hardened woman into the comforting embrace of our family.

"I value life above all else, even the lives of those who have sworn to die for me. Caterina isn't just your daughter, she's also a friend and ally, and my pride as a weredragon forbids me from ever abandoning her. You're both already part of my nest, so rest easy, for my wings will protect what you love."

Then I kiss her lips, and it's one of the sweetest I've ever had. I don't push my luck, though, because I want to leave her hanging and wanting for more.

Now my score with Hana is even, though she does have the chance to go further since Caterina is coming with us.


After we fatten up good, we move to the Imperial Network for the final goodbyes. Kaatohe is coming with us, so she actually gives Osaria and Poosh a tight hug as the two "kept her company" while I was away.

Leaving for the second time is easier, so I just give calm handshakes and hugs to my friends and lovers. Then Klein's turn arrives.

I grab her cute brown cheek and soothingly ask, "Are you sure you don't want to come? You did well leading both Lordsguard and the Companions inside the dungeons."

But she declines with a surprising amount of maturity, "I'll just be in your way. If you went exploring a known dungeon, I could join, but exploring dangerous and abandoned lands… well, skies, is something I have zero experience with."

I nod in understanding and encourage her, "Maybe after your knight training, you'll get more confidence."

"Maybe…" she softly wonders with a smile.

So I kiss her pretty lips and then give Hermann an intense glare as he grins at me. He doesn't dare say it, but we both know.

Then it's finally time to leave.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Prince Definitely  not Dio.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord litalmexy.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord William Clark.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord Placid.

Lord LiuAnshan.

Lord Black Unicorn.

Lord Brandon.

Lord Duncan Campbel.

Lord Empyrean.

Lord Badger.

Lord School Work.

Lord Patrick_starz.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble Anon A Moose.

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