
Chapter 166: Let’s Try Again – Part 3

"We can move our skill points and instant-cast any spell," I tersely explain.

"Wait, that sounds OP," Lily immediately replies with a frown of disbelief that makes me nostalgic. Even though she's Alt-Lily, she behaves almost exactly like my Lily.

"It fucking is," I agree with an excited grin and summon a dozen Orc Chiefs, then Gify switches to Alissa's shoulder in anticipation of what's about to happen.

"Ooh~…" the gnome hums enthusiastically, but the other three warily eye the ugly mofos. "This is the [Summon Monster] we heard so much about!"

People were already suspicious of me when I used the Grim Giant to kick a hole in Escanso's Shell, but maaaybe summoning the albino Fay Leviathan and having it fight Reinhold's Colossal Sword is what actually made me famous.

Anyway, I summon my tentacles and [Equip] them with weapons, then I [Telekinesis] myself onto the monsters as I order, "Orcs, fight me!"

My summons all raise their summoned longswords at me, and then I turn on the blender.

Ah… the horrified expressions of the Heroes are just orgasmic. I purposely made my tentacles as disgustingly suggestive as possible, and the sensuous way that they move coupled with their rhythmic pulsating makes it quite obvious what kinds of "entertainment" activities they can be used for.

My Lily was definitely a freak who loved tentacles on both sides of the consent debate, but I understand that seeing them in person might be different from masturbating to a fetish, so Alt-Lily's face of absolute horror isn't unexpected. She also knows that I'm perverted enough to have actually used them, and she turns her dazed gaze towards my wives, but the fact that my girls blush at the sight of my tentacles just horrifies Alt-Lily even further.

As for the other three, U Thant is speechless, Samkelo is disgusted, and Chesa actually looks sick.

Well, damn. I didn't expect this strong of a reaction.

The difference between the expressions of my wives and the Heroes is quite jarring, but I simply continue with my performance. My tentacles move on their own, and they have no trouble keeping this number of monsters at bay, allowing me to freely use [Rush] along with my wide arsenal of instant-cast spells to finish the Chiefs off one by one.

After I dispatch the last of my summons (and I feel a little bit bad about killing them), I stare smugly at the Heroes while my tentacles continue to pulsate and twitch in suggestive ways.

"The. Fuck. Is. That?!" Lily calmly inquires with the politeness and eloquence of a diplomat as her pretty face shows only the most magnificently serene of expressions.

I take a second to swallow heavily, a bit embarrassed due to their extreme reactions, and explain with actual serenity, "My soul… no, my spirit is the correct term," -Yunia gives me an approving smile at my self-correction- "is quite malleable. The spirit is like a 'blueprint' of our bodies, and I can push mine out. Then I force it to assume the shapes of a variety of appendages and organs with my 'Willpower,' and with a custom spell, I can turn them solid."

I dispel the custom [Materialize], making my tentacles go invisible and immaterial, so all of my weapons simply fall to the floor with a clang. Then Yunia casts a normal [Materialize], which makes my tentacles visible again as they glow the usual light blue color of a spirit.

Lily facepalms as she sternly questions, thoroughly baffled, "How and why did you come up with this shit? Please don't tell me you were touched in the ass by an eldritch being."

But I just answer matter-of-factly, "I learned how to 'push' my soul out of my body as a side-effect of studying how I'm able to instant-cast spells. After that, I just tried to morph my soul further until I learned how to mimic organs. Then I copied Roxanne's tail so that I could move my tentacles more easily."

"That doesn't sound bad," Samkelo wryly remarks with a shrug.

But the angry, roasted cinnamon loli angrily glares at me as she angrily and skeptically retorts, "No, but it's extremely convenient that a filthy pervert like you gained the ability to create tentacles."

"What are you implying?" Ciel warily questions. She doesn't like that anything related to my Fate (which is guided by divine will) could ever be described as a "filthy pervert."

"That he deliberately wanted to get tentacles when he tried out this weird stuff," Lily answers, and Ciel has no problem with that, as it's totally true.

I grin smugly and wave my ethereal tentacles as I confess, "Yeah, I did. I mean, tentacle sex is fucking awesome, and it's also quite handy when you have more women to please than fingers on your hands."

"Yeah, his tentacles are popular," Hana supports me.

"Very," Urmeie grunts with crossed arms, but her training shirt doesn't have cleavage, so her puppies remain hidden.

"Especially with the mer," Alissa happily adds as she grins suggestively at the not-Zora girl.

"Can you not? I'm getting sick," Lily dryly pleads as Chesa visibly shudders.

"Dude, why does everything you do involve sex in some way?" U Thant asks with a disgusted frown, showing his long white fangs.

"Why not?" I cheekily retort.

This catches him off-guard as he hesitantly replies, "Cause… it's filthy?"

"[Ur da' ass is filthy while ur mom's tastes like candy]," I banter back in English, inspired by memories of Lily, and Alt-Lily's face twitches as she tries to hide a smirk.

"Please, I'm serious, you ass," the lanky snow cat grumbles back.

I just shrug. "You didn't give me a good reason why not."

"It's unhealthy," he stubbornly insists.

But that starts to annoy me, so I butt heads with him, sternly demanding as I cross my scaled arms, "Prove it."

"And here we go… bickering again," Samkelo tiredly complains with a sigh, and I kind of agree. This time, it's my fault for not being the adult and politely defusing the situation.

So, of course, Lily doesn't waste the opportunity to rub it in my face, "You're being insufferable. You know that indulging in extreme sex for too long is a problem."

"I'm not indulging in extreme sex," I calmly retort as I hold back my indignation at their moralism. Then I transform into my glorious Symbol of Might form, growing in size and giving myself a deep, sexy, double voice. "I'm a fucking weredragon who has just gone through puberty and is now ready to breed every wet pussy I could ever lay my eyes on. I even had the skill [Enhanced Semen Recharge] before I gained the ability to use my MP to recharge by balls.

"I'm simply not the person that I was before being isekaied, and I'm also not even human anymore, so you judging me by your earthling standards is starting to really grate on my fucking ears."

And the girls are also getting fed up with them, so they share their objections, starting with Ciel, "As a healer, I can guarantee that my husband isn't unhealthy. As a priestess of Love, I emphatically affirm that King Wolf is a righteous person."

Hana takes a note from my previous speech to deal them a critical hit, "Dragons fuck a lot; it's part of who we are. You guys just don't understand how different we are from normal humans, and I think it's even ironic, considering you're all non-humans, too."

Alissa soberly follows up, a subtle sneer making her foxy nature look three times as sharp and harsh, just like an ojou-sama, "Wolfy used to be like you four. His earthling sensibilities got in the way until he was forced to adapt and grow."

Yunia then lands the final blow, her elven arrogance intimidating the teens, while her royal dignity makes the adults instinctively cautious of her, "We've tolerated your sanctimonious speeches full of goblin cum, but you've repeatedly ignored us, the Queens, only to pile onto our husband and King with your alien ideals. Don't forget that you need our respect, too, if you wish to be welcomed anywhere civilized."


Now that cools down the mood like a cold front plowing through the training yard, which also doubles as an omen for an incoming thunderstorm.

"Is that a fucking threat?" Lily coldly questions, actually not angry but very wary.

"Yes," Yunia immediately replies in kind.

Then Urmeie casually chimes in with a toothy smirk, her irreverent nature making her act impudent in the face of a delicate situation, "Just because you're Gifted or an earthling doesn't mean that you're untouchable. My Dad can squash any of you with a flick of his finger."

Even Hana isn't that crass, so she narrows her eyes annoyedly at the bear sister, but I take this opportunity to be a bit humble and confess, "Not even I can go against the Emperor, and he made that very clear when I accidentally killed Reinhold."

"So what now? You want us to kneel?" U Thant flippantly asks and throws his furry hands up like a sour child.

"I want you to stop being a little bitch and whining about everything I do," I answer in kind with a sneer because dragon-me sometimes gets in the way of the more mature human-me.

"Yeah, I'm fine with that. We cool?" Samkelo immediately agrees with a forced grin as he attempts to be diplomatic.

"Your problem is of a different kind," Yunia calmly asserts to him.

"W-what?" he grunts in confusion.

Lily clenches her jaw in anger, but she's the mature one among the Four, so she acts like the bigger person and drops the bitching, though she still manages to get in a few final jabs, "Fine, I'll stop bitching about my pedophile, sex addict, cheating, tyrant of a… not-really-my-husband but still someone who really disappointed me."

I narrow my eyes at her, but it's Alissa who bitterly questions, seething behind her cold mask, "You done? Got any other insults you need to throw before you shut up?"

The two glare intensely at each other, and it takes a lot out of Lily to not unleash her tongue in full as she replies through gritted teeth, "Oh, I do, but I think your bodyguards would start a fight before I'd finish, so I'll just shut my trap as you wish, Your Highness."

Then Urmeie nonchalantly remarks out loud, in actual disbelief, "You all have horrible synergy. Why did the Gods bring the four of you and not… I don't know, attractive slutty women to join Wolf's harem?"

That's… actually a pretty good question, but the Gods have given me the impression that they won't waste their precious energy answering it. But maybe if we continue to increase our "Piety," we might actually get a more reliable way to contact them.

And I receive no divine sign telling me whether it's possible or not, so I believe that at least it isn't an outlandish hope to have.

But Urmeie's words really get to everyone, and even Ciel doesn't have an easy answer to her question.

"We're just normal people, so we also don't know why we're here," U Thant remarks with a frown and shrugs.

"Perhaps it's precisely because you're 'normal' earthlings that you were chosen?" Ciel tentatively suggests.

And I get what she's getting at, so I start to wryly deliberate, "I imagine it isn't easy to find someone with the same knowledge that I have while also being brave enough to do the things that I have, all without going mad with power and turning into a megalomaniac tyrant."

Lily rolls her eyes and dryly adds, "I'm sorry, but I must bant. You're the narcissistic version of my Toto." But I know that by her tone, she's just joking.

So I bant back, "I'm literally part dragon, specifically the kind that's literally called Symbol of Might."

"Literally," she repeats as warmly as the Dead Tundra.

"And I must point out that being 'narcissistic' isn't a bad thing," Alissa interjects, clearly still bitter towards Lily.

The short-tempered roasted cinnamon loli narrows her eyes at my orange foxy slut, and I know exactly what's about to happen. But before Lily can come up with a retort, I loudly clap my hands and interject, "Enough bants. We need to test each other's skills."

"You just want to stop me from saying my comeback, huh?" the cinnamon loli quietly grumbles.

"First, the white cat!" Hana quickly follows up to not leave any room for Lily to say anything else.

"Why me? I'm not even the strongest," the lanky cat questions warily, his bravery failing him.

"Make a cock-shaped weapon, and you'll get all the pussy you could want!" the fearsome dragonkin declares with a smirk.

"It worked for me!" I follow up and mirror her.

But U Thant is so passive against our banting that it just emboldens us to push it further.

"You'll become really popular with the priestesses!" Hana shouts suggestively.

"You could even get your own big-titted priestess mommy!" I continue in kind and give the girls a mental nudge.

"Like this one!" Roxanne follows up and sneakily undoes Ciel's sash, freeing her massive tits. The victim in question simply rolls her eyes and remains still as the succubus molests her glorious pair, forcing her nipples to poke through her baggy training shirt.

U Thant's furry face hides his blush, but I know that under that white coat, his skin is as scarlet as it could get. The pervy gnome unashamedly shows a pervy face, then both girls get an odd, chilling sensation, so I glare intensely at him, and the sensation stops instantly as he stiffly averts his eyes.

While Samkelo purposely avoids looking my way, Chesa glances at Lily, looking for guidance on how to react to this, but the angry roasted cinnamon loli is perfectly impassive, so the not-Zora girl also remains silent. A bit of a shame that the two girls don't join the lewdness, as I find that more arousing than my girls receiving male attention, but it's just a matter of time until we'll corrupt them both.

U Thant recovers after a short moment. Then he makes a long spear of pure light with an oddly wide heart-shaped blade, giving it a reasonably phallic shape.

"Is that what your cock looks like?" Roxanne teasingly questions, and he visibly twitches. There's nothing sweeter than an older sister sexually taunting a hot-blooded virgin boy.

Oritiki walks to the weapons rack, then takes a wooden glaive and approaches the cat as she calmly affirms, "They're right. As a woman, cock-shaped weapons make things more interesting."

"You're-… you're a woman?" he confusedly questions.

She nods and exhales loudly. "Right now, my body is a man's, but I become a woman when I'm around my husbands."

"Riiight…" he hums in understanding, then points his glowing spear at her. "Anyway, dicks don't make good weapons."

The female bull smirks as she points her glaive at him. "True, but you also have a Gift that allows you to shape divine energy to your imagination, so how about you try to use it creatively?"

"I don't need you to tell me that," he grumbles back as they slowly circle each other.

"Just some advice to a virgin youth," she calmly replies and flashes a kind smile.

"I-I'm-…" he stutters, so surprised by the attack that even his furry tail stops moving.

Dayumn. Oritiki is out for blood.

"I bet she's sour about his insolent behavior towards us," Yunia comments through [Bind], and the girls hum in agreement.

Then the bull suddenly strikes with her glaive, and the lanky cat is forced to use [Muscle Explosion] to defend, immediately putting him on the back foot. To his credit, he stabilizes himself against her onslaught and manages to create some distance between them to get a breather.

"That was a bit cheap," he whines and growls, showing his cute white fangs.

"No such thing as 'cheap' when fighting monsters," she nonchalantly retorts.

"Hmm…" he hums thoughtfully and frowns, seriously considering her words.

Then they engage again, and this time, he manages to showcase his skills.

The disadvantage of being a well-rounded fighter is that against a specialist like Oritiki, your skill with your weapon is lower than your opponent's, so in a straight fight, you're more likely to lose. But if your weapon counters your opponent's, then your victory is most certainly assured, as it's unlikely that the specialist has enough skill with their secondary weapon to match yours.

This is what U Thant is betting on, but it all depends on him being smart about his weapon choice, and I'm not very confident in his mental "Stats." He decides to pick a parrying dagger while shortening his dick-shaped spear to make it more wieldy, but this combo doesn't seem to be the best counter to Oritiki's glaive.

"Do his weapons have mass?" Hana questions loudly.

"Seems so," Oritiki grunts back as his parrying dagger diverts her glaive.

Roxanne continues fondling Ciel's breasts, playing with her large nipples and extracting soft hums of embarrassed delight from the angel, which proves to be a small distraction for the virgin cat as he misses a [Parry] and gets tapped in the forearm. He immediately tries to cover it up by awkwardly striking back, but the touch was clear, and he frowns frustratedly at his opponent's taunting grin.

The lanky snow cat switches into high gear and fights harder and faster, properly using his parrying dagger to keep Oritiki's glaive away from him as he attempts to get inside her guard. This is no simple task, as the experienced Commander of my Celestial Horns knows exactly what his strategy is, so she just forces her chibi wings to grow back into their full, angelical size, allowing her to float backward with ease.

Now she is the one who has countered him, and that makes him frustrated, so he switches to a single long pike, giving himself the reach advantage. Oritiki stops floating to conserve mana and goes on the offensive as a courtesy so that the duel won't grind to a halt.

Then the cat finally does something smart. As Oritiki advances forward and hits the shaft of his glowing weapon to push it away, he makes it bend, the tip snapping back towards her like a whip. Since she's already past it as she attempts to enter his guard, she doesn't see it coming back at her, and it hits her left shoulder.

"HNGH…!" she grunts in pain and immediately flaps her wings, pushing herself away.

U Thant grins victoriously, as he's just scored a hit, but I'm a bit suspicious. Oritiki's reaction was a bit too intense, making me believe that he's put too much power into his weapon. This is a friendly spar, so there's no need to hurt her so much.

And I decide to punish him.

As they re-engage, with Oritiki now fighting more cautiously, I have Hana lift her shirt and flash her glorious, balloon-like breasts with their delicious, dark nipples. The virgin stops, simply unable to look away from the window into Heaven, and he receives a hit to the top of his head with a loud *thunk*.

"You were supposed to take this more seriously," the Commander cheekily taunts as he rubs his head in pain.

"How have you not gotten used to seeing breasts everywhere already?" Kaatohe questions in disbelief. Nobody here is currently wearing the usual semi-transparent clothes from Chimera fashion, but the Heroes have been here for a year already.

"I can't help it! I'm a man!" he protests and snarls.

"You're a beastfolk, alright. You're not much different from Wolfy or me," Hana states with an annoyed frown, and now things make more sense. U Thant's complaints must've just been him projecting.

"Why are you still a virgin? Can't you just buy a prostitute?" I question with a sigh.

"After all our bickering, isn't it fucking obvious?" Lily sassily retorts.

But I wave my clawed hand dismissively. "Sex isn't that special. Get it done at least once so that you'll stop having wild fantasies about what it would be like."

"It isn't special if you don't have someone who can give you multiple orgasms in sequence until you pass out," Roxanne cheekily remarks through [Bind].

"I don't want to talk about this!" U Thant shouts flippantly, as he's too insecure to banter back.

"Fine, I get it," I mercifully relent.

"Let's continue," Oritiki coolly requests, but she's very much enjoying seeing him get bullied.

He does become more serious, and his performance improves, but he's still too inexperienced to win against the Commander of the Celestial Horns. Though, if this was a battle to the death, he'd have more leeway in the way he uses his Gift, so it isn't like she's straight-up more powerful than him.

"Now, who's going to fight me?!" Lily boldly asks out loud.

And all eyes fall on me, but I definitely don't want to face this angry beast.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord litalmexy.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord William Clark.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord LiuAnshan.

Lord Black Unicorn.

Lord Duncan Campbel.

Lord Empyrean.

Lord School Work.

Lord Patrick_starz.

Lord Freddie.

Lord Peter Kraushuber.

Lord David England.

Lord John.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble Warmoger55.

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