
Chapter 168: Teamwork – Part 2

Yunia's degradation fetish can be satisfied just with disgusting tentacles, so I let the nastier ones loose inside her while Ciel gets to roleplay being bred by a plant. Roxanne and Hana are horny for each other, so I just give them a strap-on tentacle that they share, taking turns fucking each other. And the last three are molested by tentacles but not fucked outright.

This leaves me free to focus on the lesbian Companions, who I turn bi with my Cock.

But are any of my Companions truly lesbian? Some have a clear preference for pussy, but none of them have ever shown any signs of dislike for the Cock…

Well, I won't be able to answer that question right now, so I just continue to pound the partially unarmored catgirl while my tentacles slither inside the armor of the rest. I only focus on those who showed interest in Yunia's titties, so most of them are still dutifully standing guard, though I know for sure that they're envious of the molestation victims.

Except for Hukarere, who has a steady supply of Cock Milk, so she just stays out of these moments to allow the others to have their turn.

Anyway, I love how some of the Companions have a few unfeminine characteristics. Most of them are former adventurers, so quite a lot of them have rough hands, calluses, scars, messy hair, "reserve energy" curves, and rather muscular bodies, but I'm a devotee to the female form, so even those qualities have their charm.

My current catgirl Cockhole is a fine specimen. Her muscular back has two scars, one from a set of claws, which go from her back to her right flank, and the other is likely from a blade, located on the left side of her lower back, right where there's usually a gap in cheap imperial plate armor. A worrying place to have a blade wound.

She even has other, smaller scars on her arms and thighs, making me wonder if she ever had scars on her face or breasts, but it's extremely rare for a woman to have scars in such places, as even Hana would heal them. Still, the ones that this catgirl has make her look mature and a bit rugged.

The armor of the Companions is enchanted with [Breeze], so she doesn't even smell of sweat, which is a bit of a shame since it's an arousing scent if it's subtle enough. A strong, muscular, sweaty, rugged, cinnamon, catgirl onee-san is quite the arousing image, so this little kitten gives me a lot of pleasure even if she quickly falls to the Cock.

Then I think about doing the wives, but I can do that during our bath or at night, so I focus on giving my Companions more of my love. Unfortunately, the flight back is short, so there isn't enough time to thoroughly fuck everyone.

And then we finally have our lunch with The Four.


Our plan to get closer to them has one problem: I'm the only one who gets along with Lily, but I don't, not really…

"So, you fuck your bodyguards?" the angry loli suddenly questions with a judgmental stare.

I put on my best smile mask and earnestly engage in this conversation, "I do. How did you know?"

Her sharp eyes narrow in subtle disappointment at my answer. "I saw the signs and heard some things…"

What did she hear, exactly? Moans? But I'm not that curious, though, so I just shrug and reply noncommittally, "It isn't a secret. Basically, all of my Companions are like a pseudo-harem. I might even impregnate the ones who deserve it."

"Ugh…" she groans and dramatically rolls her eyes, a rather nostalgic expression; it's just that it was rarely aimed at me. "Why do I still talk to you?"

The nostalgia makes me feel combative, so I banter back, "Because I'm still mostly the man you fell in love with."

Her disgust only deepens, which actually looks a bit hot on her since she has a loli-ojou face. I'd love to break her. "Don't say it like that; you're going to make me sick. My Toto would never become such a disgusting person like you, hmph…!"

She even makes that cute little snooty sound, and the fantasies give me such a hard-on that my scales wave in excitement. It seems that Urmeie, Kaatohe, and even Oritiki notice this, as they're used to dealing with draconic people, so they know to watch out for this obvious tell, which is the equivalent of a wereanimal wagging their tail.

I only like an audience for when I'm Ravaging someone, so this annoys me a bit, but the wives and I are all trying our best to get closer to The Four, which forces me to ignore them for now.

Instead, I let the dragon take over, and the damn lizard promptly brags, "Your Toto was just a 'butterfly effect' from becoming me."

This actually irks Lily, which I approve of wholeheartedly. "Everyone is a 'butterfly effect' from turning into an asshole. 'Nurture' is just one half of the equation, while 'nature' is the other half," she answers exactly how I expected her to. It's a bit eerie how similar she is to my Lily while also being so different.

And the dragon calmly nods in agreement as he replies, "Yeah, which means that I always had in my 'nature' the potential to become the alpha male that I am now."

She can't exactly argue against that, so she chooses another angle. "Please tell me you're using 'alpha male' ironically."

But the dragon grins smugly. "I won't answer that because I know it'll annoy you."

She knows she's too tilted right now to properly banter back, so she wisely retreats, "Yes, it will, so I'll just ignore your stupidity and change the topic. I expected you to treat your bodyguards with a bit more distance. You know it's a bad idea for the boss and soldiers in a military to have relations."

The dragon just calmly shrugs again, still in control of this conversation. "Maybe. Counterpoint: I can do whatever I want because I'm a King."

This was a bit of a non-argument, so Lily doesn't even try to banter back. "You're, indeed, insufferable."

"I never thought that watching a romance novel play out before me would be so entertaining," Urmeie suddenly remarks, her long white fangs peeking out from under her grin.

Lily has the decency not to sneer at the Princess as she dismissively replies, "Don't use 'romance' to describe our relationship. It disgusts me."

Letting the dragon loose is a bit of a blunder as I reflexively bark back, "It's quite easy to make you disgusted. Have you ever thought about not being such a little bitch?"

She shoots me a venomous glare, fed-up with my combative attitude, though it isn't like either of us are in the right here. "You fucking-… I'm ignoring you," she coldly declares, then turns to Urmeie and promptly changes topic again. "Princess Urmeie, what did you think of my duel with Queen Lina?"

"It was a monumental amount of horseshit that Queen Lina was allowed to fight while I was rejected even though it was a fairly private affair…" -Everyone makes a poker face, not wanting to open up this can of worms- "and I was also envious that she was allowed to have a duel with such a fearsome warrior."

Lily nods and then shows a subtle and rather nostalgic smile. "It was quite an interesting battle. I concede that I had to get serious to defeat her…" Then she gives Lina discreet praise, which annoys the vengeful, gloomy loli.

Well, at least Urmeie seems to get along with Lily.

Since I blew my chance to make up with the angry loli, I let them talk and take a look around. Ciel seems to be making progress with U Thant, so I focus on their conversation.

"I don't understand why I have this power. My 'Piety' is thirteen, but I've never prayed or even listened to a single sermon since coming here," the lanky cat confesses, sounding rather insecure.

And he's the perfect prey for the motherly Ciel, who reassuringly replies, "It's the same thing with Wolfy. You just have a personality that the Gods approve of, so they allow more of their power to flow through you, hence giving you higher 'Piety.'"

Then she gives me an internal pout for referring to him as her "prey."

The cat just gives her a confused look, letting his pointy fangs peek out as his jaw goes slack. "But why? Even on Earth, I was never religious, so why give me this 'religious-themed' power?"

The angel's expression becomes solemn, which is so beautiful that it's worthy of being immortalized in a statue and also covered in my Cum. By that, I mean both her face and the statue.

She sighs internally and blocks my internal monologue, then she cryptically asks, "What kind of person are you?"

"What…?" the dumb teen quacks confusedly.

And she remains stoic as she approaches it from another angle. "What will you do with the power you've been given? The Gods think that you're the kind of person to use your power for good, and that's why you've been given a Gift."

He chuckles awkwardly and looks away as he grumbles, "That sounds so goddamn cliché."

I find this the appropriate moment to interject, "Kitten, you're now in a world of Gods and monsters, so you better start believing in Karma, too." I'll play the role of the eccentric, while Ciel will be my straight man.

Ironic, considering she's neither.

"And you're a prime example of a virtuous person, I assume," he gives me some sass. I find it odd that I feel like petting him… I guess it's because he's a male. Otherwise, I'd feel like fucking him, just like how Kaatohe's cat face is hot to me just because she's a woman.

I shrug and nonchalantly reply, "Yeah. It's just that this world values virtues differently. The Goddess of Love herself was a big sl-…" -Ciel's glare almost makes me bite my tongue- "a very promiscuous woman with innumerable lovers. If you have any virtue that comes from an Abrahamic religion, you might want to take a second look at it."

He gives me a skeptical look and crosses his thin, furry arms. "Okay, what virtues do the Gods here value, then?"

"Isn't that just Blessings? We have three in our family," I proudly brag and glance at Ciel.

"Blessings are more about your actions, while 'virtues' are about your mindset," she wisely clarifies.

I hum thoughtfully as I nod. "Oh, I see. One is practical, and the other is philosophical."

And she smiles sweetly, then becomes solemn again. "Something like that. But I must also say that, for us, 'virtues' are simply 'desirable' behaviors that make you more likely to receive the favor of the Gods, while you earthlings seem to see 'virtues' as something required for a person to be considered 'good.' We aren't like that. Our Gods don't represent everything about humanoid life, so you may live in your own way if you don't have a God that you wish to follow as long as you don't fall to Wickedness."

Then the cat suddenly leans back as his amber eyes lose focus. "That's because the Humanoid Gods are incomplete," he quietly hums in realization, his tone full of wonder. Then he gives Ciel a pointed look, asking for her opinion.

She nods and flashes a sweet smile again. "Yes, that's a correct belief. Contrary to what I know of Earthling religions, our Gods aren't infallible, all-knowing, or endlessly powerful. They represent the best aspects of humanoids, but we are always growing and evolving, and so, our Gods will also tread this path."

I like how she deliberately avoided saying that the Gods would "follow" because the Gods follow no one.

And the snow cat grins at himself, proud of his own cleverness.

"Don't go thinking that you can complete them," I amicably banter to keep his ego from growing as big as mine.

"Are you sure you should be saying that to me?" he deftly ripostes.

"You're the one who has a sword of literal divine light," I calmly point out.

But he just shrugs. "It's a cool power, but I got no wish to join the Gods."

And I give him an intense stare, making him subtly tense up. "But you do have the makings of an ideologue."

"You're the one trying to change what a Sin means," Lily suddenly interjects, finally giving up on her declaration that she's ignoring me, not that I wanted her to.

"Get a room, you two," the cat attempts to casually banter as he leans back on his chair.

"Ew… Please don't suggest that ever again," she dryly requests, her tone so warm and friendly that an elf would mistake her for one of their own.

And she's so intimidating that the cat teen becomes awkward as he seems to fear her more than me. Then he continues to dig his grave further, "W-well… you-… you two act like a married couple, so you should deal with this sexual tension already."

The angry, cinnamon loli gives him an angry, cinnam-… an angry, dangerous look. "Thant, I don't find this funny."

"But I do. It's nice to see a woman who isn't competing for his cock," Urmeie wryly chimes in, and Kaatohe subtly nods.

"It's a bit disappointing, actually. I like it when they try to suck my nipples to get to him," Hana seductively remarks.

U Thant forces himself to ignore them and turns to Ciel again. "I'd like to know what virtues the Gods here value."

The angel nods and becomes thoughtful. "Very well. Let me think for a second…"

"Gather around, everyone. It's time for a priestly sermon," I cheekily announce, and she actually likes my reverence even though she finds it a bit embarrassing.

Then even Kaatohe stops her conversation with Yunia to listen.

After a short moment, Ciel clears her throat and calmly begins, "The God of Change and Creation favor exactly what their names are. The God of Creation, specifically, has mentioned the Spark of Creation, but that's mostly something for craftsmen and some of the humanoid races.

"The Humanoid Gods have espoused more clear virtues, though. The Genderless God of Existence favors those who value the preservation of life above all else, and I'm ashamed to admit it, but none of us present here would be favored by Existence. The Goddess of Fertility was a selfless Goddess who helped better the lives of everyone around her, so you could try to follow in her footsteps. The Goddess of Piety was the founder of the temple, and she lived to preach while forsaking any comfort unattainable by the commoners.

"The Goddess of Will was extremely calm and composed, which allowed her to live a long and prolific life as an adventurer, something that's, sadly, rather rare, and I believe she might be a bit fond of Wolfy, considering his affinity for battle plans. The Goddess of Love desired only to give her love to anyone who wanted it, so our whole family actually follows her virtues." -And the wives and I can't help but flash an indecent grin, which The Four do their best to ignore- "The Goddess of Growth created the Nemesis group of monster hunters, and she was the opposite of Will, an extreme thrill-seeker who considered self-improvement the ultimate purpose of humanoid life.

"The God of War valued cleverness and courage, and he surrounded himself with reliable people, so he favors both strategists and the officers that make it all possible. The God of Law worked solely for a better society, and he'd see as virtuous those who did the same. The God of Festivity always preached about temperance, so he'd look fondly upon those who knew how to spread happiness without causing damage or chaos."

"Hey, that's me!" Hana quickly shares through [Bind].

"Yes, the God of Festivity likely looks fondly upon you," our chocolate angel kindly replies in kind, then continues her exposition, "The God of Endurance was a tireless craftsman who spent his whole life developing darksteel, which greatly improved our ability to defend against magic and monsters, but he didn't preach much, so you must make your own assumptions about his virtues. The God of Luck was a calculative man who never left anything to chance or risk, but he was also such an eccentric and abrasive person that following his virtues is unadvised.

"The Goddess of Knowledge believed that education was the path towards Ascension, and she founded the first university, then spread it all throughout the Empire, so it's no surprise she's so fond of Wolfy." And I'm also very fond of her "touch." "The God of Intelligence, her brother, was a researcher of magic with innumerous discoveries to his name in a variety of fields, and he was known to have an insatiable curiosity towards the inner workings of our Realm."

Sounds like a certain stoner would've gained his Blessing by now if he had put a bit more effort into his Gift…

"The Goddess of the Plants and her brother, the God of the Animals, lived quite mysterious lives, so we don't know much about their personalities. They've bestowed their Blessings upon hard workers and those deeply involved in their crafts, so you could make assumptions about what virtues they'd champion."

"And finally, we have the Goddess of the Moons and her brother, the God of the Sun. The Goddess was a very reserved person, but her speeches against greed and corruption have become mandatory reading for all Mayors and other commoners who reach leadership positions in any government across the Empire. As for the God of the Sun, he's the one with the largest number of recorded teachings, so the virtues he values are too many to count.

"In fact, The God of the Sun was a philosopher who often spoke about the innumerable paths of life and leveling, and how one must think thoroughly about their own guiding principles with as much logic and care as one does with their skill progression. 'The ability to question our own nature is what separates us from monsters,' He once said."

"It seems easier to gain a Blessing than to be a 'virtuous person,'" Roxanne rather wisely remarks.

"Virtues have little value if you don't bring any benefit to those around you," Ciel assuredly replies.

"I wish there were more people like you on Earth," the cat bitterly states, sounding a bit angsty like the teen he is.

But a quick probe through my memories makes her frown concernedly. "I get the feeling that Earthling religion is very contentious."

"Religions. We have multiple," I soberly correct.

"Why do you even know what the word 'religion' means?" Samkelo curiously inquires, and I immediately get what he means. "Religion" shouldn't even be considered something separate from "philosophy" and "science" in a world like Rupegia.

"A surprisingly wise question," Lily casually banters, but the boy gnome just silently rolls his eyes.

I convey my thoughts through [Bind] so that Ciel can more easily understand our perspective. Then she quickly comes up with the answer, "Unlike Earth, our Gods talk to us and have told us that other Realms have their own Gods protecting them. Priests have debated a lot about what these foreign Gods might be like, leading to the birth of many theories, like our concept of 'religion,' which is similar to Earth's."

"Does Earth have a God?" the gnome boy-but-not-boy promptly questions.

This time, her well of knowledge isn't deep enough. "I don't know. We never got specific information about individual Realms."

"It actually surprises me how much you know about Earth," Lily remarks as she gives Ciel a curious look.

But Alissa can't help herself but brag, "At this point, we might know Wolf better than you."

"Of course, you do. He isn't my Toto, after all," the loli calmly agrees.

And Alissa is just a little bit annoyed at how casually Lily dodged that.

"You can't underestimate that woman; she's a veteran tonguer," Roxanne advises through [Bind].

"She can tongue my anus," Hana seductively jokes, and her words echo in the minds of the girls but with different meanings.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord litalmexy.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord William Clark.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord LiuAnshan.

Lord Black Unicorn.

Lord Duncan Campbel.

Lord Empyrean.

Lord School Work.

Lord Patrick_starz.

Lord Freddie.

Lord Peter Kraushuber.

Lord David England.

Lord John.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble Warmoger55.

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