
Chapter 169: Eager Preparations – Part 1

While the Lords are away, the hyenas gather and scheme, but we won't let them run wild for long. Nobody knows that we have a goddamn radar that covers the entire High Forest, and I'll make sure it's used to its fullest in our subjugation of "unsavory elements."

I have no illusions about what it'll take to stay in power. I'll go full Stasi on their assholes if necessary because I know that our family is righteous. And I know that I sound exactly like a murderous zealot, but the difference is that the Gods here do exist, and also, our ways are guaranteed to bring about a better life for everyone, which is a very important detail.

But enough of this grim talk. Those matters are for when we're back home, so there's no use in seething about these rats right now.

After this long day, all I want is a warm, relaxing bath, so I'm thankful that Urmeie is feeling "satisfied" and doesn't join us today. Also, though I didn't ask, I gladly welcome the pair of perfectly round breasts that are shoved in my face. Hana wants attention, so I'll give it to her and also to her delicious abs.

"You've been giving Urmeie too much attention lately, so I want you to look at me," the gallant woman huskily confesses, and she loves the word "gallant" very much.

"Feeling threatened that she'll take your role as the 'barbarian'?" I teasingly question and lick her rock-hard abs, which she flexes for me.

"She's a weird type of barbarian, but yes," my muscular muse replies, her gaze turning warm at my shameless worshiping of her body.

Roxanne then joins in, and she absentmindedly caresses the glorious abs as she states, "Her vocabulary is too large to be a 'barbarian.' She's more of a boisterous beer hound that drinks you under, and when you come back, your cock is stretching her pussy as you madly shake your hips while you see cum everywhere. And you might not even be the only one inside her, too."

I blink blankly in surprise at her analogy and blurt out, "That's too specific. Talking from experience?"

But she just snorts. "I don't have a cock to do that."

"I mean with you on the receiving end."

"Well, that's not much different from what happens every time your Cock enters me," she deftly dodges with a cheeky smirk and glances down at my rock-hard-on.

I like her response, but I don't let her be evasive. "You're avoiding the question," I soberly insist.

"It's because she's a slut, and she doesn't know how many cocks have actually been inside her," Yunia harshly interjects, and Roxanne's tail twitches in subtle excitement at the banter.

"But she's our slut, and that's all that matters," Hana warmly retorts and steals a kiss from our pale wife.

"Words stolen from my mouth. Literally," I dryly state and narrow my eyes at the shameless woman.

"Your corniness is one of your best qualities, so it's a good thing if we learn from you," Alissa gently states and gives us both a warm smile, making Hana grin amiably at her.

For a second, my depraved fantasies take off, and I imagine Hana dominating Alissa, but then Lina playfully states, bringing me back to the lighthearted moment we're having, "You're praising him to cover for the plagiarism."

And Alissa pouts exaggeratedly. "You can't 'plagiarize' words. When he says, 'I love you,' we aren't forbidden from saying the same thing."

I can't help but blurt out, "Corniness is my identity, and identity thef-…"

But Alissa immediately interrupts me and flashes an annoyed glare at our little girl, "See what you did? You gave him an opportunity to 'meme.'"

"I'll plagiarize Wolfy all day long if that's what makes our wife happy," Hana follows up with an actually original corny statement.

"Ooh~…! That makes me all tingly!" the wife in question happily coos, her spiral horns suddenly looking quite shiny as they mirror her mood.

And I pinch her brown nipples to bring the attention back to me as I sulkily state, "Now I'm the one getting jealous. You two already fucked each other today, so give me some of that love, too."

Don't need to say it twice, or maybe not even once, since they can read my mind. Hana simply grabs my face and kisses me, penetrating my mouth with her dexterous tongue and stirring up such a storm of pleasure that my Cock twitches. Meanwhile, the lewd succubus grabs my throbbing member and gives it the love it deserves with her long, thin fingers.

But the dragonkin is not one to wait, so she has Roxanne cover my Cock in non-water-soluble lube for underwater Ravaging, and the cheeky succubus squeezes my head once she's done, giving me such strong a jolt of pleasure as it slips from her grasp that it awakens the dragon in me. And now that it's ready, Hana slams her hips down, shoving it deep inside her, then she promptly rocks her hips.

She doesn't monopolize my mouth, though, and I'm allowed to have a quick mouthful of titty before Roxanne seals my lips with hers. She gives me another jolt of pleasure as she rubs her tongue against mine, and then she plays with it as if she's giving me a blowjob. Such a lewd way to kiss that only a succubus could ever accomplish.

My Cock is squeezed, my tongue is stimulated, my horns are massaged, and the tip of my thick tail is sucked. These two know very well how to use and abuse my body, something that no Companion or even the concubines can copy, not that it isn't delightful to embrace those women, but only my wives can give me such extreme pleasure.

Love also plays a big part; it's not just [Bind]. To know with such perfect detail and precision how to please me isn't something any prostitute could ever hope to mimic. Not unlike what I do for them with my tentacles and sex magic.

And the two wring cumshot after cumshot out of me, sometimes quite literally as Roxanne orgasms a few times. Hana helps move my hips with her strong hands while Roxanne uses her [Water Spirit] to do the same, and each thrust is filled with so much power and pleasure that my MP is continuously drained.

The way we fuck is so high-intensity that I've forgotten what normal sex feels like, but that isn't a bad thing. I just enjoy this supreme worshiping of my body to its fullest, and I come out of this bath a new man.


Our dinner is relatively quiet as The Four aren't present, so we invite Oritiki and Hihiriwa to discuss how we'll proceed tomorrow. The captain of our Carrier is conflicted about whether or not he likes not being included in the politicking going on around The Four. On the one hand, he dislikes having to deal with the Hau-Hou royals; on the other hand, his pride.

But now that we're finally making a move, he has been appeased, so the treacherous, dragon-headed man obediently accepts our orders. He still has a long way to go before we'll forgive him for his betrayal back in Legado, though.

And for the evening, we paint everyone's nails to make Lily and Chesa envious, as the two have well-trimmed but completely unpainted nails, a crime in the eyes of female Earthling fashion.

"Tomorrow, I can continue negotiations with the Diplomat for you," Kaatohe calmly suggests as I paint Alissa's toenails a pretty sky-blue tone.

"Oh? Aren't you interested in the Fortress of Calamity?" I hum back as I glance at her. Then the golems start to help me so that I don't make a mistake because of my distraction.

The wives must have perfect nails, after all.

"If you want to give me a scenic tour of it, I'd be willing to come along, but I'm not that interested in combat itself," my bronze cat calmly replies as she stares at Alissa's nails.

I chuckle and point out, "You did challenge me to a duel."

She sits on the bed and hugs me from behind, then sneaks her hands under my shirt and feels me up as she whispers into my ear, "Because I wanted to either dominate you or get dominated myself. I was content with losing it to you, a stronger male that I was attracted to."

I'm pleasantly surprised by her frankness, but also not really that surprised. This much is expected of one of my concubines.

"That's just a woman's dream," Hana wistfully states and nods repeatedly, but Roxanne pulls her feet back before the dragonkin can make a mistake.

I clear my throat and prudently answer her first question, "You may talk to Oritiki and see if she's willing to give you this task. I can't just hand this to you after she's spent so long setting everything up."

And my cat nods in understanding. "Very well." Then she extends her clawed hands to me and subtly smirks. "I also wish to have my nails painted, husband."

I'm about done with Alissa's, so I accept and start to deliberate, "As you wish. I believe yellow will look nice on you, as it compliments your skin tone."

"Maybe we should paint yours, Wolfy?" Roxanne teasingly asks, and everyone stops what they're doing to stare at me.

"You dare taint the perfection of these claws with chemicals?" I haughtily reply as I wave my glorious, mirror-like, bladed claws at her.

"Yes," she shamelessly blasphemes.

"No!" I emphatically refuse and defiantly stare at her.

"It's very hot to be confident in your own masculinity, no matter how pretty you look," Alissa slowly states, her eyes sharp and mischievous, making alarms ring in my head.

And I heatedly deny her too, "Do not tempt me, woman! My holy claws will not be soiled! And the fact that you used the word 'pretty' tells me all I need to know about your vile fantasies!"

But she has an underhanded weapon to use on me, "If your daughter asked you to, would you paint your claws?"

"Ugh…!" I groan from the critical hit.

Then I reflexively look at Lina, and the image of my wives all lolified comes into my mind, but it also overwhelms me with arousal at the boundless cuteness that such a scene would contain.

Alissa takes this opportunity to pounce, and the golems steal the nail polish from my hands through magic at the same time so that we don't spill the valuable paint. Then my foxy fox hugs me from behind and wraps her arms around mine, trying to lock them in place.

Hana and Roxanne immediately jump in to stop me from wriggling out of her grasp, but them all ganging up on me makes me feel like my masculinity is under threat, so I transform into a small dragon and slip out under their legs.

"No fair!" Alissa whines as she transforms into a fox herself and starts to chase me all over the room.

I laugh mockingly as I'm now sure that they won't ever be able to catch me, but then Alissa starts to gain on me, using her superior "Speed" to attempt to back me into a corner.

Oh, shit.

"I wanna play, too!" dragon-Aoi gleefully shouts and shrinks her size to match ours, then also joins in.

Two versus one puts me into such a disadvantageous position that I become desperate, so I spread my wings and fly past Alissa since she can't jump that high. Aoi is frighteningly fast, though, as she has more experience in this form than me, but I compensate by being more slippery since she isn't used to not being able to just squish her prey.

But they still escalate further.

"Gih!" Gify follows up, then teleports in front of me.

Oh, shit!

"Cheating!" I snarl and [Dodge] the little griffin's tackle. "If magic is fair, then you'll never touch me again! Mwahahah!" I laugh evilly. Then I transform into a version of the Delicious Horrors, a mass of wriggling, slimy tentacles that nobody could ever hope to get a good grasp on.

"Ciel! Use your ass! Sit on him!" Roxanne immediately shouts as she dramatically points at me.

"What the hell?" the Goddess of Thiccness blurts out, as even she wasn't expecting such an attack.

But then Yunia stands in my way, a pellet of Eia between her fingers, a clear threat of using [Precognition] against me.

And that makes everyone stop as we reach a standoff. To counter [Precognition] would force me to get serious, but if everyone else also gets serious, I don't know if I'll be able to stop them, even with [Bind].

But I'm saved by the bell as the final attraction of the evening finally begins. After taking a bath and eating a light meal, Osaria leaves the castle to have a meeting with the Mendecassa Heart Lord sisters, and we all stop fooling around so that we can watch the show.

The territory of the Mendecassa Lords is in the north-western part of the High Forest, and it's colloquially known as "Riverlands" in both Andraste and Ingua. It's such a popular term that even the stuck-up, haughty, snooty nobles have started to use it in Andraste, which used to be considered offensive to them, just like how the High Forest's correct name is Aloresta. My point is that river goods are their main export, and the Lords show it through their interior decorations by covering the walls of their home with scales and hides, the floor with pelts, and also a lot of boat imagery everywhere.

It creates quite the comfy and rustic air that reminds me of an Adventurer's Guild, and the moody lighting just enhances the atmosphere. But the presence of two half-naked beauties is like seeing desserts beside a hearty meal.

There is an actual selection of desserts on the table they're seated at, the kind that's so good that it makes Yunia become undecided about whether she should stare at them or the beauties, and the Queen is a sucker for beauties. There's no reason not to, so I pull out my own selection of elven sweets, and my Queen is quite happy to take them.

"[Lady Osaria, we're honored to have you for dessert]," Lord Atala greets in Ingua with a very suggestive tone, making me think her choice of words was deliberate. She's a silver elf with a strong case of Resting Bitch Face, but her strong jaw gives her supermodel vibes, and her body is that of an Olympic athlete. Both she and her sister wear pretty, leaf-shaped hair ornaments that they use to give their gorgeous hair complex loops and braids, enhancing the seductiveness of the works of art that are their faces.

"[Lord Atala, Lord Hasta, I'm happy to be welcomed into your home, and I see something delicious has been prepared for me]," my thicc dark chocolate milf answers in kind, her red eyes completely ignoring the table.

"[Only the finest for the finest Lady that Glorampina can create]," Lord Hasta seductively replies.

Oh, boy.

This one is also a silver elf and looks almost like her sister's twin, but she has a milder case of Resting Bitch Face, and her skin has a subtle cinnamon tone from the grassland elves, telling us that she has some heritage from Glorampina.

The three beauties smile seductively at each other, and then Osaria silently takes her seat.

"[Are you satisfied with the number of men we have committed to the bandit subjugation]?" the milf calmly inquires as she chooses which sweet to eat first.

But the truth is that these sisters are the prime suspects of being dissenters. We know through our radar that they haven't been putting much effort into finding the bandits, though we don't know why, so there could be a reasonable explanation for their behavior.

Atala calmly answers, showing no suspicious reactions that could imply their guilt, "[It has been progressing excellently, though, at this rate, we might exterminate them before Their Highnesses would be able to participate]." And she sends a polite smile to Osaria's bird.

Then Hasta amiably follows up, "[We wished to see the Royals fight. There have been a variety of rumors about them, but their Titles indicate that it's not all embellishment]."


I almost stuck my dick in the crazy that is Vanea, and I've already fucked the massive bitch that is Roxanne's mother, but fucking these highly suspicious sisters would top it all.

But Osaria can't hear my thoughts, so she just continues to flirt with the dangerously hot pair of lesbians. Since there isn't a cock anywhere nearby, there's only an overload of feminine sensuality, and the three beauties thrive in it, dancing with words and subtle movements as if they were naturals at it.

It's a wonderfully arousing show, something completely different from my usual games of seduction, as I'm much more straightforward and bold. But they enjoy the playfulness like a gourmet enjoys sweets, and they do both, for it takes a while before the desserts are finished, something Ciel isn't familiar with.

"Hey!" she whines at the sudden attack and pouts cutely with her juicy lips. We've been bullying her too much lately, so this is enough for today.

And just when the sexual tension starts to become unbearable, the three beauties switch gears and go for the attack.

"[Lady Osaria, it has become too much for me to hold back any longer, so I must ask, may I see your breasts]?" Hasta shamelessly asks, so hopeful that even Yunia would feel compelled to comply.

Then her sister Atala follows up, her stare more heated and intense, "[Aside from Her Highness Yunia's… and maybe Her Highness Ciel's, your body has become the most famous creation among vandals who warp the patterns of our High Trees for their 'amusement']."

Hasta nods along. "[We've seen a recreation of your nakedness more times than I can count, and it's made me crave for the real thing]."

Osaria grins from ear to ear, and her voice becomes so high-pitched with arousal that I get just a bit jealous. "[Oh, my. What an interesting way to honor my beauty. I feel delighted, knowing that so many masturbate to me and cover my likeness with their seed. But to answer your request, I shall happily comply… as long as you also bare yourselves. My King yearns for you two so much that I've also become quite interested in you]."

"[He does…]?" Hasta calmly hums.

"[Then let us give him a show…]" Atala sultrily states.

And so, they give the little bird a quick but orgasmic strip tease. So much so that I actually orgasm inside Alissa as she bounces up and down on my Cock, and then she switches with Aoi.

It was taking them too long to get to the good part, so I had to fuck someone, or else my balls would've exploded.

Osaria starts with a titty drop, letting her massive weapons deal an earth-shattering blow upon my Cock, and then she squeezes them, pushing out her pink, inverted nipples. Both sisters just stare in awe at them, but then they also begin their part.

They massage each other's modest breasts, leaning upon the inc-st angle that Osaria and I love so much. Then their lips seal in a loving kiss, and Osaria visibly breathes in excitedly, but they follow up with something even better as they kiss each individual nipple, which start to poke through the small, extremely thin dousnadeia that cover them.

Suddenly, they pull each other's straps, freeing the beauties from their cages, and we feel like clapping, for their tits are indeed almost perfect. They're a bit smaller than Yunia's, but they match their slender, mildly athletic bodies.

Osaria's eyes stay glued to them as she slowly removes her bottoms. Then she bends over on the table and spreads open her delicious ass, inviting the sisters to finger both her holes.

"[Come get a taste of me. This is something that no sculpture will ever be able to recreate]," the dangerously sexy milf slowly orders, her tone dripping with seductiveness, just like her pussy lips.

In one perfect move, they remove each other's bottoms, revealing bald but moist pussies that'd look amazing while being stretched by my Cock. But unfortunately, all I'll get is a description of what they taste like and how they feel wrapped around Osaria's fingers.

By the Gods, this milf of mine has not only managed to NTR me, but now she's making me envious of the dangerous and possibly even treasonous pussy she's getting.

The dragon in me gets so scaroused that I'll need to break Alissa and Aoi's pussies to get it to calm down again.

"I still want my nails painted," Kaatohe requests, and of course, I happily comply.



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord litalmexy.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord William Clark.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord LiuAnshan.

Lord Black Unicorn.

Lord Duncan Campbel.

Lord Empyrean.

Lord School Work.

Lord Patrick_starz.

Lord Freddie.

Lord Peter Kraushuber.

Lord David England.

Lord John.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble Warmoger55.

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