
Chapter 170: 1001 Golems – Part 3

Alright, it's the end of the year, and it's been a long time since I actually stopped working for a whole week, so I've decided to take an extended break this time. I'm debating whether to take two or three weeks off, and I'm leaning towards three, though it'll depend on how much withdrawal I get from not writing Rupegia for a while. I'll still do some work on side stuff and patron content when I have the energy for it as well as possibly a Christmas chapter, and I also want to write Heretical Magus a bit more, so we'll see how it goes.

In summary, I'll be returning on either the 2nd of January or the 9th. Happy Christmas and New Year to everyone. See you all next year, unless you're on the Discord.

Urmeie doesn't feel like doing the mana circulation, so she goes out to find the Punishers and train with them, and since we don't invite The Four, we have a quiet moment to ourselves on the balcony of our dining room. Hana convinces Caterina to join us, and the milfy warrior is more receptive to an activity that doesn't give Hana the opportunity to molest her.

Now that I've learned [Sense Presence], I have a short-range radar telling me someone's "ID," a nebulous concept that makes as little sense as the "structures" inside a soul. But anyway, I recognize Hukarere coming into the room, and her footsteps tell me she's wearing armor, so she must be on duty, which means that she has something important to tell us.

I open my eyes and turn to my white wolf before she says anything, which mildly surprises her. I love her naked body, but she also looks really hot in full armor, so it's a pity that it's rather impractical to fuck while wearing armor as it doesn't have a cock-hole… at least not yet.

"Madam Lily wishes to enter the room," she politely states.

I snort at her usage of the "Madam" honorific. Lily would hate hearing such an "old woman" title being used to refer to her.

So, of course, I suggest that she does it again on purpose, "Make sure you say 'Madam Lily' to her; it'll annoy her. But yes, let her in."

Hukarere breaks character to snort, then salutes and returns to being serious again as she leaves. A moment later, Lily walks in, and her sour face tells me my white wolf correctly followed my instructions.

"I'll receive her," Yunia volunteers telepathically, feeling sadistic and masochistic at the same time, and the rest of us pretend to be too concentrated on our training to look at her, though I am quite busy as the golems use my body to create more "proximity fuses."

The tall, stunningly gorgeous beauty gets up and approaches the sharp and wary brown loli. Yunia's high heels clack loudly against the floor, contrasting with Lily's quiet and cute little sandals. Then the two stop before each other, and their height difference triggers my lesbian fetishes.

"Good morning, Madam Lily," Yunia coolly greets.

The loli quickly scans the Queen's half-naked body, but her eyes linger on the pair of perfectly shaped breasts. "Just Lily. Honorifics sound silly to me," Lily finally replies as she looks Yunia in the eye, but that only lasts for a second, as the elven beauty crosses her arms, alluringly bunching up her barely covered and perfectly shaped breasts.

No, seriously, Yunia's tits are amazing.

This also has the side-benefit of drawing Lily's gaze towards Yunia's perfectly painted nails, only deepening the subtle envy that the loli has regarding the gorgeous Queen.

"You'd be taken more seriously if you behaved as befit your station," the golden beauty impassively states, too busy grinning internally to act haughty as she loves being worshiped by me.

"Uh… what?" Lily breaks out of her breast-and-nail envy.

And Yunia's stare becomes intense as the right corner of her lips subtly curls into a smirk. "Only children don't have honorifics."

The bitter loli sighs and glances at me, forcing me to hide my shit-eating grin. "Call me 'Miss Lily' then because 'Madam' is for nobility."

It'd be too mean to continue bantering, so Yunia backs off and assumes a polite demeanor again. "Very well. Good morning, Miss Lily."

"Good morning… Lord Yulania," Lily begrudgingly replies in kind.

But Yunia has to give one last barb before she's satisfied. "Not incorrect, but 'Your Highness' or 'Queen Yulania' would garner more respect from our men."

Lily reflexively glances at the Companion by the wall, who's currently doing her best impression of a statue. We don't actually ask them to be this still and silent; it's just that she wants to intimidate Lily a bit because she really doesn't have much respect for the loli. The Companions heard most of the whining from The Four, after all.

This "orc leather" dwarf isn't so easily intimidated, so she just casually hums, sounding, at most, slightly annoyed, "Noted, but I just came here for a casual chat. I also wanted to see what Wolf was doing with the golems."

Yunia kindly hums back, then curiously asks, "Make yourself comfortable, then. But why aren't you doing your circulation training?"

And the loli frowns. "Well, the teens are being shitheads and whining about how boring it is, so I thought things would be more silent over here. I didn't expect absolute silence, though."

I take this moment to explain to the girls what "teen" means, and Alissa, Lina, and Yunia dislike being referred to that way.

"We have telepathy," the Queen tersely explains.

But this makes Lily suspicious. "So you're saying everyone can hear us, and they're just pretending to ignore me?"

"Yes," she unashamedly admits, but she doesn't even grace Lily with a cheeky grin as she's more of a deadpan person.

"You guys really have a talent for making someone feel welcome," the rough leather of a woman replies in kind, not even fazed by this level of banter.

"I have too much fun messing with you," I break character to not make Caterina feel awkward at the harsh bantering going on as she isn't used to this.

"I have too much fun lambasting your ass," the angry loli angrily bites back.

And I chuckle with a suggesting grin. "Phrasing. Some people here like to get their asses lambasted."

But she immediately goes for the deflection, "Yeah, yeah, whatever, I'm not talking dirty with you. I want to see you create a golem."

I shrug. "Prepare to be disappointed. How it looks doesn't do justice to how crazy it really is."

"Just do it," she hurries me.

And I smirk. "Don't let your dreams be me-…"

Alissa forces me to cast [Infuse], which shuts me up in the physical world as I'm thrown into the soul-molding VR interface.

"What a curious spell…" Caterina hums as she intensely observes me.

Lily turns to the Punisher and raises an eyebrow. "Are you also part of the harem? I thought you were just protecting them."

Who categorically replies, "I was chosen to protect the Ryders because of my closeness to them, yes." And this makes Hana grin from ear to ear, though Caterina does her best to not look at her easily-excitable younger lover, seemingly acting bashful, though she hides it perfectly.

"Huh…" Lily hums, and she doesn't really want to talk about harems, so she just turns back to me. "So that's it? He freezes, and his hand glows?"

"The mana that he's exuding is quite odd, though," Caterina states, her curiosity only growing.

And the dwarf shrugs. "I'm not that good with [Sense Mana]."

Now that they've gotten a good look at me, I just finish the soul-molding as there aren't any changes I want to make since I'm just mass-producing the proximity fuse golems. I come back to reality and touch the detonator, a little stick of wood with a bit of Draconic Climax on it to trigger the explosion.

Then I promptly give Lily some banter, "How high is your 'Int'? Don't tell me you aren't just roleplaying as a barbarian dwarf."

"Higher than yours, you cock-brain," she reflexively ripostes, puzzled about how I heard her because she forgot about our telepathy.

"I doubt it," I dismissively reply. Then I grab the detonator and show it to them. "But anyway, this is it. This is now a golem that will commit suicide if it gets too close to a monster."

But Lily is skeptical. "Isn't that too small to kill anything?"

Which forces me to suppress my instinct to mock her as that'd be too mean, but a bit of snark still escapes me. "This is a detonator, not a bomb or a cannon shell. It triggers the bomb or shell."

She rolls her eyes. "Alright, nerd. But how many of these are you going to make?"

I shrug. "How many monsters are there in the swarm?"

She mimics my shrug mockingly. "No idea."

I shrug again and chuckle. "Same."

And she groans as she realizes how much work this will be. "Fuck, you're going to stay here all day."

But she's underestimating my preparedness. "Oh, no. I'll be doing this for three days straight, and I'm just starting."

She frowns, showing a smidgen of empathy. "Okay, now I feel a bit bad."

"I accept head pats as payment for my sacrifice," I smugly state.

"You can have your wives do it for me," she replies with a dismissive hand wave.

And I hum curiously. "How magnanimous of you. Are you getting soft on me?"

She glances at the girls, but her eyes linger on Alissa for a meaningful second, and then her tone actually becomes softer. "Maybe. I was going to suggest that you act as the teens' dad because they need some guidance and Samkelo is a terrible parent. He's like the 'cool uncle' who's actually a weirdo single guy and a bit of a creep."

But that's definitely the wrong phrasing. She's telling me to adopt a child when I'm surrounded by thirsty women who are dying to be bred and have my children. Even Aoi gets a bit irked by her words.

And she suddenly shudders as she looks around, sensing their leaking high level auras. "Did this room just get cold, or what?" But then she notices the intense stares, and frowns in confusion. "What?"

"You're getting ahead of yourself, Miss Lily," Yunia politely but sternly begins.

"If you want to share parenthood with Wolfy, you'll first have to get through us," Alissa follows up more intensely, her fluffy tail stiff in annoyance.

"We're all sister-wives, so consensus and harmony is the core of our relationship," Ciel comes in with a gentler tone.

Lily gets so taken aback that she even brings back one of her old mannerisms. "Arre, I was joking. If any of you want to whip the dainty teens into training, be my guest."

"Whip them?" Yunia sadistically hums, reminiscing about her days training humans in Dyrmorder.

"Train them?" Alissa evilly questions, and just like the Queen, she's also experienced in whipping young soldiers into shape.

"Innocent teens?" Roxanne suggestively asks, her mind going straight to the gutter. "Hey, your inner monologue sounds biased!"

"I just need you to motivate them; don't corrupt them with your sick fetishes," Lily immediately shoots them down.

Seems like she won't just hand them to us, so it'll still take some effort to steal them from her.

"What do you think motivates a teen?" Roxanne calmly asks, yet her dagger-tail waves mischievously.

And Lily immediately turns to me, baffled. "I didn't know you allowed your wives to do that, Wolf."

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Lily," I calmly retort, yet, like Roxanne, my thick tail slowly waves mischievously.

But she reprovingly grunts, not falling for it, "Don't gaslight me. Her tone was very suggestive."

So I change the topic, "Just so you know, my wives can fuck any woman they want, but they can only tease men without touching, and even that needs my approval first."

"We'll merely show them the Rupegian way to train," Yunia categorically states.

"But not today. Right now, I just want to stay with Wolfy," Alissa adds and scooches toward me, and I wrap my thick tail around her waist.

Then Roxanne sits on my lap and blesses me with a loud kiss on the cheek. "We won't be able to spend our time with Wolfy when we start 'working' on the teens, so we need to savor this moment," she happily states and rests her cheek against my horn.

"You guys are sickeningly sweet to each other," Lily grunts with a frown of disgust.

"We were like this back on Earth," I immediately retort.

And she snorts. "I know, but it's still annoying to watch."


And Lily stays for the whole morning. It's a bit awkward to make small talk with her while we train, but Caterina shows impressive social skills by keeping everyone talking, which is a bit hard for the girls to do by themselves because they all resent Lily a bit in their own way.

From what I understand, the milfy Punisher is not just a warrior but an expert social manipulator who has opened up the hearts of countless heretics, so this is the perfect situation for her to use her skills. She also seems to be taking a mommy role with Hana, who becomes like a puppy whenever she gets some attention from her master, making me believe that we'll eventually have some "mommy and daddy punish their little girl" roleplay.

For our evening training, we start to practice horde control tactics, though I remain on the balcony watching from afar as I continuously create golems. Ted also brings some of the proximity shells to the Carrier so that the men can test their eight newly installed Ryder Special 120mm M1 Field Guns.

It's really funny seeing a floating teddy bear order a bunch of officers and soldiers around. Ted and Suzy have metal "battle bodies," but even those are child-sized, so they wouldn't be much better. Jarn has a stronger presence than the doll golems, but it wouldn't be as funny to send her, so she stays behind to help me make golems.


"Gify, I'm bored. Don't you have some interesting memories or something to show me?" I grunt to the little griffin as she rests on the railing.

She lazily raises her head and tentatively suggests, "Gih? Guuh… Geh gih!"

"Doesn't hurt to try," I hum with a shrug. Then I let Suzy fully control my body while I take control of hers.

I grab the little "thread" inside my mind that corresponds to Suzy's [Bind], then focus on her senses while ignoring her thoughts, as those are overwhelmingly intense.

"Okay, this is weird," I speak through Suzy as I stare at my own stub of a hand. I can't really cut the senses of my original body, so I feel both at the same time, which is a bit distracting.

Then Gify suddenly swipes my face with one of her wings, making me fall on my back like a board since this body lacks the reflexes to properly fall on its ass. But it's enough to make me feel challenged.

It's on!

I immediately jump onto my feet and start chasing after the feathery little shit.

Though I don't lack enthusiasm, Suzy moves her body through the earth elemental equivalent of [Telekinesis], so it isn't as simple as using [Bind] on the girls. But this means that my magical prowess is also being challenged!

Unfortunately, I have magical affinity, not talent.

I could just fly after Gify with pure [Telekinesis], but that'd be boring, so I suck it up and stumble my way after the cheeky griffin. But the thing is, she has no mercy.

She chirps and taunts, sweeps and swipes, and ducks and dives. She doesn't give me a single chance to tag her while running circles around me. She relentlessly mocks me, not willing to pass up the chance for free banter when I can't easily fight back.

But then I get tired of her shit.

I launch myself forward with a burst of [Telekinesis], so, technically, I'm not flying; I'm just recklessly jumping forward. And the way that Gify's smugness is instantly replaced by desperation as she scrambles to move out of the way makes it all worth it.

"I'M UNSTOPPABLE! MUHAHAHA!" I gleefully roar, which sounds a bit weird with Suzy's voice, but I'm having too much fun to care.

Now the tables have been turned, and I'm free to gorge myself on the "terrorize my opponent" plate that Gify was hogging. I still can't catch her, but at least she's struggling to evade me.

And I've become a cannonball. I dart across the room and crash into anything and everything, but Suzy's body is literally just a cloth doll with a metal skeleton inside it, so the most damage I could do would be if I crashed into some porcelain, but there's none in sight. So it's open season on the griffin.

She eventually recovers from her desperation and becomes more adept at evading my reckless charges, so I begin to formulate another plan. Shooting myself gives me speed but costs precision, while stumbling is slow, but at least I can control my direction. So the answer is clear.

I push Gify towards one of the corners of the room without furniture, then switch gears. Instead of being reckless, I become intimidating and calculating as I carefully push her further toward the wall.

"Giih!" she chirps defiantly as she realizes what my plan is. But it's already too late; there's no way out.

"Heheheheheh…" I chuckle evilly, my voice cracking since a golem's throat wasn't made for such intensely dark sounds.

Then I suddenly launch forward, and I'm too close for her to dodge in time.

So the little shit just pops out of existence, and I hit the wall face-first, then helplessly fall onto the floor with a soft *pomf*.

"GIIFYYYY~…!" I roar dramatically in rage as I shake my little cloth fist. Then I just sit down and sourly cross my little cloth arms. "I'll count this as my win."

"Gih! Guh geh gih!" Gify shouts back from atop the head of my real body.

"Nuh-uh," I stubbornly deny.

"Guh geh gih-gih!" she stubbornly insists.

"Nuuh-uuh," I double-stubbornly deny.

And she gives up. "Gih!"

So I let out one last haughty grunt and stop the silliness, "Hmph… But seriously, I don't have any other strategies, so we might as well end here. Without a physical body, things become too static, as it's much harder to push past my limits."

"Hmph. Gih," she gracefully concedes.


And so, I spend most of my afternoon with Gify, trying to find fun things to do together. I take a look at the training going on in the yard, and I feel the fires of sadism starting to burn within the hearts of the girls, so today's training is particularly harsh.

I was never one to put too much effort into physical training, but at least I've got my research and magic to compensate for that. The teens and even Samkelo don't have that, so they've got no high ground to complain about putting in some effort for once in their lives. I mean, we are about to carry out a very dangerous operation, and no matter how OP they feel, I don't want to risk the lives of my men and my girls to save their asses in case the shit hits the [Wind Storm].

So I watch them with a suitable amount of sadism.

"You know what? Just watching is kinda fun, too," I remark to Gify as I pat her back with my cloth stub of a hand.

"Gih…" she chirps suggestively, and her beak warps into a smirk.

But I'm ready for this one, "Sex jokes don't work if they come from you because of how non-sexual you are."

She flashes me a glare. "Gih!"

And I shrug. "You gotta suck me off a few times before I'll feel anything."

"Gih," she haughtily declines and turns her feathery head away but remains in place so that I can continue to pat her.

After that, I start to get really bored, so I have Jarn jerk off my real body while I reflect upon [Golemancy].




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord litalmexy.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord William Clark.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord LiuAnshan.

Lord Black Unicorn.

Lord Duncan Campbel.

Lord Empyrean.

Lord School Work.

Lord Patrick_starz.

Lord Freddie.

Lord Peter Kraushuber.

Lord David England.

Lord John.

Noble Salty Panda.

Noble Mild Fracas.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble Warmoger55.

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