
Chapter 171: Restlessness – Part 1

So, I have no idea where the different parts of the brain are or what they're called except for the words "cortex," "cerebellum," and "amygdala," but with the help of the golems diligently taking notes, we can get a rough idea of the purpose of different areas. I also get them to compile the notes in a more easily readable way for analysis, which will allow us to see the big picture and help us deepen our knowledge in the future.

And the big picture is that the bits related to memory seem to be located near the center of the brain. That makes sense since I do remember that central part having a lot of different little areas, but this also makes things a bit harder since they're supposedly quite small.

Since I have the time, I squeeze in a few baby golems between proximity fuses, and preliminary cognitive tests show promise. The "dumb" golems are especially dumb when I focus the alterations in that area.

And then we have a hit: a golem that doesn't act dumb, but scores lower than average in the memory category. Though he seems a bit fidgety and anxious, almost Chuky-like, but lacking the aggression and suicidal behavior of his infamous predecessor.

He still isn't a complete amnesiac. He just seems to have forgotten quite a lot about my life in Rupegia, which are exactly the more important memories that need to be removed. But this begs the question: will the memories of Rupegia in the golems I create a few years from now also become irremovable? No, these older memories exist somewhere else; I just need to find where they're stored.

But this also begs the question of whether some memories can become too ingrained in a person's brain to be removed. Our brain isn't like a computer, where if you remove a part, it completely stops all functions related to it. I know of brain plasticity, where people who lose large parts of their brains can still live somewhat normal lives, and I know very well how much of a black box neural networks are, so there could be memories that are stored all over the brain, like how a smell can trigger a nostalgic memory.

It'll be impossible for me to just manually find every dangerous memory, let alone extinguish them without breaking something important, so once again, my lack of talent with abstract magic comes right back to annoy me. I need to learn how to add "abstract concepts" to [Infuse] so that I can let magic deal with the small details while I focus on higher-level stuff. But still, knowing exactly how things work is an important part of making spells viable mana-wise, so I'm not wasting my time here.

And getting a handjob from a beautiful android while I reflect is also very good for my motivation, but then this reminds me that I'm still hopelessly addicted to stimulation. It's normal to get horny whenever you try to focus on boring work, but I don't think I was this bad back on Earth. At least back then, I sucked it up and didn't try to deal with it by having an android who's becoming a sex bot and also has the face of one of my wives jerk me off.

Not that this is a bad thing, but this shows I've become coddled.

"'Coddling' is the reward for Lords who succeed in their duties," Yunia immediately interjects in my internal monologue.

Well, then, I guess as long as I don't get lazy, being coddled is just fine.

"Laziness is the most common reason that Lords get deposed for," Ciel wisely cautions, but "laziness" isn't a word that fits any of us, so I think we'll be fine in that regard.

And then I link my pleasure with the girls so that they can have a bit of fun, too. But the happy and comfy feeling within my soul space is harshly contrasted with what's going on in the training yard.

"Can we… get some… time to… breathe?" U Thant begs as he holds his knees, out of breath, with his fluffy tail dragging along the floor.

"The monster won't just stop while you rest!" Alissa harshly shouts and orders the Companions to begin another attack on their group.

Didn't you girls say that you were going to wait until tomorrow for that?

"We accidentally got a bit too fired up," Hana explains, and she could technically be taken literally.

"Torturing them is fun," Lina confesses what they're really feeling.

Then I cum all over Jarn's glorious and stern metallic face, and the wives all orgasm too in public, but this only makes them more fired up. Making someone feel pleasure while they're being sadistic obviously conditions them to enjoy it, and I guess this is one way that I can give them a bit of a "hand" with the training.

Then a rumbling laugh suddenly echoes across the yard, "Hahah! Now, this is a most joyous sight!" And Urmeie gleefully shouts as she walks in with an exaggerated swagger, showing a dangerously toothy grin from ear to ear.

"A massive battle is coming, so we must prepare accordingly," Yunia explains matter-of-factly.

And the Princess nods emphatically, then looks around. "I agree wholeheartedly! But where's Wolfy?"

"He's single-handedly supplying a whole army with the equivalent of explosive enchanted arrows," Alissa proudly shares and gives a meaningful glance to the tired teens.

"Hm, that is a good enough reason to skip out on training," the beary beauty grunts as she crosses her arms, alluringly bunching up her fluffy puppies. She can't possibly be oblivious to how eye-catching this pose is, right? Knowing her, she's definitely doing it on purpose, so I just have Alissa shamelessly stare at them as Jarn continues to jerk me off.

"But the rest of us can't just sit pretty and wait, so show us what a beastfolk is made of," Hana daringly taunts as the orgasm has made the fire within her fight her prudence.

And Alissa overhears Samkelo quietly hiss to U Thant, "Oh, fuck! She's inciting the Princess!"

"My kind has resisted conquest from the Empire, so be cautious with your taunting," Urmeie growls back, an intense frown daring Hana to continue.

But the fiery woman takes a history lesson from both me and Lina to deliver a harsh truth, "My kind has submitted to the bigger cock and grown stronger from the fucking."

"You're not fighting each other," Yunia promptly reminds them, halting their verbal tonguing for a second.

And the boy gnome takes this opportunity to intervene, "But let's be real, that was some interesting banter," he cheerfully remarks, trying to distract the fearsome women from their growing fierceness.

So Yunia deliberately thwarts him, "Let's not waste any more time with words and let our weapons speak for us."

"And I have a hundred skill points in that language!" Urmeie shouts, cheerful again.

"Fuck…" Thant quietly cries as the distraction has failed.

But there isn't enough time to fully run them haggard, so this is merely an appetizer for tomorrow.


During our bath, a sweaty Hana attempts to crush my pelvis, but activating [Mana Body] allows me to resist her savagery, and I not only survive her onslaught but also conquer this barbarian through her pussy. Roxanne then recruits Caterina to clean their wild lover, and the two bond a bit over it.

"I'm always surprised by how slender she looks, yet she can wrestle with men twice her weight, and that was before she had [Draconic Body]," Roxanne warmly comments as she slowly and suggestively soaps up Hana's back, who's laying on her stomach on a water-proof bed.

Caterina notices the succubus' lewd movements and glances at the mischievous woman as she calmly replies, "A dragonkin's appearance is deceiving, so I've learned to trust my intuition whenever I've had to face one. That, or find a way to inspect their 'Stats'; those never lie."

Roxanne hums in agreement, "Same could be said for dwarves and [Stonebody]." Then she gives our little loli a pointed glance, who blushes as she realizes she potentially has more raw strength than even me.

But the Punisher Captain has a more practical mindset. "You can at least sense the mana coming from a dwarf's use of [Spirit of Gaia], but a dragonkin's power is more uncertain, though no less subtle. You should be able to sense Hana's glare even with your back turned." And her soapy, strong hands get dangerously close to the promised land as they go up Hana's muscular thighs.

"I can't say I've experienced something like that. She has never shown me her true glare," our pale wife softly remarks with a smile and adjusts her oval glasses.

"Yeah… I never felt like killing any of you…" the barbarian in question mumbles softly, eyes closed in delight.

And the warm voices succeed in mellowing out Caterina. "Yes, I can sense true kindness behind her playfulness. Her innocence is an important part of her charm, which is what makes her so endearing to me."

"Like a big puppy," Roxanne immediately suggests with a grin.

"That is… an apt description," Caterina tentatively agrees.

"Just don't forget… that I bite…" the big, emerald-scaled puppy sleepily warns them.

"Nipples and clits, yes," the lewd succubus lewdly suggests suggestively, and Caterina gives her a concerned look, so she snorts and adds, "Only if you ask."

But the Punisher still isn't used to this overly-erotic atmosphere. "I'm thankful that although you're all aggressive, you aren't actually forceful," she prudently remarks.

So Roxanne sultrily shares the golden rule, "Just don't bait us because we won't hesitate to bite." And then she stares intensely at the Punisher as her pale hands go down past Hana's powerful ass and reach her muscular thighs, but she purposely touches Caterina's hands, who stops but doesn't pull away.

"Yes, I've learned to always be forthright and decisive with you, Ryders," the milfy elf slowly remarks and maintains the stare, then slowly begins to move her hands again.

"Hmm~…" Hana moans softly as the two glide their soapy hands across her inner thighs, arousing the relaxed dragon even though they haven't touched the promised land.

Then Roxanne looks down and goes back up a bit. "She does have a nice ass, huh?" she remarks as she squeezes the pair of Cock-crushers.

"I prefer the front," Caterina surprisingly confesses.

So the succubus smirks. "More of a breasts person?"

And Caterina calmly hums back, "No, but hers are nice. It's quite rare to find a pair so nicely shaped among the elves."

"What about Yunia's or Osaria's?" Roxanne asks, not letting the lewd conversation die down.

"What about them? They're two rare gorgeous beauties, but it's Hana's personality that brought me here," she answers matter-of-factly, and the sleepy barbarian gets a jolt of happiness from hearing this.

"You know, with how often you ran from Hana, I almost thought you didn't like her," Roxanne continues the probing.

But this one makes Caterina become a bit pensive. "I had… forgotten how to earnestly open up to someone," she admits with a wistful smile.

Then Hana turns around, attracting the gazes of the two, who take their time savoring the awe-inspiring deliciousness of her front. "I was patient, but now that you've willingly walked into our nest, I'm going to eat you up," the fiery woman heatedly states.

And Caterina enjoys the challenge as she smiles haughtily in a way that only an elf can. "I'm not a cheap slab of meat. If you don't prepare me well, you're just wasting your time."

So Hana soothes her worries, "If I was just looking for a fuck, I'd go for the Companions or a prostitute. I'm patient enough."

Then Roxanne jumps in with a smirk to amp up the lewdness, "But right now, we are washing her, so why don't you show me your skills with your fingers?"

Caterina's amused response brings a smile of hope to my lips, "Fingers? Not hands?"

Seeing that the Punisher is receptive to such lewd playfulness, Roxanne takes it to another level, "You can't wash her clit with just the palm of your hand, and you have to reach deep inside her to make sure that all of Wolfy's cum has come out. You also can't spill any of his bounty, but if you're unwilling to eat it, then either of us will."

"How demanding," the milfy elf softly coos.

Now Ciel makes Roxanne state another important rule, "To maintain the harmony of such a large harem, we established a few friendly agreements, like sharing."

And then Roxanne falls silent, allowing Caterina to understand the implication, but she can't hide the slow bloom of her seductive smirk, let alone her intoxicating stare. Meanwhile, the stern, milfy Punisher remains impassive, not willing to show a single weakness, but she matches the succubus' gaze in intensity, implying that there's a chance.

"Wash me first before you fuck each other with your eyes," Hana interjects, then raises her arms and strikes an alluring pose, instantly drawing attention to her perfectly round and highly-squeezable breasts.

"She's all yours," Roxanne insists, her seductive smirk becoming mischievous.

And so, Caterina begins, going straight for the breasts. Large and round, they're irresistible to me, and perhaps also to the lesbian Punisher, for she savors their shape like a horny man would. She even gives Hana's dark, sensitive, pinchable nipples the pinching they deserve.

Unfortunately, the milfy elf is still far too conservative to spend longer than necessary on the juicy pair and moves down Hana's body. Caterina then shows her appreciation for Hana's muscular flanks and abs by making sure that every delicious curve is covered in cleansing bubbles, which has the regrettable side-effect of covering her abs, but this makes it more pleasurable to Hana, who has to imagine what Caterina is doing to her body under the bubbles.

But once again, the Punisher doesn't spend long on that, though perhaps she's merely eager to go for the best part, for she even forgets that there are still thighs and feet to be washed, her fingers instead gently brushing against Hana's moist pussy lips. She actually rinses the soap off one of her hands so that she can directly feel Hana's intimate warmth, and she even scoops up some of her lewd fluids while staring intensely into the fiery woman's yellow eyes.

Then Caterina glances at her fingers and amusedly remarks, "You're still this wet, even after the harsh pummeling you received?"

"It's all because of you and the lewd way you're washing me," Hana huskily replies with a wide grin and spreads her legs more, parting her pussy lips and allowing even more of her lewd juices to drip.

But I had also filled her womb with my seed, and some of my white bounty starts to drip out of her. And then, before any of us can say anything to further our lewd cause, Caterina, of her own will, gently rubs Hana's lips, spreading my seed all over the punished, battered, and pummeled sensitive bits of skin.

"Oh, Gods," Hana moans, delighted at the delicate pleasure from the highly-skillful movement.

Except the surprise doesn't end there. Caterina suddenly dives two fingers into Hana, the coating of cum and love fluids perfectly lubricating the penetration. I make sure everyone can feel what it's like to be fingered by Caterina to prepare them for the future, and the consensus is that this milfy beauty is almost as skilled as the succubus-like Osaria.

Then the mature woman shows her devilishness by not finishing off Hana now that she's got her excited. Well, not everyone can easily make a woman orgasm like I can, so I guess it's a bit too much to expect Caterina to go all the way.

But we once again aren't allowed to savor the moment, as her fingers come out covered in my cum, and she surprises us by staring at them tentatively instead of immediately feeding Roxanne.

"If I'm going to be with you, then I might as well get used to this taste," she casually states, then sucks both fingers clean of my cum. "Huh… it is tastier than I expected," she remarks with raised eyebrows.

Holy. Shit.

"Yes, its taste is incredible!" Aoi gleefully shouts in agreement.

But about that, Caterina is hesitant to agree, "I don't believe it's tasty, but there's something special about its flavor."

And I become mildly confused about her behavior. "But aren't you a lesbian?" I ask as Alissa deals with my raging hard-on using her pussy.

"I have a child," the milf answers as she glances at me, then at Alissa as she realizes the cute fox is lewdly bouncing up and down on my lap.

"Oh, really?" Alissa hums, her voice low and steamy, suddenly very interested, and I feel her insides tighten around my cock in arousal.

"His seed is so deeply infused with mana that I believe he could enchant it with special effects," Kaatohe suddenly utters a life-changing statement.

I slowly turn my head towards Lina, who attempts to remain impassive, but even her mind starts to race with the possibilities.

"If you can make it taste like Eia extract, I wouldn't mind drinking it," Caterina remarks, and I cum inside Alissa as the stimulation from the conversation has reached orgasmic levels.

"Straight from Hana's pussy," Roxanne completes, her voice a lustful whisper as her legs quiver from linking her pleasure with mine.

"This talk is making my Cock throb," I blurt out, stunned, but not by Roxanne's suggestion, no. I want to see this Punisher drink it directly from the source, and the fact that she has a child makes me yearn to give her another.

"And I got hungry," Aoi innocently remarks, and she dives underwater. Then her long, slippery tongue wraps around my hard-as-Okross Cock, giving Alissa more texture and also spreading her a bit further.

"If you make it taste like food, no spirit will ever resist you…" Hukarere slowly states as Yunia massages the tired wolf after a long day of training. Even Hukarere's spirit body gets "tired" after high-intensity exercise since it's made to be a realistic copy instead of just a doll that moves through strings like the golems do.

Also, not even a straight woman would decline a massage from our elven Queen.

"No woman will ever resist him," Yunia adds, debating whether or not she should abuse this situation to molest Hukarere, but she settles with a subtle, lewd teasing of the wolf's sensitive but not private parts.

"I'm more excited about cum that won't stick to my fur," Urmeie grunts and snorts as she observes the lewdness with a mildly envious gaze.

"Or hair," the elven Queen adds again and glances at her (now straight) gloriously golden hair. She loves facials, but the clean-up is annoying.

And my mind starts to drift.

Strawberry cum smoothie… pumpkin spice cum latte…

The problem is, I already have too many things to train, so I can't reasonably say that cum-bending is a high-priority project.

"What do you mean?! Tastier cum would enrich our lives!" Roxanne cheerfully and lewdly attempts to encourage me.

"More nutrients, more growth!" Aoi innocently, but not that innocently, follows up.

"More blowjobs, more mana spent, more your mana organ grows," Alissa soothingly deliberates, her mind in bliss from Aoi's tongue and my Cock working in tandem inside her.

"I want to drink your cum with Caterina," Hana fiercely states like a hungry dragon.

"Have your cum mirror the characteristics of skin-care products," Yunia wisely suggests, and even Ciel perks up at that, with both of them suddenly feeling like giving me titjobs.

"Sweet-flavored cum," Lina hesitantly shares her secret desire, and now Ciel gets unreasonably hungry.

I weep internally, for I find it hard to go against their desires.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord litalmexy.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord William Clark.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord LiuAnshan.

Lord Black Unicorn.

Lord FrostyCube.

Lord Glaistig Uaine.

Lord School work.

Lord Beater.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord Peter Kraushuber

Lord David England.

Lord Frank de Jong.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble warmoger55.

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