
Chapter 171: Restlessness – Part 3

I wanna fuuuuuuuck! I'm getting so fucking bored it's making me unbearably horny! I'd even fuck Urmeie if she were here!

Everyone is out for the afternoon training, so it's only me, Suzy, and Jarn since even Gify left because the training is more interesting than what I'm doing here. But I also don't want just another handjob as even that is too boring.

"Maybe my Blessing will help you a bit?" Alissa kindly suggests through [Bind].

"Maybe you just want to bounce on his Cock?" Hana interjects, though she's kinda also confessing her own desires.

"Maybe she just wants to skip training?" Ciel more reasonably suggests and gives the little fox a very pointed look through my soul space. I can't blame them for getting distracted from their torturing. No amount of sadism could replace a chill afternoon with me.

"Maybe Wolfy just needs to learn self-control?" Yunia sternly scolds, making me smile guiltily.

Then Lina comes in with a more reasonable suggestion, "Maybe Wolfy can just take a break from creating proximity fuse golems by doing research on something he likes?"


"If you're bored, do something fun," Aoi wisely advises. But she pouts internally as she detects a small amount of cheeky sarcasm in my tone. "I'm serious! It's useless to try to focus on work when you're bored. You need to reward yourself, or your heart will get grumpy."

"Who taught you that?" I reflexively ask. I don't remember any of us giving her that lesson.

"I just know!" she exclaims, her inner voice reverting to its old, childish tone. "Dragons must always be smart and strong, so they also need to rest well."

"This must be coming from her monster nature, like how she learned her special magic or how to fly mostly on her own," Ciel wisely suggests.

Well, Aoi's words do make sense. It's just that the more I work, the more safe our men will be, so I find it really hard to make an excuse to take a break. What's a bit of boredom and frustration in exchange for a life?

"Be reasonable, Wolfy. If you become too frustrated, something bad might happen," Alissa cautions me.


Part of the reason why these "proximity fuse" golems work is that they have my memories and they're born already knowing their purpose, but if I start to get too distracted and frustrated… could I end up making an angry golem that commits suicide before its time? I honestly don't have enough information to answer that question, so now I'm starting to get worried.

Better safe than sorry…?

I decide to meditate a bit on my humanoidization since that helps me relax. I close my eyes and suppress my draconic characteristics, then bring out the sweet little human inside me.

But then I remember that we have a humanizing enchantment in our portable home, which could be useful for this training. I rarely use the enchantment anymore as I've learned how to live with my claws, but since I've already learned how to almost fully suppress my draconic characteristics, I might as well save myself the effort and use the enchantment so that I can fully focus on something else.

So I go out into the garden, on the opposite side of the mansion from the training yard to not distract them, find a large enough patch of grass, then pull out the camouflaged box of bark. Our portable house is bigger on the inside thanks to [Warp Space], so I make myself comfortable, and I quickly become really comfortable as the whole house has that mossy and earthy smell that reminds me of our home.

I'm here to train, though, so I have Suzy turn on the enchantment, and my body returns to its fully-human state. Then I lay down on the bed and meditate. Sweet old human me is still here, he's just shy, but now that we're comfortable, he keeps me company as I think about what to do next.

The magic school used to create this humanizing enchantment is called Jaleowzeh, a specialty of the estekabar demon race. I remember that Dokkanchee, the old bird who enchanted our home, said that this enchantment alters reality, though not fully or permanently, so it might be similar to a "transformation" skill, in a way.

And these musings entertain me for a while, proving that this is the best way to spend my break. I even manage to fully relax, which allows me to go for another burst of factory work creating the proximity fuses.

I've become a living factory, huh? Who knew being a God was so labor-intensive…

But wait, there's more. Using this humanizing enchantment gives me a clear goal of how my body should feel and look, which is useful when I'm manually suppressing my draconic characteristics. And all of this makes me feel like I'm really close to humanizing myself; I just need one last big push.


When bath time finally comes, I destroy Alissa's pussy to satisfy my need for stimulation. My mana organ is also getting tired, so no Ravaging as just my Cock is enough, and then we make a cuddle puddle in the steamy water so that everyone can give me some love.

I sense Urmeie approach us from the side, and I pay no mind to it as I'm fine with her joining us, but that's a mistake because I suddenly feel a hint of mischief leak from Hana's connection. Then they spread their arms wide as Hana shouts, "SUPER HUG OF LOVE!" And they both give us a bear hug.

"Kyah!" Alissa lets out a cute, girlish squeak while Ciel and Lina moan rather sensually, but the rest are silent.

For a second, I feel bliss as the sensation of both Hana's balloon tits and Urmeie's furry puppies leaks through [Bind], but then the pressure starts to crush, and everyone despairs in pain. The two wild women are merciful, though, and quickly release us, so the agony is only momentary.

And I forgive them for this little prank as it makes Caterina laugh, likely because it was so unexpected it even caught her off-guard.

"I heard you got [Sense Presence], but you still allowed me to ambush you," Urmeie remarks as she releases us.

"Well, I don't really find you threatening, so I didn't pay attention to your approach," I casually reply as I back away, suddenly feeling like the flat trio of sisters deserve some love.

And the Princess grunts, "How sweet, which is as expected from this sickeningly sweet harem of yours, but if you'd paid attention to my posture, you'd have noticed my threatening gait."

"I noticed it, but Wolfy didn't say anything, so I interpreted that as consent," Alissa immediately interjects, not willing to let anyone think that a fucking bear could sneak up on her.

"I was distracted by the multiple, delicious, juicy tits pressing against my body," I promptly defend myself and make sure I'm flanked by flatness while the gloomy, flat little sister is snugly seated upon my lap. "But anyway, my [Sense Presence] isn't high enough that I can easily make out your pose through it. I can just sense an amorphous blob that I recognize as belonging to you."

"You should level it up, then. It's a useful skill," the warrior-sister bear advises.

But I immediately retort and begin sucking on Roxanne's ghost nipples, "I have a dozen things that I need to train. Maybe in a few months, I'll have the time."

And she raises a skeptical eyebrow at Yunia, who dutifully backs me up, "He's serious. His Gift conveniently forgoes the need to train most skills, so he's taken up a hobby of creating new ones."

Urmeie crosses her arms, tempting me with the furry juiciness, but it's her words that really grab my attention, "If you don't need to train to get good at combat, what would happen if you actually trained? Would you become a match for Dad?"

Okay, now that is something interesting to think about. Being strong enough that Sun Daddy can't threaten me would be sweet. Though, if he knew I was as powerful as him, it could make him antsy, considering our little spat regarding Reinhold.

But the reality is different.

"Just skills won't compensate for the massive difference in 'Magic Power' between us," Lina points out for me because my mouth is busy and Roxanne is moaning.

"True," the bear grunts and snorts, then sinks into the water, making waves as her bountiful bosom creates a lot of displacement.

But then I think of something cheeky that makes me stop the sucking, so I turn to Caterina and request, "You're the only one who didn't give me a hug."

"I humbly request that you allow me to get dressed first," the mature elf answers without skipping a beat.

Aww… "Very well," I hum, accepting defeat.

"I'll hug your naked body and let Wolfy feel what it's like," Hana states as she sits down beside her newest lover.

And Caterina frowns confusedly. "Shouldn't you… not tell me that?"

"No? Sharing is the first rule here," the thirsty dragonkin unashamedly replies.

"Sharing is caring," Ciel cheekily steals my meme.

And the milfy golden elf raises an eyebrow at us, seemingly uncertain about how to respond to this type of flirting.


For the evening, we're all a bit tired, so we choose to relax rather than play. I give Alissa a few points in [Lute Playing], then we listen to her play some Misty Fox tunes. I'm not an expert in music, but the songs she's playing are very ambient-like. I can definitely see a bunch of werefoxes sitting down in seiza and meditating or something while listening to this.

"I remember hearing these songs while my parents were in private gatherings with our allies. These are peaceful melodies to soothe our friends," she answers through [Bind] to not disrupt her playing.

The songs are so calming that we almost get Caterina to spend the night with us, but she summons a monstrous amount of willpower and leaves for her own bed.


Today is the 2nd, Yn, day of Earth. This is the most useless day for the Sky Landers, and even Lina doesn't feel the comforting motivation that today should give her.

Therefore, she deepthroats my Cock because my daddy milkies have a hearty and comforting taste, and since they're magically charged, they stimulate her body in a pleasant way that mimics the effects of today's Cycle of Mana. But she also rewards me with a unique view as she struggles to swallow even half the length of my Cock, and her innocent looks just enhance the delicious perverseness of this situation.

I drowsily pat her head as I cum down her throat, and she starts pulling back mid-release, so the last rope ends up falling on her little tongue. She spends a few seconds catching her breath with her mouth open, allowing me to see that the bounty is safe and secure.

But as the cherry on the cake, I get her to share it with Ciel, completing the beginning of our sacred morning ritual. Then I kiss their foreheads and get up to start the last day of hard work.


I increased my [Mana Efficiency] and [Golemancy] by 1 (now 13+8 and 0+17); Alissa increased her [Increased Reflexes] and "Speed" by 1 (now 1+9 and 21), which means she's becoming increasingly incredible; Roxanne increased her [Reduced Mana Cost] by 1 (now 20+8); Hana increased [Tatesomu Style] by 1 (now 11); Ciel increased her [Tiretiera Maire Style] by 1 (now 0+3); Lina increased her [Dwarven Pride Style] and [Stonebody] by 1 (now 0+5 and 10); Aoi increased her "Perception" by 1 (now 13), which is a surprise "Stat" up, but she is quite the observant little dragon; and Yunia increased her [Silent Shadow Style] and [Spirit Magic] by 1 (now 6 and 2+28).

"Huh, I gained a point in [Mana Efficiency]," I remark out loud as I stare at my "Stats," then take a sip of coffee.

"Repeated casts of the same spell is one of the simplest ways to train [Mana Efficiency]," Roxanne promptly explains wisely.

"What about the other mana-enhancement skills?" I reflexively ask and prepare myself with a long sip.

Then she launches into a nostalgic explanation since it reminds her of her time studying at Xane's Holy Academy, "There are innumerable ways to gain mana-related skills, but the simplest methods are basically the same across the entire Realm. For [Mana Control], you need to cram as much mana into a spell as you can to make it bigger and harder to control; for [Reduced Mana Cost], you need to chant continuously to reduce the base cost of the spell as much as possible; for [Mana Recovery], you need to empty your MP pool, then meditate and relax your mana organ so that your mana is refilled faster; and for [Mana Efficiency], you need to use your 'Willpower' to make the spell bigger without feeding it more mana. There are ways to achieve the same results without actually spending soul potential on the skills, which is useful for low-level mages, but they're on a per-spell-basis, so only those who specialize in a small number of spells attempt it."

And after eating a chocolate cookie that pairs well with the coffee, I start to nostalgically reminisce, "Most of my mana-related skill gains were kind of random, but back in Rabanara, I learned [Reduced Mana Cost] by focusing on 'spell structures,' though that was even more abstract than what I see through [Golemancy]'s [Infuse] or [Sense Soul], so I don't really understand how, exactly, I learned the skill."

The (infrequently) wise succubus nods in agreement and then readjusts her oval glasses. "Yeah, that's how it goes at the beginning; you only start to really understand things much later on. I can't say I understand spells myself, but I do know a lot about [Alchemy], and my growth was just like that: confusing, until it wasn't."

I was getting better at gaining points in [Reduced Mana Cost] the more I studied. So, if I had spent more time in the university doing the advanced courses in magic, I could've possibly fixed this "abstract magic" blindness that I have. Maybe if we hadn't left Rabanara so early… It's just that things started happening after we left and never really stopped.


And so, we start another slow morning with our usual mana circulation training, though I also have to create more proximity fuse golems, so I'm already beginning to build up stress. At least Alissa's Blessing seems to help as I feel a loss of motivation when she briefly leaves, but that also means that this afternoon will be hell.

Lunchtime quickly comes, and we invite Oritiki, Hihiriwa, and Alcander to discuss the men's training. We also want to start a joint exercise with the Sky Landers tomorrow as the final preparations for the battle. Since we're Lords, we aren't expected to get too involved in the tactics and management, so we just give them directives and let them do the planning.

Then the afternoon torture begins, and I briefly entertain myself by observing the suffering of The Four. We're doing mixed group tactics to shake things up and give the broadest amount of experience to everyone, so we've randomized the teams into attackers, defenders, and the happy few who are allowed to rest.

"Samkelo! Keep them away from the rear!" Alissa barks orders from the sidelines.

"This isn't exactly easy!" the manchild gnome shouts back as he struggles to control a dust cloud that's keeping a squad of Companions from approaching.

"You did it once; you'll do it twice!" she kindly encourages him.

"I can help him!" U Thant offers as he glances back.

But Alissa insists on giving the gnome a challenge. "He needs to do it by himself! You'll weaken the front if you turn around!"

"I'm free! I can do both!" the snow cat naively insists.

"If the group collapses, you'll know whose fault it'll be!" the foxy drill sergeant gives her last warning.

"I get it!" Thant grumbles stubbornly and turns around.

The wives aren't the only ones enjoying this torture; the Companions are eager to score a hit on The Four and see them squirm, so morale is quite high for them too.

Then a squad of Companion archers releases a salvo at the group, but Chesa is still properly focused as she diverts all the projectiles with her Gift without losing control of her [Water Spirit]. But we need to push them to their limits, so we have Hana charge at them from above.

"Above!" Chesa shouts desperately as she diverts her [Water Spirit] to create a [Water Wall].

It's U Thant's job to deal with flying chargers since his Gift is so versatile, so now he's in a bit of a bind.

"MAKE SPACE!" Aoi roars, then sends two Companions flying to do as she says, and the smacked girls are so well-armored that they actually enjoy being awed by their draconic Queen's might.

Everyone else bashes shields, thrusts threateningly, or launches spells to push the attackers away, creating a momentary lull in the fighting.

Then my ferocious little dragon points a claw at two Companions and orders, "You two! Help the gnome!" They promptly nod and turn around, so Aoi looks forward again as she shouts another order, "Thant! Deal with Hana!"

The snow cat clicks his tongue and turns his head up, so Hana decides to power through the [Water Wall] before she can get poked by a painful spear of light. Since her role is to be the "point woman," she goes for Chesa to put pressure on the defenders.

Thant intercepts her, but the mer girl becomes indecisive as she doesn't know if she can really trust him to keep her back safe. It's an understandable reaction as it's really hard to just ignore a potential threat that could smack you in the back of your head, but this training was designed specifically to teach them how to ignore such instincts.

And to capitalize on this weakness, Alissa orders the archers to fire at will.

Unable to fully commit to a role, [Wind Armor] enchantments start to activate as the blunted arrows harmlessly plink off everyone's armor.

"CHESA! ARROWS!" Aoi roars angrily, starting to get overwhelmed by the number of distractions. The arrows don't hurt, but every arrow that hits counts as a minus point since, in real combat, a magical arrow could slip through and potentially kill someone, especially the common soldiers who have cheaper armor.

If your job is to protect dozens of people from death, how would you feel when things get out of hand and your people start dying?

Even I would panic, so it's no surprise that Chesa's power goes out of control and the gusts of wind hit her own allies. She does smack Hana out of the air, but the defenders also stumble, and the delicate turtle formation starts to break apart.

"ENOUGH!" Alissa shouts and rings the bell.

Everyone drops down in fatigue, but the attackers let out happy cries of victory.

Then Ciel steps forward and gives them a solemn but gentle sermon, "This training was designed to push you until you fail, so don't feel too bad about what happens here, but remember that each failure means that, in a real battle, someone you know has most likely died."

And the wives all love the sour expression that three of The Four make.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Michale Erwin.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord litalmexy.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord William Clark.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord LiuAnshan.

Lord Black Unicorn.

Lord FrostyCube.

Lord Glaistig Uaine.

Lord School work.

Lord Beater.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord Peter Kraushuber

Lord David England.

Lord Frank de Jong.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble warmoger55.

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