
Chapter 185: It’s a Big Boye – Part 1

"This is… stunning; I'm speechless," Belind whispers as she looks into the distance, astonished and not speechless.

"I don't know how to react," Looklwind remarks with an appropriately blank expression.

"Don't worry, that's normal," I smoothly reassure the duo. It's endearing to see them like this.

And Ciel thinks so too, so she smiles affably at them as she follows up, "Most commoners don't even understand the meaning of other Realms existing within our Cycle, so this much astonishment is expected."

"It's easier to not think about it, really," Hana gives a characteristically Hana response, making Urmeie snort, but then she nods in agreement.

And Caterina surprisingly chimes in with a sober tone, "That is the recommended procedure for Templars dealing with the unknown. First, secure the situation and isolate the threat, and then contact their superiors and ask for orders."

The little siblings still aren't ready to return to the conversation, so I engage with Caterina because what she said makes me feel concerned, "I apologize if this seems rude, but I don't find it to be a good idea to encourage soldiers to not think about what they're doing."

She doesn't take it wrongly and gives me a calm, straight answer, "We don't tell them to not think; we encourage them to follow procedure and protect their fellow humanoids before they think."

I rub my chin with my padded claws as I hum, "Hmm… that's fair."

And the stern milf makes a subtle, wry smile. "I knew you were going to comment on that, so I immediately began to prepare a reply."

"Wolfy fancies himself a scholar and a philosopher," Alissa promptly praises me and glances at Belind to see her reaction, which is to come back from her stupor and turn her curious eyes to me.

But this makes me embarrassed as I immediately imagine that Lily would roast me hard if she heard this, so I attempt to defend my dignity, "I just enjoy having stimulating conversations, but my Blessing should give you an idea of what I like."

"What? You didn't enjoy Alissa tonguing your asshole?" Roxanne taunts through [Bind].

"I believe Lily would still 'roast' him since he mentioned the Blessing," Yunia calmly opines.

"She'd call him a 'nerd,'" Ted "helpfully" adds.

"NEEERD!" Hana, the jock, yells in my soul space, so I silence them all because they're starting to make a ruckus.

And my Lily was also a nerd!

"Lily was a 'gamer,' but she never sought knowledge for the sake of it," Suzy continues through [Bind].

"She even enjoyed physical exercise more than you, making her part 'jock,' like Hana," Jarn finishes.

What's this? I'm being betrayed!

But the girls only laugh inside my mind, and I stop the golems from actually apologizing.

Seeing that the conversation is dying down, Kaatohe decides to join with a playful observation, "Having heard what the Goddess of Love stands for, I wonder why she didn't bless you, instead."

This brings Belind back from her stupor as she giggles and answers before we can, "That was actually a reasonable doubt of mine, but after seeing these guns, I now fully believe Knowledge is a better patron for you than Love."

"Wait, so the gun is knowledge from another Realm?" Looklwind suddenly inquires.

And I make a distinction as I casually answer because my pride calls for it, "Precisely. The skills I created were the result of my own effort, but all my knowledge not related to magic came from Earth, my home Realm."

"Yet it still took us this long to create them, and we heavily depended upon Wolfy's Gifts to reach this level of precision," Lina praises me following Alissa's encouragement, which makes me embarrassed again as I'm not used to receiving praise from my little girl.

"She'd gladly tongue your asshole for real, too," Alissa cheekily adds in my mind, because the girls just won't pass up a chance to push my buttons.

"More like push your butthole," Roxanne attempts to pun.

"Wait, what about magical knowledge?" Lookwlind curiously asks before I can whip the naughty succubus.

And now it's time to astonish them again with Earth-Rupegia differences. "There is no magic, mana, skills, levels, dungeons, monsters, spirits, Gods, or any other intelligent race besides humans on Earth, so all of them were new to me."

"What an… interesting Realm," he slowly replies, again not knowing how to even react to all of this.

"'Boring' is an acceptable descriptor, too," I joke with a wry smile.

"I didn't expect you to say that about your home," Belind concernedly states.

"I was a commoner on Earth, but here, I'm a king," I casually answer with a shrug.

And Urmeie chuckles loudly. "I see the Gods chose the right person!" she exclaims and chuckles some more.

She's godsdamn right.

Belind ignores the bear sister and further inquires as politely as she can, still looking concerned, "So… is this Earth-born attitude what influenced the other four Gifted into being so irreverent?"

"Yes, Wolfy has a soft spot for the Earthlings, so he allows them to be abrasive," Yunia promptly answers, and I smile guiltily.

But I don't want her to look down on The Four, so I diplomatically add, "Cultural differences. It's hard to change one's ways when you weren't raised alongside nobility."

This appeases the pixie Princess a bit, who starts to return to her usual bubbly behavior. "That much is expected since you were an adventurer who became a noble, but even then, the Earthlings' behavior was surprising."

So Yunia offers a noble Rupegian perspective on this matter, "Nobles don't even exist in Wolfy's Realm… well, mostly don't exist. The more advanced nations are ruled by a representative chosen through a democratic vote, and without monsters to kill, warrior culture has died out."

But that makes the Princess frown again as she deliberates, "Craftsmen leading craftsmen? No monsters to thin out the unworthy or give opportunities to the ambitious? Sounds concerning."

"It is…" Yunia agrees, and they start a rather pompous discussion on the decadent Earthling society.

"I'm more curious about what other knowledge King Wolf could bring to our Realm," Looklwind questions as he looks around, but his eyes predictably fall on Lina.

"We can ask the golems; they have a good memory," she quietly replies, and the two dolls float closer without her even needing to ask.

And so, our dinner begins with stimulating conversations.

The chef also perfectly fulfilled my request: roasted top sirloin cubes with square slices of not-bell-pepper, onions, and bacon in between the pieces. As a Brazilian, roasting is my thing, and it even stirs memories of my father's weekend roast, so I give full marks to this chef.


After dessert, we invite Belind to our private quarters to chill for the evening. Her brother looks understandably worried that she's entering the nest of the dragon to be eaten, but she'll be fine. We want to slowly savor this bubbly princess, so we won't be having a taste of her… yet.

We also invite Hukarere, the two new spirit girls, and the elven court mage GF of one of them. They know what this invite means, so they come wearing slutty nightwear (except for Hukarere, who's always naked whenever she can be), making my Cock strain against my tight elven pants, but I can't be hasty.

Lina and Aoi have worked hard today, so I decide to spend the pre-orgy time helping my little Lina relax. Hana and Roxanne are flirting with Caterina, Alissa is entertaining Urmeie and the guest girls, and Yunia and Kaatohe are keeping Belind company away from Urmeie, so that only leaves Ciel to "reward" Aoi for her hard work today.

This is actually an interesting pairing, so I decide to pay attention to it as I massage Lina's little feet with my human hands, but I have to hold myself back from sucking on her cute toes and then making her give me a footjob.

Man, it's a lot of work being a normal person and not drowning in hedonism, huh…

Aoi is in her smaller form as it's easier to take care of her when she's this size, and Ciel starts by waxing her blue scales, but while it's nice, it doesn't feel nice, so she lets the golems do that, and I give her [Massage]. They're already used to bonding moments feeling quite "intense," so just waxing isn't enough.

So Ciel starts with Aoi's neck, a place that easily gets tired since it has to hold up her big head far from her body, and Aoi is actually a very slender dragon, so it's one of her weakest places. Ciel massages it by applying pressure as her hands run down along Aoi's long neck, making pleasant tinkling sounds.

But you can't spend long on a location while massaging like that, or else it quickly becomes uncomfortable, so she moves on to Aoi's spine, and she soon finds out that the place where the wing bones come out of her back are amusingly sensitive, like the base of my tail or horns. Of course, Ciel then focuses on the wings, and Aoi closes her eyes as she lets out a breathy moan in delight.

When the pleasure starts to fade, Ciel moves on to the base of her tail, and this starts to tickle Aoi in a different way. Her rear claws start to twitch, her hind legs slowly spread apart, and her jaw starts to go slack. It's almost like a dog getting the base of its tail scratched, but the feeling it provokes is decidedly different…

And once Ciel is done, Aoi immediately turns belly up, legs spread, and pussy slit open wide as it leaks with arousal. It seems like the base of her tail is her "sex button."

So Ciel slips in a finger as she smiles kindly at her sister-wife, but Aoi's gaze becomes misty, and her tongue starts to thirst, so she pulls Ciel towards her and invades her mouth with her long, slippery tongue.

Our angel had never really experienced kissing Aoi before, at least not with her real body, so it stuns her a bit, but then everyone encourages her through our connection, convincing her to lean into it and begin to undress.

"This is really interesting," Belind whispers, sounding both fascinated and aroused. She's sharing a drink with Hukarere and Hana, but we strategically placed their table next to the bed for a better view. Urmeie is on the other side of the bed with Yunia, and it's a bit annoying having to split the groups in two like that so that the two Princesses don't bite each other.

"Have you ever seen two dragons mate?" I huskily question Belind as I massage Lina's chest with my human hands while she rests on my lap, almost asleep from my soothing touch.

"No, I haven't," the Princess hums back and glances at my lewd hands as I squeeze together the two little mounds through her purple negligee.

And I smile seductively as I unleash [Sexual Charm]. "Today, I have other plans, but visit us in the evening another time, and I'll show you."

"I will," she promptly answers with a nod as she glances at me.

Then I spread Lina's little legs, giving the pixie a full view of the purple, laced, loli panties, and Belind doesn't waste a second before staring hungrily at them.

"She's really gay, this one," Roxanne remarks amusedly, also staring at Lina's panties.

Belind still thirsts after my Cock, and that's straight enough for me.

But I'm unable to indulge in my lesbian fetishes, so I decide to tease her by sneaking a hand under Lina's panties and playing with her cute little clit.

"Ahn~…" my sleepy loli moans with her eyes closed and nuzzles against my hard Cock, almost pulling it out and sucking me off on reflex.

But I use my spirit touch to increase her arousal as watching the dragon and angel fuck has made the guest girls so horny that they're starting to molest Alissa.

And I pull Belind's attention away from the lesbians again as I continue my seduction, "Today, I'll show you how I Ravage a woman. It's my secret technique and the reason why my harem is so large, yet so satisfied."

She stares at Lina as my loli moans, but then she remembers something and briefly glances at me as she wryly remarks, "The rumors about you have become so ridiculous, it's almost like they believe you can cast an enthralling spell on women who lay with you."

"His cum is addictive," Hukarere bluntly replies and sips her drink.

But this confuses the Princess so much that she turns around and stares at her. "I'm sorry?"

"Uhh…" my white wolf mumbles hesitantly and glances at me, seemingly not knowing how to reply to the very polite question for clarification.

I smile wryly at her as I finger Lina harder and kindly explain, "Spirits are very sensitive to magic, and since I have [Mana Body], my very mana-dense semen is a delicacy for them."

And the Princess hums in understanding but "innocently" adds, "Oh… I also have [Mana Body]."


Well, since she's so receptive, I might as well brag a bit to give her an idea of what's to come, "I can also push my spirit out of my body, and when it touches someone's skin, it gives them a very arousing sensation. If I use that, along with all of my other 'bed skills,' I can give the average woman an experience that they'll never forget, and it's even more powerful with spirits, which is why I believe those rumors took flight."

"Ah… I see…" she hums again as a wide grin grows on her pretty face and her breathing becomes heavier. Then her eyes fall upon Lina again, who's now fully awake and moaning loudly.

So we fall silent as we observe my gloomy loli, and her pleasure becomes so intense that she begins to drunkenly stare at the Princess, her cute face warped in bliss, which is such a deliciously perverse expression for her angelic features that it briefly distracts Ciel from fingering Aoi. Then I see Belind's nipples poke through her little dress as she subtly licks her lips.

It's time to finish this, so I focus harder on her clit, bringing her into Eros, and she lets out angelic squeaks along with a squirt that, unfortunately, gets caught in her wet panties, or else it would've hit the pixie's face. But that's fine for us, as it only makes the Princess hornier.

And now that I'm done pleasing my loli, it's time to take out my desire to dominate Belind on the three eager girls waiting for me. It's both a performance and a preview of what I'm going to do to this pixie just a few days from now.

But she remains silent as she stares at the Ravaging, forgetting all about the lesbian dragon and angel. The girls catch her staring at my Cock when I'm not looking, and she sits down and then crosses her legs to not let us see the growing wet patch down there, but Alissa gets a glimpse of it when she leaves.

Then Urmeie quickly leaves after the pixie does, which is amusing because the bear Princess is very bad at hiding that she only joined us for this long to keep an eye on Belind.

After Ciel fingers Aoi to completion, the little blue dragon returns the favor and tongue fucks Ciel's pussy, but it's not the same thing without cum inside for her to scoop out, so I quickly fill Ciel up, then return to my ghost girls.


Today is the 15th, Fo, day of Fire, and even before I'm fully awake, I already know that it's a good day because the golems are in the lab, helping mix more Draconic Climax as it's "coming out" in abundance today. By that, I mean through [Alchemy] as my cum isn't explosive… yet.

And the one draining me dry today is Daphne, one of the spirit girls. She's an Imperial with high cheekbones, the kind of woman who'd be a runway model if not for her muscular body and mild thirst for blood.

Ingrid, the tall Sommerlande, has already had her fill, as has her petite elven girlfriend, but since she's still eyeing my Cock with hunger in her eyes, I let her go for a second round. It's true; spirits can easily get addicted to my mana-dense cum.

Aoi increased her [Machining] by 2 (now 3). It's the only skill up, as we haven't been doing anything too original or non-repetitive enough to earn a level.

Alissa had a lot of fun with her gun, but it's still not enough to create a [Shooting] skill.

"Is she-…" Belind begins, but then she looks under the table and quickly comes back up again. "Yes, she is."

I chuckle softly and explain, "This is the secret of Aoi's quick growth. As you know, she's a magical being, so…"

"So your seed is very nourishing for her," she immediately completes matter-of-factly with a nod.

And I agree with a smirk, "Exactly."

"The rumors were exaggerated, but they weren't exactly wrong," she wryly adds and gently shakes her head.

There's nothing more to say, so I just smile and then moan as I cum down Aoi's throat.

But then the Princess exhales loudly, a sound that's rather unusual around us as it's the sign of a sexually frustrated woman, so it grabs everyone's attention. Alissa knows very well what that feels like, so she gives Belind a sympathetic smile, but the blond pixie doesn't understand the meaning of it, so she just blinks confusedly.

Still, it's fun to sexually torture her.


Our morning is spent on our orb-boosted mana circulation training, but I'm also making golems on the side, so my mind is a bit busy. Lina and Aoi are also discussing designs for full-auto, but it's surprisingly complex and delicate, so they're having some issues. Unfortunately, I can't help them much as I know almost nothing about the complexities of firing mechanisms.

All I know about them is that slow-motion firing meme with Mississippi Queen playing in the background, and even Gify is unable to extract anything useful from it.

The more interesting progress is with the dangerous-feeling gem that we let Alcander and the court mages investigate overnight. Apparently, they called a Punisher to take a look at it as someone had a hunch it was related to the Gods, but the Templar said that it's related to the God of Destruction, not our Humanoid Gods, which is new to us, but not completely unheard of.

Very, very rarely, monsters can become pious and develop their own kind of [Light Magic], which is what's going on with this gem. It makes sense, considering the spam of religious-looking imagery that we've had to get through so far… and also the golden big boy explicitly mentioning his god, which we believe isn't Destruction Themself.

That isn't all, though, as the Templar also recognized a "seeker" flavor in the gem, as in, it "seeks humanoids," which confirms my suspicion that the first time we saw this "grenade," it only hurt us and nobody else. There are also some "hate" undertones in the magic, and that might be the source of the discomfort the girls were feeling.

It's like the anti-monster enchantments, but for humanoids. It's concerning that these highly intelligent monsters are using them, though. Who knows what other nasties they have ready for us? They've already ambushed us once, and then those "freezing" nails caught us with our pants down.

As for the nails, things progressed too fast for Hana or Aoi to truly test whether it's possible to resist them through sheer force of will, so we still have some hope in that regard. But that's everything we have because the research on spirits and [Martyrism] hasn't been fruitful. It's only been a day, yes, but it's our lives that are on the line, and we don't know when the Titans will attack again.

I can't even cheat with [Martyrism] because it isn't standardized system magic, so I don't automatically learn any new spells. I do get some insights if I repeatedly add and remove points, but it isn't an efficient use of my very valuable time when we could just find a [Martyrism] mage somewhere and pay for them to teach us.

If we can't find any in Mac Gantus, we'll search for one in the High Forest and send them through the [Eternal Gate] Network. Even if we can't find one there, which is a bit unlikely, we could just jump into Maoka and grab one.

Oh, wait, Vanea employed a demon race knight who knew that skill.

That's definitely easier than going into Maoka.

And so, our morning starts very slowly. Belind joins the Companions, while Urmeie and The Four join the Lordsguard in their training with guns. The soldiers are using spirits for training since they're immune to bullets, while Living Armors are left for high-stakes exercises.

Meanwhile, Lookwlind stiffly talks to Lina and Aoi through the golems as he continues the research for full-auto. It's possible to just brute-force something, but it becomes very unreliable and prone to jamming or even explosive failure, so we have a relatively high standard for these guns.

Since Jarn is "free," I take over her and have her work on my personal project, which makes Lookwlind curious as a few golems start to assemble a big lathe and miller.

"What are they doing?" he curiously questions the two golems as the three of them cutely sit at a gnome-sized table, making it look like it's a child roleplaying as an engineer with their two dolls.

"Wolfy's pet project," Ted answers without Lina's prompting.

"A surprise for the Titans," Suzy follows up in kind.

But the young blue-haired gnome becomes apprehensive. "Do you find it impolite of me if I find such a thing frightening?"

"No," they answer in unison.

What? I'm just your friendly Realm-neighbor with a vast knowledge of weapons of mass destruction. There's nothing to fear; I'm completely harmless!




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Prince S. R.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord Glaistig Uaine.

Lord School work.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord Peter Kraushuber

Lord David England.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

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