
Chapter 186: Onslaught – Part 1

You know what? The Horned Guardian is still over-engineered. It's too fast and too armored. We could do better and cheaper, though that'd increase the risk to the crew…

Maybe go full Warhammer and make a house-sized tank? Maybe use the super engine to make it into cavalry and just crush stuff with it? But do I even need a tank? We could just manually push field guns around since the armor and speed are overkill…

I sigh tiredly and walk out onto the balcony as Alissa prepares a full-blown tea-and-snacks banquet.

Warfare is hard, and I'm too soft for it.

But my little fox doesn't have any words of encouragement this time. She just offers her head for pats, and I promptly indulge in my obsession.

I am too soft to be an inventor of weapons, so I'll only do it while it's necessary. And right now, I do think we need more Horned Guardians. They're going to be essential to slaughter the Titan army when we get to their cities because of the tanks' mobility and high piercing power.

Also, maybe I should add a doorbell to its back since it's likely going to be used as cover. It wouldn't hurt to give the infantry ways to remind the tanks to be careful when reversing. Even a back-up beeper would be useful.


Ciel reaches the enchanter's workshop, and once inside, she takes a look around while she waits for the eagle-headed man to come see her. An attendant offers her tea and snacks, but it's only a courtesy, so she declines, especially since she has better waiting for her in our bedroom.

Enchanting shops are always full of interesting items, so Ciel starts browsing through the ones on display, and Lina uses the opportunity to rest and observe through her eyes.

After barely a minute, the eagle-headed enchanter appears, looking like he came running.

"Your Highness, what a pleasant surprise," he hastily greets and bows.

"Hello there, Tamaiti-ra. I just came to take a quick look at the wings," she soothingly replies.

And her voice instantly calms the nervous man. "Of course. If you'd please follow me, I'll show them to you right away."

They pass by a few corridors with other, lower-skilled enchanters working on the way to the eagle-man's workshop upstairs. It's actually a neat place, better than Lina's and Aoi's workshop-…

"Hey!" Aoi exclaims in my soul, taking offense to my little joke while Lina doesn't attempt to deny it. "Our workshop is very organized; there are just too many different things in it."

"Personal organized mess" is a term I've used plenty of times against my Lily, so I'm just messing with my girls, but it seems that I've hit the one thing that hurts Aoi's pride, for some reason. Dragons aren't supposed to be known for their orderliness, to begin with.

Anyway, the workshop has a few other unfinished projects displayed by the walls, with the enchanting tools neatly organized on two tables, which flank the pair of green crystal wing skeletons displayed in the center of the room. It's actually a bit creepy-looking.

And Tamaiti-ra happily starts to explain, "Since the main point of these wings is to be used in combat, my colleagues and I have been focusing on a regenerating enchantment to ensure their reusability. Once the wings are incorporated into the spirit, you can use [Regrowth] on the wings in case you lose them, but the mana cost will be very high, so the enchantment will quickly pay for itself."

Our Spirit mages report that the [Solidify] spell takes a lot more mana with the Celestial Horns than the average spirit Chimera, so we shouldn't disregard the cost because efficiency is especially important for a healer like Ciel as more mana means more lives saved. Wings are also very vulnerable since they aren't protected by armor, though they are made tougher precisely because of that fact. But they will also extend far out of her body, making them easy targets.

"Should I armor the wings…?" Lina immediately questions through [Bind], but we all frown as there's just something inherently wrong about that idea.

And Tamaiti continues, "We also had the idea of hurrying the enchanting so that Your Highness may test it and give us feedback. It's a new type of project for us, so there's always the chance of unforeseen issues arising."

Everyone chimes in inside my mind, but the vote is unanimous, "You have our permission for that. We're expecting heavy fighting soon, so you may finish it as soon as possible."

"Wonderful! I'll continue right away," he replies so excitedly that he almost claps his hands.

So she happily lets him get back to work. "Then I'll leave you to it. I just wanted to see how it was starting to look."

And he bows, then she leaves.


After eating a bit too much chocolate, I finish setting up a factory line for the Horned Guardians, then let Jarn do her thing while I work with Roxanne in creating appropriate shells for the tank. Our first goal is a frag round, as we're expecting to fight literally millions of monsters.

That reminds me to remind Samkelo to prepare barrels of war crimes. Just because there was a mage that could stop it that one time doesn't mean that it's completely useless. We have a race to genocide, after all.

In that regard, I'm thinking about poisoning their food sources or their air instead of what we Earthlings tried to do that one time…

Anyway, Lina also gives me tips about the amount of gunfluid that the cannon can likely tolerate without breaking too quickly. Metal fatigue happens once you pass a certain threshold of stress on the metal, and that causes small fissures that add up with each cycle of use until it breaks, so avoiding that threshold greatly increases the life of a piece and also reduces the possibility of catastrophic failure, which is going to be deadly when dealing with a big fucking cannon.

We're likely only going to get around four Guardians built before Mark 2 is ready to be assembled, but that's four big, hulking, impenetrable beasts more than what we currently have, so that's fine with me.

After finding an appropriate amount of gunfluid for the 120mm Field Gun, we order Jarn to start a production line for them as we'll fit these guns onto all of our airships. I'm also producing more laborer golems as we do testing, so we aren't significantly handicapping the other areas by making so many different things.

Then we decide to halve the cannon's caliber, and the 60mm frag round does reasonably well against clumped-up enemies, so we might settle on something around this size for the Guardian, though I think we could increase its power a little bit to justify the cost of the rest of the tank's body. Fast shock cavalry with high firepower sounds more reliable than fast shock cavalry that needs to stop to fire the huge gun to not break the rest of the mechanics from the recoil.

Yes. I'm starting to become more confident in this design. We'll totally make Rontis obsolete, but only the Mainland really uses them, so "lol, fuck 'em."


Today has been an extremely productive day. Nothing can match the brain power of a mentally-connected harem driven by the desire to protect our men. But we can't forget the tireless and obedient machinists who can perfectly produce any new piece we give them the schematics of.

Golems are just too OP. It's a shame that it's still too risky to make an army of them, or else I'd be unstoppable! Imagine if someone stole a machinist golem, which now has all of our knowledge of guns and tanks. But I think the Emperor would become more proactive in watching over me if I actually built an infinite army of golems, so I dunno if I really want it.

Back to the present, a great day deserves a great night, so we don't have an orgy during bath time. It's always good to do some reinforcement training for the girls; I can't have them start to feel like they're entitled to my Cock.

But I still use Hukarere's body to satisfy myself. This time, I get a taste of her pussy, which doesn't happen very often, so I'm quite happy to be inside her.

"You've been visiting us a lot lately. Won't your comrades get jealous of you?" I huskily ask her as I move my hips.

She pants a bit and stares back as she replies, "They already are… hngh… but everyone knows that being nice to each other will make them more likely to get fucked."

I squeeze her tits and happily hum, "I'm happy that you're being more clingy. After that last battle, I feel like I want to embrace you and never let you go ever again."

And she snorts. "You'd actually do that if you could."

"Well, you made it sound weird," I reply with a chuckle, still moving my hips.

"Then why did you say that?!" she exclaims, and I sense her pussy squeeze my shaft for a second.

"You're not supposed to take it literally!" I reply in kind and chuckle some more.

But she grabs my head and pulls it closer, forcing me to look her in the eyes. "You're being too fanciful for me to understand. Remember, I'm just a soldier."

I hum in agreement and kiss her snout, then let my tone become more serious. "Fine. The battle reminded me how painful it'd be if I lost you."

She frowns, wrinkling her furry forehead, and glances to the side as she continues to move her hips. "Well… dying was weird. Very weird, but I guess I don't die die that easily."

And I slow down as the mood takes a turn.

But that seems to anger her. "Hey! Don't stop when it's starting to get good!" And she slams her hips against my Cock, making me moan.

"Sorry. I thought I'd ruined the mood for a second," I soothingly answer and pat her furry cheek.

And she glares. "You're almost doing it now."

Which surprises me a bit. "Since when did you become so demanding?"

Now her eyes turn intense, and her pussy increases the pressure on my Cock. "Since you made me addicted to your Cock, so now the least you could do is satisfy me."

And my tone becomes husky. "I'm fine with you being demanding about that."

"But not anything else?" she hums with a lighter, more mischievous tone.

So I return the intensity, which instantly makes her tense up, even her pussy. "You're being too cheeky for someone with my Cock inside their pussy. Let me correct your attitude with a bit of a good pounding."

"Yes, Your Highness. Please pound me as hard as you want," she obediently replies.

So I make her scream for a bit, then allow her to suck me off as aftercare.


Today, we have a spicy meal, the Maoka standard of a wide variety of colorful dishes that overwhelm both our palates and our noses, but then we have sweet, succulent leaves as a palate cleanser, impressing me with the chef's ingenuity. The leaves are a pixie dish, so it's a bold move to combine it with exotic Maokai cuisine.

But the meal isn't the highlight of the night. After we finish our food and Lina gives Lookwlind the last of her pointers, we retire to our room and prepare for the show.

It's annoying having to divide our group between Urmeie and Belind, so I have them sit on my left and right side, respectively, to get them "used to being near each other," just like how you'd introduce two antisocial cats. But I won't even acknowledge their little rivalry so that they won't get used to us adapting to them.

And I slowly sip my Cinco Flores in the most snobbish way possible while also feeling very comfortable with my legs crossed, my tail lazily hanging from the back opening of my chair, and my posture tilted to my right side. Urmeie kind of copies my posture, though she doesn't look very excited, while Belind sits like a proper princess, almost leaning forward in anticipation.

There's also Caterina, who's sitting on Belind's right side and seems both uncomfortable and aroused. I wish I could put her on my left, but the pixie's enthusiasm might be more effective than my husky seduction to make her open up (and by that, I mean her very tightly crossed muscular legs).

Lastly, Kaatohe sits on my lap and soothingly caresses my horns, which I'll definitely need in just a moment.

But enough stalling. The girls are ready, the lights are dimmed, and the pole dancing will start in a second, so I start petting Gify to soothe myself further because, as soon as the curtains open up, I feel like pouncing like a beast.

Alissa is wearing the Clothes of the Berserker.

We sleep naked, and some of us already wear so little that there's no need for nightwear, so I rarely get to see these clothes. But for some reason, they arouse me like nothing else.

Long white gloves and stockings gently hugging her delicate limbs, and a simple, short white dress with thin straps. The first sexy clothes she ever wore were the best, but not just because of nostalgia.

Alissa is a simple beauty, so simple things work perfectly to enhance her delicious mix of girly cuteness and foxy sexiness. And seeing how fast her fluffy tail wags as she walks to the pole, she knows what she's doing to my Cock even without using [Bind] to read my thoughts.

And I give Gify the patting of a lifetime to calm myself down. But my little griffin needs to turn on her soul massage because Roxanne is next, and two sexy beauties are too much for me.

My unnaturally pale succubus is wearing a tight-fitting, black, lacy corset, panties, a garter belt, and long stockings in the same style. She's using her "cool-beauty" intoxicating aura on me, and I'm 100% weak to it.

"Sophistication" fits her like a crown, and so she wears it with pride. She's the opposite of Alissa, as the more complex the clothes, the more powerful she becomes. She's a true semen-demon; a Cock-charmer; a cum-witch.

Then Hana comes in with only a very small set of red, lacy bra and panties, and my Cock throbs, which Kaatohe notices with her bare ass, so she intensifies the caressing of my horns to help me last longer.

Dashing, glorious, and intimidating, she takes the center pole and threatens me with high-impact sexual violence through her dancing. I'm dying to shove my Cock inside her, but Caterina is salivating.

Ciel attracts Urmeie's attention with the jiggle of the chocolate angel. She's wearing a flowery bikini and a semi-transparent negligee, all that she needs to flaunt her massive curves.

They're indeed entrancing, especially with this kind of pole dancing that makes her whole body jiggle with every move. It's so maddeningly arousing that I just want to shove my Cock and face against every part of her body until I die.

Then Lina attracts Belind's attention, and the blonde pixie repeatedly shifts uncomfortably on her comfortable seat.

My loli is wearing the same outfit as Alissa, but on her, it simply looks perversely cute. They're still the Clothes of the Berzerker, though, and I start to sweat cold as the dragon strains against its cage and even begins to bend the bars.

Next is Aoi, a sister to Roxanne but gentler-looking and with more innocent moves. She's wearing a silver dress with massive cleavage, which reveals her pink nipples when she moves a bit too energetically. Her braided ponytail also brings out her facial features, but it's also so long that it's like a tail… a very entrancing tail.

And finally, there's Yunia, the belly dancer covered in jewelry. Her micro-bikini and hanging, semi-transparent strips of cloth are light blue, which goes well with her strikingly blue eyes without stealing attention from them, but the sparkly jewelry matches her golden hair in a way that elevates her glorious form.

As for her moves, she doesn't rely on the pole as much, but that's because her body itself is so well-trained and dexterous that she doesn't need it.

And so, my insane levels of arousal reach a peak…

No, scratch that.

The peak rises a bit further when Hana sits on Caterina's lap and starts making out with her…

Only to rise once again when Alissa orders Lina to do the same with Belind.

And to not leave the other Princess alone, Alissa also orders Ciel to make out with Urmeie.

I stop petting Gify and pull out my Cock, then shove it inside Kaatohe's mildly wet pussy. She hisses and grips my horns but immediately moves her hips.

The rest of the pole dancers continue their seduction, though their movements become strained as I link everyone's pleasure. We're already familiar with the taste of Urmeie and Caterina's tongues, and even though forcing Ciel to kiss Urmeie is something delightfully perverse, Lina's shy tongue exploring the rapidly-growing perverse and thirsty pixie princess takes first place on the desire rankings.

So the girls take out their desires on me, which makes me fuck Kaatohe even harder. But my naked cat loves it when I'm forceful with her, so she quickly becomes very, very wet.

Eventually, I fuck each of the wives, even the ones who are kissing and exploring the body of someone else, and while they're kissing and exploring.

Unfortunately, Belind still isn't comfortable enough to undress or finger Lina in front of everyone else, so kissing is as far as they get, though Ciel's jealousy is already delicious enough for me to cum inside Kaatohe.


Today is the 17th, Fis, day of Nature.

It's a great day due to the nature spirits invading our home and bed, which makes everyone happier, and also compounds with Gify's increased happiness, but there's also yesterday's refreshing orgy, which upgrades this morning to be one of the best we've ever had.

I wake up still dreaming about Belind's lips and how skillful she was in kissing our gloomy loli, then cum inside Alissa's mouth. She dutifully collects it, then sensuously spits it into Hukarere's mouth, who has snuck into our bed to get a bit of cum before starting her shift guarding us.

Then I turn to the side and see that Hana and Roxanne are sandwiching Caterina, who's still half-asleep but not for long as Hana fondles her nice ass and Roxanne plays with her modest breasts. A bit of sneaky sexual harassment, but the Templar is starting to become accustomed to this level of skinship, so it's fine.


For breakfast, we have a sexually frustrated bear and pixie, and they both eye their kissing partners longingly, though Urmeie is clearly angry at being denied sex while Belind seems to be fawning over Lina.

Lookwlind is in his own world, though, and he excitedly shares with us his latest solution to the full-auto issue, "You see, the recoil from the pistol cartridges is low enough that we can use a simpler but also more delicate mechanism. I calculated the forces, and they fall below the specifications for the treated steel we've been using for the guns."

Lina and Aoi look over his schematics, and they're pleasantly surprised by the neatness of the design.

The difficulty with semi-auto is that the bullet must leave the barrel before the breech, which holds the bullet in place, starts to move backward, or else the pressure in the barrel drops, and the bullet might even stop and get lodged. As for semi-auto pistols, the breech is pushed back by the recoil of firing the bullet, but just a spring is enough to delay the sliding of the breech, keeping it in place until the bullet leaves the short barrel.

The genius of Looklwind's design is to use some small springs for a relatively simple firing mechanism (which still looks like an impenetrable mess to me) that delays the breech for long enough and then pushes the hammer back without damaging it. The movement of the breech also pulls the spent cartridge along, which makes it hit a little bump that pushes it out through the ejection port. Then the spring pushes the breech forward again, which pushes a new cartridge into the chamber.

Once the breech closes the chamber, it releases the hammer again, and it strikes the firing pin, immediately firing another bullet and starting another cycle.

Since Lina and Aoi are our expert metallurgist and machinist, respectively, they know best how this will actually play out in reality.

And they nod in approval.

So now we have an SMG, which is a compact, full-auto gun that fires bullets of pistol caliber, but we also have a good starting point for a full-auto rifle. The power of a rifle cartridge is much higher, but by tweaking the mechanism a bit and using a choke point that lowers the pressure of the gas that pushes the breech back, they should be able to make it work.

And we need it yesterday because something is happening back in the dungeon as an alarm resounds throughout our fortress. It's not an attack, but they've sighted the Titans.



Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Prince S. R.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Tmac.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord GalacticTNT.

Lord Glaistig Uaine.

Lord School work.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord Peter Kraushuber

Lord David England.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble Tony Starrk.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

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