
Chapter 187: Across A Universe – Part 2

The Titans blankly stare in our direction but show no sign of having actually spotted us, but it seems that only those in a certain radius have stopped, so chaos breaks out far ahead once the berzerking Titans collide with the ones standing still.

Suddenly, the ones staring look forward again and continue their rush, but the pile-up will take more than a moment to clear up.

I guess they gave up.

Alissa and I take the chance and continue toward the towers. They have a slender lighthouse shape, even though they're in 4D, but they're fairly featureless, which is unheard of with these edgy zealot Titans.

It takes us a minute to reach one, and we land inside the top chamber as there are no windows. Then we notice a naked Titan t-posing at the center of it.

We silently float closer to them, but they seem completely immobile, like a statue, so we dare to cast [Spirit Light], and we see a dude with pale blue skin, a stupidly muscular body, the usual bald head, the chaddest of chins, and a magnum dong.

But the creepiest part is that he seems to have his eyes closed, yet his whole body silently spins in place to keep his face pointed toward me.

Why are they like this?

"Footsteps!" Alissa suddenly hisses through [Bind].

So I jerk my head towards their source, and we both see the air distort in front of us.


Alissa fires her gun, and I immediately [Equip] Patrono and swing it at the distortions with [Telekinesis] while summoning everyone at the same time. But both of our attacks seem to miss.

The golems pull out little bags with Dust of Appearance and throw them in front of us while everyone else casts Wall spells to stop whatever it is from reaching us, and then I use Patrono's glow to keep them away for good measure.

The time for the dust to fly, land, spread out, and finally start to gather around the invisible figures takes an excruciatingly long four seconds. But it succeeds without anyone getting wounded, revealing seven thin Titans in ninja-like clothing and wielding shortswords, with four climbing over the [Earth Wall]s and the last two going around.

"[Explosion]!" Roxanne immediately casts, but they predictably have the Titan equivalent of [Dead Zone], pushing the spell away but still showering the ninja's face with steam-hot water.

Alissa fires her rifle again, but the bullet passes through the Titan as it seems to use the extra dimension to dodge without really moving. This gives me a bad feeling, which is proved right as we engage the assassins but are unable to score a hit, as they do the same for all of our attacks.

Yunia can easily dodge two at the same time, but she still can't hit them either.

"Waste of time! Fly away!" I order through [Bind], and we all take off toward the portal.

But before we dive in, I send a Holly through, and she sees that the world is back to being 3D, but there's also an ambush waiting for us, just like the one that killed two Companions.

Fuck this shit.

I just open a [Gate] and take everyone back to our fortress.

We need to come up with a plan to break through that ambush.


Do you know why tanks are never used in zombie apocalypses? Because they're OP.

The horde of tin cans can't do shit as the three Horned Guardians in a line mow them down like they're mere bumps in the road. It isn't extremely effective at reducing their numbers, considering the extra dimension, but they're still leaving a trail of canned Titan paste along the way.

That's it; we'll create a "lawn mower" cavalry squad. They don't even need turrets for now, just a big-ass body to run them over.

The hobgoblins inside the tanks become tense when they enter the corridor of skulls, and their formation starts to waver, but I [Equip] Patrono and make it shine, easing their fears.

Hana, Yunia, and I are holding on to the back of each Guardian, just as insurance, but we'll also make sure that no monster tries to climb onto them since that's their one weakness. They likely wouldn't be able to open the hatch anyway, but it's better to not risk it.

Yes, this is totally a tactical decision, and not just because I wanted to ride a tank while waving my sword.

I also have Patrono out, and I hold it horizontally between two of the tanks just to cause more damage. The blade goes through them like a hot knife through fucking air and leaves a trail of Ti- and -tans… which, again, is an idea that's more gruesome than fun, but at least we're doing considerable damage.

Then we soon reach the bridge over the void, and we spot the four towers and the portal in the distance.

I dare you to move that fucking portal again, you cunt.

The Titans suddenly change their behavior and start to attempt to get up on the tanks, but that's easily dealt with, especially since they're all suffering from blunt force trauma from jumping onto a fucking metal truck at full speed.

We eventually get near two of the featureless towers flanking the path to the portal, and we suddenly feel a number of impacts on top of the tanks. Then we spot weird distortions from bad [Invisibility] spells in front of us.

That's kind of expected, but it's already too late for them to intervene, so we send a few token attacks their way, which are all perfectly dodged, and then we jump off the tanks as they enter the portal. The assassins weren't expecting this and are all taken to the next level as the Dust of Appearance starts to float off the tanks and stick to their bodies.

I send in a Holly, and we get a front-row seat to watch as the assassins are turned into pink mist by their own kind. The tanks' armor holds, as predicted, but things do get considerably bumpy.

Still, that's the distraction we needed, so I summon everyone, and then we go through and slaughter them all.


"Well, this place is quite boring," I hum as I look around and activate the Emergency Rings to call back the tanks.

It's just a large gray patio full of abandoned tents and fires. The sky is also light gray and so dull that I feel sleepy just looking at it.

"Feels like a good place to fight and cut off the horde. We might even be able to raise some fortifications," Yunia wisely suggests.

I see that a lot of the Titans are ignoring us and choosing to go through the portal instead of futilely attempting to reach us in the air, and that gives me an idea. "What if we just keep the portal open and create a fortress beside it so that we can shoot as they pass?"

"An acceptable idea," Yunia states with a nod, so I open a [Gate] for her to go back and organize our men.

"We'll need to clear the area before they can come here," Hana follows up with a fearsome grin.

"Let's get on it, then," I hum back and look down at the poor fools.


Alcander's engineers quickly raise four sets of walls, and the Titans start to lose interest in what we're doing once it gets too hard to reach us.

Tower Defense arc?

"We're splitting our forces, so be prepared to abandon this place if things become critical for the other fortress," Yunia directs Alcander.

"Very well," he replies and lowers his head.

Sai is about to try to overwhelm Lily's curse with [Spirit Touch], so we wait a bit longer before I continue my journey.

"Everyone ready?" the little ginger girl asks as she looks around.

Lily just looks worriedly at all the stern faces that completely surround her. There are Spirit mages around her, under her, and even above her, which is quite a surprising feat of logistics and organization.

And since nobody speaks up, Sai decides to soberly continue. "Alright, start chanting, then cast in thirty seconds."

The medical room becomes full of humming and Spirit-flavored mana as they begin, and then Sai's voice rises above all the others to synchronize them, "[Spirit Touch]!"

The sudden appearance of innumerable blue, glowing hands turns the whole room blue, and it even hurts my summon's eyes a bit, but then they all sink into Lily's chest, and the glow becomes bearable again.

"Is anyone not gripping the curse?" Sai asks out loud with her eyes closed due to the glow.

But there's no answer, which makes her frown.

"I can still sense the curse, and it doesn't seem to be dissipating," she states worriedly.

"Same for me, High Officer Sainalai," one of the mages agrees.

And the others hum in agreement.

"I see no change in the curse," Samkelo soberly gives the final judgment.

"So, a failure?" Lily stiffly asks.

And Sai grits her teeth, then pulls back her spirit hand. "There's nothing else we can do with this spell, but we can still test [Soul Shield], [Soul Blade], and even [Dark Magic]'s [Atrophic Blade]. They might interact with your curse in useful ways for us."

Lina suddenly turns to me and quietly asks, "Can you send me back? I think I can enchant something with [Spirit Touch] to help Lily."

"Sure thing," I hum and flash a kind smile.


Alissa and I continue flying toward my Thread's "destiny," but this time, we can't even see the end of the corridor, and [Fly] takes a bit too much mana to use all day, so we need an alternative.

"Send me back," Aoi immediately requests.

Oh, yeah, it's time for an upgrade.

And I actually join them this time to speed things up.


These sexy curves… the neat and clean design; the simplistic tools; the familiar but still obscure terms. Yep, it's like I'm back in the simulators.

I sit down on the cushioned chair and feel right at home. Then the canopy closes, and I get a chill of excitement.

Could it be that I've finally found my passion? I did like flying using [Telekinesis], and I do have an almost sexual love for airships.

"You fucking an airship doesn't sound sexy, Wolfy," Alissa whines from behind me as she fastens her seat belt.

"I don't want to fuck an airship," I immediately retort with a frown.

But her pretty face becomes smug as she asks, "Then what's a 'plane waifu'?"

"Uh…" I make a dumb sound, then clear my throat and hastily shout, "Ahem…! Raki Alpha-One, codename 'Big Daddy'… LAUNCH!"

"What's a 'plane waif-… AAAH!" she shrieks as the sudden, ridiculous acceleration makes even me wince.

But after a moment, we're free and zipping across the gray sky faster than ever before. It feels dangerous to fly so fast because we're just one sharp turn from breaking the plane in half even though we've [Reinforce]d it, but it's the danger that makes it so good.

"I'm definitely going to suck you off one day while we're flying," Alissa remarks as even she gets excited by our speed.

"You're so romantic," I tease with a smirk as I glance back.

"My feelings are romantic," she quietly whines and shrinks in her seat, embarrassed at how much of a slut she is.

"And that's all that matters," I reassuringly reply with a smile. Then I push the accelerator lever to the max, and we zip even harder.


"URAAGH!" Urmeie roars as she crushes a Titan's head with her foot, helmet and all. Then she looks around, and we can see the smile in her eyes through the slit of her helmet. "What a great battlefield!" she gleefully shouts and launches herself at another.

Belind pulls her lance out of a Titan's eye socket and grimly states with a frown, "Don't revel in death, Imperial Princess. It's unbecoming of you."

Urmeie mercilessly rips her opponent's helmet off, then stabs his throat with her longsword, all while teasingly shouting back at the pixie, "Perhaps you're too delicate for this, but don't worry, I'll protect your people when they're threatened again!"

Huh, that's basically warrior-NTR.

"Princesses, don't fight. Take out your aggression on the monsters," Hana attempts to mediate. She'd like to fuck both of them at the same time, so there is a part of her that's motivated to get them to "warm up" to each other.

But Belind isn't very receptive. "I don't-…"

"LET'S SEE WHO KILLS THE MOST!" Urmeie interrupts with an earth-trembling roar.

Lily suddenly lands like a meteor beside them, crushing a Titan's chest with her feet and another's head with her edgy sledgehammer. Then she stands up and asks out loud with a manic grin, "Did someone say 'contest'?!"

"No, but also yes!" the beary Princess shouts back.

The Iron (Spirit) Woman now has a glowing blue chest where a large purple gem overloaded with [Spirit Touch] keeps her curse so thoroughly contained that she basically doesn't feel anything anymore. But she hasn't forgotten the pain she was subjected to. "I have some anger to take out on these fuckers, so you better be prepared to lose!"

"How impolite to challenge a royal like this," Belind complains and swings her lance, cleaning off the blood that was dripping from it.

"And I love it!" Urmeie blissfully replies.

This unwavering joy starts to affect the pixie, even though her jimmies are rustled, and she decides to just join in to not be the party pooper, "I'll teach you not to dismiss royalty so off-handedly!"

Nice. They're "getting along" just fine.

But Hana is still going to win.


As for Alissa and I, our journey is a lot more chill. After half an hour, we reach another portal, and I send a Holly through it to check the other side while I circle high above it.

Surprisingly, there isn't an ambush, so we just fly through it. Now the sky is light red, but everything else is still the same as the gray level.

We continue on, and a bit less than half an hour later, we reach another portal. This time, the sky is light-green.

Another half hour, we reach the next level, and now it has a light-blue sky.

After that, the colors become random, but the levels are still all long corridors floating in the sky with an endless procession of Titans. Though, the monsters do seem to become more orderly the further we go, and formations begin to appear.

But then I start to get a bad feeling about this. We're taking too long.

So we need to go faster.


"I'm sorry for pulling you out of the fight again," I gently apologize as I pat Lina's head.

But she frowns at me and confusedly states, "You know I prefer enchanting."

And I flash a smile at my cute little girl. "I know, but your 'orderly' side will make you feel guilty for enjoying not being in the fight."

She blinks blankly, then embarrassedly lowers her head as she hums, "Oh… well, I guess that's true…"

Then we begin overengineering the Raki B1.

I chose "B" because this is a "Beta" of the plane. The natively supersonic version will be a different plane, while the Raki's purpose is to be affordable while using every last bit of knowledge of aerodynamics that we have.

But that doesn't mean that magic is unable to push the Raki to break the sound barrier.

And I fucking love magic!


I sit down on the Beast-2 as it hums with magic and taints the air with flavored mana. Unlike the supersonic javelin throwers we turned into Field Guns, this one was relatively cheap and not even that expensive, so I consider it a work of art, superior in every way.

Ooh… I'm definitely an airplane fucker…

But I'd rather not explain that one to Alissa, so I begin the announcement, "Raki B2-Super, codename 'Big Daddy'… LAUNCH!" Then I gently pull the acceleration lever.

We zip and zoom into the sky even harder than last time, but the lever is still only halfway, so I continue pulling it all the way.

Suddenly, the skies echo with a sonic boom as my plane-shaped Cock smashes through sound's hymen and makes the world moan! I've taken Rupegia's sound barrier's virginity, and I have the Titans as my witnesses!

Get fucked, Dungeon Master! This world is fucking mine to fuck!

And just to make a point, I fly near the Titans, letting the sonic boom fuck with them, but it's a bit dangerous to fly this fast near the ground, so I quickly stop doing it because I'm not that much of a suicidal daredevil.

But we don't have too much time to fly as the day ended a long time ago, and we're getting sleepy. It's a really bad idea to fly at supersonic speeds while impaired, so I let the golems fly (at subsonic speed) while we return to our mansion for a quick bath and dinner combo, then sleep.


Today is the 18th, Ros, day of Space.

No wake-up blowjob, no long breakfast while also getting a blowjob, and we don't even get to see the morning sunrise. We just eat, warm up, then enter the dungeon again while it's still dark.

The procession hasn't stopped, but the golems have noted that half the Titans stopped to rest while the other half continued throughout the night. This made things easier, but still worse for us than if they had stopped entirely since we have fewer able bodies to rotate.

And almost as if our schedule is exactly the same as the Titans', a new variant starts attacking us when we go out. Mages. They have mages mixed in now, but they're still all wearing the same armor, so we can only spot them once they've shot something at our men.

This makes our fortifications less effective as the men have to regularly duck, which starts to put pressure on the 4D fortress.

But the mages also seem to be able to cast buffs because they're all seemingly a bit faster, and we can see wisps similar to that of [Rainbow Shield] or [Wind Armor] when they're hit.

Things are escalating, so I make sure that the Super-Raki is always at full speed.

"Well, now! They decided to spice up our meal!" Urmeie fiercely shouts as she dodges a [Fireball].

And the booms of the newest five Field Gun M2s starting their assault drowns out Lily's response.

"We'll just increase the fire then!" Hana excitedly shouts back. The sounds of explosions are starting to make her horny because we didn't have time to Ravage her yesterday.

But then the ground starts to shake, and more bridges suddenly start to grow out of the floor toward the fortress, and it isn't just a couple of bridges. The chokepoints quickly widen, and now the Titans can spread out much more, reducing our effectiveness even further.


The playfulness is immediately dropped because now they'll have to fight for real, and there's still no end in sight to the horde.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Prince S. R.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord School work.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord Peter Kraushuber

Lord David England.

Lord Marwin33.

Lord modislaszlo.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble GalacticTNT.

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