
Chapter 189: Enigmatic – Part 3

The floating bridge has been blown up again, so the horde can't reach the entrance and gain their "run in the sky" ability, and combined with how the Sky Lander army now has guns, the remaining Titans are just free EXP. We have Hihiriwa and Silvano organize the fresh soldiers to also exploit that and get some levels, but everyone else that's tired is given a chance to rest.

Meanwhile, the streets of the capital are in full celebration mode, but our eyelids are too heavy to join them, so we return to the mansion and have the maids give us a quick bath.

"Would you care for some service, Your Highness?" a cute cat-headed maid cheerfully offers. It seems the mood outside has even affected the servants.

The Leviathan is still out, eating, and I only have a singular point of mana in my pool right now because of it, so I'd rather not strain my mana organ any further.

"Another time," I smoothly shoot her down but grace her with a handsome smile so that she doesn't feel bad. And the cute way she nods shows that she'd be blushing if her face wasn't furry.

I'm also backed up, so I need to carefully choose who's going to receive the first cumshot because it's going to be big. And that thought resonates with the girls' minds, so they start to reflect on it too.

As we're washed, their gazes naturally fall on both Lina and Aoi. And so, the two stare at each other as their minds "talk" without really using words. It's actually a bit impressive how they can just share vague feelings yet understand their meaning completely.

And Aoi is chosen as the one that will receive my backed-up load because she likes drinking my cum so much, though I'm of the mind to have my own fun too. As long as Aoi gets to drink it, everything else is fine.

But all this horniness is counterproductive right now because we need to sleep, and after a quick soak in hot water, we drink a bit of Eia to help calm it, and then we lay down in our huge bed and comfortably drift off to sleep.


I dream of the island again, of the humbling rage of natural disasters, of the endlessly looping cycle of birth and destruction on its surface. But this time, it's far and away… far and waiting, and it's oddly comforting.

Then my eyes gently open on their own, and I catch Alissa gently licking my Cock, teasing it into hardening without waking me up, but my sleep was too light, and I still woke up anyway.

I smile at her. Then she notices that I'm awake and pouts cutely as she gently slaps my Cock against her puffed-up cheek.

"I was getting it ready for Aoi," she whispers softly as the others are still waking up.

"Don't stop," I huskily order.

And she immediately deepthroats me until she kisses the base as she massages my balls.

Now that's the stuff.

But since she can read my mind, she knows exactly when to stop so that she doesn't steal the reward from her sister-wife. So she quickly pulls back and then licks the head a bit to keep my pleasure high while Aoi approaches.

"Dragon or human?" my little blue machinist innocently asks as she crawls up my chest.

Now that's an interesting question. When she's in her dragon form, I feel like breeding her, but when she's human, I just want to fuck her, and although I'm not suffering from sleep deprivation anymore, we're still not 100% rested, so I want something nicer but relaxed.

"Human," I casually request.

The little dragon glows and grows. Then her sleek form shifts into a slender woman with an eye-catching pair of Asian, alien-like eyes, and her silky, dark blue hair falls upon my body, caressing my skin like a delicate sheet.

Gods, she, Roxanne, and Lina share a model-like gorgeousness that's simply unmatched. It's like I have my own trio of sisters to do with as I please. Yes, I know Lina is cute while the other two are hot, but she has a doll-like face that makes her the perfect Lolita.

And Roxanne's tail dagger playfully caresses my left arm, above the scaled area so that I can actually feel it. It's Aoi's turn, but that doesn't mean she can't play with me too.

So Aoi lowers her head as she opens her delicate mouth wide, then swallows my thick, holy rod of meat whole. Even without her super long and slippery tongue to overly stimulate me, she knows very well how to use her human one because of the dedicated foxy Cocksucker she can steal experience from.

But it's still a different experience from Alissa's. She likes to work hard on my head with her tongue while masterfully avoiding using her teeth, though she doesn't apply a lot of vacuum pressure due to her draconic form lacking lips, and she also doesn't bob her head too much since she relies a lot on her tongue.

Her hunger is infectious, though. She doesn't hide her feelings, and she'd be begging for cum if her mouth wasn't busy, so she transmits them through our connection, and I start to feel drawn in by the intensity of her striking stare.

"She's been a good girl, so give it to her, Wolfy. Reward her good behavior," Roxanne sweetly whispers into my ear.

Then Lina follows up on the roleplay with a silly little childish voice, "Big sis deserves a bii~g one, Wolfy. She wants it so, so much…!"


I'm already conditioned to cum fast, and with the three of them asking so nicely, the ground trembles, and then the volcano erupts.

THICK-ass loads gush out so fast that not even the master swallower can handle it all, and Aoi's mouth leaks my cum. But she still doesn't stop bobbing her head as she licks my Cock, so my balls go into overdrive, draining the sole remaining point of mana in my pool. The little bite of pain is worth it because I immediately cum again, making Aoi choke.

I've "won," and my reward is seeing her make a mess.

"No more," Alissa orders, and the sister-wives obey their daisenpai.

But they can at least help Aoi clean up with their mouths, then gently deliver the reward to her through hot, sloppy kisses.


It's the middle of the afternoon, and we're hungry, so we have a late, light lunch. It's full of comfort food because we deserve it. We literally saved a nation, so it's the meal of champions.

I get rice, seasoned cornmeal, and a nice, juicy, rare steak with a side salad, a quintessential Brazilian meal; Alissa has fried dumplings and cute fruit slices accompanied by tea; Hana has colorful shish-kebab sticks and roasted not-pineapple; Roxanne has not-curry chicken, and she discovers that it goes amazingly well with rice; Ciel has a panini party; Lina partakes of my cornmeal along with roasted mushrooms and a meat pie; Aoi asks for a number of soft-boiled Dragolite eggs to go with toast; and Yunia has a salad…

"What's wrong with that?" she questions with a pretty frown.

"For once, you could eat without guilt…" I begin, and Ciel knitting her eyebrows concernedly at the bowl of leaves finishes it for me.

"Not really. You think we won't get fat just because we deserve a special meal?" the snobbish Queen replies in her characteristic tone.

And Ciel pales as she looks at the colorful party on the table before her.

"I'll burn your calories later by fucking you hard, so eat freely, please," I request as delicately as a dragon can.

"Well, when you ask so kindly," Yunia gracefully concedes and partakes of the paninis.

As for the other girls, Kaatohe chooses a not-caponata with imperial olives, Caterina picks the steak and (quietly) the salad, and Belind eats fried sunflower seeds along with a cake of flower petals. The pixie meal makes me curious, so I also have a taste of it, and while the sunflower seeds taste like popcorn, the cake is surprisingly… "sparkly." I think there's a bit of Pop Rocks in it, which masks how sugary it is.

"Enjoying pixie cuisine?" Belind rather smugly questions. I'm so pent-up that the first thing that comes into my mind is the desire to "correct" her.

"It's very interesting and refreshing," I casually answer, hiding my endless thirst.

And she chuckles softly, a beautiful sound coming from a beautiful woman. "But it's also unhealthy. The number of plump pixies is a bit worrying, while the gnomes seem to be thinner."

Then Hana barges in with a rather wise observation, "From the stories that I heard in the trading posts at the edge of Betoverd Bos, it's mostly due to pixie insatiable thirst. It actually takes quite a lot of energy to pound your hips away."

"Well, if you look at it that way…" not-Tinkerbell hums back and giggles.


There's a shit ton of skill-ups, actually, so I just put them off for now because we have stuff to do.

The Raki has arrived at the exile's island, but I still have the Leviathan out, so I can't [Gate] anyone over there yet. We check with the Lordsguard first to confirm that they have everything under control, and only then do I unsummon it, but we still use Alcander to teleport us because my MP has to recover before I can do it.

There's no need for all of the wives to go, so it's only me, Alissa, Ciel, Aoi, and Belind, along with Hukarere and a detachment of Companions. We still need bullets and guns to finish cleaning up inside the dungeon because the Titan mages could still escape, and the Lordsguard would benefit from our presence in the field. But at least the battle is much more relaxed than before, and we're even doing what we can to minimize the risk of the men getting wounded.

As for the exile's land, it's an… interesting place. It has the best of Titan obsession with overly designing stuff but without the worshiping of pain, which is a great sign. It does remind me of Christian iconography, though, and there are still a lot of crosses, but at least they're empty.

"The fact that they're empty makes me feel anxious instead of at ease," Ciel quietly remarks.

"Huh?" I grunt absentmindedly.

"It's like a threat," she whispers anxiously.

"Huh…" I grunt thoughtfully.

I don't think it's really a threat, but something about it does feel "dangerous."

Anyway, we're in a shaded corner at the edge of a little groove looking into the awfully overly-decorated stone village, but the buildings clearly look old and weathered as the stones are covered in moss, and the sharp edges have all been ground down. The (relatively) small and short houses actually look very cozy and idyllic, which is starkly different from the organized urban mess a few hundred meters away from us.

There seem to be farms in the distance while this area is reserved for growing trees for chopping, but stone is still the most common building material by far. So this wouldn't be any different from any other stone village if not for the architectural style and the fact that the Titans are all over two meters tall and muscular as fuck, even the women… which makes my Cock hard.

But staring like creeps wouldn't get us anywhere and might actually cause problems if a logger came here and we spooked them. So I give the order, and Hukarere raises our banner, and then we march forward. There are a few Titans around, talking in the open while watching over the children, and they don't notice our approach as they have their backs to us. But then we're spotted by a kid that starts to stare confusedly, and the rest of the adults soon follow.

"Stop," I calmly order. Then the wives and I step forward, and I switch to Reo. "{Greetings, Titans, we've come to talk}."

And the adults immediately grab the children and run away.


Alissa snorts and teases, "Already off to a good start."

"Can't be worse than the meeting with the Lord of Storms, can it?" Ciel whispers with a gloomy sigh.

"Don't jinx it," I mumble.

But she calls me out, "You don't believe in jinxing."

"No, I don't," I answer with a grin.

And she gives me a cute pout.

"No guards… this place is peaceful," Aoi suddenly remarks, sounding anxious, which is surprising considering her usual nonchalant behavior.

"A humble life; not for me," Belind follows up, her soothing tone helping to ease Aoi.

And I give the pixie a curious glance.

"What?" she asks confusedly.

"Nothing, just found it amusing," I answer with a snort.

"Well, I was born a princess, so this is my Fate," she explains, sensing the teasing in my tone.

Fair enough.

I understand that they believe in "Fate determinism," since being born as a royal, only to learn that you were never destined to be one, would be quite a messy thing.

But now an awkward silence settles in as we anxiously wait for the Titans to come back. A few more of them seem to wander toward us and then run away once they spot who we are, but none of them say anything. It's kinda creepy.

About five minutes later, Alissa starts to hear the distant rumbling of many footsteps. Then we spot a small group of them approaching, and our eagle-eyed fox identifies an old (but still fairly muscular) Titan at the front, who's being flanked by big masses of muscles that'd make Brett and Palo envious. Their clothes are also simple, which means that their curves stand out, and the women have some nice curves.

I'm so fucking horny…

"Aren't you always?" Roxanne immediately banters back.

Yes, but now more than usual.

Then the Titans approach and finally enter Alissa's [Sense Presence]. And now it's confirmed. They all have the same "half-peeled soul" that Aoi used to have.

"They lack the Spark…" Aoi quietly hums through [Bind].

Hmm… yes, it makes sense. They lack the Spark, the drive to create, and also the desire to reach Ascension, so that could be why they rejected the dungeon as a God and also why they live in a humble little village compared to the normal Titans and their utopia.

But will they really be able to fulfill the Throat's wish to preserve their civilization? Maybe if we convert them…

Then the elder Titan stops at a good distance from us and motions with his arm for everyone else to stop. There's some murmuring among them as they spread out to get a better view of us, but none of them go ahead of the Elder.

"{Humanoids… are you really humanoids}…?" he slowly questions in Reo with a typical, hoarse old man voice.

I notice that none of the Titans have a beard, though they do have hair, unlike the "normal" Titans.

Then I clear my throat and give a quick speech, "{We are, and we've conquered this dungeon. The core has been destroyed, and the Guardian, the so-called 'God' of the Titans, has been vanquished. Your floating island will lose power one day, and then the dimension this place exists in will collapse, permanently destroying whatever is left… but we've been asked by the Throat to save your kind."

It's a lot to take in all at once, and the Titans understandably become agitated. But the Elder says something to one of the bigger masses of muscles, and then the bodyguards start to shout down the crowd.

"{The Journey is still underway. We can see them from afar. What is being done about it}?" he sharply inquires.

"{'Journey'? Could you possibly mean the line of armored Titans attempting to leave the dungeon}?" I politely inquire.

He hums energetically, "{Yes. They have hundreds of thousands. How are you dealing with them}?"

I think this is an interesting opportunity, so I offer, "{Would you like to see? We're slowly killing them from a safe distance, but they've already lost this war, and they have no hope of ever getting through us}."

"{They'll steal our Elder and our knowledge}!" a man suddenly exclaims.

"{SILENCE}!" the Elder shouts angrily and waves his arm, the previous hoarseness nowhere to be seen, and the muscles turn around and glare. "{Don't make stupid suggestions! They have no need for our knowledge and never will}!"

A few in the crowd grumble back stubbornly, but they make no clear objections and quickly fall silent, so the Elder turns to us again.

Then he shows a surprising amount of control over his emotions as his tone instantly becomes calm and hoarse again, "{How may we travel? I'm an old man, and even though my muscles remain, my energy doesn't}."

And I smoothly reply, "{We can use magic to teleport you there instantly. It'll only take a few steps. You can even bring as many of your bodyguards as you wish}."

"{Is that wise}?" Alissa hears a muscle-man whisper to the Elder.

Who sternly replies, "{Look at their outfits. They're the same, if not stronger, than the Wretches}.


And muscles grumbles, "{But they're so small}…"

The dragon in me really takes offense at that, but now's not the time to show dominance; the guns will do that for us.

He gets no answer, though, as the Elder simply nods at us and then walks forward. "{Take us there}."


Ah, the sounds of gunfire and the smell of toasted bread are actually quite calming to me, but paradoxically, I feel a headache coming. It seems that my psychological side enjoys it, but I'm still not ready physiologically.

And while I muse, the exiled Titans collect their jaws from the floor as they witness our might in action. We're in the first level of the dungeon and under the safety of the Carrier's [Wind Shield], so they have a front-row seat to witness the carnage.

"{What are those weapons? Why are the Wretches simply standing there? Where are the Lancers, the Frenzied, and the Chosen}?" the Elder asks exasperatedly.

"{They're all dead. We killed anyone that tried to stand out, so now only these ones are left, and we're slowly 'cleaning them up'}," I stoically answer.

And Aoi gives a little Aoi-like explanation, "{The weapons shoot little arrowheads so fast that they can easily pierce through unenchanted armor. The sound is loud because of the massive power that shoots the arrowhead, and the louder sounds are from much bigger weapons, which are the ones doing the visible damage to the groups}."

"{Weapons that can kill from range, and you can't stop or even see them}," a mass of muscles remarks with a grim, low tone.

And I drive the point home, "{It's over for the Titans. We can even show you the 'throne room' where the core was, and we also have the Throat himself in captivity."

"{I… I don't want to talk to him… or see that… 'throne room,' no," the Elder wistfully answers, sounding pained but also even a little glad. Then he turns to us and continues, "{Let's talk about this 'saving our kind' that you mentioned}."




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Prince S. R.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord School work.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord Peter Kraushuber

Lord David England.

Lord Marwin33.

Lord modislaszlo.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble GalacticTNT.

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