
Chapter 191: Going Home – Part 3

AN: It's time for an extended break! Four weeks this time. Since the arc is ending, there's no better time to do some extra stuff that's been piling on, so this is the plan:

Week 1: Working on my L2D model for streaming and catching up on the Patreon advance chapters that I'm late on.

Week 2: Increasing the number of Patreon advance chapters for the Adventurer tier from 1 to 3 (which will also increase the advance chapters for all other tiers).

Week 3: Standard Heretical Magus week + focus on working on the site to add HM to it.

Week 4: Standard Patreon side-story week. This time, it'll be Captain Ansara's Crime Noire.



I take my time going to The Four's personal mansion. Alissa and Kaatohe are with me (while Hukarere is our guard), and we just want to smell the flowers on the way while sending the feelings to the rest of the wives so they don't feel excluded. [Bind] has more uses than just sex and fighting; it allows workaholics like Lina, Aoi, and Yunia to also enjoy things they're unlikely to ever make time for.

The "view" is also nice since the Sky Lander nobles don't wear much for clothes, and they're very flirty with their "saviors." I might as well stop for a quickie since I haven't gotten to taste any new women aside from Belind in a while.

"That one was asking about you yesterday," Kaatohe sultrily whispers as she subtly motions towards the woman in question.

And the girls remember her. She's a cougar-headed woman who has the air of a cougar, but her body is definitely enhanced with muscles and almost botox-like curves made with [Alteration Magic].

I ain't complaining, though. She made herself into a sex machine, so we stick around for a bit to flirt, but I quickly get my dick wet. The cougar is definitely a nymph with how naturally and unhesitatingly she accepts the proposition, but I'm sure the Title has helped, which might be a first for Titles in general.

Well… that's not fair. The True Noble Title is very useful in making people not want to fuck with us; it's just not very noticeable, and it also doesn't stop people with a death wish from stealing our golems.

Still, high-impact sex with a muscular cougar of high stamina ranks pretty high for me.


After we leave the passed-out cougar in the arms of her servant, we continue with our stroll under a surprisingly cold sun. I like the cold; getting away from the Brazilian heat was one of the reasons I moved to Canada, but I was starting to get used to the refreshing warmth of the High Forest.

"Wolfy…" Kaatohe suddenly whispers, sounding uncharacteristically soft and wistful.

"Hm?" I casually hum as I brush my humanized hand against some sort of fluffy flower.

"Thank you for bringing me here," she states, now sounding formal, though the warmth is still palpable in her tone.

"Well, how could I not?" I wryly question with a gentle snort.

Her whiskers twitch angrily as she almost answers with snark, but then another thought occurs to her, and her face relaxes as she begrudgingly admits, "Yes, now I realize that it'd be improper for you to not take me here, but what I mean is that I'm glad that you did, and also that you've trusted me with important matters related to the Lordship."

"Awn, you're so adorable when you try to be affable," I teasingly coo with a smirk.

But she shows absolutely no reaction, which actually looks rather creepy. "I don't know what happened to me, but I simply can't feel offended by your mocking tone," she dryly replies, and she narrows her eyes at me, but it feels like her face wants to smile instead.

"He's cute, so it's hard to get mad at him," Alissa playfully remarks, then comes up behind me and lightly pinches my cheeks while making a cute little moan.

It doesn't hurt, but I still bat her hands away and pout as I brattily declare, "I'm not cute… I'm handsome."

"You're both, and I love that about you," Kaatohe honestly replies, the warm tone returning.

And she hits me right in the kokoro. "Awn… I love how frank you can be. It takes courage to say these things."

"Well, I just wanted to show my appreciation in a way that didn't involve sucking your Cock," she adds. It seems she's taking my compliment of her frankness to heart.

"A kiss is fine, too," I huskily reply because I know how to get to a woman's heart… and I totally don't need. Every. Single. One. Of. You. Begging me to do it.

"Sorry," Alissa cheekily apologizes, and my soul space goes quiet again.

"Very well," Kaatohe happily hums and almost skips towards me.

Then I kiss my cat. It's always a bit more awkward than kissing a human, but I've never let that stop me from having a good time. And I upgrade the peck with a bit of tongue because why not.

But it's unfair to only kiss her, so Alissa also gets a bit of tongue, and then I turn to Hukarere. Her superior officers won't know if we don't tell, so it's fine to have her stand down for just a minute.


Yunia starts to organize the Title removal for our men who participated in the core room battle because they all gained the True Noble Title, but they didn't earn it, so it would cause issues if we let them loose. Making use of a Title without earning the glory and honor would only attract Templars who would forcefully remove it later, and our Gods-Blessed family can't have that.

Then we finally reach the mansion of The Four, and we find Samkelo moaning in pain as he lies on a lounging chair in a gazebo while a maid and Lily concernedly watch over him. Both seem like they don't want to be there, but I see an empty potion flask on a table beside them, so I assume they're just waiting for the medicine to work.

We walk into the gazebo, and they turn to us, so I grin cheekily and joke, "Well, I'm sorry for intruding on this lovely little family moment that you're having, but I'd like to talk with everyone."

"Fuck y-…" Lily catches herself since she's in front of a maid, and there's a Companion with us, so she immediately switches to impudent snark. "Please, Your Highness, don't even dare utter such terrible things, or else others might actually start to believe it."

"What…? Believe that you're my mother?" Samkelo grunts with a strained tone and then chuckles, but that quickly becomes moans of pain again.

"Believe that we're married," she dryly corrects.

"Ew…" he moans, then chuckles, then moans again.

"What kind of reaction is that?!" she exclaims, actually angry, but only Hukarere and I look surprised while Kaatohe and Alissa seem to support her.

"I don't understand you, woman…" he grunts tiredly and sighs.

"She likes simps, and she likes to degrade them," I calmly explain, earning myself a glare.

"At least Yunia offers to let me see her get fucked while I masturbate," the disgusting gnome grunts with a frown, but I don't really like how he's using my royal wife's shortened name.

"Shut up, please," Lily grunts and lightly slaps the side of his head. I mean really lightly slaps because she'd turn him into a pancake if she didn't.

"Alright…" he mumbles with a chuckle, then rolls over in his lounging chair and attempts to go to sleep.

"What even happened to him, anyway?" I question. It seems I'm the only one who's actually curious, as everyone else would rather just stay quiet.

And Lily explains with a sigh, "He drank too much and took some magical drugs that messed him up because he's a gnome," -she gives him an angry side eye- "not a two-meter tall mass of muscles with a strong metabolism."

I snort. "Well, at least he learned a lesson."

"Doubtful," she breathes as she shakes her head.

So I put us back on track, "But still, I need to talk to everyone, so I'll just use [Purify Body] to speed this up." And I put some points in [Light Magic].

"Hngh…!" Samkelo moans in pleasure, sounding so sexual that it's almost as if I was giving him a handjob, and I actually feel disgusted while my fujo wives get horny.

But I'm already used to this sort of stuff, so I just brush it off and declare, "I'll wait in the guest room until you're all ready."


Thant and Chesa obediently arrive first, right after they receive my summons, while Lily takes her sweet time doing whatever, and then Samkelo finally waddles in a minute later, still looking a bit sick, though.

But who cares about him? So I just promptly begin my solemn speech, "Now that we're all here, I'll just be direct. I want you all to stay with me in Escanso. You've been protected here by the Hau-Hou, but if you go out there, into the rest of the world, you'll likely be targeted by heretics. Even becoming a Crown Lord hasn't stopped them from trying.

"The Gods have brought us together for a reason, and I'll trust their judgment while I wait for the fated reveal. It seems like there's something going on in the Broken Skies with the Lord of Storms, but there's no reason for us to go there and get lost, so I'll just wait for the next quest while I continue my preparations.

"So, what do you say? Will you join me?" I finish with a kind but intense tone, then stare at each of them, and it actually feels like they're taking me seriously because Chesa doesn't blush or look away.

"Do you want us to be your vassals?" Lily promptly asks, stern like a bull.

"No, just stay somewhere nearby so that I can protect you," I calmly answer, composed like a… predator…? Nah, just "true dragon" is enough.

"Fine," she instantly replies, and I almost choke on my spit as my composure collapses.

"Wha-… really? That easily?"

She just shrugs. "I don't care about traveling around, especially now that the big quest is still ongoing."

"Yeah, that sounds like a dumb idea," Thant hums, and Chesa nods.

I breathe in as I glance at Alissa, who's holding back a chuckle. Then I recompose myself and finish, "Great, great. That's all that I wanted to say. My wives and I will be going home soon, but you can just take the Imperial [Eternal Gate] Network to Escanso any time you want."

"There are some people I'd like to talk to before we go," Lily maturely adds.

"We've had a lot of help from the Hau-Hou," Chesa sweetly follows up.

But Thant and Samkelo are just regular dudes, so they aren't as sentimental.

"Very well," I hum. Then we leave.


Now there's nothing left for us to do here. We may wait a day or two to be polite to the Hau-Hou, but homesickness is starting to affect us all now that the end is within sight. Roxanne and Alcander are still with the Throat, but there's not much left to learn from him.

Belind, though, has recovered from our session yesterday, so it's time to break her spine and split her with my Cock again.


Intermission – Nononya


The memories of the dead fly past my eyes like open picture books that tempt me into looking at them, but I've been here for so long that I don't feel any desire to live someone's life; mine is simply too good to compare it with theirs. Sure, there are heroes and others who had great lives, but I have no interest in theirs either.

I'm Wolfy's personal Cock sleeve for him to take out his manly draconic aggression on, and I feel completely at peace being under him for the rest of my life. He's my idol, and my life serves a higher purpose by aiding him.

So I float away from the stream of the Cycle of Souls and turn my incorporeal eyes to the dark void. There's something out there behind this black sheet, and I know it because Wolfy did go past it. His word is law and truth, so I shall work towards my purpose for as long as necessary, and its current goal is to breach into the Folder of Cycles.

But how?

The dark void is infinite, or at least, it's more vast than what we can cross in our limited time in the Cycle of Souls. Petra hasn't been able to increase the purity of the Moonlight Tears in a way that also makes them last longer, and taking too many of them is toxic for the body, so we've been stuck on this for a while.

Wolfy is from another Realm… and he wishes to be able to contact it.

At first, I feared that he'd leave, but I soon realized that there's no way that his extreme passion for us would let him return to the life of a commoner ever again. It's not a matter of "will." It's a matter of "can," and Wolfy simply can't abandon us.

Therefore, I must find a way to let him contact his home. I can't imagine not being able to talk to my parents ever again, so if it's within my power to give him the ability to do so, then I must. I must.

Still, he hides such pain very well. He's actually much stronger than his cute face lets on… though his draconic characteristics have made him a lot manlier. But now I realize that this must also be why everyone around him is so supportive: to allow him to be the great man that he is.

And I've been chosen as one of those allowed near him, so I must not disappoint. I must not.

"I must pierce this veil…" I hear the words escape my incorporeal mouth, but this is something that's never happened before.

"I listen to your request," a deep voice answers behind me.

I turn around and see a shining knight on his shining mount. A noble Ronti rider holding his long lance as his weapon, armor, and even armored mount crackle with sparks. They're both so big and muscular that I suddenly feel like Wolfy is before me with his Cock up and ready to pierce me.

But the faceless knight doesn't have a lustful gaze. He stares at me sternly, like an impatient father who wishes to carry out his daughter's will upon the world. The word "daddy" comes to mind, but then I'm reminded of Wolfy, and I realize that the proper word for this knight is "Fatherly Protector."

"Take me out of here. I seek the Folder of Cycles," my true wishes come out as words without my consent.

And my Protector slowly nods as he solemnly replies, "Follow my tracks as I pierce through the divine veils. I ask only that you cheer for me, passionate young woman."

"Cheer for you?" I question, the mere chance of succeeding in my goal making me ignore everything else about this bewildering situation.

He points his lance at me, and I feel as if he's touching something deeper, pulling my real feelings to the surface. "Your heart burns with a warrior's determination, but you lack the power. On the other hand, I have what you need, and my embers yearn for a fire that will light them again. A more than fair trade, wouldn't you say?"

And I eagerly agree. "Yes, it is, and even if it wasn't, I'd do anything for Wolfy."

"Then ignite my passion, young one!" And he raises his lance, which starts shining with power, as if it's been Blessed by the Sun himself.

I turn around and point my incorporeal finger at the empty void. Then my voice echoes with a power that I don't recognize, "Pierce through the divine veil, my Protector. Lead me to the Folder of Cycles!"

"At once, my Lady!" he shouts with a powerful, echoing voice.

Then thunder echoes as lightning flashes, and after they pass, a glowing path of crackling electricity arcs tears a path into the dark void. It's like there's a partially invisible corridor that has been revealed by light from the arcs, but it feels frail, as if it's about to collapse.

I promptly enter it, but then I sense that my Fatherly Protector has reached a dead end, even though I can't see him anymore.

"Can't you pierce through?" my true feelings come out as words again.

And all I get in response is a vague feeling of weakness, disappointment… and defeat.

"Pierce through," I'm unable to stop myself from commanding, and the arcs of electricity around me strengthen, feeding my desperate desire to succeed in this.

But the veil still hasn't been broken.

"Pierce through!" I ardently command again as my heart starts to beat out of control, and the arcs turn into slabs of pure electricity, allowing me to step on them, even though I have no feet.

But now I can "feel" the veil, and it's starting to tremble!


"At once, My Dear Lady!" my Protector obediently shouts back.

A hole suddenly opens up in the veil, and then a powerful force sucks me into it.

At one moment, I see only darkness, but in the next, I'm suddenly surrounded by an endless number of… of stars with an unbelievable degree of detail and depth. Each time my eyes look into one, I see more than I could ever think possible. It's like a huge picture is being fed into my mind, even though my eyes can only see a little part of it at one time.

It's disorienting but also incredible. I can see the… the Realm in its entirety. It's filled with either matter or plain emptiness but on such a scale that my brain can't even understand it. There's a "normal scale" for me, and then there's the "Realm scale," but I can't connect the two in any sensible way.

"You've shown me something amazing, My Dear Lady," my Protector warmly states as he stops his horse in front of me, his armored head constantly turning as he takes in the beauty all around us.

"Lancer… thank you," I whisper, stunned in disbelief that I've finally made it.

And he turns his head towards me, then gently replies as he nods, "No, thank you…"

Then he disappears, and so does the rest of the Folder of Cycles. I'm sent back as suddenly as I came, and then I open my eyes, but a heavy tiredness immediately hits me, so I just close them again and take a nap.


Intermission end.




Hall of Fame of Patrons

The patrons who support Rupegia shall have their names sung by the bards for they deserve the glory and honor. Their names are:

Prince PreownedFIN.

Prince Owldente.

Prince S. R.

Lord Andrew Meyers.

Lord Bakerdea.

Lord Maurice.

Lord Mattirro Draca.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord Paul Daval.

Lord CopeyDunt.

Lord BlindTactic.

Lord Philip.

Lord d3235.

Lord SubJef.

Lord School work.

Lord patrick__starz.

Lord Peter Kraushuber

Lord David England.

Lord Marwin33.

Lord modislaszlo.

Lord Tenebris Lupus.

Noble Aclys.

Noble Carl  Baxter.

Noble DND.

Noble Anon A Moose.

Noble GalacticTNT.

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