RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Bar fight

Pov 3 person

Lappland and Yang exit the expressway and enter the narrower streets of the industrial district. Driving slowly through the streets Yang couldn't help but start a conversation.

" So you are from Vale?"

Asks Yang without taking his eyes off the road. 

"No from menageri "

"Now to the right "

Replies Lappland pointing to the road. 

"Won't this be a tropical island? "

" You know looking at your beautiful pale skin and hair I would say from cold Mantle".

It is unclear whether Yang was complimenting or just teasing Lappland whose face remained the same without reacting to the words. When Yang was about to say something more she was stopped by Lappland. 

"It's here "

Lappland said. Hearing this Yang parked on the side of the road looking at the brick building. 

"Thank you beautiful "

Said Yang dismounting from the motorcycle together with Lappland . Just as Lappland was about to walk off in her direction she was stopped. 

" Beautiful wait when I finish what I came here for I will drive you back." 

Hearing this Lappland stopped and looked at Yang . 

" OK "

With this simple answer, Lappland, along with Yang, walked toward the nightclub. There was a party going on inside the club and the loud music made Lappland pause for a moment, creating distance between her and Yang. Seeing Yang walking toward the bar Lappland followed her. When Yang went to talk to Junior standing next to the bar . Lappland instead sat down at the bar and looked at the bartender pulling out a lien. 

The bartender said nothing and pointed to a price list hanging by the bar. Looking at the price list Lappland's face became frowning. 

" The cheapest one costs everything I have now," he said. 

" Why does Alcohol cost more than pancakes?" 

To Lappland's questions, the bartender simply shrugged his shoulders. Lappland seems to ponder and finally decides. 

"I'll take one "

Said Lappland pushing a lien towards the bartender. As the bartender began preparing the drink Lappland heard a painful squawk. Turning her eyes toward the noise she saw Yang grab Junior by his jewels. Looking at this a smile returned to Lappland's face. 

Turning around Lappland is about to take the drink from the bartender's hand when the sound of a gunshot is heard in the club followed by a flash of flame and the sound of a body breaking through one of the club's glass pilars cause panic among the people on the dance floor and causing them to flee. The bartender, startled by the sound, almost dropped her drink, but thanks to Lappland's reflexes she managed to catch it.

However, the joy of this feat did not last long when, despite the noise of the club, Lappland's ear twitched making her lean back in her chair performing a dodge. However, that couldn't save her drink which was hit by a literal flying guy in a black suit at that his flyight didn't stop because he hit the bartender taking him with him to a wall filled with alcohol breaking all the bottles. 

Looking at her empty hand her face Lappland became blank. She grabbed the protruding part of the bar counter with her hand even though her face was empty her hand that grabbed the countertop was no longer a delicate girl hande But outlines of tight muscles appeared on her making the countertop she was holding crack. 

Her head turned towards the current brawl between Yang and the guys in black suits. No one was paying attention to her causing her to giggle which turned into a terrible laugh. 

"HaaHaHaHaa! "

The laughter was so loud that despite the noise, music and fighting, almost everyone stood still. Including yang who looked at Lappland which stood up and picked up the metal bar chair she was sitting on earlier . 

Her laughter stopped when she looked at the crowd of people everyone saw the sadistic smile on her face and her eyes that seemed to glow silver. The state of her face was so strange and frightening that many guys preferred to back away. 

Of course there had to be one exception one guy in a suit started walking towards lappland with a bat in his hand. 

" Bar closed". 

" And if you're with her you're coming with us". 

He says when his heand reaches out to grab the lappland. 

" Lappland ! " 

Yang shouts and starts running towards her. Although the girl looks strong she can't handle so many gangsters right? Her action woke up the gangsters around her so while running she had to punch every gangster who got in her way. After all, it's because of her that the girl is here. 

 However, the guy's hand didn't manage to touch Lappland because she swung a metal bar chair and hit the guy in the face. The gangster fell face down to the floor but it wasn't over for him when Lappland started beating the shit out of him by beating him on the back with the chair. 

At this sight Yang stopped. Each blow reverberated through the club making even the DJ stop the music. Finally, the metal chair broke, leaving two of the three chair legs in Lappland's hands. 

" If I can't get a drink entertain me in another way , let's see how long you can last" 

Said Lappland looking at the crowd of people with her usual smile. However, it was that smile combined with her psychotic eyes sent shivers through most people. The sight of her victims' fear made Lappland giggle .

 Looking at the sight of a group of gangsters frightened by one lone girl made a glint appear in Yang eyes and a smile appear on her face. 

"So let's get started "

Said Lappland as the music returned to the club and another brave ran towards her . 

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