RWBY – The madness of Lappland

Bloody getaway

Pov 3 person 

In a corridor covered with blood and bodies stands a lone naked girl, in both her hands she hold long straight blades covered with blood. Her entire body is in dirt and blood . Although her stature is lean and clearly wounded, a broad smile graces her face, as her silver eyes with a tinge of light blue look around the corridor. Her waist-length hair, despite the dirt and blood, is noticeably in a shade of white. But the most striking feature of the girl is the white wolf tail hanging behind her back and pair of white wolf ears with black tips on her head , ears which twitches gently apparently in search of sound.

Her wolf ears stop twitching and at the same moment the wolf girl suddenly turns her head toward one of the many piles of bodies on the side . The sudden movement of her head  gave the opportunity to see a vertical scar passing over the girl's left eye. Gazing at the pile of bodies, her pair of beautiful eyes shrink their pupils. Her nose begins to gently sniff the air. Slowly her mouth begins to open showing a pair of sharp fangs. And a maniacal laugh begins to come out of her throat. 

Wolf girl : "HaHa hAha HahA hHa hAha!"

Wolf girl laugh , as she slowly walk towards the pile of bodies. Her feet slowly wade through the blood lingering on the floor , which is deep enough to cover her toes. Her two blades are dragged behind her, and it's only due to the blood on the floor that they don't make a sound of scrubbing. Approaching the pile of corpses, she raises one blade , only to then slowly thrusts it into the corps . Her face was completely blank as she continues to do so . When the blade was in half submerged in the corpse, wolf girl stops pushing it deeper. 

Wolf girl : "I can hear your heartbeat, I can smell your urine."

Wolf girl says these words with a smile on her bloody face , as her voice begins to crack. Finishing the sentence she bursts out laughing again. But finishing this  , with a quick motion wolf girl thrusts the rest of the blade into the dead body. And to the joy of her , a woman's scream of pain comes out from under the dead body. With a quick movement, the white wolf pulls out the blade causing an even louder scream and cry. Wolf girl then grabs both blades with one hand to free the other hand.

 And without a row of unnecessary movements, wolf girl takes the dead body with her free hand and throws it on the ground next to her. Under that body lies a girl with a short bob and deer antlers on her head. On her face she has a white mask covering her eyes . She is dressed in a uniform the same as all the bodies throughout the corridor. The girl with the antler holds a puncture wound on the side of her thigh. Despite the mask, the wolf girl stares into her green eyes filled with terror. 

Deer girl : " I didn't know what they were doing ........ I sorry!!! Don't kill me .......... I'll do anything please!!! I never wanted to join them!!! "

The green-eyed deerngirl begs between groans of pain and with eyes full of tears . The wolf girl kneels with one leg on the girl's stomach. 

Deer girl : " I beg you ........ please!! "

The deer girl falls into chisteria.  And the loud cry deer girl made , caused the wolf girl's ears to droop , and her nose crinkle. 

Wolf girl : "Don't scream in my ear! "

Growls the wolf girl, slamming her fist into the face of the green-eyed girl below her, shattering her mask in the process. The shards of the mask injure the antler's girl  eyes, causing her to whine, which is interrupted by the wolf girl's hand. The white-haired wolf girl put her free right hand directly to the crying girl's mouth , which make her stop crying. Putting both blades aside causing them to be submerged in blood , the wolf girl changes positions , to sit down on the deer girl's belly. Sitting on top of her prey , wolf girl with help of both her legs block both hands of the jerking girl. 

Wolf girl : "Stop struggling! "

Says the wolf girl with a smile on her face that scares the girl under her. The white-haired girl's left hand moves behind her touching the puncture wound on the deer girl thigh. Locating the exact spot of the wound without hesitation, the white-haired wolf girl thrusts her thumb into it.  Which make , another quiet squeal erupts from the deer girl. 

Wolf girl : " We don't want you to bleed to death , do we ?  ".

Says the wolf girl in a flat tone and waits for the deer girl under her to calm down. With the thumb of her right hand, which is now in the suffering girl mouth, wolf girl gently lifts deer girl upper lip , exposing her teeth and gums . Then , wolf girl places her thumb on one of deer gril teeth. Feeling this, deer girl stops jerking and stares at her predator. 

Wolf girl : " You doesn't wont to join them ??? You didn't know what a white fang does? ....... Coral are you making fun of me or you think I'm dumb ? ....... You knew very well what they were doing."

The wolf girl growled at the deer girl named Coral. 

Coral : "Lappland, I'm sor... "

The wolf girl named Lappland does not let Coral finish the sentence and pushes the thumb of her right hand , she breake the tooth from the gum, leaving the shards and nerves of the tooth exposed to view . The abnormal amount of pain from the protruding nerves causes Coral's jaw to close . Becouse of which , Lappland's fingers become trapped between the deer teeth . 

Despite the blood coming out of the injured fingers, a smile appears on Lappland's face. Then Lappland useing her thumb that was out of Coral mouth , she positions it under deer girl chin , catching her lower jaw. Then With a smile, Lappland gently lifts Coral head and with a maniacal grin she slaps deer girl head against the ground splashing a pool of blood underneath, painting the rest of Coral's blonde hair red. Lappland feeling that her fingers are free , pulls her hand from the mouth of the unconscious Coral. 

Lappland : "Do you know where the exit is ? This place is a maze ."

Asks Lappland expecting an answer . But looking at the unconscious girl , Lappland just twists the thumb of her left hand. Which cose the pain in the stab wound on Coral thigh, and that quickly wakes up deer girl , who without any strength just sobs on the ground. 

Lappland: " Get up and take me to the exit." 

Says Lappland getting up . Waiting for Coral , she walk over to one of the bodies on the ground , only to rip off a white blood stained vest , to throw it over herself , hiding the uper part of her body. 


This is an improved and revised version of the original chapter . 

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