RWBY – The madness of Lappland


Blake pow

'Lappdumb, what's taking you so long. '

I think as I'm worried, seeing how long it's taking her to get back from the changing room. Even more so after seeing that she actually has been injured in some way. The wait itself is worse because

'It smells like vomit in here.' 

Smelling the smell, I can't help but have this thought and look at the place where Velvet was sitting as now there is nothing more then a stain of wiped vomit and an unbearable stench.

'Lapland will not like this. '

Even though I turned on the blower thanks to cell control panel. But knowing my friend's nose, she'll smell it more than I will. 

And it's because of Velvet, who didn't make it to the end of the party now it's just me and Yang in the cell. Anyway, nobody in Coco's group except Coco herself was able to get up on their own, so Coco took them home, and it was about the time Lappland came out of the cage, so that was a while ago.

Now there is a strange silence between me and Yangi because Yang is still drinking and I get tired of drinking, so I take out the new book I bought to see if it was worth it to buy. As I pull the wrapper off the book, Yang notices what I'm doing and she choked at what she's been drinking.

"The book doesn't fit here. So stop with that serious expression that doesn't match a beautiful face of yours, let's have a drink and dance together before Lappland comes back." 

Says Yang  to me. 

'Lappland might be jealous, and with something going on with her lately, I'm not going to risk her finding me in some intimate situation, and knowing my luck, that will happen. '

With that in mind, I don't respond as I interested about this 'interesting' book. 

"You guys are really different." 

Yang says as I look at her from above the book. 

"Lappland is very energetic and is everywhere if she wants to be, and yet she manages to evoke this serious and dangerous feeling." 

"You are serious and give the impression of being depressed, nevertheless I can see that you can have fun but only being with Lappland." 

Yang says and it is as she says, me and Lappland are completely two poles that are somehow together. 

"So are you going for a drink?" 

Yang asks further without giving up as the smile doesn't disappear from her face. 

" No" 

I say, wishing she would leave me alone. 

'The only reason I came here is because Lappland asked me. She always did everything I wanted, so now it's my turn. '

"Come on, it's no fun to drink alone "

Yang goes on , but I don't answer her 

"So you're not too talkative when your Lappy isn't around?"

I hear Yang's amused voice and a question pops into my head. 

 'When did she hear that nickname? '

"So how long have you known Beauty?"

Asks Yang seeing that I have responded in some way. 

"It will be about nine years." 

I answer truthfully, putting the book back in my bag, knowing that this girl won't give me a break. 

 "Also, what do you mean by beautiful? "

This time I ask knowing that the conversation will be better and allow me to get to know this girl better. 

"Let's call a spade a spade, she's hot and beautiful". 

"I hope she's not your girlfriend or something? "

Says the blonde in front of me Probably realizing that she can call " beautiful", a girl who is already in a relationship.

'I wasn't wrong, she has feelings for her.' 

Many people might call Lappy beautiful in their own way. Lappland looks are extraordinary, but when people begin to understand that underneath the beautiful face is a portion of boiling dust, they prefer to keep a distance from her. 

Looking at Yang, I know that she has already seen a really small ounce of what Lappland is, but she still tries . I don't mind, or rather I don't want to mind, but I don't know this girl and I don't want someone random person to replace me, unfortunately this girl so far is much more suited to Lappland, she is much more lively as Lappy. 

Apart from the fact that she has a silly amount of confidence, and with Lappland this can be a double-edged sword . She is ambiguous in the way she speaks to others, at least you can see when she is serious and when she is joking. However, Lappland may not like this type of joking. 

' But most importantly, will she be able to help Lappland when she needs it?' 

With this thought, I recall the day I failed in our relationship, the day everything started to fall apart, then the whole chain of misfortunes started, which ended with Lappland shutting down like an animal. 

' And it all started because of me '

'I thought that if something really hurt her, she would tell me.' 

'No, she said it more than once' 

'But she didn't say "Help" '

Yet everything in her begged for it, but she also didn't abandon the relationship. She couldn't because she didn't know how. I was her first relationship. 

'I really destroyed everything.' 

There were several days when I lost, days when I chose Adam over Lappland, days when she had a mental break down and I wasn't there  . 

I saw her taking medications that she was more addicted to, than they helped her. I shouted at her for that, even though I herself told her to take them. And she took them for me

I wanted to help all the fauns, all the victims of discrimination. The only thing I knew about Lappland's past was that she had suffered so much that she had lost her mind. She was a victim I wanted to help.

' I'm the same as the new white fang, I've made things completely worse.' 


'I think too much'

Looking ahead I see that Yang is still waiting for an answer and despite her apparent indifference , I can see that she is nervous. Then I know it is time to decide I will stay with Lappland maybe devastate her further or give her to someone else who will love her unreservedly and without regard to her peculiar behavior 

' I never said Lappland that I loved her, I said those words to someone who didn't deserve them.' 

' When I was young I decided that I would help Lappland have a better life. However, I was the person who partially destroyed her life .  '

'Now I will give her the happy life I promised  her even if I have to be left alone' 

With this thought I make the decision despite the fact that it hurts me. However what I did to Lappland hurt her more.

" No" 

" We are childhood friends ".

'This is what I had Lappland say if someone asked about our relationship how to think about it, it was cruel of me' 

Feeling a sudden urge, I take a full bottle of tequila and pour it into my glass. 

'Lappland may have forgiven me as she has always done, but I will not forgive myself '

" That's good because it would be awkward " 

Says Yang with relief on her face. 

" So do you like Lappland?" 

I ask, but I don't need to know the answer when on Yang's face appears surprise combined with shyness, a combination that I did not expect to receive from her. 

'Did she think no one would notice?' 

Again an awkward silence falls between us.

"Is it that obvious? "

Asks Yang this time hiding nothing. Apart from a slight blush appearing on her cheeks, she still has that confidence that doesn't go away.

"You're looking at her ass, touching her, acting like a teenager trying to pick up a girl, and your pick-up lines make everything that much more awkward," 

' She didn't even try to hide that it was a compliment'  

Saying that, I recall all the banal compliments Yang said on the way to the club . And by the look on Yang's face, I can see that she realizes it too. 

"It will be difficult for you to win Lappland's heart. 

' Certainly if she uses the pick-up lines she makes up.'

I'm warning Yang . I'm not sure if I'm doing it to make her give up or if I'm really warning her. At least it's better to tell her what she's getting into so it's not too late when Lappland gets attached. Lappland has a difficult character to deal with. I don't want Lappy to be hurt by someone who has bitten off more than she can swallow. 

'And seeing Yang's behaviour so far, I know that she loves to bite what she can't swallow.' 

I think while looking at the girl in front of me, who is sitting relaxed as usual and looking at me as if she was waiting for me to continue my words. Despite her gazę I continue to drink as I reaching halfway through the bottle. 

"You see, Lapland is..." 

I am about to continue, but I am interrupted by the sound of the door opening. 

" What am I ?" 

I know that voice and, despite sounding like she has a runny nose, I turn my head towards the door to see Lappland. But looking at her, I suddenly start to worry even more. 

"Lappland !" 

I rise from the couch, completely ignoring the fact that Yang is doing the same. With one step, I walk up to Lappland and look at her bloodied face. The entire lower part of Lappland's face is soiled with blood, and a few drops, stain her neck . 

Knowing Lappy this is nothing to her, but looking at the amount of blood on her face I know it's not good. However, just as I suspected, Lappland is not concerned about it as she sits down. Seeing that Lappland sits down Yang sits down on Lappland left side and I on Lappy right.

"There's so much blood it would have to be a fracture, but the nose looks whole," 

"It must have been a hard blow, but the bleeding itself could just be a ruptured blood vessel,"

Yang says looking at Lappland's nose

' She looks like a specialist about  hand-to-hand combat.' 

I think, looking at the gauntlets on Yang's hands. 

" But the fight itself was cool, you did it with Yeng."

At Yang's words, an awkward silence falls in the room. 

" What was it supposed to be?" 

Lappland asks. While I am also waiting for her answer. 

" What?" 

Asks a confused Yang looking at us. When we look at her. 

"That at the end of the sentences, that with your name"

Lapland continues. 

"Yeng instead of beng hehe" 

Yang says, ending it with an awkward laugh . Hearing her words play , I and Lappland look at Yang with dull eyes . 

' She's really going to have a hard time with Lappland. '

"Don't do that again."

Says Lappland seriously, while Yang rolls her eyes as she pulls out wet tissues from her pocket serving them to Lappland . 

"Come on, it's not that bad."

Says a confident Yang, but seeing our faces she falls silent. In the silence, Lappland pulls out one of the tissues from Yang pack and she start wiping her face. Finishing the cleaning, I notice that Lapland nose is plugged with cotton wool. 

' Has someone treated her? ' 

"Where did you get the wet tissues anyway? "

Asks Lappland, looking at Yang, wiping the rest of her face with a wet handkerchief. 

"I have a younger sister Ruby, you met her before in front of the Junior Club she was the girl in the red cape." 

Yang says. 

"Your sister looks fifteen years old, why do you need a wet tissues for her?" 

Asks Lappland again.

"Ruby is a ball full of energy" 

Yang says with a smile. Now that Lappland's face was reasonably clean, I can see that there are no cuts or bruises on it, suggesting that it's all nosebleeds, just as Yang said. 

"Lappland show it to me." 

I say, checking that everything is properly dress. 

'How many times has Lappdumb had a serious wound of some kind and not talked about it, just wrapped it in a bandage and went on as if nothing had happened ' 

Watching Lappland nose, I notice that the door are opening again. 

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