Sacred Souls: Genesis

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Boom!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Oh no… oh no oh no oh no!

Lin Xi had arrived at the Food Street of River Town as Daydreamer, Cannoneer.

His real body remained in the base of JC Kings after he clicked on the Soulfall button in the Abyssal Hunt special mission.

Like Zhao Mingwei, his first thought was that the game company had made a ‘minigame’.

In the end, not only did he log in as his Sacred Souls game character, he even appeared on Food Street, a place he was familiar with!

At the moment, half of his surroundings were debris, and the wails of monsters could be heard across all directions.

Lin Xi was left bewildered, unable to differentiate if this Food Street was reality or game.

However, the presence of a group of people drew him out of his pondering. A troop of full-armed soldiers was rushing towards the outer reaches of that avenue.

Lin Xi stared at the armed forces.

Were they NPCs in the game?

“A large group of terrorists spotted in Sector A. The advance group is being pinned down. Repeat, the advance group is being pinned down! Calling backup! Calling backup!”

The soldier at the led was running towards Lin Xi and shouting for help into his portable radio—but was promptly shot through his leg even before he could move more than a few paces.

He fell right beside Lin Xi’s feet, and Lin Xi could clearly see that his face and uniform were dripping with blood.

A cutscene? Or was it some side quest?

Lin Xi looked up—nearby, a knight wearing a skull-face armor was standing on top a two-storied building, while on the ground, a bunch of orcs was brandishing their clubs as they charged towards Lin Xi.

In that instant, Lin Xi did not even think before casting an inspection spell.

[Gray Orc Slave, Normal, Level 7, HP: 1000]

[Stronger Orc, Normal, Level 15, HP: 2340]

[Rainer the Fallen Legion Archer, Elite, Level 29, HP: 9791]

A bunch of orcs ranging from Level 5 to less than 20, and a Level 29 Elite…

Lin Xi was confident that he could handle them.

With that, he drew out his main weapon—an automatic handgun—and headed towards the legion of orcs.

“Kid! What are you doing?! Get the hell back!”

When the soldier who had been calling for help saw Lin Xi in his leather jacket and a cowboy hat, he got the impression that he was some hedonistic hoodlum.

“Don’t worry, friend. I have a gun,” Lin Xi said, twirling the Ranger Automatic Handgun—his primary weapon.

It was a Blue-grade item. Although Cannoneers should by logic be wielding hand cannons, Lin Xi had only completed his class advancement yesterday and did not have the time to change his primary weapon.

“Where did you get that gun? Whatever… it’s useless against them, kid!”

The soldier couldn’t care less about gun laws at the moment—in his eyes, Lin Xi was a mere young man with an eighth-grader syndrome, showing off with his little pistol.

“A handgun is useless? What about this boy?” With a quick wave of Lin Xi’s hand, machine parts began to appear out of thin air over his left palm, which he finally built into an antitank rocket launcher.

“You…” The soldier was left completely dumbstruck.

If they had met just the day before, that would have been enough to have Lin Xi sent to the firing squad!

Carrying firearms was already a serious offense, and yet this brat has an antitank rocket launcher!

“Leave this to me.” Lin Xi lifted the launcher—it was a basic skill gained from his Level 25 class advancement.

He aimed it at the orcs charging from a distance and pulled the trigger.

“Run, baby!” Lin Xi felt the tremendous recoil punching through his arm to his shoulder, while the barrel of the launcher burst deafeningly and the rocket shot directly towards the very front of the charging orcs.

However, in the instant that the rocket launcher was about to hit, Lin Xi suddenly saw two more soldiers running towards him.

They were still in the range of the rocket’s detonation.


A flame ignited, and searing fiery radiance spread along with the explosive impact over every direction, along with bits and pieces of orc.

Then, a series of digits that read [-123], [-179], [-157] and so forth leapt out in front of Lin Xi’s eyes, and his EXP slowly began to increase as well.

Meanwhile, the two soldiers left the sea of flames unscathed.

“Captain!” They ran to the fallen soldier’s side before simultaneously aiming their assault rifles at the unfamiliar youth before them.

After all, the destructive force of that antitank rocket launcher—which barrel was still smoking—had been utterly devastating.

“No friendly fire? What a thoughtful setting.” Lin Xi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the two soldiers were unhurt. “You guys wait here. I’m going to buy some oranges… I mean I’m going to scalp those orcs.”

“Stop right there!”

One of the soldiers yelled at Lin Xi, but was stopped by his captain.

“Who is he, captain?” The other soldier asked quietly.

“I have no idea.” Even as the captain kept his eye on Lin Xi’s back, he noticed that a heavy Gatling Gun had suddenly appeared in Lin Xi’s hands.

The youth aimed it at the horde of orcs some distance away and pulled the trigger. The gun barrel hence started to whirl, and bullets fired away like a storm.

“Not even our battalion have equipment like that. Where did he get those heavy ordnances?”

The soldiers staring from behind as Lin Xi fired his Gatling Gun though then that he could be some very dangerous person.

“I don’t know, but wasn’t there another weird bunch in the heart of the battlefield!”

The captain looked up at the skies shrouded in flames, and abruptly saw a witch on a broom flying past.

What was happening to the world?

That one question appeared in his mind, but he was brought back to reality when his walkie-talkie crackled, bearing news that backup has arrived.

“Could you still move, friend?”

Lin Xi’s voice suddenly rang beside the captain’s ears. His Gatling Gun had long since turned red after overheating, and could no longer fire.

“You needn’t ask.” The captain pushed himself up.

“Well, I have to ask your squad to hurry up and retreat. I don’t think I could hold that fellow for long either.” Lin Xi threw aside the now-cold Gatling Gun and took out a howitzer, his eyes fixed on a Fallen Legion archer standing atop a distant building.

It was that same archer who hit Lin Xi’s chest with an error and decreased his HP by almost a third.

“They are the ones who should retreat.” Even as the captain spoke, reinforcements had already made a barricade at the entrance of Food Street.

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