Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 105: Relle into the Romen Mansion

Trading-Hills Capital was situated in the middle of Haliviana. The reason for this was that it was once the middle point of every route between kingdoms.

The roads that connected these three kingdoms are quite interesting to look at from a birds-eye perspective. It's like the transparency of a tetrahedron. Its center, the capital and its three sides, the kingdoms.

The straight lines between kingdoms are deemed unreliable routes for travelers and merchants alike. In contrast, the ones that had to reach the middle point first is much safer.

The outer area of this tetrahedron is filled with beasts living in their own ecology.

There are almost few to none isolated villages that could be seen there. Except if they had a hidden expert, at least at Rank Cee, protecting them, they wouldn't risk themselves to live there.

Although Elemental Beasts are greatly territorial, there comes a time when its territory's supply of energy becomes deficit for them. This would make them go out and find another area suited for their element.

This causes a beast tide, a whole army of Elemental Beast stampeding its way.

Haliviana may be a small island compared to others, but its size was actually wide and vast. It holds millions of beasts, some reach Rank Bih and some Rank Ey, attaining some intelligence only inferior to humans.

There was once a popular story that made the three Royal Family's kneel back then. A Rank Eybi Elementalist came. This expert had one goal and that was to find materials and fire essence from the hidden Rank Ey Elemental Beasts there in Haliviana.

This expert once angered a Rank Ey Elemental Beast and killed it only to realize that it was not alone. In the end, the expert was driven out.

If a Rank Eybi Elementalist was driven out, how could the three kingdoms be safe?

That was how the Trading-Hills Capital was formed along with the Crown Council. It was a long time ago but the people in that story were actually still alive - the three Royal Families - Karan Family, Hansheles Family, and Rianzares Family.

However, a new family had flourished in this time, that was the Romen family. Unknowingly, when the Rank Eybi had stayed there, he messed around with multiple women, seemingly normal for an expert like him.

Expectedly, children were born.

With a Rank Ey bloodline, it would topple the three kingdoms and become the only Royal Family. However, surprisingly enough, the children only reached Rank Cee. That was why they stayed untouched. They have no threat.

Ran signifies one of the Elemental Origins, the Plant Primordial Beast, Herandiu.

Ka"ran" Family 

Anzte"ran" Family

A"ran"re Family

These three are all Plant Elementalists. Karan Family is already famous. Meanwhile, Van and Master Yown comes from Anzteran while Jhin came from Aranre.

Les signifies one of the Elemental Origins, the Earth Primordial Beast, Telesum.

Hanshe"les" Family is a Royal Family. Meanwhile, Memi comes from "Les"an Family, one of the Noble families in the capital. Mey"les" Family is another one near the slums which Tamya came from.

Finally, Are signifies one of the Elemental Origins, the Water Primordial Beast, Hareui.

There's no longer a need for an explanation. Rianz"are"s Family is one of them.

Romen Family, however, comes from the Fire Primordial Beast, Iuome, the keyword being "ome"

Romen Family is the only Fire family there. Although they were ostracized in the beginning, they eventually began to assimilate into Haliviana, later on, even becoming the richest family next to the Royal Families.

Currently, Avion Teller stood in front of Romen Family's large gate. With him was a large bag.

Although large, the gate was quite humble-looking. The walls that it was attached to had just one color and there are fewer carvings on them if compared to other noble households.

However, this didn't stop for Avion to look up and mutter, "Woah"

People passing him were looking at him curiously. They had a lot of reactions that Avion was aware of but easily ignored.

Before, Avion's appearance was eye-catching. He would be looked at by men with envy while women with infatuated gazes. But this time, although still eye-catching, it was pity and mockery from the men while disgust from women.

Due to his eye-catching figure, a guard came out of the gate and asked him, "Are you perhaps, Relle?" his tone was friendly while having a gentle smile.

This guard had a simple appearance and his uniform was painted in red and orange.

"Yes" Avion answered. He was quite pleased. This guard looked at him with no expression other than sincerity.

"Then, follow me." the guard said.

Trading-Hills Capital was peaceful and there was rarely any crime at all. Guards and walls are just for show and for daring Non-Elementalists. If someone capable truly wants to cause troubles for the Romen Family, the walls are nothing to them. But that was unlikely.

Avion followed the friendly guard. They then entered and were immediately welcomed by a flourishing garden. The view seemed like it was out of nature.

"Your mother was waiting for you to come back.." the guard paused and suddenly turned around, patting Relle's shoulder, "I admire you. Even though it's tough, you still keep on going."

"T-thank you." Avion nodded in appreciation.

"Oh, by the way, you can call me Admirin. I'm just a servant here so I am not a Romen, I only have my first name. Hehe..." the guard then continued to talk.

Meanwhile, Avion was too quiet. He could only give a friendly smile back.

Admirin just led him into the side of the mansion.

"They did say something like you being quiet. For me, I think that your words are gold instead. When you do want to talk to me, you can just come to me, anytime, alright?" he said before leaving.

Seeing Admirin's leaving figure, 'What do I do now?' Avion thought before looked around.

That was when he noticed that a door opened in front of him and came out an innocent-looking maid.

The maid looked at him and had her eyes wide opened. A trace of disgust could be seen in her eyes but later on, it became sadness and pity. She also smiled gently and said, "Are you Relle?"


At that moment, the maid let out a tear and said, "Welcome back, Relle. Even though you are with us this whole time, we haven't known you. But this time, we will fulfill your mother's wish and accept you whole-heartedly!"

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