Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 116: Avion's Training

Two hours in practicing his running skill combo with a twist kick. Thirty minutes for his meditation before hunger became unbearable.

This was far from his original plan which was four and two hours respectively.

In meditation, Avion didn't took it too seriously. His mind always wandered and thoughts appeared after the next.

He thought about the contract and realized that he benefitted from it. He thought about that eight hours a day is too few for him. But after that, he couldn't continue due to hunger.

If he reverts his body with time to remove hunger, wouldn't he be discarding his effort and improvement too?

But the rest of the day is too wasteful. He asked Master Numui if he could train first at the first week in spying and such before he begin the month. So the month in the contract had yet to begin.

Meaning, time was limited. Avion didn't think he would get a problem regarding time. In this domain, he should have complete control.

No, he does have complete control. It's just that he needs nutrition. Food is different from other objects. Like rice, he can't bring it to the stoppage of time. Most importantly, he doesn't have an infinite supply of food.

He knew that he can't ask for more helpers to cook for him. Only Fuck can cook for him. The less interaction the better, Avion understands this.

"But there's still a lot of ways... Should I request for it?" he considered but he was not shameless. He realized he had already benefitted a lot.

"And if I remember correctly, Dragonian Sheran will only move after learning about Darea's conquest. It will be a decade from now on or so."

If he continues this, there is a lot of time for the next ten years!

This was when he asked Fuck to cook for him more. Days passed and Avion continued his training.

From the start, it was less than three hours. However, as he got immersed in it, the more he got more proficient and use lesser energy in training. He was getting less hungry and got more time to train.

With sixteen periods, he trained at least 32 hours in the first day! Meditation was yet to be considered...

On the second day, it reached four hours total of training, including meditation.

On the third day, Jamina was amazed.

Avion ran and he was fast, his feet blurred. When he kicked, the mannequin would be uprooted.

On the fourth day, he didn't stop running and kicking. His balance was getting better and he rarely stumbled.

On the fifth day, Avion trained a hundred hours a day!

He improved so much. 

But thinking about it, just practicing thirty minutes a day for a whole month would make someone a lot better.

Meaning, with fifteen hours, there will be a qualitative improvement already. But that amount of time is not even half the time when it was Avion's first day of training.

On the sixth day, Jamina gasped.

Avion ran fast and his footsteps were mysteriously blurred. He kicked and the mannequin would jump from its rooted state.

But the most important thing was that she could hear no footsteps!

On the last day, Avion no longer ran but instead tried jumping. With his experience from the soundless running which the book called, "Footless Travel" he easily grasped the technique of soundless jumping.

It was much easier than running that has numerous steps. He didn't even use an hour.

The start is the hardest and Avion understood at that moment.

Jamina sweated, 'Please, don't let him remember what I said before.' 

In the following days, Jamina was always guarding and watching Avion on her free time. She didn't know what elesp he was using for not getting fat but instead getting better.

'Does eating makes you better at something? Wait, does it mean he's an Elementalist, or is he just using elesp tools? '

For her, she only knew that Avion was always eating and was sometimes practicing. But after every eat, he gets better and better that it was ridiculous.

All of her plans were disregarded. For breakfast, lunch, and dinner, they would eat together. If she was not in the kitchen, she would be sitting on the table, watching Avion eat or practice.

During this period, she asked a lot of questions. However, she felt disappointed.

One time, she asked; "How can you do that? How are you improving so much?"

Avion replied honestly, "I stop time then I practice there."

It made Jamina sour, thinking that Avion was not serious when he agreed on her terms back then.

But thinking about it, she does not have a choice. She even scammed him. Whatever Avion tells her, she would do.

What they agreed on before had no essence. They didn't sign a paper. They didn't even, at the very least, do a pinky promise. She felt that she was the one who got deceived.

However, she just shrugged it off. She still asked questions but didn't put much importance on it.

"Where did you come from?"

"I came from My Home."

"Where's that?"

"It's the future and I'm the only human there."


Eventually, she was entertained because this Relle still answers ridiculous lies. Maybe that's why she didn't get bored, she thought.

Evening on the seventh day, Avion said his gratitude after he finished his last meal, "Thank you, Fuck."

The stars couldn't be seen since they put up a shed on top of them from day one, realizing the heat of sunlight.

"So you're not going to train anymore?" she even became numb from the name, treating it as a nickname.

"I still will but this time, I don't have a proper schedule. I can only train whenever I am free." Avion bitterly smiled. He was enjoying training since seeing his improvements was enjoying.

"Oh, if you do have free time, you can just ask me to cook for you again."

"It's fine, you already did so much. I can buy the food themselves from now on."

Jamina frowned and pushed, "No, wasting money when you can just get it here for free, that's a bad idea. Also, cooking is the easiest job. Don't think I rest all day before I helped you."

"Ah, is that so..."

"Even if I don't cook, I will have to do other jobs. Furthermore, Master Numui will get angry at me if you waste the money he gave you just because I don't cook for you!"

"Then..." Avion didn't expect that Jamina would still help him, it made him widely smile, "Then I will be eating your delicious food again!"

Jamina nodded as she proudly smiled, 'Yes, I have so much free time if I'm serving him. That's it. If I let him go, I would get stuck at harder labors.'

"Fuck, goodnight."


The week of initial training ended and the month of spying on Kalin Romen begun.

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