Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 158: Jealousy

Prince Harold was relaxing despite the fact the princess approached another man.

Why wouldn't he be lax? 

Based on the princess's spoiled demeanor, she may even request for this man's execution just because of his appearance. This man is so ugly that almost made the other nobles blind, including himself.

Being the strongest, the Royalties have the most beautiful bloodline. Even the King and Queens have their own league back then. But now, they were very old. It was only due to being Rank Bih Elementalists that made them look younger.

For the Rank Cee Queens, they have used some life-extending elixirs that were so rare that even the Supreme Royal Families who have Rank Es Elementalists tried hard to get.

The only one who didn't get one was Queen Agatha from the Hansheles Kingdom. She was the youngest since King Geriahan has a large harem. She was not the real first wife ages ago. For the Queens of Karan and Hansheles Kingdoms, they were lucky to have got one.

Elixirs are very hard to create. It is the peak of Essential Synthetization. 

Essential Synthetization is just like Bookmaking but instead of modifying the elemental energy using an Elepen, Synthesizers use essential materials to create a new compound material or an elesp tool that has profound usage.

But that's for next time...

What's currently important was the fact that the princess and the masked demon are heartily laughing right now!

Prince Harold wanted to break the glass in his hand!


A glass broke. But it was not Prince Harold but instead a silver-haired glasses girl's glass. 

"What are you doing?" the Guild Master silently scolded her.

"B-but, Av-... I mean, look at them... that's my husband and the princess is talking to him." Mettany sadly sobbed.

But Guild Master Gon unempathetically replied, "As I said, don't get too possessive to someone who is not yours."

"That's very deep from our poetic guild master."

"Are you messing with me!?"

Time passed and the party was concluded. It's a two-day pool party and in the evening, they will have a barbecue party!

Not one person disliked the party as wine and beer were brought out. These nobles became too lax that they forgot about their hidden intentions and plots against each other.

Although they usually act polite, tactful, formal, mighty, and prideful all of the time, just show them how to have fun and one can see that they're humans as well.

Only weird people don't like barbecue (Not an offense, calm down) so everyone had enjoyed it, and the distance between one another lessened.

Even more so when wine was welcomed. The atmosphere became light and fun.

Darea drooled over the smell of barbecue. She knew that it was Avion's suggestion. Although he doesn't know about barbecue sauce, it was Jamina's turn to shine. Just by saying that it's sweet, a sauce, and it put on the meat for barbecuing, she was able to experiment and come up with a sauce close to the original.

Not that Avion had tasted the original.

As expected of the future personal maid and cook of the Conqueress.

It was strange though. Looking through the history books regarding the Modern Era, there are only good stuffs there like the swimming pool and the barbecue.

Avion found the explanation left by his father as if talking to him.

[It's more peaceful here than the Peace Era. Their conflict was so small if compared to other times. Although they have wars called World War 1, 2, and 3, it's too complicated and the world was not really in danger, can't be bothered. After all, affinity to energy, or as they call magic was removed due to a spell called Blissful Transformation. So I'll just stick to video games and anime.]

Avion thought that he would do the same if he were in his father's situation...

Also, it is specifically said that the lives of people in the Modern Era have become too comfortable and convenient that they began to focus on entertainment.

But anyway, Mettany couldn't talk to Avion so she just continued to sob. Avion saw her and wanted to ask her what was wrong but he couldn't either.

So with worry, he continued to converse with Alisera. If only he knew that he was the reason, he would've stopped talking immediately. But alas, he was oblivious to this.

The day ended and since it's a two-day party, they have prepared accommodations there.

The party was reluctantly ended when it turns midnight. Before leaving, Avion shamelessly took a lot of food and barbecue. Knowing it was for the Conqueress, the whole Romen Family helped him.

"I was so tempted to order you to stop time." Darea said as she happily eats. She had achieved the dreams of modern women and even men a long time ago - Eating without getting fat.

Hell, she doesn't even need to go pick flowers or go number two. Every food she eats turns into pure energy.

In truth, Rank Es Elementalists doesn't need food or water anymore. Just elemental energy is enough. It is only a form of pleasure and Darea felt very pleased at the moment.

Avion thought that he should try cooking to appease his master. Due to the Oath Elesp, he had to prioritize her and he was taking it seriously.

Since that resort was for nobles, they didn't have any room for commoners like him who was a bodyguard or as Kalin says, a friend. So he has to sleep in an empty staff's room and share it with another bodyguard like him.

Who else is that another bodyguard other than the Royal-Knight Captain?

Speaking of, she had excused herself that she will have to take care of the princess until the princess falls asleep. Edora excused herself to let Avion know that he didn't have to wait for her or anything.

No one worried about a man and woman in one room. After all, being a knight needs a lot of discipline. She wouldn't reach her title without it. She is also a prideful woman who does not engage in an illicit relationship. And most of all, Relle is too ugly to interest her or so everyone thought.

If he forced her, she could just escape since she is a Royal-Knight Captain. Don't look at her as weak just because she's a woman. She may even cut his thing on the way.

For Avion, why would he force her? He's the ultimate virgin himself!

So he didn't think anything about this. Nobody did... except for a certain silver-haired girl.

That was why Darea was happily eating there. Edora was not just a bodyguard but also a nanny. Sometimes, she thinks if her title was name-only. But still, she did her job diligently.

"Tsk!" Darea clicked her tongue in annoyance. She hasn't finished half of her food when she sensed a Rank Dih presence, "She's back!" she turned immaterial.

"Eh? So fast?"

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