Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 173: Sea Of Fire

"Hm? Where?" Galion with his wrinkly face looked around to see if there was someone who needs release.

"Grandpa, it's that person." Numui pointed.

Galion nodded, "Indeed, I'm going senile... where?"

"There, Gg! There!"

"Are you sure there's a person there...? Even if I'm your great-grandpa, I won't ignore it if you are tricking me!"

"No, there, the person in black outfit!"

"I see nothing..." Galion proceeded to squint his eyes.

While the two great grandson-great grandfather were bickering to each other, the Royalties were just staring, not knowing what to do.

'Good, just waste time. Edora and the others are sure to be far by n-' before King Isero finish his thoughts, his body stiffened when he heard the old man say;

"Hays, that imaginary person will be released if I just killed these Kings and Queen, right?"

"Yes, Gg." Kalin nodded.

"Seemed like Galion is already blind from age and had been relying on his senses. Since you practically have no energy, he wouldn't notice you." Darea said as a warning.

'Meaning, once a battle erupted, I may be caught on it...' Avion thought but soon frowned, 'But why is he squinting his eyes if he's already blind? Must be a habit.'

"I've dedicated my whole hundred years to research. I'm getting old faster than my eyes could see... not that I could see anyway... hehehe."

"Gg, you have already said that joke four times today already." Kalin commented.

"Okay, don't ruin your Gg's mood here." Galion opened his palm, "Go get the princess. I will lead you there, she can't hide her Rank Bih Life Element." and slapped Kalin's back. Instantly, Kalin became a ball of fire that beamed away, towards the princess' direction.

"You wouldn't-!" Queen Teresa was first to react, ready to chase Kalin when a burst of flame appeared on her path.

As a Plant Elementalist, it should be obvious that her weakness is fire.

The King and Queen of Karan's head began thinking at lightning speed. The Queen looked at King Gregor, expecting him to help.

However, he only took a step back, suggesting that he will not get involved in this. This made Queen Teresa grit her teeth, she could do nothing about it. Infighting will be the dumbest move right now.

Meanwhile, King Isero looked at Guild Master Gon. The Guild Master is also a Water Elementalist. With him there, they might have got a chance against Galion Romen.

But seeing Numui on Galion's side, the Guild Master stayed still.

'Useless!' the two rulers of the Karan Kingdom inwardly shouted.

While they were cursing in their heads, they heard the old man speak, "Book Synthesis; Sea of Flames..."

Five formless books came out and dispersed, sparking like small bolts of lightning, creating a giant fire, seemingly roaring!

The giant fire spread throughout as if trying to satisfy its insatiable hunger. The flames towered and just like an ocean under a fierce storm, it created dunes after dunes, a tsunami of hell coming towards the Trading-Hills Resort!

Trees, plants, and wood began burning before the fire touches them.

All of this happened in mere seconds!

Queen Teresa had her eyes wide open as she tried to pull King Isero away. King Gregor had no choice but to protect his people, erecting a dome barrier. 

Outre Book Synthesis: Underwater Haven

The Guild Master took Mettany away as she shouted, "Avion is still there!"

"They will help him..." he whispered without much hope. He was aware of Avion's mortal body, it wouldn't surely survive that flames. Even as a Water Elementalist, he could feel its heat from afar.

Knowing his lie, Mettany cried. Even she knew how fearful this flame is.

On the other hand, Princess Alsera had already felt the weakness cover her whole body. She couldn't even move her fingers before her eyes were filled with darkness.

Feeling her slow heartbeat and soft breathing, Edora wasn't worried about her. Being a Life Elementalist will surely help the princess recover fast.

'This is crazy! A Life Element?!' Edora's knowledge was still shallow. Hearing the conversation earlier, she figured out what happened briefly.

Princess Alisera's Plant Element turned into a Life Element? Then it reached Rank Bih?? Then she was able to revive her parents!??? But they died in the first place!? WHO KILLED THEM!?

Fear overrode her body. Edora felt the Queen's Rank Ey aura and it was enough to bring her to her knees. But someone was able to kill not just her but also along with the king?

She shivered from that thought when suddenly, a noble from her side shouted, "Edora! Some... thing is chasing us! Give us the princess and block it!"

Looking around, Edora saw an orb of fire chasing them at an incredible speed. They were already out of the Trading-Hills Resort, just a little and they will be able to reach the main road past this forest.

"Edora, go and block it!" another noble shouted. All of them already have their Body Strengthening up. The majority were Rank Cee Elementalists while some Rank Dih. The mothers were holding their children.

The only reason Edora was the one who was leading was that she had activated her famous movement elesp, Burst Growth. Together with her unique Transient Elesk(Elemental Skill), Flexible Wood.

Flexible Wood makes her muscles like strands of stronger tendons mainly synthesized by Plant Element. Different from elesps, Transient Elesks are acquired or naturally unlocked, not bought or learned.

After all the training she had gone through, she had unlocked this Transient Elesk which accentuated her Burst Growth, making her whole body like a spring.

Even though she was carrying a teenager, she had no problem leading the Rank Cee Elementalists. As for the other Rank Dih Elementalists, they were getting helped from the heads of their family.

But now, it was not important, because there was a threat that was following them and the fastest, her, who have the greatest chance of bringing the princess away was being ordered by these nobles to be left behind.

Despite being a masochist at her core, she was just annoyed, this is very important to her! If something were to happen to the princess due to the nobles' incompetence, wouldn't her head roll on the ground?

As if she was willing to die after she learned about her hobby and true happiness!?

"Shut up!" she lodged her Flexible Wood to its maximum power. The reduction of energy defeating its regeneration. Edora left them behind, forcing them to stop what was chasing them.

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