Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 77: To Centre

The stoppage of time had become frequent in these past few days and each of them was getting longer. It was unpredictable on when it will come and that is why Darea was getting annoyed.

After all the years that she was wandering in the world unhindered, this is the most problematic time. Having no control of the situation made her angry and frustrated.

The reason for her elegance and peaceful nature before was because nothing should be able to make her feel anything other than herself.

Meaning, the universe was rotating around her. Whatever she wants, she will get. It was that simple.

There's even a phrase in the Darea Continent for her nature;

[The heavens descend, hell ascend. Blue becomes green, yellow circle. Laws are her, she is everything. Even nothing bows to the Conqueress.]

It sounds nonsense but it was made by the number one scholar in the Darea continent, Scholar Acco. The Nine Generals was so dedicated to make the three continents be completely under Darea that even in arts and culture, the image of the Conqueress was integrated that the youths consumed.

It was successful. They've already conquered the three continents, who dared to obstruct their way? In truth, any of the nine can conquer any of the three continents.

These nine were the overlords since their bloodline directly comes from the Origins, they are called the Apexial Beasts, having the intelligence more than an average human and also having pure bloodline.

There are more than nine Apexial Beasts but they were too stubborn that they were killed by Darea. Having the remaining Apexial Beasts, who could get in the conqueress' way.

Anyway, Darea was currently on her way. Her speed was exponentially faster than before. How? That was because she was still aware in the stoppage of time. Even if time was stopped, she was moving. If the time was stopped for a day, an instant had passed for the world but the conqueress had already traveled for a day.

No one knew but the famous overlordess was on her way to Centre.

She had lots of ways to pinpoint the person that was causing this frustration in her. When the world was stopped, that person should be the same as her, being able to move. Meaning, if that person was at least within her range of senses, she could detect the origin and finally be able to stop her frustration.

Since everything else was stopped, she couldn't even feel the presence of anyone. She could only use her primary senses. Auras were even stopped, this power to stop time is no joke, she thought. But since the one she was searching for the one who was the cause of this, it was easy. In her estimation, it wouldn't even take her a month to encircle each continent.

Currently, she was coursing through the seas. A few moments had just passed for the world, but for her, it was more than a day and a half. If only time was not stopped, her speed was already breaking the sound barrier...

Far away, beyond the seas and mountains, there was a man that was sitting at the very peak of a tower.

This tower was so tall that it had more than a thousand floors. On the very peak, there was flat land that had animals and nature playfully living in there. 

That man only had a cloth to cover his lower part of the body. His bare body was robust and was seemingly shining. Its structure was perfect and there was not a single flaw to his muscles, bones, and proportion.

It was as if he was the first human to be created that was based on the shape of God. Only that he was bald.

Along with the flow of nature, his breathing was resonating. Every time he inhales, a living being was getting born, and every time he exhaled, some would die. Everything on that plane was getting controlled by his subconsciousness. 

The cycle of life and death, Rank Dies, Centre, the Demigod. Even though he only has two elements, he has the two primordial contrasting Elements of the universe, Life and Death Element.

To be able to have both contrasting primordial Elements, God Centre had some unbelievable power that made him the top of the world.

His eyes opened, but there was no pupil, just white, glowing white. The moment they were opened, everything around him disintegrated. No, they were annihilated as if they were a virtual world and the energy that was powering them was cut off.

"Strange, why is she coming here?" his voice was soft. As soon as he spoke, the dark clouds above suddenly opened up and the sunlight shone upon him.

"Is it really her?" his eyebrows were tight.

At that moment, the people within the tower were feeling great fear and depression. Many cried and some whimpered.

Hearing this, Centre calmed himself down did the shouts and wails only stopped.

"I guess I should put it away for a while now." he composedly said as his face became emotionless and a pair of black pupils revealed themselves on his eyes, "Now, how should I confront her? What does she want?" as he said, he walked to the edge of the tower and slightly hopped forward, not caring about the height of that tower.

"Prepare to welcome the Conqueress Darea." he willed and his words were immediately spread over to the lands that were surrounding the tower.

The city surrounding the tall tower was filled with brilliance and holiness. It is as if it was a blessed city that the Gods had once lived.

Upon receiving their god's message, nothing had happened. Even after hearing that the conqueress was coming, no one in that blessed city was afraid.

"Another legend is coming."

"I wonder how will fight our God."

"Hahaha! Just another tale and opportunity for God Centre to show his magnificence."

They even rejoiced, not knowing what will happen. They have full faith in their "God" that there was not a single worry that appeared in their thoughts.

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