Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 98: Soul, Elements, and Time

They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul...

What are living creatures? Are they just the body? No, in every living creatures like humans, there is a soul.

This soul connects everything living things and that's how Elementalists were born.

At birth, the soul is created. Throughout a lifetime, a living creature can make it stronger.

For nature, it was just cause and effect. The moment they were created, they don't have any control over their life. What happens, happens.

Living creatures were the exceptions to this even though they are essentially part of nature. This is because of intelligence. When the soul is strong enough and together with life, intelligence is created.

That is why humans are the most flourishing and surviving living creatures. Even though humans are physically weaker than most, they had the greatest soul in all, making great intelligence.

That is why humans prioritize love, honor, and relationships. That is why humans prioritize their emotions and others. It is because they have a stronger soul, meaning stronger connections.

Elements are controlled through energy. Energy is then manipulated by the soul. The stronger the soul, the greater the connection.

Soul, life, and energy. These three coincide with one another. The strength of an individual depends on these three.

Although humans have less life and energy, they got their strong souls that carry the two. With a strong soul, humans are more connected to energy and then life.

The stronger a human is, the longer their lifespan and the stronger their vitality.

However, these three are not the only ones that are present in nature. There is also matter. The physical entity of an existence. There is also law. The system, pattern, mechanism, and process of how nature works.

The Souls of Plant Elementalists are mostly connected to life, matter, and energy. Life is the highest and energy being the least.

The Souls of Earth Elementalists are mostly connected to matter, law, and energy. Matter is the most and energy being the least.

The Souls of Water Elementalists are mostly connected to law, matter, and energy. Law being the most and energy the least.

In this theory, it could be said that some souls can use multiple elements which is true. There are Dual Elementalists which were uncommon. There are Tripartite Elementalists, rare. Quartal Elementalists, legends, and Penta Elementalists who are myths.

In this pattern, different combinations can create new elements.

Law, energy, and life combination is Fire Element being a primary example. But not just this, there are rare elements that only have two connections like the Light Element, having just law and energy. But in actuality, it is like this, law, law, and energy.

There's a complicated system behind it but the most important thing was that all of this was connected to humans with souls as their mediums.

And the eyes are the window to the soul.

Life and Death. These two had their own complicated mechanism.

The stronger the soul, the stronger the connection to the Elements. In this way, sometimes, the soul is so strong that they partially become the Elements themselves.

God Centre's eyes opened and the mysterious workings of Life and Death directly hit Darea Irdona without any reactions.

She died on the spot!

Her body was like a puppet with its strings got cut. This beautiful figure dropped from the sky and landed on the ground with a loud thud. Her eyes that had rarely opened will never have a chance to open again.

But at the same time, all of the commoners, more than half of Rank Eeh to Rank Dih, and some Rank Cee to Rank Ey Elementalists died... they cannot be revived.

That was why God Centre was at the very peak of the tower when he practices and cultivates his elements.

"Having Level 13 Soul Element is this strong?" God Centre made a joyous expression as the masses became joyous as well even though they were deaths everywhere, "But no, it is because I have Level 27 Death and Level 28 Life Elements. If not for that, the effects wouldn't be so strong. Hehehe..."

Level 13 is equivalent to Rank Cee in its midstage while Level 27 and 28 were Rank Es.

The once glorious and unstoppable Conqueress died just like that. If this spreads, the world will be in a big shock. God Centre will be revered as the strongest in the world!

Thinking about this, the once expressionless God Centre laughed erratically as his eyes glowing. After a round of laughter, he looked down at the dead figure once again. Remembering the battle gave fear to him which made him more relieved.

"If not for my hidden Soul Element, I wouldn't be able to defeat you. But still... how was she able to appear and disappear at the same time? Space Element, so it does exist? But even then, when she appeared, she had a lot of accumulated attack which needed time to prepare... Time Element?" his breath suddenly turned turbid.

God Centre had lived an immense span of time and had seen almost everything about the world. In this lifespan, he had learned of the Space Element which dates back to Dominion Era.

In sequence, there was System Era, Dominion Era, Peace Era before the Elemental Era. Avion is from the future so he knows a lot more.

Each era had a large gap of time between each other and no one person lived long enough to see three eras.

Although Space Element was something in the Dominion Era which should've been long extinct, in all of history, there has never a mention of Time Element.

But God Centre has his suspicions.

"Darea Irdona is still one of the strongest in the world, along with me and the Lord Sorcerer. No ordinary person can achieve what she had reached. This is not a matter of hard work. As for me who has Life, Death, and Soul Elements, there is no way that she wouldn't have a special Element other than Dark, Ice, and Fire Elements. She is Rank Estrias after all, which means she's Quartal Elemental. Meaning..." he thought for a while before being filled with disbelief, "Rank Ey Time Element!?"

God Centre shouted in total shock while the people under him who should be grieving were shocked as well.

At that moment, there was a fight that just ended in Trading-Hills Capital.

The shards were removed from Avion Teller's body but there was no response. Earlier, when only a quarter was removed, he was still recovering, making his appearance look unscathed on the surface.

But this time, 

"Why is he not recovering?!" Master Yown shouted in anxiousness.

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