Saga of The Night God

Chapter 164 The Portals

This spectacle was truly captivating, but the three individuals who bore witness to it did not display the expected awe-inspired expressions. Instead, their faces contorted with a gripping fear, as if their hearts were being squeezed.

"Ghanso, it appears that this may be our final confrontation," said Biagio, his lips curling into a fearless smile.

Ghanso glanced at his overweight friend, who had shed some pounds over time, and replied, "I know, Biagio," his voice tinged with both concern and determination. "We've come too far to turn back now. We can't let fear consume us."

The chorus of green orbs continued to swirl and dance around the cave, casting an eerie glow on the rugged walls. The air grew heavy with anticipation as the three companions readied themselves for the impending battle.

Sofia, the third member of their group, tightened the grip on her weapon, her knuckles turning white. Her gaze shifted from the mesmerizing orbs to her companions. "We knew this wouldn't be an ordinary adventure," she said, her voice steady despite the fear etched on her face. "But we mustn't falter. We have each other."

Biagio nodded, his eyes fixed on the shifting lights. "You're right, Sofia. Together, we can face any challenge that comes our way. These things may be formidable, but they don't stand a chance against our unity."

As he said this, the atmosphere in the cave shifted. The air crackled with an electric energy, and the magical circles on the palms of his hands blazed with an intense radiance. From those circles, beams of light shot forth, reaching upward to converge at the cavern's ceiling. The convergence of these luminous streams created a breathtaking spectacle akin to a celestial constellation, with sparkling lights dancing and shimmering in the darkness.

With the newfound illumination, the true form of the enigmatic green orbs was unveiled—they were not mere orbs of light, but skeletal figures shrouded in an ethereal glow. These skeletal beings, once hidden in the shadows, now emerged with deliberate steps, their presence both eerie and captivating.

Their empty eye sockets glowed with an ominous light, casting an unsettling aura upon the cave. The hunger that consumed them was unmistakable, as their bony fingers twitched and their jaws clenched, longing for sustenance that had eluded them for ages.

Among the skeletal figures, some bore remnants of decaying flesh clinging tenaciously to their bones. These particular ones exhibited a heightened sense of urgency, moving with an unsettling swiftness. The amount of flesh they retained seemed to dictate their speed, as if their hunger fueled their ability to traverse the terrain with an almost unnatural agility.

Yet, it was these flesh-clad skeletons that provoked the strongest repulsion. Their appearance was grotesque, a ghastly amalgamation of decaying tissue and exposed bone. Maggots wriggled within open wounds, while putrid odors permeated the air around them. The sight of their contorted and decomposed forms stirred revulsion deep within the hearts of those who beheld them.

The three individuals standing at the center of this macabre spectacle couldn't help but recoil, their expressions etched with a mixture of horror and disbelief. The once captivating scene of floating orbs had transformed into a nightmare they could scarcely comprehend.

Biagio's hand tightened around his weapon, his courageous facade wavering for a moment as he struggled to maintain his composure. He forced a grim smile, his eyes reflecting a hint of trepidation. "Ghanso, it seems we may have underestimated the gravity of this encounter," he admitted, his voice betraying a slight quiver.

Ghanso, though unnerved by the ghastly sight before them, steeled himself against the rising fear. He locked eyes with his companion, determination burning within him. "Fear not, my friend," Ghanso declared, his voice resolute. "We have faced countless challenges together, and we shall not falter now. We shall overcome this darkness."

"And Look, we stand on the precipice of the portal," Sofia, formerly known as the warrior adorned with the golden mask, proclaimed, her voice tinged with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. With a deliberate gesture, she directed their attention towards a gate fashioned from an eerie assemblage of human skulls.

The grim sight sent shivers down the spines of the three companions, as the portal loomed ominously before them. The skulls, weathered by time and marked with intricate carvings, formed a haunting archway, radiating an aura of ancient power and enigmatic purpose.

The eye sockets of the skulls seemed to hold secrets untold, as if they whispered the tales of long-forgotten souls who had once passed through this very threshold. The arrangement of the skulls evoked a macabre beauty, a haunting symbol of both mortality and transcendence.

Sofia stepped forward, her gaze fixed upon the portal. The golden mask she once wore now rested at her side, revealing her resolute expression. She took a deep breath, summoning her inner strength and determination. "This gate holds the key to our destiny," she declared, her voice resolute yet tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "It is through this portal that we shall forge our path and face the unknown."

Biagio, his eyes narrowed with determination, tightened his grip on his weapon. "Those skeletal warriors guarding the gateway won't make it easy for us," he remarked, a hint of anticipation in his voice. "But we have faced formidable challenges before."

Ghanso, his brows furrowed with a mixture of caution and excitement, glanced at his companions. "Let's not underestimate the power of these ancient guardians," he warned, his voice tinged with a sense of caution. 

As the trio stood before the daunting gateway of skulls, Sofia's gaze hardened with determination. She knew that before they could venture beyond the portal, they had to face the skeletal warriors guarding its entrance. Gripping her weapon tightly, she prepared herself for the impending battle.

Biagio, the seasoned magician, began to conjure spells, weaving intricate gestures and incantations. Arcane energy crackled around him as he harnessed the forces of magic, preparing to unleash his mystical arsenal upon their skeletal adversaries. Meanwhile, Ghanso, the skilled knight, tightened his grip on his trusty sword, his armor gleaming in the eerie light of the chamber. He took a defensive stance, ready to meet the enemy head-on with his exceptional swordsmanship.

The skeletal warriors, draped in tattered armor and brandishing ancient weapons, advanced with an eerie grace. Their movements were calculated, their attacks precise, as if they retained some semblance of their former fighting prowess. With hollow eye sockets fixed upon their living adversaries, they unleashed a bone-chilling battle cry that echoed through the chamber.

Sofia led the charge, agilely dodging the skeletal warriors' strikes with her lightning-quick reflexes. Her blade sliced through the air with lethal accuracy, finding gaps in their defenses and striking true. Biagio supported her from the rear, his hands ablaze with magical energy. He unleashed a barrage of fireballs and lightning bolts, engulfing the skeletal warriors in a tempest of elemental fury.

Ghanso, with his formidable strength and well-honed combat skills, engaged the skeletal warriors in close combat. His sword danced through the air, parrying their bone-clattering attacks with precision and retaliating with powerful strikes. With each swing, he shattered bones and sent fragments scattering across the chamber.

The battle raged on; the companions showcasing their unique strengths in perfect harmony. Sofia's agility allowed her to maneuver effortlessly around the skeletal warriors, striking at vulnerable points with deadly accuracy. Biagio's spells burst forth, engulfing the enemy in flames and searing bolts of lightning. Ghanso's skillful swordplay decimated their ranks, cleaving through bone and reducing the adversaries to mere fragments.


In a dense forest far away from where the trio battled, a group of individuals stood before a portal similar to the one the trio had been fighting to cross. The group consisted of a man and three beautiful women.

One of the mature women turned to the man named Roxth and asked, "Roxth, can you tell me again, where did you find the map of this place?"

Roxth, his gaze fixed on the eerie gate with a touch of fear, replied, "Erin purchased it from an adventure shop. Why, mother-in-law? Is there something wrong?"

Orixia shook her head and reassured him, "No, it's fine. But it would be a different situation if this portal were active."

As Orixia uttered her words, the portal suddenly erupted with an intense green light, momentarily blinding the group. They shielded their eyes, disoriented by the sudden burst of brilliance.

In the midst of the chaos, Serlia, her voice filled with alarm, rushed towards her mother, who stood near the portal. "Mother, get away from there!" she shouted, her concern evident.

Orixia turned her gaze to her daughter's worried face, about to respond, but before she could react, it was too late. Emerging from behind the glowing screen of green light, a sinister shadow began to advance towards them. The ominous presence sent shivers down their spines, and a sense of foreboding filled the air.

Instinctively, the group moved back, their expressions a mix of fear and determination. They knew that their journey had just taken an unexpected turn, plunging them into a perilous encounter with an unknown entity. With hearts pounding and minds racing, they prepared themselves for the imminent confrontation, uncertain of what awaited them in the depths of the encroaching darkness.

"Mother, do you know what is behind that portal?" Serlia asked with fear.

Orixia remained silent, her eyes fixed on the three figures shrouded in shadows as they advanced from behind the portal. A tense silence hung in air.

As the group assumed defensive positions, three individuals emerged from the portal, their bodies adorned with injuries and cuts. The trio eyed the newcomers with vigilant eyes, their expressions wary and guarded.

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