Saga of The Night God

Chapter 169 Messed Up Agda (R-18)

Frejya looked at Agda's vagina and observed the intricate folds and moist texture. She gently spread it open with her hands, revealing the glistening white liquid coating its insides. The anticipation grew as Frejya's tongue yearned to explore and taste the intimate depths.

Meanwhile, Agda freely indulged in pleasuring herself, exploring every desire she had with Frejya's own vagina.

Frejya hesitated for a moment before her tongue made contact with Agda's moist vagina. "captain, stop, or I might really give in and lick you," she warned with a hint of desire in her voice.

Agda's inward smile grew as she heard Frejya's warning. The sound of it tantalized her ears, further fueling her arousal. She continued to pleasure Frejya, placing her hand on her bottom cheeks, pushing them towards her mouth for full access.

Frejya's body quivered with delight as Agda's tongue traced a sensuous path from the top of her clitoris, down along the folds of her vulva, and finally sliding inside her eagerly awaiting opening. With each gentle pressure, Frejya's pleasure intensified, her moans growing louder as the sensations consumed her.

Frejya's thoughts raced as she observed Agda's vagina, a mixture of intrigue and hesitation filling her mind. 'Why isn't she stopping? Ahh... she's licking me in that dirty place,' Frejya thought, conflicted by the simultaneous allure and uncertainty she felt. She couldn't understand why she had offered to lick Agda if she didn't stop.

'It doesn't seem like a warning to her,' Frejya pondered, questioning the nature of her own words. The way Agda responded made it seem more like an enticing proposition to her captivated ears. Frejya leaned in closer, taking a tentative sniff of the aroused vagina.

'It smells... so strong,' Frejya thought to herself, wrinkling her nose at the pungent aroma. 'I... I don't want to lick it,' she silently admitted, her mind grappling with conflicting desires and sensory perceptions.

Agda lifted her head from Frejya's vagina, a sticky wetness coating the area around her lips. With a teasing tone, she provocatively suggested, "You taste so good. Why don't you try mine?" As she spoke, Agda lowered her vagina onto Frejya's lips, delicately sliding it along her nose.

Agda's mind raced with conflicting emotions as she found herself in a situation she never thought she would dare to experience. Erwin had compelled her to sit on his face, demanding her to be dominant in her relationship with Frejya. The fear of Erwin fainting away from the act was overshadowed by his insistence, pressuring her to act shamefully. Reluctantly, she complied, knowing that refusing would have consequences. It was a training of sorts, to mold her behavior to align with Erwin's desires.

Agda obediently followed her master's instructions, finding a surprising enjoyment in the act. Without a care for the woman beneath her, she began sliding her vagina across Frejya's face, applying her full weight as she moved from chin to nose, indulging in the pleasure that surged through her body.

For Frejya, however, everything seemed to be in slow motion. Her mind blurred, unable to fully comprehend the situation unfolding. Agda's scent filled her nose, and the taste lingered in her mouth, but she couldn't find any enjoyment in the experience. Her hands instinctively pushed against Agda's hips, trying to create some distance, but Agda firmly grasped them, using them as handles to control the movements.

"Are you liking it?" Agda asked, her words intertwined with moans, seeking validation amidst the intense sensations.

"Mhhammm," Frejya's muffled response was drowned out by Agda's thick thighs pressed against Frejya's face. A mischievous smile formed on Agda's lips as she continued to move her thighs, savoring the sensations that were building within her. The imminent arrival of her orgasm loomed near, promising the intense pleasure she had been craving throughout the day.

In the heat of the moment, Agda's original intention to seduce Frejya seemed to fade away. The hunger for her own pleasure took over, and she no longer cared about anything else. She saw Frejya as nothing more than a toy, a vessel solely designed to satisfy her carnal desires.

With an intensified grinding motion upon her daughter-in-law's face, Agda emitted moans of pleasure, trembling with each sensation until reaching a powerful climax. She continued unabated until her vaginal release surged forth uncontrollably.

Agda's short, white hair clung to her glistening skin, dampened by beads of sweat. Her yellow eyes, filled with tears of pleasure, closed in bliss as she experienced an orgasmic release. With each breath, her heaving chest caused her breasts to sway, rising and falling in sync with her body's rhythm.

Frejya, still positioned beneath Agda's thighs, was compelled to swallow the liquid emanating from Agda's vagina. After fulfilling her task, she pushed herself away and emerged from beneath Agda's body.

Her hair was drenched, and tears streamed down her face, not from Agda's fluids, but from her own emotional turmoil. "Cough, cough," Frejya choked as she finally gasped for air, the squirt having reached her breasts and covered her entire face.

With anger in her gaze, she locked eyes with Agda, realizing that their actions were far from those of lovers. "She's a psycho," Frejya thought, her mind filled with frustration.

Agda, seemingly able to perceive Frejya's thoughts, smirked at her. "Are you still under the illusion that I love you? No, why would I love a woman who stole my son from me? I hate you..."

Agda's words had struck a nerve within Frejya, igniting a fiery response fueled by her own hurt and frustration. She glared back at Agda, her anger intensifying.

"I didn't seek him out for marriage, Agda. He pursued me willingly," Frejya retorted, her voice laced with defiance. "Why are you projecting your anger onto me? You're the one who pushed him away. You were not there when he need you. Don't label me as the villain when you're the one driving him away."

As the tension escalated, Frejya hastily grabbed a nearby bedsheet, wrapping it around her naked body, seeking a shield against Agda's piercing gaze. The dampness of the sheet clung to her skin, a stark reminder of the tumultuous encounter they had just shared.

Though shaken and vulnerable, Frejya summoned her inner strength, refusing to let Agda's accusations shatter her spirit. Taking a deep breath, she attempted to find composure amidst the chaos.

"What kind of mother would engage in relations with her son's wife? And what kind of woman would betray another woman like this? Are you not ashamed? You're doing all of this for petty reasons," Frejya confronted Agda, her voice laced with a mixture of anger and disbelief. "I was foolish to believe in you. I was foolish to want to be acknowledged as your daughter-in-law. It's clear now, you truly are a heartless individual."

Admitting her own actions without remorse, Agda approached Frejya with a sudden movement, grabbing her face. A wicked gleam appeared in Agda's eyes as she held a crystal in her hand, emitting a blinding light. 

Frejya's eyes widened as she gazed at the radiant crystal, realizing the depth of Agda's manipulation.  As Frejya observed the crystal in Agda's possession, a dawning realization swept over her. She recognized the crystal for what it was—a device used to record memories and images, often utilized in cases involving murder or capturing significant historical events. It was clear that Agda's intentions were blackmailing her. "How low can you sink? Now you're resorting to blackmail," Frejya exclaimed in disbelief.

Agda chuckled sinisterly and, licking Frejya's cheeks, tasted the remnants of her own orgasm. "Don't you think I taste delicious?" she taunted.

Frejya shook her head in disgust, unable to comprehend Agda's twisted words. "But I think I do. The prince also enjoyed my taste," Agda murmured to herself, the words barely audible. Frejya strained to catch her words, but Agda continued, smirking at Frejya's horrified expression. "It can't be helped. From now on, you'll have to eat me from now on. So, get used to it."

Frejya recoiled, her body trembling with both revulsion and defiance. "Kill me if you must, but I will never comply with your demands."

"Why would I resort to killing you for petty reasons when I can distribute this evidence to the entire world?" Agda sneered, revealing the crystal that contained the recorded scenes from their intimate encounters. The images played out, starting from their passionate kisses to the moment Frejya attempted to pleasure Agda on her own before Agda took control.

Frejya's heart sank as she watched the explicit scenes unfold before her eyes, her face flushing with a mix of embarrassment and shock. The reality of her actions being exposed left her feeling vulnerable and trapped.

Agda, relishing in her power over Frejya, continued to taunt her. "You see, my dear, I hold all the cards now. You will do as I say, or I will unleash this compromising material upon the world. Imagine the disgrace, the shame that will befall you and your father."

As Agda mentioned Frejya's father, a shadow of sadness crossed her expression, further deepening her turmoil. Agda's words cut through Frejya's heart like a knife. "From what I remember, he was a proud knight. Unfortunately, his daughter will not follow in his footsteps, instead engaging in relations with her own mother-in-law."

Frejya's eyes welled up with tears as a mixture of guilt, shame, and self-disgust overwhelmed her. The image of her father, a once-respected figure, now tarnished by the scandalous actions of his own daughter, haunted her mind.

Agda, reveling in Frejya's emotional torment, savored the power she held over her. She relished the opportunity to degrade and belittle Frejya, driving her deeper into a state of despair.

Frejya's heart pounded heavily in her chest as she wrestled with the weight of her actions and the consequences that awaited her. She knew she needed to find a way to break free from Agda's control and reclaim her own identity.

Frejya's eyes fixated on the scene playing on the crystal, a glimmer of hope flickering within her. "You wouldn't dare show this to the world," she said, her voice tinged with a mix of desperation and defiance.

Agda met her gaze, a mischievous smile dancing on her lips. "Try me," she retorted, her tone filled with confidence.

A moment of realization swept over Frejya, and she couldn't help but smirk. "You won't show it because you're in it too," she said, her words carrying a hint of triumph.

Agda's eyes widened in surprise, the realization sinking in. "I might have cared before, but I don't anymore. I've become indifferent even towards my own family," she confessed, a touch of melancholy in her voice.

Confusion clouded Frejya's expression as she questioned Agda. "Then why would you subject me to this? Wasn't it because I stole your son from you, as you said?"

Agda's gaze grew thoughtful as she reflected on the question. "Initially, I thought that was the reason. But in truth, I was simply frustrated and wanted an outlet for my anger. You happened to be the unfortunate target," she admitted, her words laced with a mix of regret and self-awareness.

Frejya's eyes widened further, struggling to comprehend Agda's mindset. "You're mad," she exclaimed, a mix of disbelief and concern in her voice.

Agda chuckled lightly, dismissing the accusation. "No, I'm not mad. I simply don't care about anything or anyone other than the prince," she replied, a glimmer of obsession in her eyes.

Confusion swept over Frejya once again as she questioned Agda further. "Which prince are you talking about? Prince Erwin? But he passed away last month," she stated, firmly believing that Agda had lost touch with reality.

Agda's expression shifted, a sly smile forming on her lips. "The prince would punish me if I revealed this secret, but you know I enjoy his punishments, and I think you would too. The truth is, the prince is alive and currently attending Vasmorth Academy," she revealed, leaving Frejya in a state of shock and disbelief.

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