Saga of The Night God

Chapter 173 Game Of Orgasming

Intrigued by the proposition, Frejya refrained from interrupting and signaled her willingness to listen. Erwin smiled, noting her interest, and proceeded to outline the conditions. "Firstly, you must never disclose anything about me, Agda, or the events of that night to anyone, even about you being blackmailed. And secondly, you must understand that there's a certain expectation attached to your newfound freedom..."

Frejya's initial disappointment subsided as she realized there might be room for her revenge within the boundaries of Erwin's conditions. She inwardly smiled, recognizing the potential loophole. She nodded in agreement, accepting Erwin's terms.

Erwin's smile widened as he observed Frejya's acceptance of his initial condition. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he raised his second finger, leaving it unfinished, hanging in the air. "To complete the second condition," he began, his voice filled with a dark allure, "you must engage in a little game of pleasure with her."

Frejya's curiosity piqued, and she couldn't help but inquire about the nature of the game Erwin proposed. With an expression of genuine intrigue, she asked, "What kind of game are we talking about?"

Erwin's smile deepened, relishing the anticipation he had created. He reached into his pocket and retrieved a peculiar object, resembling a mushroom-shaped crystal. Holding it up for Frejya to see, he replied, "This, my dear, is the key to the game."

Frejya's eyes widened as she examined the crystal, its unique shape and ethereal glow capturing her attention. She couldn't help but wonder about its significance and the role it would play in the enigmatic game Erwin had in mind.

Eager for answers, she directed her gaze back to Erwin and inquired, "And what does this crystal do? How does it factor into the game?"

As Frejya pondered the mysterious crystal, her confusion evident on her face, Agda's expression underwent a subtle shift. Recognition dawned in her eyes, and a flicker of understanding crossed her features. Having experienced similar objects before, albeit in a larger size and attached to someone, she realized the purpose of the crystal.

A hint of apprehension mixed with curiosity appeared in Agda's gaze as she glanced between Erwin and the crystal. Memories of her previous encounters resurfaced, reminding her of the sensations and experiences associated with such objects. Although uncertain of what lay ahead, a part of her anticipated the thrill and pleasure it might bring.

While Frejya remained unaware of Agda's inner revelations, she couldn't help but notice the subtle change in her demeanor. Sensing that there was more to the crystal than met the eye, Frejya's curiosity deepened, and she directed her attention toward Agda, waiting for her to share her knowledge or insights about the object.

Erwin maintained a calculated silence, observing Agda and Frejya as he prepared to explain the purpose and rules of the crystal. His eyes flickered with a mix of anticipation and amusement as he considered the upcoming exchange between the two women.

"This crystal," Erwin finally spoke, his voice laced with a subtle, taunting tone, "will be used to bring each other pleasure. Your task is to stimulate one another and strive for orgasm. If Agda climaxes before you, Frejya, she will grant you your freedom. However, if you reach orgasm first, you will be bound to fulfill three of Agda's wishes."

The weight of Erwin's words hung in the air, the implications sinking in for both Agda and Frejya. The proposition presented a peculiar mix of desire and consequence, intertwining pleasure with the potential for power and control. The room remained enveloped in a charged silence, awaiting their responses and decisions.

Frejya's mind raced with uncertainty as she contemplated the task ahead. The crystal's unconventional shape left her pondering the various methods she could employ to bring Agda to orgasm. Yet, none of the ideas that surfaced seemed viable or practical in her current state of knowledge.

Before Frejya could voice her concerns or objections, Erwin interjected with a presumptuous assumption. His voice dripped with confidence as he addressed Frejya, already assuming her compliance. He then shifted his gaze towards Agda, implicitly expecting her cooperation as well.

"Agda possesses experience in matters such as these," Erwin suggested, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "How about this: Agda will take the lead in using the crystal on you, Frejya. As she guides you through the process, you will learn the techniques involved firsthand."

Frejya's expression betrayed a mix of apprehension and defiance. She contemplated her options, aware of the power dynamics at play. Whether she could trust Agda's guidance and the intentions behind Erwin's proposal remained unclear. Her decision held the potential to shape the trajectory of their interactions and define the limits of their newfound arrangement.

Frejya's gaze flickered between Erwin and Agda, her mind racing to evaluate the situation. The proposal put forward by Erwin seemed to offer a glimmer of opportunity, a chance to gain insight into this unfamiliar realm while under Agda's guidance. However, the underlying power dynamics and the unspoken intentions raised doubts within her.

Suppressing her reservations, Frejya mustered a hint of resolve and spoke cautiously, her voice tinged with skepticism. "And what assurance do I have that Agda will truly guide me, rather than exploit the situation for her own benefit?"

Erwin's eyes gleamed with a hint of amusement as he leaned in closer, relishing the control he held over the unfolding events. "You underestimate Agda's loyalty and her desire to please me," he replied, his tone dripping with arrogance. "Rest assured, she will follow my instructions and assist you in the ways that I desire."

Frejya's brows furrowed as she weighed her options. The prospect of learning and gaining the upper hand in this arrangement tempted her, but the potential risks and consequences loomed ominously. She understood the inherent power imbalance, knowing that her compliance could lead to a perpetuation of Erwin's dominance.

Taking a deep breath, Frejya finally acquiesced, her voice laced with a mix of resignation and determination. "Fine, I will trust Agda's guidance in this matter. But remember, Erwin, if I discover any deception or manipulation, the consequences will be severe."

Erwin's smile widened, reveling in his perceived victory. "Oh, I have no doubt about your resolve, Frejya," he replied, his words a thinly veiled threat. "Rest assured, I will be watching closely."

As the room fell into an uncomfortable silence, the weight of their agreement settled upon them. Uncertainty hung in the air, intertwined with the unspoken desires, power struggles, and the looming game that awaited them.

Erwin gestured for Agda to proceed, and she led Frejya to the bed, whispering seductively, "Take off your clothes." Agda slowly slid her dress off, revealing her enticing figure.

Frejya, taken aback, quickly slapped Agda's hand away, her face filled with shock. "Wait, you mentioned orgasming? Why are you undressing me?"

A mischievous smile played across Agda's face as she replied, "Well, my dear, how else shall we explore the heights of pleasure together if we're not properly attired?"

Frejya's eyes narrowed, her anger intensifying as she observed the smug expressions on both Agda and Erwin's faces. She was well aware that they desired to lay their eyes upon her exposed form, but she had vehemently rejected their advances. Yet now, she found herself ensnared in a predicament, not quite a trap, but a situation where she could escape if she chose to, albeit at the cost of her freedom. Refusing to disrobe would mean eternal captivity, while acquiescing and winning the game would grant her liberation and the opportunity to seek revenge.

However, the thought of baring herself to another man, someone other than her husband, filled her with reluctance. Even her mother-in-law, who had shown acceptance and understanding, couldn't erase the unease within her.

Caught between the desire for revenge and the fear of compromising her principles, Frejya grappled with a turbulent internal struggle. Should she sacrifice her integrity and endure a momentary vulnerability for the sake of reclaiming her autonomy? Or should she remain steadfast, clinging to her values even if it meant remaining trapped within the suffocating confines of her current existence?

Erwin, perceiving Frejya's internal struggle, approached her with a persuasive charm evident in his voice. "Frejya, my dear, consider this opportunity. It's a chance to reclaim control over your life, to break free from the oppressive chains that have bound you. Deep down, I'm certain you harbor a desire for revenge against us, don't you?"

His words held a manipulative edge, tapping into Frejya's potentially buried resentment and longing for retribution. By intertwining the prospect of liberation and revenge, Erwin sought to entice her into contemplating his proposition further.

Erwin persisted with a cunning persuasion, his voice dripping with enticing promises. "By embracing this opportunity, Frejya, you not only guarantee your freedom but also secure the means to extract revenge upon those who have wronged you. In this particular situation, it happens to be me and Agda. But imagine the sweet satisfaction of vengeance if you emerge victorious."

Frejya's emotions churned within her. The thought of seizing control and exacting revenge against those who had wronged her stirred a tempest of conflicting desires. While a part of her yearned for retribution, she also hesitated, aware of the potential consequences and the ethical implications of pursuing such a path.

She cast a skeptical glance at Erwin, suspicion lingering in her eyes, as she posed her question. "And won't you try to stop me? What guarantee do I have that you won't intervene?"

Erwin chuckled at her inquiry, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Oh, Frejya, my dear, of course we will try to stop you. But consider this: if you don't take this chance, if you hesitate, you won't even have the opportunity to make your move. Seizing this moment is your only path to accomplish what you desire."

His response held a cunning undertone, highlighting the stakes involved and the limited window of opportunity that lay before her. Erwin aimed to play on Frejya's fear of missed chances, urging her to consider the consequences of inaction.

Frejya's mind raced with conflicting thoughts. On one hand, the risk of facing resistance and potential consequences loomed large. On the other hand, the prospect of forfeiting her chance altogether, forever locked in a state of subjugation, weighed heavily upon her.

Caught in the web of Erwin's manipulation, Frejya grappled with the dilemma before her. The decision to proceed carried immense risk, yet the thought of remaining stagnant and allowing her desires to wither away tormented her soul.

Caught between the allure of retribution and the need for self-reflection, Frejya's mind became a battlefield of conflicting motivations. The choice before her carried the weight of profound consequences, and she found herself standing on the precipice of a decision that would shape her destiny.

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