Saga of the Soul Dungeon

SSD 3.11 - Interlude - Know Thy Enemy

==POV: Tholf==

It was fortunate that I wasn’t late for the meeting. They would have likely started without me, for all that I headed the temples in the poor section of town. Or maybe for exactly that reason.

I smiled and greeted some of my neighbors as I sat down; all were fellow priests under my direction.

The central table was already filled, its half circle shape full even as the flat portion was left empty. The surrounding row of chairs and arcing tables all flared outward in a half circle. The outer tables, which is where I sat, lacked the gold inlay of the center, but the wood, finely polished and melding together in a whorling pattern alien to nature was already an extravagant display of wealth all on its own. It would take a master wood shaper to make it so seamless, the different types of wood blending their colors into one another.

The ceiling, an ever changing display of light, was another. It wasn’t a much cheaper light weave or light stones. It was an emblem, beautifully crafted. Even though the light concealed the folerth, I had no doubt it was there.

Considering that this room was mostly used to make useless speeches and drone on about things that everyone already knew, it seemed a useless expense.

I knew what the Elder would say about it. I had never asked him, but he took the dignity of the church very seriously. It was an impressive sight for when we had outsiders visiting, like now.

There were three men visiting. I didn’t recognize two of them, but I would need to be living under a rock not to recognize the guildmaster of the adventurer’s guild.

A few minutes later the tables were completely filled and the meeting began.

The Saint of Froa stood up to start the meeting.

“I am sure many of you already know that a new dungeon was recently discovered to the south. It’s not like anyone was trying to keep it secret.”

There were a few murmurs, but it wasn’t a surprise to me. As a Cleric, I had been informed of its discovery along with the usual dispatches I received. I had made it available to the Vicars and Proctors beneath me, but from their surprise it was obvious that some of them had not bothered to read them. Oh well, as long as they were taking care of their duties that was the important thing.

He continued.

“That in and of itself is not particularly important, a few minor dungeons crop up each year and amount to nothing. However,” he paused with a dramatic flourish of an upraised hand, “additional news has come to our attention that does make this a more important event. And to share that information, I present Guildmaster Svarrim.”

The guildmaster stood up from his seat beside the Saint.

“Yes, thank you. Obviously we have issued dispatches to all those whose interests are effected, but the Saint and the rest of the council asked me to do a general briefing for all of you.

Our information is still limited. The initial survey team is still in progress and, of course, their dispatch was limited to a single small page. Regardless, we have shorthand ways to tell a great deal about a dungeon.

Of the greatest importance on a political level are two items. The new dungeon is quite deep into the Lances, and it is believed to be beneath Twisted Tip itself. The message was too brief to explain, but it is likely Tsary will also gain access to the dungeon.

Of even greater importance, the Adar have exercised their right to form a colony inside the dungeon.”

Quite a few murmurs broke out and I was quite surprised myself. We already had a colony within our borders, having two was very rare.

“Yes, yes, I understand. However, our access to the dungeon will remain open. The dungeon is already unusual and the team has yet to enter a part of the dungeon that is not a safezone.

The dungeon has also shown itself able to create unusual items for a dungeon. Extremely fine fabrics in both linen and silk, dyed a number of colors is the primary example. However, evidence of statues and designs from ancient civilizations are prevalent. In addition, various ores, and materials were displayed. Among them, folerth and mana crystals.

We don’t actually know what the rewards will be like or the difficulty levels of the dungeon. However, the team investigating expects the dungeon to be massive, so we will be sending additional teams. We will also be sending people to begin constructing a basic outpost outside the dungeon entrance. The dungeon’s ambient mana is high enough that producing a bubble for a small outpost should be trivial.”

The Saint stood back up.

“Thank you guildmaster, that was quite helpful.

As for how this will affect the church moving forwards… well, for the most part it won’t. We will likely need establish at least a shrine in the outpost. If the dungeon turns out to be as promising as it seems we may well establish a series of temples. I will consider who best to send as we move forward.”

He turned slightly so he was facing our table.


“Uh… yes Holiness?”

“You are likely to see the most parishioners leave to seek opportunities in the new dungeon. Make sure to keep them informed as we go along.”

“Yes, of course.”

“As for the rest, if anyone learns more make sure you share. We will also need to prepare for diplomatic relations with our counterparts in Tsary. Since the Tsarts are primarily worshipers of Otga we can expect to have heavy dealings with that church as well.

For now, everyone except Clerics and above are dismissed. Also, guildmaster, thank you again for your help.”

People filed out and I was directed to a seat at the central table, its flat edge now being filled with the various Clerics.

Servants came and went, wine and food appearing on the table in short order as the organized chaos abated into pure order and the servants disappeared as swiftly as they had appeared.

The Sage, at the center of the table, didn’t bother to stand.

“Eat, eat. No point discussing on an empty stomach.”

I suppressed a snort. Looking around at the prominent belies of most of my fellows, I doubted many had had an empty belly in quite some time.

Regardless, the food was good, so I ate until I was comfortable. The wine was watered to prevent drunkenness, so I drank without worry. Finishing before most, I engaged in light conversation about our various congregations and duties.

When most had finished the Sage cleared their throat and begin to speak.

“We reported what we have learned so far to the rest of the church. So far they seem unconcerned, even with the location of the dungeon. Still it is our duty to keep watch over it, and few will take that as seriously as we do.”

I frowned. What is important about that location? Twisted Tip is odd for a mountain, but certainly not the strangest natural feature around.

The Sage turned toward me slightly.

“You look confused Tholf. You are new to your position, I assume you have not had a chance to go through the full historical records made available to you on your promotion?”

Faint smirks marred the faces of some of the others at the table.

“Ah, no, Sage. I have not yet had the pleasure.”

“Do so. There is far more in the record, but most pertinent to our meeting today, is that the last cataclysm can be traced to the eastern side of the Lances mountains. Whatever was there before destroyed civilization thousands of years before. We want to ensure that such an event does not happen again.”

==POV: The One Who Dwells in Darkness==


Timeless moments in sleep.



Food, first in an age I have tasted.

Meaningless words come, but I know what they mean.

Food in the water.

Healing Process Begun.

Traces of External Dungeon Fragments Have Stabilized Decay.

Stasis Lifting.

Shards of crystal dissolve into me in bites of ecstasy.


I sleep, but I have begun to wake.

I stretch out my senses, feeling the flow of energies around me.

I wake.




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