Saga of the Soul Dungeon

SSD 4.13A - Authority

11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake:

12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.

1 Kings 19 – King James Bible


Some Adar come into the dungeon an just dropped a book into my altar.

The book, blazing with power to my mana sight fell into the bowl, triggering a prompt which I immediately opened.

Would you like to absorb:

Skill Book: Merchant Tongue (Northern Hemisphere: West)

Potential Skill Level: 10

Yes? No?

I didn’t hesitate for a moment after I read the title. I was finally going to learn how to talk to people properly.

Finally, I had an opportunity to learn the language. Who would have guessed that someone would just bring something that would teach it to me?

Honestly, if I had known I probably would have invested a lot of my attention elsewhere.

Oh well, not like I could do anything about it now.

The language washed over me in waves, each one drawing me deeper and deeper into a new world. A world of language and connections.

Time passed without notice, my whole world a torrent of knowledge.

Somewhere along the way I felt a brief instinctive acceptance and another language began to seep into my brain, the language of the Adar.

It was a language of secrets, the whole language built upon cyphers and changing context clues.

For a time, which I couldn’t measure, the whole world was lost to me.

Eventually I woke up, the insistent pinging of the system doing its best to play percussion in my head.


You now have the skills:

Merchant Tongue (Northern Hemisphere: West) IX (Language)

Adar Cant IX (Language)

Congratulations, you have unlocked an accomplishment!

Improbable Acquisition

You integrated two language skill books at the exact same time. Generally this isn’t recommended, but you do you! Seeing as you survived, here is a little something.

Calculating additional factors…

+One of the languages is a secret language, not available to most

+Already understands two other languages, including the language of magic

+Was given gifts to facilitate communication without the knowledge or ability to ask for them

+Low Level

+In possession of a unique language as the only speaker


Attempting automatic resolution…

Unable to resolve error. Sending query to higher authority…

Initial analysis performed, error from extra-dimensional origin…

Automatically queuing in appropriate authority level. Please wait…

Authority level not found…

Checking higher authorities…

Not Found…

Not Found…

Not Found…

Not Found…

Not Found…

...(Skipped 5,848,435 redundant messages) …

All appropriate authority missing…

Performing dimensional scan…

Only one extra-dimensional entity found…

Assigning maximum authority to user: Caden...

And that was how I became god.

Happy April Fools Everyone!

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