Saga of the Soul Dungeon

SSD 4.38 - Class Structure

“Each colony became accustomed to planting new settlements and to claiming new boundaries.”

-Albert Bushnell Hart


Your Titles have become fully active:

Soul Bond (Agent)

Your soul is permanently bound to the dungeon you have made a pact with. You are the agent of the dungeon and are subject to its will. Depending upon the actions and nature of the dungeon you may experience additional effects.

+1000 Ability Points

+Act as an extension of the dungeon if you leave it (minimum 10 ft radius)

-May only leave the dungeon with explicit permission

-If the dungeon dies, so do you

-Dying outside the dungeon’s natural aura increases the recreation cost by 1000%

+(Dungeon Bonus): Learn the first level of any skill 25% faster

+(Dungeon Bonus): Learn and level up any soul skill 25% faster

Immortal of Transient Flesh

You have found a method to be reborn after death, even while still in a weak mortal body.

+2500 Ability Points

+1000 Ability Points each century you live

+Automatically recreated anytime your dungeon is reborn

+Automatically recreated one year after death if your dungeon is still alive

+Your dungeon may pay a cost to revive you earlier

+10% Discount and speed to learning life, death, and time skills

Additive Pact I (Secondary Master)

Adar which become connected to you or your bonded dungeon will also be bonded to the other. No other Adar brought into this pact will become an Ancient. Sufficient connections will improve this title and its rewards.

+250 Ability Points




For connecting an additional 10 individuals you have improved the capacity of this title:

Additive Pact II (Secondary Master)




For connecting an additional 100 individuals you have improved the capacity of this title:

Additive Pact III (Secondary Master)




For connecting an additional 1000 individuals you have improved the capacity of this title:

Additive Pact IV (Secondary Master)

+2000 Ability Points

+You may locate anyone you are bound to

+When you perceive a large threat to your pact master, or the collective pact, you can borrow power from all your subsidiary pacts (Variable Effects)

+Each member of the pact reduces the cost or time to recreate you by 0.0001% (Current 0.3837%)

Your class has changed.

You are no longer a Dungeon Mimic, you have become a Dungeon Embodiment.

Your level has increased by one.


Name: Zidaun

Race: Adar

Subtype: Ancient One

Health: 98% - Fantastic Health

Status Effects:

Mana: 780/810

Primary Level: 27

Class: Dungeon Embodiment

Former Classes: Awakened, Student, Dungeon Mimic

Ability Points: 31,475 (+5,500)

Class Skills:

Dungeon Embodiment IV

Dungeon Senses IV

Dungeon Mind I

Dungeon Mana I

Dungeon Presence I

Racial Skills:

Of One Mind

Hybrid Blood IV

Adaptive Armor II

Poison Thorns II

Improved Sight II



Dungeon Delver III

Explorer I

Adapted I

Back from the Brink II

Soul Bond (Agent)

Immortal of Transient Flesh

Additive Pact IV (Secondary Master)

New Class: Dungeon Embodiment

Connected to your dungeon at the soul level, you share an irrevocable bond. You serve the dungeon by carrying out its will. You and it shall grow together, forever. Therefore, you have become the embodied instrument of its will.

You are the dungeon… when it allows you to be.

Gain new levels by helping to grow the dungeon’s level, skills, abilities, and other capabilities. You can also gain levels by helping your dungeon learn and understand more about the world. Since your pact with the dungeon includes a large amount of subsidiary individuals, you can also gain experience by leading your fellow pact members in their service. As always, experience can be gained by slaying the monsters, and otherwise, of the world

Gained new class skills:

Dungeon Mimicry IV has become:

Dungeon Embodiment IV

You are the dungeon… when it allows you to be. Gain power over the dungeon’s skills according to its will. The amount of control you can handle is determined by your skill level.

Aura Tap IV has become:

Dungeon Senses IV

You are the dungeon… when it allows you to be. Gain access to its senses according to its will. The amount you can perceive is determined by your skill level.

Dungeon Mind I

You are the dungeon… when it allows you to be. Gain additional minds to understand with according to its will. The number of minds you can have is determined by your skill level.

Dungeon Mana I

You are the dungeon… when it allows you to be. Gain access to the mana of the dungeon, as it gains access to yours. The amount you can use, and the dungeon can use from you, are determined by your skill level.

Dungeon Presence I

You are the dungeon… when it allows you to be. Gain the presence of the dungeon and carry it with you. Your skills work at full power even outside the dungeon. The radius of the dungeon’s presence through you is determined by skill level.

Since your racial traits are linked to your new class, they have each improved.

I had expected to gain a considerable amount, though the exact details were a surprise.

The dungeon bonuses were… ridiculous.

Reducing the difficulty to gain the first level of any skill was a massive bonus. For some skills, that wasn’t a huge deal, like strength or flexibility. Both of those were easy to acquire, if tedious. The method to getting them was consistent and repeatable.

However, many skills were far more esoteric. If you wanted to gain access to a magic type you had never used before, then you needed to learn to feel something you had never felt before. Making that gap smaller allowed for incredible advances.

The bonus for soul… I wasn’t sure what to make of it. Soul skills were rare. Technically, the ritual I had performed was that type of magic, linking me to the dungeon, but that was a product of my race. Making binding constructs for the soul was part of who we were.

Soul based skills were often bizarre, but almost always powerful.

And, if I combined the discount from both, it should cumulatively give a discount of slightly less than half. Often, the last half of gaining a new skill was the hardest. Jumping over that would be massive.

However, I didn’t know what getting these bonuses even meant.

The bonuses came from the nature of the dungeon. The soul part could be due to having two souls in the same dungeon, or those two souls could have lead it to learn more about the nature of the soul and specializing in it. Unfortunately, that became a paradoxical situation without an answer, except for one: The dungeon was almost certainly unusually powerful with the soul.

The other bonus… was a general improvement to learning anything for the first time.

The very room I stood in, with the altar and its displays, seemed to be a tribute to the dungeon’s desire to know everything.

Again… I wasn’t sure what it meant.

My new class didn’t feel any stronger. And, indeed, when I tried to manipulate the dungeon, my powers did not feel any stronger. Without the dungeon being conscious, it appeared that my access to the dungeon was the same as it always had been.

When I concentrated, however, I could feel powers that I lacked access to. I would need to wait for the dungeon to wake before those would become available. Assuming it wanted to let me use them, anyway.

As for my racial abilities, they had all improved, but none were noticeable. The well lit room already offered no barrier to my sight.

My AP continued to mount up.

As was tradition for Seekers, I had avoided spending it whenever possible. I had a number of emergency options I had memorized that I could buy with a moment’s thought, just in case. With my connection to the dungeon complete, it would determine what I should buy.

I had thousands of connections to my soul, but I felt empty.

I knew it was necessary for Caden and Exsan to learn to communicate with us, but I felt incomplete. I needed to talk with them. I needed to learn what to do, what they wanted, how I could serve them.

For the moment, I just needed to do what I could.

I left the room, and Izradi was waiting for me. His emerald eyes fixed themselves on me as soon as I left.

“Ancient, how may I serve?” he said. “I apologize for largely being absent before, I was managing much of the setup and testing schedule. I sent others to ask you questions as needed.”

“Ah,” I said. “I assume you are my assistant?”

“Yes, Ancient,” he said. “I am a Settlement Manager, though I may get an upgrade to my class from serving you.”

His eyes gleamed with zealous avarice.

Of course I would get one of the fanatics.

We all worshiped the dungeon, as was natural, but some became obsessed with it.

I smiled at him, but my heart wasn’t in it. He didn’t seem to notice.

I started to walk toward the Adar encampment, and he followed.

“Okay, we need to do a few things then. Firstly, I assume you brought all the samples and such that I asked for?” I said.

“Yes, Ancient.” Izradi replied. “At least, as much as could be found quickly. Additional shipments should be sent over time as larger or more difficult to collect specimens are located. Since you said that it prizes knowledge, additional agents have been sent to various human cities to purchase books and other items. Various Adar texts are being copied, but they won’t be sent until a secure method of delivery is available.

Brief inquiries were made of the Blaze Blossom Dungeon before we left, and it said that it only gains limited information when it dissolves any magical item. So we may want to save those for when the dungeon is available to say what it wants done with them.

The contingent from the Sunken Citadel Dungeon will be here in the next one to two weeks, depending on how much Thaw impacts the salt flats.”

“Okay,” I said, thinking for a moment. “We will hold off on the enchanted items and emblems then. Arrange for the others items to be offered. Also, as soon as people finish the dungeon’s tests, form parties to have them start delving. Don’t have any parties go farther than the Meadow, the rest still needs to be evaluated. We can at least give the dungeon what it needs to grow, even if we don’t know for sure what else it needs.

What else do I need to know?”

“We have enough food for several weeks, but we will want to create more in some other fashion.” He said. “We could go form a settlement at one of the entrances, collect food from the dungeon, or carve out a new cavern in an area that the dungeon has not grown to yet. As another option, sufficient monetary resources were brought that we could order food from the nearest cities for several years if needed.”

“Right,” I said, “the dungeon already has some food available to harvest. I will give you my notes later. Everyone who delves should be on the lookout for more. We… should prepare a section at the base of both entrances, regardless. If we don’t use it for farming, we can use it for trade. Just in case, order enough non-perishable food for forty days, twenty days worth from each country.”

“Yes, Ancient.” He said. “Also, I would like to note that we have a number of Stabilizers available. Anything they should focus on?”

“Honestly,” I laughed for a moment, “they need to focus on everything. Get them into the dungeon as soon as possible. Make sure they are with strong teams, and repeatedly clear sections as fast as possible.”

“Yes, Ancient.” He replied.

Our conversation continued on for some time, dealing with the multitudinous details needed for a settlement to function. Izradi would occasionally send out his own assistants to deal with different details.

Not too long after we started, the first team was sent off to go through the dungeon, but they came back in only a few minutes.

The leader of the party came up and bowed to me.

“Ancient,” he said. “There is a problem. The entrance into the dungeon has changed.”

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